#triedntrue: bbq couscous
deesdinner · 2 years
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Bbq tofu bowls 2.0. Idr what i did last time tbqh but this was 400 5 min just sp 20 min everything. Remove tofu. 5 more min sp + brocc. As u can see it steamed the stuffs and i couldnt be assed to let it keep going coz j was hungry. Prob shoulda cranked the heat and done 10 more vs just 5 more at 400.
Also this was approx 100g of bbq sauce as opposed to 165ish cuz i didnt feel like scraping tbe bottle (are you sensing a theme here. I was this close to ordering dinner instead of this effort. I was very brave and did da cooking) and it wasnt as good. Surprise. Put my hickory salt soecial on tofu and idk how much of a dif it made compared to the heavy bbq sauce flabor.
Mb hickory salt + vinegar could skmehow then tofu into a nc style bbq but tofu isnt gonna ever have shredded pork texture so meh
Also i put cheese in the couscous. Did it go with the tofu?Aboslutely not. Wa sit tummy esp w the brococlic? Yes
Next time tldr: higher heat fir veg. Maybe 3 pans. Use sufficient bbq sauce. Mmm cheese couscous
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deesdinner · 2 years
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deesdinner · 2 years
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Last week’s democratically elected tofu bowls; horrible pic coz i burned my hand on steam when opening oven while making
- couscous (chicken buillon, teensy bit o curry powder), tofu + bbq sauce, brussel sprouts (garlic) (FM was outta broccoli but tbh they worked better), sweet potato (cayenne).
- not pictured oven roasted cumin chickpeas
Tofu worked surprisingly well in this i really enjoyed it, crispy chickpeas i wasnt super into tbh i like them squishy better i think.
Same struggle a lotta my non meat meals have where it wasnt as filling as i wanted, mb it would work better with a more filling starch like barley or brown rice? Could add more vegetable also probably
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