#trinny darcy
curiousb · 10 months
The Darcy Family Album: Volume XI
It's our last day with the Darcys for a while now, so make the most of it!
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Agnes is not above a little cheating, to get what she wants. (I think she definitely takes after her grandfather Fitzwilliam in looks, although perhaps she has her mum Eliza's nose.)
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She just needs to learn not to get caught.
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Lewis prefers to spend his time with the feline members of the family.
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The twins haven't even started school yet, but grandma Charlotte is already expecting great things from them academically.
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When you have two cats, you tend to end up with more. Meet Maki...
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and Nigiri, the adorable offspring of Sushi and Trinny.
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And now say goodbye to Nigiri! I'm sure we'll see him again one day though.
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School pal John seems very taken with Maki, the remaining kitten - and who wouldn't be?!
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Isabel bursts into childhood, catching up with her twin siblings.
~ Pisces 10 / 4 / 4 / 3 / 6
~ Neat / Perfectionist / Natural Cook (she ages up with her sense of humour intact, it seems!)
~ OTH: Fitness
~ Favourite Colour(s): Yellow
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Agnes has a smart new look for school - a sleek bob and snazzy glasses in her favourite colour.
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It seems it's time for that talk already - maybe Agnes asked where kittens come from? She seems to be taking it in her stride though.
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Lewis, however, has found something very eye-opening in his homework. He's got new glasses too - and I think they suit him perfectly!
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Fitzwilliam and Charlotte have high hopes for their grandchildren, and couldn't be more nurturing of their intellectual development.
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Ah, it seems like only yesterday that Trinny was a kitten herself. (Actually, it probably was.)
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Sleep tight, little one, until we see you again.
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curiousb · 5 months
The Steele Family Album: Volume XX
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With Catherine and her daughters moving in with Simon and his family, it only makes sense for Nancy, Steve and the boys to take over the family home - giving them the space that they were sorely lacking in their rented accommodation.
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Alasdair meets Mozzarella, who came with the house.
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They move in just in time for Andrew's 5th birthday.
~ Aries 7 / 7 / 8 / 1 / 0
~ Coward / Hot-Headed / Genius
~ OTH: Fitness
~ Favourite Colour(s): Yellow
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Those zero Grouchy/Nice points are very much in evidence.
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Andrew might not be the nicest kid, but there's still a lot of brotherly love between him and little Alasdair.
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Mozzarella is looking for some love too - he spent the whole night wandering from room to room, trying to get some attention!
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That's better!
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Alasdair swiftly catches up with his big brother.
~ Sagittarius 9 / 3 / 7 / 1 / 3
~ Brave / Loves the Outdoors / Genius (another smarty pants)
~ OTH: Nature
~ Favourite Colour(s): Purple
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A brief interlude, in which their neighbour Lucas walks his cat (Trinny).
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Andrew makes up for his deficit of personal charm by being diligent and conscientious.
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It's a family trait.
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Meanwhile, Mozzarella is diligently and conscientiously distracting the staff.
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Oh! That took everyone by surprise, although Andrew is taking it in his stride.
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And being unexpectedly pregnant doesn't seem to have improved Nancy's sense of humour one bit.
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curiousb · 10 months
The Darcy Family Album: Volume IX
The Darcy tots are growing fast.
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I'm not sure that the top of the stairs is an entirely safe place to toss a baby in the air.
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This looks a much more appropriate location.
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Fitzwilliam has long been improving the family's fiscal situation, with his online financial consultancy. Little Agnes is hoping to follow in her grandfather's footsteps, making early progress on those Logic skills. While Sushi just wants someone to notice him.
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Lewis obliges - that's better!
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As if three rugrats weren't enough to keep everyone occupied, someone (that would be me) decides to expand the family still further, by getting a new kitten. Hello again, Trinny (formerly of the Knightley family)!
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Excuse me, why is that small orange creature eating from my bowl?
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She's popular with someone though.
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And then she brings the whole household to a standstill, by deciding to have forty winks at the bottom of the stairs. (Seriously, everyone stood at the top and bottom of the stairs, stamping their feet, until the tiny kitten deigned to wake up.)
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Isabel ages up very sleekly (that hair is all wrong for her though).
~ Pisces 10 / 4 / 4 / 3 / 6
~ Neat / Perfectionist
~ OTH: Fitness (interesting, as she's not especially Active!)
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And so does Trinny, giving Lucas quite a shock over his mac 'n' cheese in the process.
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Sushi is pleased to discover that the new family member is much more fun that she seemed at first.
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The three inhabitants of the nursery aren't enjoying themselves quite as much as the family cats though.
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Peace at last, as the girls play together contentedly.
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Should I be worried about this?!
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Fitzwilliam rather surprised me, by rolling a Want to retire - presumably so that he could be more involved in the upbringing of his grandchildren - but I guess when you've reached the top of the business tree, there's nowhere else to go! Teaching the little ones to walk is rather playing havoc with his back though.
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curiousb · 5 months
The Darcy Family Album: Volume XII
Hello again to the Darcys!
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When we left them last time, Maki was a tiny little scrap of a kitten, but look at him now!
~ Scorpio
~ Doofus / Hyper / Friendly / Cowardly / Finicky
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This family really loves their cats.
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So much that the cleaning service is not deemed worthy to freshen their litter tray.
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But no one loves them more than Lewis.
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In truth, he has a special affinity with all animals, often preferring them to people. He doesn't feel awkward or uncertain around animals, because they accept you just as you are, and if you're kind to them, they will be kind to you in return. But people are much more complicated, and it can be hard to figure out what they really want from you.
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His younger sister Isabel and his twin Agnes increasingly play together, without including him in their games.
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School friend John is a regular playmate too.
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Although he doesn't like it when Agnes doesn't play fair.
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Lewis does find some common ground with his cousin Thomasina, who is herself a rather serious and reserved young lady.
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And best of all, she likes the cats - and they like her!
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Yes, Sushi, you're cute too!
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Trinny is less amiable with visitors - although to be honest, I don't blame her, as I don't know who this random guy is either!
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