lovislunae · 11 years
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deusmortis · 11 years
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im drowning in all these flowers that probably mean something but i really suck at decoding flower messages ok
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paindemonium · 11 years
(I will be enjoying your apple juice all the way in Venice.)
aw ͏he͜ll na̛h̸
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chimedwings · 11 years
☒: a frantic text message
To: Austin | Time: 10:50
Austiiiiiin I need your angel power things!!I made a bet that I could sneak into Blake's apartment but I need help and I am not losing!
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kitcapt · 11 years
(( A milkshake and two mochis? uvu ))
Milkshake: Top 3 favorite movies
"Oh! The Princess Bride, The Proposal, and...Fight Club!"
Mochi (x2!): One thing that makes me happy
"Music and movies! Movies with good music! Mochas! Oh wait, that's three or four..."
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paindemonium · 11 years
Take care of Echo, Miira, and Kyrie.
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grizzthereaper · 11 years
(( What are Grizz's favorite tourist spots? And what kinds of socks does he like? :O ))
[[Grizz’s amnesia results in his favourite tourist spots being open countryside and older architecture like castles, so he’d definitely want to go to Europe or the countryside in Japan. And he’s not a fan of socks, he’ll wear ankle socks if he has to though.]] 
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deusmortis · 11 years
-They said he wouldn't be caught They had sworn to him that no one would catch him They had told him everything would be fine as long as he did this one job this one time!-
"God damn liars..." 
-Pluto grimaced as he dove around the next corner of the street, tearing down the alleyway like his life depended on it- and it did. Blood dripped into his eyes as his vision clouded over, causing him to stumble every few steps in his attempt to evade the authorities. He had no idea what the police had shot at him, but he was going blind because of it, and now was NOT the time to go blind!-
-He stumbled into a set of concrete stairs, pain flaring up his legs as he hopped up onto the steps and burst through the door that they led to. It was a small apartment type building, and Pluto knew if anyone was home he'd meet resistance, but at that moment he didn't care. He slammed the door behind him quickly, pressing his back against it as he listened to the sounds of the police stampede past his hiding place. His vision was completely gone by now, which wasn't very good considering there was someone in the room with him.-
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reaperoftarot · 11 years
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(I see you over there. Don't make me swim over there you two.)
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itsdogteeth · 11 years
Friend or Lover?? Doki Doki You are my Heart: In Spring
Your name is Name-san. You are sixteen years old, and starting today you’ll be starting your junior year of Subarashiki kono Sekai High. You walk towards the huge school with your childhood friend Austin Juvias.
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Eh. You don’t hate the guy. Your parents were friends and you’d be stuck with him in his room, trying to make awkward conversation and looking at his clothes. (Man this guy likes shorts.) You’d probably hang out with him more if he was friendlier. And not a dickhole. Why couldn’t he act nice, like a girl or something?
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You wonder. What if he was a girl? It wouldn’t be so bad then to hang around him right?
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Jesus Christ that was the most horrible and unnatural thing you’ve ever had the unfortunate experience to think of.
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chimedwings · 11 years
trieyedserpent peeked in
"Well well, if it isn't Mr. Angel himself!" Chime snickered. "How're the wings treating ya?"
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grizzthereaper · 11 years
(( Sora and Ventus! ))
Sora: “What was your greatest adventure?" 
"My greatest adventure huh…."
Grizz scratches his head.
"I’d have to say that this game, The Reaper’s Game, has been my biggest adventure yet"
Grizz laughs 
"It’s just been such a wild ride, Week 2, my first week, was definitely the most ‘adventurous’ as it was my first time, so there you have it."
Ventus: “What are you most afraid of?" 
"What I’m afraid of?…….Hmmm….What AM I afraid of…..?" 
Grizz takes a moment to think about it and seems to be lost in thought for awhile, but suddenly snaps out of it. 
"I’m afraid of, learning who I was before I died, because all I know is who I am now. I’m kind of afraid that I was some cruel person in my past life or something along those lines. Well that and erasure and our new game master…."
Grizz shivers. 
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