tottwritesfanfic · 10 months
so aside from my current "omg I'm so glad I'm taking it slow because I'm REALLY ENJOYING THIS" brainrot about the new Guild Wars 2 expansion, I am currently feeling pretty bowled over by feels for my HQ superpowers AU, but...
...well, I'm currently planning out a heap of character dynamics which are like, three major plot arcs away at this point. My brain is is..Frustrating. But also, and devoid of any context whatsoever, Miya Osamu is quickly becoming one of my favourite characters in this damn thing, and he's not even really IN those three plot arcs I just mentioned.
work on HF has stalled for.. Well, for stupid reasons, I can be honest about that. I am having difficulty picking a PoV to use, and it's rather hard to write a scene when you haven't made that decision yet. I dunno, so far each moment has called out to me who it should be, but this time it's just...it could be any one of four different characters. It's a problem, I'm sorry. I promise I'll wrangle myself into a decision at some point once I'm done overthinking every possible impact this could have on the fic. Which is not a lot, because (and this is probably the worst part), it's not even a major scene? Writing sucks sometimes, but hey, it means I actually started tinkering with Metanoia again so that's something?
...REALLY no promises about an update on that one yet. It's...it's another one of those "I have hit a wall and it is Hard" moments, and, well. I am not so far into my burnout recovery that I want to risk pushing too hard on those, you know? I like being able to write stuff again.
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flyinghcpe-a-blog · 7 years
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tfw you remember that renascent ended with takeru and ken camped out on the floor and your soul ascends
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versegm · 6 years
On the topic of the dark seed I really rec Trinacriform by @tottwriter cuz it really explores what the dark seed can do to someone, as well as write some grade A++ Ken shit
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tottwriter · 8 years
Lesigh. Reading through the chapters I posted of Renascent earlier, and I’ve already spotted typos and repeated words. Too tired to change it now. I’ll get round to it in the next few days, hopefully.
The cost of last-minuteing things!
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tottwritesfanfic · 11 months
Cool, cool. 1700 words of self-analysis and thematic intentions about a fic I mostly haven’t even written yet. Shit’s going well.
Always fun when the brainrot comes for you. And this particular rot is an AU I wasn’t even planning on acknowledging on this account, so that’s even better!
So yeah. If anyone wants to know, I’m currently just getting completely lost in all the accidental parallels to the current dystopia we’re living through I’ve managed to encode in this thing, and plotting deeply emotional interactions which I’m probably 50k+ away from reaching, and that’s only if I focus on one of the three interlinked, parallel fics this AU has currently spawned. This is freaking Trinacriform all over again, only worse.
(I’m so stoked, peeps, I love this shit)
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tottwritesfanfic · 7 years
Equanimity - Take Two
It’s heeeere! Featuring skipped news, bad news, and a somewhat less than happy reunion.
Pick your poison! 
Ao3 link here, ff link here!
Honestly, much as this story is hard to write at times, I’m really glad I decided to start it. I’ve actually got a real soft spot for the 02 kids - but they’re only just getting into their arc in HF and although Trinacriform is basically an alternate second half of the 02 season, Metanoia and Renascent have so far focused on the parts of the series in which they don’t appear. You can absolutely look forward to them featuring a lot in this story though (and in the final arc/s of the other two)!
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tottwritesfanfic · 7 years
not to get anyone’s hopes up, but I’m about halfway through the next Equanimity chapter. Coming Soon™!
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flyinghcpe-a-blog · 7 years
*throws a military uniform at Takeru*
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“What, have a problem with my fashion sense? Wasn’t aware gaudy clothes was a requirement for taking over the Digital World– actually I probably should have, looking at Vamdemon and Piedmon.”
Fashion Disaster monsters
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tottwritesfanfic · 6 years
So, I was tagged by @gilrael for the following:
List all the things you’re currently working on in as much or little detail as you’d like, then tag some friends to see what they’re working on.
This can be writing, art, vids, gifsets!
Listen, my first reaction was pretty much “I can’t list all the things I’m currently working on. It’s...no one wants to read that whole list. It’s too long. There’s too much.”
I have been called out good and proper, but you know what? This is what the read more button was made for. These won’t be in any particular order, because I really don’t have an “order” in which I work on things? Also, some of these projects are so far on the back-burner that I really can’t say I’m actively working on them, but I never know when inspiration will strike next and divert me from what I should be doing. Essentially, if it makes the list, I think of it in my head as “imma finish this.” 
Buckle up peeps, because we May Be Some Time.
My Epic YA Fantasy Series Featuring Pretty Much Zero Romance. I neglect this series way too much for something I consider my firstborn, but this is my Passion, okay. My very username is derived from the initials of the series title. I’ve been writing and rewriting it for almost two thirds of my life now, and one day when I have something to show for that labour of love, I will be screaming about it from the rooftops. Mark my words. Also I counted this as one but there’s like...at least five novels, and also shitloads of maps and worldbuilding notes, and songs, and I have a boxfile of old pictures drawn by myself or my sister, and progress on three or four conlangs... It’s hard to really convey just how much of this shit there actually is, if I’m honest.
Hope’s Fire My first ever proper fanfic, and also sorely neglected of late. I love this story so much though, and once I push past the block I have for the current chapter I can’t wait to progress with it, because there are fuuuun times ahead.
A Standalone Novel (sucky working title is “The Aspect’s Choice”) Another YA novel, which...actually has a complete draft? Like, start to finish with no skipped scenes or anything like that. There’s magic and shit, and also no romance for the lead, it’s like this is a theme in my works or something (there’s a background romance this time tho, for those of you who like shipping).
A Fantasy Trilogy about paradoxes and multidimensional travel. I’m mentioning this one now even though I’m kinda...not working on it that much, because I’ve borrowed heavily from it for some fanfic projects. The first novel is a fantasy spy thriller, the second is a sort of...ensemble piece about a major disaster at a futuristic interdimensional traffic control place a lot like an airport/train station, and the third one is a journey through space and time on a sorta magic train which explains how the fuck the first two books are actually connected.
A World of Trouble (The Spy AU) Haikyuu fic! I started this for the HQ Brofest last year and it’s really taken off. The plot for this story was shamelessly nicked from the first book in the above trilogy, albeit with some fairly substantial divergences. 
Until We Move On My...actually, daaamn, this was my first HQ fic. I entered this fandom in a fairly definite fashion, with Suga already dead and Oikawa following shortly after - I swear it’ll have a happy ending for them both eventually tho.
Metanoia, Renascent, and Equanimity (the Trinacriform series) I debated listing these separately, to be honest. There’s no denying that Metanoia and Equanimity are higher up on my list of things to work on than Renascent is right now, but all three are still important to me and all three are going to be finished someday. Ultimately they’re here as one because holy shit this list is going to be long enough already.  Rest assured I do actually think of them as three separate entities in my head! 
The Triffid AU (just gonna list these because there are Several and holy shit I’m still so far from the end): Dangers Unseen - First in the series, Karasuno accidentally sleep through the apocalypse. Interview Transcripts - Set a few months after DU; tells all the side-stories I have to skip in DU for pacing reasons. Seijoh arc (current working title of “In Search of Silver” which will almost certainly change) - I haven’t posted any of this yet but it’s hecking angsty. A Bit Like Home - Sequel to Dangers Unseen, set a year or so after. Also hasn’t been posted anywhere yet. At the moment it’s mostly bokuaka stuff but the idea is for it to be a collection of sorta halfway standalone stories.  I have more ideas for this AU than just these, but I haven’t started writing them yet and I’m not GOING to until this list gets shorter.
An Error of Cat-Astrophic Proportions I’m not gonna lie, this basically started out as a stupid halfway-joking crack fic and it got out of control. 
Partner Fic to “The Carpenter’s Gift” I started writing this and got a couple of thousand words in and then basically started over. I’ll get there. Probably not before the following though:
KiyoYachi Soul Animal AU fic Set in the same universe as “The Carpenter’s Gift”, sorta...around the same time?
Another Original Fantasy Trilogy I love my fantasy, okay? The three novels in this series are all technically started, although only two of them have any substance: The Legend and the Lake is a novel about a Great Hero, and how he...actually isn’t as much of a hero as he’s going to be remembered as.  Spells and Fire is about a real fucking hero and her apprentices, and how she absolutely will not be given full credit for all she does (because she’s a bit of an arse) The Lake Guardian’s Child will be a story about a minor goddess who meets a mortal that immediately falls in love with her, and their journey to cure him of that love because he’s actually sorta engaged already.
Not Within This Restless Heart A HQ!! poly soulmate au which will probably piss off a lot of people by teh end, because no one who’s read it seems to have caught on about how complex the poly relationship is actually gonna be.
Digimon Frontier Fic - working title “Loss and Gain” I can’t really explain this one properly. It’s Angst, that’s all.
Best Laid Plans A secret santa fic I need to finish! I have part of the second and final chapter written, but life intervened and I lost my flow. Hoping to get back to it some time in the next week.
Bokuto Koutarou’s Excellent, Totally Foolproof Plan To Save Christmas As above, really (except it’s the final of 3 chapters, and it’s also the sort-of sequel to “An Error of Cat-Astrophic Proportions” ). I want to finish this up soon, so hopefully life will stop being annoying!
Lifetime Achievement Ennotana fic in which Ennoshita is a film director up for a highly prestigious award he’s dreamed of for his whole life...but he has amnesia and it currently means nothing to him.
Travellers AU - Yachi story For the HQ Brofest! Details are hush-hush for now but it’s the same universe as my time travel practical joke fics. Expect similarly ridiculous stuff.
Things We Misplaced Someone accidentally challenged me to write angsty smut which wasn’t hatesex. Smut is not my thing but I’m really stubborn okay, so I’m writing it.
BNHA Bang Fic Details are under wraps for now, but it’s gonna be fun.
A Zine Fic. It’s early days, okay?
Swansong It angst. Also not being posted to this account, for Reasons.
The Digital Fallout AU A ridiculously wide-scope Digimon AU featuring crossover appearances from like, almost all the series. It’s very much on the back burner for now but I still like thinking about it. Someday. Currently comprises of two kinda short fics: “Adventure’s End” and “The Home Frontier” but I’ve planned a LOT further.
Connection Problems This was going to be for the HQBB in 2017 but I got a massive block and had to put it on hold. I’m hoping to revisit it and finish it up by...maybe Halloween.
The Book An original novel I’ve intermittently been working on for a few years now. Essentially the titular book may or may not be sentient, but it is definitely malicious.
First Draft The..um...sequel to my standalone novel, and both my fantasy trilogies. In my defence it started out as a joke and spiralled out of control and now I want to write it for real but I literally have seven novels to finish first. 
...so yeah. That’s more or less all my active (on some level) writing projects. Hopefully I didn’t forget anything! There are a few more which I have ideas for, but I haven’t started them yet and I’m not going to until this shitstorm is a little less overwhelming. I also have costumes for my kids that I’m about to make, but...I’m not going into other creative ventures here because I will literally never finish. Oh, and there’s tagging, too... Huge apologies for dragging you to the end of this hot mess, but I’m calling on @draculasstrawhat and @ahiddenpath along with any other mutuals who didn’t already get tagged (I know I took long enough to do this that a lot of people already did!) No obligations of course, but I love seeing what people are up to!
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tottwritesfanfic · 7 years
Progress Update!
Welp, it’s been a while. This is just a quick thing (because my brain is still fuzzly after a seizure earlier), but I just finished up the first of two Haikyuu fics I’m working on for the Brofest challenge, which need to be ready for the 1st-3rd May.
Yup, you guessed it, this (and assorted family/health dramas) would be why I’ve been so silent of late. Once I get into May, I’ll be returning to Hope’s Fire and Trinacriform, and giving them some much needed love. I am altogether too close to Interesting Things in HF to hold off much longer.
Thank you so much for bearing with me this whole time - I really hadn’t planned for this much inactivity, and then life dumped my own and others’ health complaints in my lap. There’s a light at the end of the tunnel now though, and I can’t wait to get back to the rest of my fics!
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tottwritesfanfic · 7 years
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When I talk about having too many projects on the go at once, this is basically what I mean. And it doesn’t even include my original fiction, of which I have...two trilogies, a couple of standalone novels, and my epic science fantasy saga.
(Yup, totally procrastinating right now.)
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tottwritesfanfic · 8 years
So, guess who has zero self-restraint and just started another long-running fic?
There are two chapters up so far, but I think I’ve gotten the initial “OMG HAEV TO RITE DIS” out of my system, so I’m aiming to get (at least) a HF update out before continuing it further. Preferably a Trinacriform one too. In all honesty, I can proably blame NaNoWriMo for this. Forcing myself to focus on just one project for so long always backfires in the end!
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tottwritesfanfic · 8 years
Equanimity - Without Answers
Featuring a healthy dose of angst, with a sprinkle of anger here and there just to season things nicely. 
Pick your poison! ff link is here; Ao3 link is here!
This update is pretty late, if I’m honest, and there are a BUNCH of reasons why, all of which I’ve listed on my ff profile because, honestly, typing it out over and over is boring as all hell. I’d like to think it’s not going to take me as long to finish the next chapter, but at this point I’ve given up making promises. It’s one of those years, apparently. 
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tottwritesfanfic · 8 years
Metanoia - Convalescence
The angst-fest continues! 
Pick your poison: ff link here, Ao3 link here.
This took me a while to write, actually, because I kept getting sidetracked with Equanimity. But hey. It’s done, and I feel like I’m up to date for the first time since...what, April or May or something? I got seriously behind with things.
Here’s to it not taking me several months to write the next chapter, eh?
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tottwritesfanfic · 8 years
Oh boy, returning to Metanoia and remembering where I left off. It’s a FEELS SCENE, peeps! 
Rereading my notes for where the story is going next did not adequately prepare me for this. I feel like it’s a drawback of my planning process, and it’s lack of taking anything seriously at all.
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tottwritesfanfic · 8 years
Equanimity - Chapter One
Well, I said I had no restraint, and here’s the evidence. The third and final part of Trinacriform is now live on ff and Ao3. 
Pick your poison! ff link here, and Ao3 link here!
I have spent a lot of the last few days giggling over some upcoming plotpoints for this one, and I am very much looking forward to reaching them. Once again, it is rather a different beast to its companions.
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