#trobo molt a faltar en tito
guillemelgat · 7 years
I just realized that not only have I not translated a song from Txarango’s new album, I have somehow not even translated a single Txarango song on here *gasp* so to make up for both of these unforgivable faults I present to you “Somriurem” (“We Will Smile”). I choose this song specifically because it’s a good example of a more modern rumba catalana (although traditional stuff is great or possibly better), and because I think this song might have the best lyrics on the entire album (close call here, there’s a lot of good songs). If y'all want, I will not hesitate to translate the entire album and every song ever written by Txarango, but I’ll just do this one to start. Enjoy!
Somriurem quan tot falli. We’ll smile when all else fails Abraçarem el temps junts quan el món s'encalli. We’ll embrace time together when the world becomes quiet. Somriurem quan tot falli. We’ll smile when all else fails. Guardo una vida a cada instant. I keep a life from every instant.
La rosada ha estès el seu vel fred i humit. The dew has stretched out its cold and damp veil. A poc a poc ha anat quedant buida la plaça. Slowly the square has emptied. Guardarem un bon record d'aquesta nit We’ll always have fond memories of tonight quan sota els estels tot el poble ballava. when under the stars the whole village was dancing.
Que ens adormi suau la calma de l'estiu Let the calm of summer put us softly to sleep mentre el sol desperta els cims de les muntanyes while the sun awakes the mountain tops i desplega a poc a poc tots els camins. and all the roads slowly meander off. I per les finestres es projecta l'alba. And the dawn is projected on the windows.
Hem anat veient el pas dels anys We’ve watched the passing of the years i pels que vénen seguirem cantant. and we’ll keep singing in the ones to come.
Somriurem quan tot falli. We’ll smile when all else fails Abraçarem el temps junts quan el món s'encalli. We’ll embrace time together when the world becomes quiet. Somriurem quan tot falli. We’ll smile when all else fails. Guardo una vida a cada instant. I keep a life from every instant.
Mentre caigui el sol ens banyarem al riu. While the sun is setting we’ll bathe in the river. Tornarem a poc a poc fins a la casa Slowly, we’ll return home vorejant els camps que ens coneixen per dins, along fields that know us inside-out, ens han vist somiar des de petits fins ara. that have seen us grow from children to now.
Hem anat veient el pas dels anys We’ve watched the passing of the years i pels que vénen seguirem cantant. and we’ll keep singing in the ones to come.
Somriurem quan tot falli. We’ll smile when all else fails Abraçarem el temps junts quan el món s'encalli. We’ll embrace time together when the world becomes quiet. Somriurem quan tot falli. We’ll smile when all else fails. Guardo una vida a cada instant. I keep a life from every instant.
Porto carregada per tu aquesta cançó; I carry this song loaded for you; bales de futur que espanten les pors. bullets of the future to scare away your fears. Porto carregada per tu aquesta cançó; I carry this song loaded for you; bales de futur, el crit dels tambors. bullets of the future, the beat of the drums.
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