jackiesarch · 4 years
rough night for ol’ cheeseburger
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red-nightskies · 4 years
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💖Anna kisses for all 💖
Max - @troyebakers
Finn - @smithandrogers
Lottie - @krenee1drful
Mason - @raisinghellinotherworlds
Charlie - @zacklover24
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words-and-seeds · 5 years
“They hear the music the other person is listening to in their head” for any ship, but this could make... one hell of a Sharky/Reader sksksksksksk
This is old as balls, and I don’t even know if this was a request or a comment, but you got a fic. 💋💋💋
Your parents hated your soulmate long before you learned his name or anything about him.
It all started when you were a baby. When you would wake up screaming in the middle of the night with no warning. Your already sleep-deprived parents took you to doctor after doctor, specialist after specialist, but the most the doctors could come up with was that maybe you just had a bad case of colic.
When it continued long after the age colic was supposed to go away, one enterprising young pediatrician came up with a surprising and unconventional answer: maybe it was your soulmate’s choice in music keeping you up at nights.
You were too young to talk at the time, so it wasn’t like they could ask you about it, and since it was possibly music that was only playing in your head, they couldn’t just give you earplugs. But since they were desperate for anything that would give you, and them, a full night of sleep, they installed a CD player in your room and began to play soothing, toddler appropriate music instead.
Your soulmate seemed to get the hint.
Once they started, you never woke up, crankily sobbing your little heart out, after that for anything other than normal baby reasons.
It didn’t mean you didn’t hear the music anymore, it just meant your soulmate was more considerate about when he played it.
You grew up listening to disco, which worried your parents a bit. They knew your soulmate was older by his taste in music, they just hoped he wasn’t too much older. You weren’t as worried, content to just go with the flow and see what happened.
You didn’t entirely love his taste in music, but he probably hated yours. After all, your tastes ran much more toward opera and classical, which was about as far from Donna Summer and The Trammps as you could possibly get.
But you thought about him a lot as you grew. What his name was, what he looked like, why on Earth he loved a genre of music that went out of style forty years ago. You found yourself wishing you were the kind of soulmates who could communicate by writing on your skin and be done with it, because your brilliant idea of communicating by song lyrics either went completely over his head, or he just chose not to acknowledge it.
You only hoped that he enjoyed hearing the first lines of The Zombies’ Time of The Season on repeat.
When the years stretched on and you started to despair that you would meet him, you started to date around. Mostly because your parents were sick of you moping around and crying every time one of your friends would get married. But the knowledge that the other half of your soul was out there, waiting for you, meant that any relationship you bothered to start was pretty much dead in the water.
Besides, you had started to suspect he knew when you were going out on dates, because on those nights, the disco played louder than ever.
You found yourself in the very awkward position of explaining to your dates that you couldn’t actually concentrate on what they were saying, because your soulmate seemed to be the jealous and passive aggressive type.
By the time you enter the police academy, you’d all but given up on finding him, and devoted yourself to your career. Law enforcement suited you, and you liked the idea of making a difference.
That pretty much changed immediately when you were given a desk job and moved to the basement to do reports.It was all you could do to get through a day, and during those times, the disco actually helped. It gave you something to dance around and lip sync to, even if you did look like a lunatic to anyone who walked in. But there was only so much paperwork one person could do before going completely postal.
So you start looking around for a new job, and for reasons you couldn’t even explain to yourself, you feel drawn to the job opening for a junior deputy in the Hope County sheriff’s department.
After applying and receiving a surprisingly quick response - a terse ‘you’re hired’ and a time and date to show up for orientation - you made the move to Hope County with a light heart.
You felt like you went in with your eyes open: you knew that Hope County wasn’t likely to be a hot bed of criminal activity, you knew you’d more than likely relegated yourself to the position of cow crossing guard - or whatever the hell they had out there in the boonies - but at least you would be out in God’s own country and the fresh air.
What you were not expecting was a federal marshal walking in on your first day - a day of doughnut runs and sorting paperwork - and tell you that you would be accompanying him to arrest a dangerous criminal.
In spite of yourself, the idea had a certain appeal, right up until the helicopter landed and you got your first look at the Peggie compound. Then your stomach dropped to your toes.
Almost to the second, as if he were just waiting for your cue, you heard the first strains of Disco Inferno start up and had to fight the nervous laughter, because it was actually quite comforting.
Plus, it was quite hard to concentrate on someone giving a sinister monologue when The Trammps were singing. If anything, it made you want to tap your toes. But because you weren’t paying attention, Marshall Burke’s demand that you cuff the dangerous psychopath in front of you made you leap about a foot in the air.
Things got a little blurry after that - probably due to the concussion - but there were flashes. Explosions, planes flying overhead, going off a bridge and being left for dead. Basement filing never looked so good as when you woke up in a bunker with a strange man telling you that you inadvertently put yourself directly in the middle of a holy war.
It definitely didn’t make you any happier to hear that the responsibility of restoring a little sanity had fallen directly onto your shoulders. What did help was the knowledge that an entire Resistance was standing behind you.
Several miles behind you, as it turned out.
It got easier when you started recruiting people to your side, guns for hire, Dutch called them - something that always made you feel like you were in the midst of a Clint Eastwood movie. 
Being the inveterate animal lover that you were, you went for Boomer and Peaches first. And then - even though all logic and common sense told you to get the hell out of the Henbane before Faith freaking Seed realized you were there - something else was telling you to stay. A gut feeling. 
That same feeling took you to the Moonflower Trailer Park. You weren’t sure what that feeling was, at first. At least, not until the music started and everything clicked into place. This was your soulmate. 
It…wasn’t quite the meetcute that you had in mind; there was music, and there was fire, but it wasn’t the violin music and candlelit supper of your dreams. In your dreams, you didn’t usually end up with the ends of your hair scorched beyond belief and covered in blood. 
You weren’t certain he realized it, not with the adrenaline cocktail buzzing in his veins, along with whatever other rush the fire brought him. You took a moment to study him as he danced off his nervous energy, gyrating and thrusting to disco music that was no longer playing. 
Older than you, but not too much older. Not exactly a MENSA member, but sweet, and oddly charming. The emphasis was on the odd there, and you couldn’t help but wonder what your parents would think of him. If you ever saw them again. 
As if he was only just seeing that your enthusiasm didn’t match his, he came closer, putting his hand on your shoulder to give it a little shake. “Hey, listen Po-Po, we got chemistry. I can tell, we’re going to make a great team! Like Starsky and Hutch, or Turner and Hooch.”
That got a laugh out of you, and you were grateful for the distraction. “Which one of us is Hooch?”
Sharky hesitated. “Listen, that’s not important right now. What’s important is that we get back to blasting these Peggies to hell. It’s like fate that you were coming, man; I put together a little playlist. It’s the good stuff, too. I wouldn’t share this with just anyone, but I can tell we’re going to be bueno amigos, you know?”
You liked him, you couldn’t help it. The more he talked, the more he grew on you. “Good stuff, huh? Like Donna Summers?The BeeGees? KC and The Sunshine Band?” 
As you went through the, admittedly, small number of disco artists you knew, Sharky pressed his hand to his heart. “Oh man, I knew we were going to be great together. I just knew, when I saw you, that here was a person who could truly appreciate the greatest music of all time.”
“Well, I grew up listening to it.” That hint went wide of the mark, so you decided to try again. “My soulmate loves the Trammps.”
The speed his face dropped would have been tragic, if it wasn’t so damn comical. Poor baby didn’t have a clue. 
“I am not at all surprised that someone as fine as you is taken, Shorty. He’s a very lucky man. Or she. I don’t judge. Everyone’s gotta live their best life.”
“He,” you replied. “He is very lucky. He also can’t catch a hint when it’s dropped from a great height.”
“Men,” Sharky said, with so much disgust that you couldn’t stop the laughter from bubbling up in your throat. 
What a guy.
You didn’t love him, not yet - soulmate bonds didn’t work like that, and you wouldn’t want one if they did - but you liked him. A lot. 
“It’s nice to meet you, Sharky. It’s nice to finally meet you. You’re right. We’re going to make a great team.”
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minaharkers · 5 years
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“there are rumors that the Hero of Kvatch was actually a son of Martin Septim, sired to him by the lost daughter Lucretzia of the influential merchant family Vendicci of Anvil. most scholars agree that this rumor is highly preposterous, but there are still those who believe it wholeheartedly.”
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visenyatargaryn · 4 years
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she wore a troubled past like wings — she had been through hell, and though no one could see her demons, they saw the face that conquered them.
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foofygoldfish · 4 years
1, 10, 18!
oh okay you just want me to be salty on main today lkjdf 
1. if you could hit any character without repercussions, who would it be?
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10. characters that deserved worse? >:]
.... see the last question
uhhhh. okay literally i’m forgetting every other fandom but star wars for these questions and my brain is just going “??????” for that so
maybe hurk sr lmao
18. characters you want to wrap in a blanket and tell them they’re going to be okay?
f a i t h
also sharky and staci (rowdy boy and soft boy)
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chyrstis · 4 years
From: give me a letter and i'll tell you my 5 favourite blogs starting with that letter     
A is an excellent letter, full of excellent people:
1. @autumnyte - Shoot, if you love Saints Row, you will find so many excellently characterized bosses here, as well as some top-notch fic of them. I love all of them so darn much it’s not even funny, and have some fond memories of a lot of their shenanigans. You also couldn’t find a kinder and more supportive person here to talk meta and story details with. Lately they’ve been posting about Life is Strange 2, so you can find some great content for it there along with an ongoing fic being posted as well, and I highly recommend you check it out!
2. @amistrio - Oh, man. Some of the best Far Cry 5 fic around’s here, and you’re guaranteed to be on the best kind of emotional rollercoaster once you pick a fic and buckle in for the ride. But you’ll walk out the other side absolutely adoring Matthew, guaranteed, and possibly want to buy him all of the coffee as well. Also, so damn supportive, and every kind word’s come when I’ve needed it most.
3. @antivanbrandy - Gorgeous Saints Row art, with such a lovely boss as well. Lux was hilarious in every interaction she had with Matt, and every sketch and comic was full to bursting with personality that couldn’t (and shouldn’t) be contained. Also, the commission I snagged of my boss V remains one of my favorite images of her (if not my top fave) just because of how well Brandy captured her energy. Also, just a seriously sweet person all around.
4. @aberedstone - Excellent aesthetics, and even better writing if you know where to look. ;) But there’s a lot of great content here, and the photosets posted will make you want to find and watch the shows/movies asap.
5. @alienfirst​ - Between Pacific Rim and Critical Role, you’ll have beautiful art to look at for days. I’ve got such a huge soft spot for their Campaign One work (and perc’ahlia), but it’s all so vibrant and lovely to look at, holy cow.
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florbelles · 4 years
Multiples of 5 for Joss/Benny bls 💜
tysm 💕💕 look at me getting to these within 24 hours rip
5. Who falls asleep while watching a movie?
joss because she doesn’t see the point of them and hates fun
10. Who sets the other’s ringtone to something loud and obnoxious behind their back?
joss but it backfires because benny’s really into it, thanks honeybaby where’d you find this incredible ring a ding tone
15. Who’s prone to wearing socks indoor (or to sleep)?
i mean feet are very important to benny and joss has never heard of socks so neither i guess
20. What do they argue about the most?
they fight about yes man because joss considers him a massive liability post-hoover dam. neither of them are competent with programming and something’s going to give at some point and either there’ll be a system breach or that loophole in the coding is going to come back and bite them in the ass or someone else who can reprogram him will come along and do exactly what they did, so she wants to get away from reliance on securitrons. benny is resistant as fuck to that because if it was good enough for house it’s good enough for him and joss just kind of 
sugar i killed house i ate him we don’t want to be like house
25. Who mistakes salt for sugar?
benny wbk
30. Who likes doing the dishes?
35. What do they smell when they smell amortentia?
(benny voice) vegas baby
whiskey and cigarettes and gunpowder
40. Who is the most affectionate?
benny’s more comfortable with outward displays of affection, joss believes she’s affectionate but she’s actually just bullying him
i jest but the answer’s still benny, joss is like i allow you to live here and sleep with me what other displays of affection do you WANT
45. Who worries the most? Over what?
hilariously enough it’s joss because of the whole paranoia about the robot uprising thing
they’re not overly worried about Each Other though like they’ve both already survived so much and they’re there to bail each other out (read: joss is there to bail benny out) so it’s not something that occurs to them to worry about lmao if they go out they’re going out in a blaze of glory and that’s that on that
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isobel-thorm · 5 years
“laugh” or “gun” bls
Why can’t we have both?
Laugh:  from a “stick that in your juicebox and suck it” fill: 
John tried not to snarl out loud. The airplane thing was equal parts being mad at Sharky and the Universe for robbing him of having a decent childhood where that would’ve been a common, normal thing to happen between a father and son. If he had experienced it back then, it probably wouldn’t have affected him so strongly. But his son giving that little adorable laugh to someone who wasn’t his real father was nearly too much. He clenched his fists, and Nic caught that as well, if her tightening her grip on his wrist and digging her nails in as a warning was any indication. 
Gun: from the Albatross verse/ other prompt fill I’m working on
And then, like some twisted form of karma from her time working with Reyes, she had seen the muzzle of a gun come up from the crowd first-
There was a gunshot, and something had collided with her from the side. Better than front, she supposed, but it still hurt like Hell when she and whatever it was hit the ground.
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jmcolt · 5 years
🖊🖊🖊 trini bls
its valentines day so like .. perfect excuse to just make these all ship hcs right??????? 
🖊 This goes hand in hand with the whole thing about her stopping to kiss her grumpy boyfriend on the cheek whenever she passes by him, but she is pretty much the only person who can get him to legitimately smile with little to no effort. She takes immense pride in it. See also (brought to you by @christopherrpike who else):
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Nobody knows how they’re dating lmfao
🖊 They do that thing where she lies underneath him while he does push ups and every time he goes down, he goes in for a kiss. She’ll also sit on his back and ask him dumb questions because she likes hearing him explain things.
🖊 He proposed to her twice. First time with the ring and the second time while he was stuck in the medbay because he was so out of it that he legitimately forgot he’d proposed. Trini had to gently remind him they were already engaged and he was just like “Okay, but why didn’t anybody tell me? :(” 
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jackiesarch · 4 years
@troyebakers ‘hi my name is macy and today i incited a riot that set fire to my general surroundings and killed a dog, how is your night going”
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outranks · 5 years
I am begging for an unpopular opinion about far cry 5 😌
ajajaja uM
none of the characters are developed enough to be the most interesting character
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teamhawkeye · 4 years
Atlas (you fuckin clown), Claire, aaaaand Quiet 😌
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you right though - can you hear my shoes squeaking from here over Atlas
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visenyatargaryn · 5 years
url change
ohdaenerys  → eleanorguthrie
thank you @cmberheards for this url!!  like I cannot stress enough how happy I am right now???? because never in my LIFe would I expect to get one like this???? especially one for my beautiful disaster of a daughter!! so thank youuuu!!!!!! 😭💖💖
I will still be tracking #userjenn
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foofygoldfish · 4 years
Miss Tilly, what’s your favorite thing about spending time with the horses?
can i say everything?
they’re so sweet and they don’t judge - i don’t have many friends here, but it’s fine, ‘cause i can always go and talk to the horses
that sounds sad, doesn’t it? it’s not, i just... like talking to them. i have a few that are always happy to see me ‘cause they know i have the best treats and stuff
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dazaosamu · 5 years
i need you to know my dep is making the biggest heart eyes at aidan
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i told aidan and he told me he too has the BIGGEST heart eyes at your deputy and would love to smooch
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