ragesin · 7 months
❝ it’ll be all right because we’re together. ❞ ( genshin verse )
         It's tranquil, peaceful. Grounded senses laid open to the world around him — the slight breezy currents fluttering against his skin, sweeping through his hair and clothes. Rustling of the undergrowth and leaves. The hints of wood, grass, a light graze of floral intermingled with scent of the bubbling creek. The air was almost disgustingly fresh, filled to the brim with a cloying sweetness that should rot teeth. Everything's clear in his mind, from the nighttime sounds of the sleeping forest they resided beside to the waves of ambient energy flowing free all around.
         Soft even breaths, the faint, slowing rate of a single heart beating echoing against eardrums. Hallmarks of a losing fight against the pull to the realm of sleep. It's a wordless melody interrupted by a drowsy yawn fruitlessly half stifled, a hand faltering in its rhythmic movements, confirming the state of his adventuring companion.
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         Eyes opened, half hidden between the tanned cheek smooshed into a folded arm and a mess of flaxen bangs, piercing in the low light of the flickering campfire as they blinked up in silent question. A reassuring curve of the lips framed by silver strands, luminescent under the glow of the moon, was given in return to nothing asked. Emerald hues blinked back at cerulean, unmistakably smitten soft. Those dainty fingers of hers resume combing through his wild hair while he's occupied with recovering from the smile ( how something that simple still made hearts skip a beat was beyond him ), scraping his scalp with firm but tender strokes as pleasant shivers danced up and down his spine, and wow. It never ceased to amaze how Elizabeth wielded a knack for that, making nerves buckle under the weighty force of satisfied bliss bearing down on them and forcing tension wound in muscles to dissipate. Subtle warmth enveloped him in a soothing embrace. Safe, not yet like the cresting sun peaking at blistering light. He's a boneless wreck. The tide of lethargy pulled at him with laughable ease with her assistance. Tingling content weighed heavily upon hooded lids, deep set rumble vibrating in his chest. He hoped it would never cease... Hell, as if. Like all good things it did end sooner rather than later.
❝ it’ll be all right because we’re together. ❞
         As her hand slipped from gold locks, that sigh parted her lips as she drifted off with that endearing smile in place, feather light syllables wrapped in her refreshing touch, spaces between heartfelt and overflowing with care so inexplicably Elizabeth. It'd make anyone bearing some semblance of a soul melt at the sincerity packed away the words thoughtlessly, freely given away. It could end the wars if men knew how to look at it.
         A feeling emerged from the yawning emptiness situated in the hollow caverns of his chest. It's like when he was a fledgling, transfixed in odd fascination as fissures crawled along the wall after it weathered a hit, foundation shifting and crumbling, a web of deep cracks scarring the surface. It's the same now. Detached, Meliodas observed as the same happened inside of him.
         She's right. They're together. Hearts ached, jagged and wretched, stiffening relaxed muscles to a paralyzing and stringent degree. That's the problem, isn't it ?
         Illusion of normalcy splintered, fragmented. A heaviness settled into the pit of his stomach. It twisted, writhed like a den of hissing vipers, poison seeping into blood vessels. The horror stared back through the lucent haze of moonlight with invisible unblinking eyes, looming, consuming, cutting through the dark, all gnashing teeth grinding bones.
         ( i love you, it growls sickeningly soft from the depths of his cursed soul. i love you, elizabeth. forever and always )
         It'll be alright — a repeated falsehood without end the demon told himself every time, moment to moment, desperately willing it to be true so that one day perhaps he could lose himself within the lie and believe it. One spoken with such maddening intensity that for a brief window of time even he'd forgot the woes latent and ripe with unseen tragedy entwined between them.
         Her lingering words of comfort served as both the sweetest knife and the most horrific pleasure. Dulled blade sawing through dried blood and digging into worn, perfect flesh; a reminder he / she / they were alive, bound by their precious connection and shackles. An age-old agonizing cathedral of constant wounds, comprised of festering gore that never fully closed, pried open just a little more each time it began to heal. He always let her: tear him apart, break him to pieces, and stitch him back together good as new  ( because that's what she's always been good at, fixing, while his world encompassed little aside from violence, atrocities, and destruction ). They could do this song and dance together for eternity. He deserved it, Meliodas supposed. For selfishly holding on to what's his his HIS with a vice grip until they both bleed out, rivulets dripping from the punctures beneath his nails, a sea of crimson blooming beneath each flourishing step taken. His memories, his promise guided his quest, devotion cruel enough to push his soul to move forward and fulfill it no matter how he stumbled. The man's but a living corpse daring to thread fingers with hers, a corruption burying himself flush against her smooth neck and deliriously intoxicating scent, begging through perforated lungs filled with stagnant air and iron painted lips for it all to end / for more please give him more / for her to love him despite wary suspicion of falsified emotion the curse instilled into her soul each repetition.
         He wanted to tear out his hair until scarlet flowed and let the tears well up. To rage out against the injustices that befall her time and again, doomed the second they met. To scream as hearts squeeze and squeeze so tight he's certain they're going to burst.
         Meliodas remained an image of chilling stillness, curled upon the bed of grass, temple pressed into the crook of an arm with soundless breathing wavering every so often. He didn't know how long he stayed like that, resting like the dead.
         When was the last instance time truly imposed impassable consequences outside of the bounds of a three day grace ?
         It's a simple motion when he finally moved, the moon having crossed some distance in the blanket of stars above. Wordlessly, he reached to hold her sleep-slackened hand. Calloused fingertips pressed, traced, caressed lines crisscrossed along her palm. Some strokes were firm, as though seeking to engrave his memory upon her flesh via mindless shapes. Others ghosted a fleeting imprint of hopeless longing, phantom touches questioning whether he'd ever been present at all. The intimate brushes of skin did not betray the tremors roiling beneath the surface.
         Love. The core of every action. It's love that coaxed his fortified guard to statter to dust and expose his vulnerabilities. Love made him look at her with reverence and fondness in equal strokes despite himself all those years ago. Love's what loosened his sinful tongue to sing her name like a prayer and present himself at her altar, offering flesh while pleading forgiveness. Love allowed the memories and centuries of pain caked onto his skin to be washed away into sweet scintillating oblivion.
         They're together. Who cared if Meliodas already knew what awaited him at the end of their written path, the steep cliff she unfailingly pushed him down with each loss tearing the earth and sky out from underneath his shaky feet ?  It was of no import that whenever he awakened from this sweet dream the cold reality would unerringly slam him with a force thrice harder for his fool damned indulgence and forgetting to brace himself. She couldn't ever be allowed to know this fate.
         Gaze cut to the new presence in their midst, assessing the form standing over him, green clashing against gold. A grin bloomed to life, filled with beaming mirth he couldn't really bring himself to muster inside and stretched across his face from ear to ear. His free hand shifted, index finger raised to his lips, a reticent and wholly unnecessary gesture to keep quiet. The narrowed eye roll from the adeptus was a well deserved one.
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         The demon and yaksha made an unlikely duo, a companionship unexpected  ( and close. are they close ?  something in his chest nudges in the direction of the affirmative )  after coming to these lands and yet it's welcomed all the same. He really really liked the guy, harsh and biting as his demeanor may outwardly seem. Weirdly enough, their conflicting personalities meshed better than he initially presumed might ever happen upon their first encounter. In any case, the demon's glad someone else had the strength and capability to protect Elizabeth in areas he may falter.
         Retracting his hand from Elizabeth's, Meliodas languidly propped himself up despite the numbing exhaustion and yawned, using it to make even more of a tangled mess of his hair as he ran it through the mused locks, dislodging accumulated small blades of green. As he did, Xiao took a seat next to Elizabeth on her other side, taking up the mantle of guard duty for the remainder of the night.
         A part of him — a dark wisp curled in a dark corner of his mind — demanded this emptying vessel of his to reach right out and close his hands around that slim, delicate throat. An animosity misplaced but it still screeched, begging to throttle the other man, dig in powerful claws, crush the windpipe and reduce pristine snowy skin to red pulp. This intruder, you invader, it snarled, an ugly blackness, you don't belong. But, the part in control mused, wasn't that Meliodas ?  Is he himself not the foreign entity in this equation ?  The odd piece out not meant to fit into the picture ?  He could see it. Crystal clear in the depth of the ardor pooled in her blue irises when set upon Xiao. The adeptus had known this Elizabeth far longer than he. It burned obvious and bright in the ease with which he slotted himself to her side — like it was where Xiao belonged.
         It's that final thought that spurred his body to stand up, a breathless heave chasing his step and perfectly concealed irritation / affection bittersweet on the tongue. Unsaid exchange passed between the two men, drops slipping through the tenuous cracks of the taciturn lull before Meliodas ignored the dagger of his own design slipped between his ribs that chafed and maimed and turned on his heel, walking off into the dead of night away from the light of his life and the pangs of envious rancor / painstaking relief toward his friend. They'll be fine until morning. He'll return to camp when the sun greeted a new day over the horizon. Elizabeth would not even notice his absence.
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         ( wrong. something is wrong wrong wrong. everything is fine. this is right. she can't be elizabeth. she's been alive too long. your elizabeth. not your elizabeth. your hearts sing a lie when you touch. it's the only truth that matters in this damn world )
         It'll be alright. They're together. Whether they wished for it or not.
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conqueroryaksha · 1 year
# conqueroryaksha. — THE CONQUEROR OF DEMONS . an indie, highly private & selective interpretation of xiao from hoyoverse’s genshin impact. game-lore & hc based. muse est. 8/26/21. blog re-est. 7/18/23. sporadic activity. cherished by mia ( she / hers , 24, usa est. ) . side blog to @triskeleyes .
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triskeleyes · 1 year
# triskeleyes. — THE THIRD PRINCESS OF LIONES . an indie, highly private & selective interpretation of elizabeth liones ( & some of her previous incarnations ) from nakaba suzuki’s nanatsu no taizai / seven deadly sins series. heavily anime & hc based with alt verses available, including genshin impact ( affiliated with @ragesin & @conqueroryaksha ). muse est. 6/16/21. blog re-est. 7/18/23. sporadic activity. cherished by mia ( she / hers , 24, usa est. ).
CARRD. | PROMPTS. | PROMO. | HEADCANONS & META. | Main blog to @conqueroryaksha
heavily affiliated with @ragesin & @conqueroryaksha , aka MY SOULMATE ( MELIODAS ) & MY PROTECTOR ( XIAO ) across all verses
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ragesin · 4 months
melizabeth hc dump
Origibeth introduced Meliodas many things, including human alcohol after learning he never tried it before. She showed him a whole new world and simultaneously opened pandora’s box.
After the new Boar Hat was built, Meliodas did let Elizabeth know that since the bar was much bigger, if she’d like she could have her own room while travelling with the Sins and no longer needed to bunk with him due to space limitations. He left the choice entirely within her hands and told her he’d be fine with whatever she decided on. He woke up in the middle of the night on the second day to find her sleeping next to him, right against his side. Forgive the man if he was smiling a little more genuinely than he normally did for the rest of the week.
Goddesses have a thing where they gift one of their feathers to their partner, imbued with magic so that it will never rot, resist damage and hold its form. You can liken it to a ring the humans use. Meliodas still has the one given to him by Origibeth thousands of years ago. Whether worn as a pin, tucked in his hair, hanging around his neck, curled around his wrist, or simply sitting in his pocket, it’s almost always on his person even if not visible to others and very rarely will he go without it. Knowing the feather is there, that he has something left of the original Elizabeth always with him not tainted by the curse, helps ground him. Highly advise against trying to take it from him.
Like how Meliodas plays rock, paper, scissors with Zeldris and patty cake/arm wrestling with Ban, he also played hand games with Origibeth that revolved around giving high fives as quick as you can while switching to different creative positions and trying to make the other miss. Up high down low too slow. It could get crazy though. More than once they found themselves in craters. He will boast about having a higher number of wins. Elizabeth was just happy to see him having fun.
Due to soul reasons, Meliodas will know if Elizabeth dies even if she’s not immediately in his vicinity or line of view but he can’t determine anything else about her status ( ex, sick, in pain, if she’s currently in the process of dying ). Only after she’s dead does he get the mental notification of what happened.
Occasionally during the initial meeting, Meliodas can recognize Elizabeth on sight no matter what form she takes, but most of the time it is a guessing game. Elizabeth’s features are uncommon but it’s not completely unique, and she’s almost never been 1:1 with her original goddess incarnation, so he’s had false flags before. Sometimes he reliably gets it on the second or third try but eventually after a bit of time acclimating to the person’s presence he does 100% determine if someone is her reincarnation or not.
This is why my Meliodas doesn’t harass Elizabeth Liones off rip before they even had a proper conversation during canon. Her appearance sets off instant alarm bells but he doesn’t know for sure. As far as he’s concerned, this is a stranger and he doesn’t know her anymore than she knows him. Course that changes with time once he confirms to himself she is Elizabeth. He starts off more oneshot behaviour, then as time passes he gradually slides down the scale to his more canon behaviour and makes it about 60% there in the end, so while he has his bad moments that other people can and should kick his ass for, he doesn’t take it nearly as far or quite as often as canon.
His recognition of Elizabeth gets more precise the more time he spends around her. It’s the difference between Meliodas having some difficulty early on picking out Elizabeth from the hide and seeks vs him looking at her carbon copy in Ellatte and immediately pegging her as Not Elizabeth. On that note, he was very unnerved by the appearance of Ellatte and all the implications that comes with it.
He has snuck Origibeth into certain parts of the Demon Realm for secret dates, because while it lives up to the reputation it has among other races, his birthplace has places he does consider beautiful and wanted to share those experiences with her after everything new she stepped up to show him. It was nerve wracking but worth it in the end.
Meliodas is the little spoon with Origibeth and big spoon with Elizabeth Liones.
He falls in love with Elizabeth that little much more each time an incarnation steps up for him because someone going out of their way to be protective of him instead of the other way around is just an alien concept to him and damn it he’s supposed to be squaring up but Elizabeth stunlocked him by announcing that for everyone in earshot to hear what is he supposed to do with this full heart throwing him off his game.
Meliodas used to have several scars. They were present when he met Origibeth and throughout his relationship with her. Her healing is capable of removing scars and she offered once or twice but Meliodas always declined so she left it at that. However when Meliodas collapsed after taking another hit meant for her, the gods looming over them, and he just wasn't moving wasn't breathing, she poured her remaining power into him. It stitched up the physical wounds, dug deep enough to wash away the scars, but there was nothing to jog back to life. The limitless healing at her disposal can't revive the dead. After the curse took hold of his body, dragged him back to the land of the living, Meliodas was left all of his hearts beating, not a wound or scar marring his flesh, and a dead Elizabeth beside him in a pool of their blood.
Goddess bodies are like fairies in the sense that they don't decay. Origibeth's body is around somewhere, and Meliodas hasn’t let anyone know that it is, not even Elizabeth.
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ragesin · 1 year
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⁺✧⠀⠀⠀verse⠀﹕⠀❪ and thou shalt love. ❫ ⁺✧⠀⠀⠀verse⠀﹕⠀❪ holy sword brandished. ❫ ⁺✧⠀⠀⠀verse⠀﹕⠀❪ a sinner's promise. ❫ ⁺✧⠀⠀⠀verse⠀﹕⠀❪ speak easy. ❫
⁺✧⠀⠀`⠀seven sins⠀﹕⠀❪ a sin worth hurting for、with them you can stand up & bear anything. ❫ ⁺✧⠀⠀`⠀triskeleyes⠀﹕⠀❪ wrap your name tight around my ribs、this one love saved for you. ❫ ⁺✧⠀⠀`⠀deathburns⠀﹕⠀❪ fractured & charred images reflect off glided bars、blurring our lines ❫ ⁺✧⠀⠀`⠀fairhelios⠀﹕⠀❪ the mortal guise of love and the sun pave the darkest of bloodied roads. ❫
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ragesin · 6 months
what strangely specific scent do you give off?
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fresh ink on proper parchment.
you give off the impression of someone who always has something to do, something to say, someplace to be and someone to meet. you're always on the move, and you don't know the meaning of slow down. it draws people to you, yes, but they're likely to make a note of how you're impossible to catch up to. it draws people to you the way bugs are drawn to a lamplight. you are the brightest thing around, and they only know how light gives warmth. they tend to not believe that you're anything more than this speed, this light, this perceived warmth, and so you try to run away even faster, keep moving so that they're always at a distance. but one day, that light will fade, and with it, you.
tagged by: @ourladyoflight ( thank you!! )
tagging: @triskeleyes, @astralend, @mielmoto, @vibraea, @ianuarius ( king! ), and whoever else wants to
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ragesin · 1 year
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#RAGESIN,   a highly selective & private blog for meliodas from nakaba suzuki’s nanatsu no taizai / seven deadly sins.  heavily focused on original lore / headcanons & primarily canon divergent.  low and sporadic activity.  please read the rules before following. due the nature of this muse / series, this blog explores and contains mature content.
𝐀 𝐒𝐓𝐔𝐃𝐘 𝐈𝐍 : what it means to be a knight, sacrifice, all consuming rage, love as violence & hunger, love intertwined with grief & wrath, nature vs nurture, death & rebirth, destruction as a beast clawing at the cage of the chest, trauma as an open wound, redefining one’s identity, the end still ending, the cruelty of eternity, depersonalization, housing something greater than yourself, humanity vs monstrosity vs divinity, & the struggle of forgiveness.
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    carrd.  —  headcanons + lore.  —  prompts.  —  blogs.      interaction trackers.  —  interest checker.  —  tba.
* please note that no real prior knowledge of the series or it's plot is needed for interactions as you can essentially act as if this is an original character blog with a dark fantasy background. i highly encourage sending a meme or poking me about an idea as the best way to start an interaction. starter calls are rarely ( if ever ) posted.
fellow sinners :  @ragerots / @triskeleyes, @deathburns
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❛ — “get used to dying,” father told me. “you will have many deaths, many burials and many graves, and no time to mourn any of them.” but how? death is the end, not the journey, and i am no cat. i do not have nine lives—only one. he smiles, and it is sharp; cruel. i realize — too late — it is a knife, unsheathed. the messenger of my first death. “the first of many,” he asserts. was that a prediction, or a promise?
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