#trr bianca
dcbbw · 6 months
Stormholt Masterlist
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This limited series will be my re-write of the hit movie sensation Saltburn. It will be a TRR AU, and include the iconic and infamous bathtub scene, vampire scene, and the cemetery scene. Because it’s me, there will be pushing of boundaries. (Chapters will be appropriately tagged with content warnings)
If you are unfamiliar with Saltburn, on the surface it appears to be the story of an unlikely friendship between outsider Oliver/Ollie (Drake Walker) and rich, popular Felix (Liam). However, it quickly devolves into an intricate web of obsession, deceit, depravity, and murder.
Trailer: Saltburn | Official Trailer (youtube.com)
Not saying I will do the original story any justice, but hopefully I achieve my objective of crafting an enjoyable story that is both similar to and vastly different from its inspiration, while still able to toss a few twists and surprises in.
Chapters will be posting soon. (I know I say that alllll the time, but promise I am working on them now) Order of and titles of chapters may change.
Cast of Characters:
Drake Walker: the outsider who infiltrates everyone’s lives
Liam Rys: rich, popular, living a frantic life at a frenetic pace
Regina Rys: Liam’s stepmother; pompous, prideful, a bit daft
Constantine Rys: Liam’s father, he knows more than he tells
Riley: Liam’s wife; blunt, erratic, and mentally ill … but not stupid
Madeleine: Regina’s cousin (once removed), who has outlived her usefulness in all ways
Maxwell: Childhood friend who has fallen on hard times and found a soft place to land
Leo Rys: Liam’s half-brother, a member of the duchy’s constabulary; Drake looks very familiar to him
Katie: Leo’s wife; her motto is “touch but don’t look”
Savannah Walker: Drake’s estranged sister
Jackson and Bianca Walker: Drake’s parents
Casey Valentine: Drake’s ex-situationship
Bastien & Gladys: Long-time servants at Stormholt; they came with the house
Prologue: A Fine Morning
Chapter One: Meet. Cute.
Chapter Two: Besties
Chapter Three: Menagerie
Chapter Four: Getting to Know You
Chapter Five: Deadly Sins
Chapter Six: My Best Friend’s Sister
Chapter Seven: Rub a Dub Dub
Chapter Eight: I Know What You Did Last Night
Chapter Nine: The Train Station
Chapter Ten: A Thief in the Night
Chapter Eleven: Little Lies
Chapter Twelve: A Series of Unfortunate Events
Chapter Thirteen: The Kingdom of Heaven
Epilogue: Alone at Last
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angelasscribbles · 1 year
In Your Room Chapter 12: Happily Ever After
Series: In Your Room
Fandom: TRR                    
Pairings: Leo x Drake
Rating: G
Warnings for this chapter: None, this is fluff
Song Inspiration for the series: In Your Room by The Bangles
Word Count: 1,331
A/N: Well, here we are at the end. I'm going to miss these two, but they deserve the happily ever after. Tagging @choicespride for marriage and found family. Tagging @choicesjunechallenge for weddings. Tagging @choicesficwriterscreations Pride Bingo for family.
My other stuff: Master List.
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Drake and Leo, with Helena in tow, made their way back outside to where their friends and family were waiting for them.
“I made some adjustments, your mom is sitting with me,” Bianca told her future son-in-law.
“Thanks,” Leo pulled her into a hug as he whispered, “I still want to call you mom too.”
Bianca nodded as she hugged him back, “I’d love that, son.”
Leo felt a sense of wonder in his chest. This morning he’d had no moms, now he had two.
When he released Bianca, he turned to his best man, “Thank you for coming all the way from Cordonia, Your Majesty.”
Liam shook his head with a grin as he embraced his brother, “Shut up, man. Riley and I wouldn’t have missed this for the world. Besides, I had to return the favor, didn’t I?”
“Wow, I’m impressed. This is more my style than yours, little bro.” Leo let out a low whistle as he took in the moonlit clearing, bonfire roaring on the beach, and lanterns swaying lazily from carefully placed posts. Riley wore a simple floor-length white dress with spaghetti straps while Liam was dressed in slacks and a button-up shirt with the sleeves rolled up, no suit jacket, no tie. Leo himself had on cargo shorts and a polo shirt, perfect for a casual, and secret, beach wedding.
“Yes, well, after what Dad did to you, I just don’t want to give him the chance to torpedo us the same way.”
“You always were smarter than me. Well, the best man is here, let’s do this thing!”
“I still can’t believe you got married without me!” Drake said with mock indignation.
Liam pulled his best friend into a hug next, “You know I wanted you there, but we had to get married before Leo abdicated and Constantine turned his attention to my love life! It was the only way to ensure he couldn’t interfere in any way. Besides, this guy,” he released Drake and jerked his thumb toward Leo, “was in a hot fucking hurry to get to you, so we were in a time crunch.”
Drake flushed as a sappy grin spread across his face, “Yeah, I know. You’re forgiven.”
Drake Walker was happier than he ever thought he could be. Leo Rys loved him and was about to fucking marry him! The idea that he was about to be someone’s husband was almost surreal, but after everything the two of them had been through together, everything Leo’s father had put them through, it was the happy ending they both deserved. He slapped Liam on the shoulder, “At least you made it to mine, even if your brother did steal you right out from under me to be his best man!”
“Good thing you had a backup best friend I suppose,” Liam teased him good-naturedly.
“Yeah,” Drake laughed, “Where the hell is Beaumont, anyway?”
“I’m here, I’m here!” Max jogged up to the group, a little out of breath.
“What’s got you all out of- oh, no, no, man, you better not have just been making out with my sister!”
Max lifted an eyebrow and threw his hands up in the air, “Ask me no questions and I’ll tell you no lies!”
“Come on, man! That’s just-“
“She is my fiancée you know.” Max reminded him.
“Yeah,” Liam took Max’s side, “and I put up with you making out with my brother all the damn time!”
“Holy crap, we’re all brothers now!” Max blurted out.
“Heh,” Drake laughed, “Who saw that coming?”
“No one!” Leo scoffed.
“But it’s pretty awesome!” Max grinned from ear to ear. When he married Savannah, Drake would be his brother for real and as soon as Drake and Leo said I do, Drake and Liam would be brothers…which made Max and Liam brother-in-laws once removed or something.
“The girls are all here, so we can get this show on the road now!” Savannah called out as she approached the group of men. Olivia, Hana, and Riley trailed behind her.
Olivia made a beeline for Leo, “Is it true? Your mom is here?”
“Yeah, it’s true, Liv, she’s really here!”
Olivia cocked her head to one side as she regarded him, “You seem pretty okay with it.”
“I am!” He affirmed, “She never wanted to abandon me, my father kept her away!”
“I’d like to say I’m surprised, but that’s right in character for him. I’m sorry, Leo.”
“It’s fine. She’s here now and I’m about to marry the love of my life. I’m good!”
“There’s that dimpled smile we all love!” Olivia patted him on the cheek.
“If the wedding party is ready…” the officiant interrupted, “it’s time.”
“Time to get hitched!” Leo yelled.
“Hitched?” Olivia stared at him with wide eyes as everyone else laughed. Turning to Drake she shook her head, “I’m blaming you for this.”
Drake laughed, his chest filled with happiness, “I will take all the blame! Now let’s go get hitched!”
Liam stood beside Leo as his best man with Olivia and Hana as the maids of honor, because why not have both? Maxwell stood beside Drake flanked by Riley and Savannah.
Their mothers were in the audience, and their best friends and siblings were standing by their side but as they stood in front of friends and family, the rest of the world faded away and there was just Leo and Drake.
Leo and Drake running through the palace gardens as children, Leo and Drake channeling their burgeoning feelings into competition and aggression on the soccer field, the polo field, and the fencing piste. Leo and Drake each struggling to make their own place in the world, all the while holding the other in the back of their minds, and the back of their hearts. Leo and Drake standing in the game room at the palace, both eager to give in to Liv’s dare and both denying that eagerness. Leo and Drake slowly giving in to their feelings as the physical attraction between them exploded and grew. Leo and Drake pushing each other away in a futile attempt to protect their hearts. Leo and Drake falling completely in love over the course of one magical year. Leo and Drake fighting to be together, Leo and Drake finally finding peace, love, and acceptance in the heart of the Walker family on a cattle ranch in the middle of west Texas.
And finally, Leo and Drake standing at the altar, ready to entwine their lives with each other permanently, completely, and irrevocably.
By the time they said “I do,” both men were in tears.
In almost no time at all, the ceremony was over, and the officiant was announcing, “Allow me to introduce, for the first time, Mr. and Mr. Drake and Leo Walker!”
Leo had decided to take Drake’s last name. Partly out of practicality. The Rys name was too recognizable. It was also too reminiscent of the years spent in a repressive environment. But mostly because, with the exception of Liam, he already felt more a part of Drake’s family, more loved, more accepted, than he had ever felt at home. Home. Cordonia was no longer that for him. Texas was home. The ranch was home. Drake was home.
Drake had promised not to smear cake on Leo’s face, but he did it anyway amidst cheers from the guests, the camera snaps from the photographer, and Leo’s laughter ringing out across the clearing. Leo returned the favor as Drake tried to dodge him, his own laughter shaking his whole body. He was happy. Happier than he had ever believed he could be.
Both men had overcome their own insecurities to be together. Both men had made sacrifices for love. Both men had allowed their walls to crumble. Both men had reached for happiness and found it, with each other. Nothing would ever come between them again. They had each other, and that was all that mattered. Happily ever after was theirs.
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choicesoctober · 11 months
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This week will also include the final half week. I’ll add to it as people contribute.
If I missed your’s please let me know and I will get it on the list. Same, if I missed reblogging your contribution. I have stumbled upon some by chance so please do let me know. Tumblr is tumblring.
Fic: Indigo Blood (ID, Cas x MC)
Fic: Hunger Pains pg-13 (OPH, Ethan x MC)
Art & HC: Marya Moonglory (Blades, OC)
Fic: Pumpkin Love (OPH, Tobias x MC)
Fic: Tricks and Treats (COP, Trystan x MC)
Edit: Better Luck Next Year (OPH, Tobias x MC)
HC: Halloweeen Costumes (Multi)
Fic: Duty & Pleasure (NB, Nik x MC)
Fic: Toward the Future (NB, Nik x MC)
Art: Conner x Tenebris (ILITW, Conner x MC)
Fic: Crimes Drabble (COP, Trystan x MC)
Fic: Blades Drabble (Blades, Nia x MC)
Art: Troy x Saeed (WTD, Troy x MC)
Intro: Neera Rose (COP, MC)
Edit: Meet My MC - Reese O’Malley (ID, MC)
Edit: Bianca & Co. as Choices Characters (HWU, Multi)
Edit: Meet My MC - Issac Vance (ILB, MC)
Edit: Lisa Valentine & Aria Sheridan (HWU, Multi)
Edit: Ethan Ramsey in my HC (OPH, Ethan)
Edit: More Jackie Redesigns!! (RCD, MC)
Fic & Art: Birthday (TRR, Drake x MC, OC)
Edit: Too Many Clothes (OPH, Ethan x MC)
Intro: Meet My MC - Arielle Park (PM, MC)
Edit: Lily Spencer (BB, Lily)
Fic: A Day Off (COP, Trystan x MC)
Art: Love & Respect (Blades, Mal x OC)
Edit: Nyx (Baldes, OC)
Edit: Nyx (Blades, OC)
Intro: Nyx Selenastra (Blades OC)
Fic: Nyx x Aerin (Blades, Aerin x OC)
Edit: Aerin Redesign (Blades, Aerin)
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twinkleallnight · 2 years
Hii 😍
I saw these pics for fall and thought of you. Maybe they’ll inspire a fic or an edit. Whatever your feel most comfortable with (no pressure 🥰)
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I know it's almost Christmas and I promised this one just "tomorrow" ( that was a week ago) but as suggested by few it's fall technically till 19 December and half of earth is still living in that date zone, here's this lovely ask , before it's too- too late.
Thank you @peonierose for these autumn pics that made me churn out a fluff with my OTP.
Previously the things that happened are mentioned in this fic I am thankful for... and Lilith's birth happened in the fic - the Nevrakis-Walker Christmas
It's Fall Y'all...
Book: TRR AU
Characters: Drake x Olivia and their daughter Lilith, Riley and her daughter Eleanor, Bianca. Mentioned: Liam, Maxwell.
Word count: 1,547
Disclaimer: All characters belong to pixelberry except Lilith
Rating: teens
Warning: fluff
1. prompt day 19 , take me home, by @choicesdecemberchallenge2022
2. your OTP takes a holiday trip. Holiday prompts @choicesficwriterscreations
3. Prompt 84. “You said not to buy you any gifts, so I made you one instead.” @choicesflashfics holiday prompt
4. Prompt 3 by @choicesflashfics “Ok, this whole thing you’re doing? I’m gonna need you to stop."
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The azure of the sky was speckled with fluff of the white clouds. The winds were calm and often let out a soft breath in the form of a breeze. The trees seemed to be changing their dresses in a shade brighter than last month’s.
On such a pleasant day, Drake was rocking softly in a hammock, tied between the two trees that stood on the way to the barn. The usually quiet ranch home was bustling with activities, this time of the year. The Cordonian royal family was on their annual trip to Texas along with Drake’s family. A feeling of bliss ran through his veins as he looked at all of them.
His mother, Bianca sat nearby on a picnic table knitting a sweater. His wife, Olivia was busy taming the fiery red mane of their daughter, Lilith and his best friend’s wife Riley was entangled with her daughter’s golden curls.
He took a deep breath and focused back on reading Maxwell’s latest release.
A week ago...
{ “You are seriously going to spend time reading this?” Olivia had asked him when they had packed their bags in Lythikos.
“I am curious to read what he has written about our children. I let him be when he wrote a one-sided story about us but I won’t let him do that to my kido.”
“What will you do?” Olivia had raised an eyebrow, challenging him.
“ I… I…I will tell you. You can handle that Beaumont better than me.”
Olivia threw a pillow at him. “Such a marshmallow!”
Drake had just smiled. He knew, the presence of his daughter in his life had mellowed him down so much. }
He was half way through the story of the Royal heir and it felt a nice walk down the memory lane, as he read about the shenanigans of their little ones described in the book.
A sudden babbling around the picnic table caught his attention. He knew the girls were getting ready for the evening fire pit party, but this time it was his mother’s turn to dress up, it seemed.
Bianca was protesting, squeezed in between Lilith and Eleanor. Her hands were pinned down by both the girls who were engrossed in colouring the nails of her wrinkled hands.
“Girls, I seriously feel this is not a good idea.” Bianca said the umpteenth time.
“Shhh”, Lilith seated to her right, reacted.
Bianca shut her eyes, “This is going to be so awkward. “Ellie,” She coaxed Riley’s daughter seated to her left, “You are the wise one. Can you not reason?” Eleanor just giggled and concentrated back at the work in hand.
Bianca gave a pleading look to Olivia and Riley sitting in front of her but they shrugged and continued scrolling through their cell phones.
“Drake!” She called out to her last resort.
“Have fun, mom!” He replied.
“No use.” Bianca gave out a heavy sigh. She had not indulged in any such girlie acts for years. ‘Since Jackson’ she thought. And now she had to give in to the persistence of the young girls.
Riley and Olivia went to the kitchen to get some snacks. By the time they came back Bianca’s nails were painted bright.
Lilith squealed. “Grandma, isn’t it a beautiful piece of art?”
Before Bianca could respond, Eleanor sitting on the other side affirmed, “It surely is.”
Lilith lifted her arms in excitement, “You are getting ready for Ellie and Lily’s party tonight!”
“For which, we still have few things to arrange.” Reminded Eleanor.
“Oh yes, excuse us please.” Lilith got up. “We need to catch hold of Uncle Liam for our next plan.”
“He is almost done with his meeting. You can meet him upstairs.” Riley informed them.
Lilith pulled Eleanor along with her as they rushed to the house.
“Bye, Uncle Drake.” Eleanor waved.
“Bye Dad!” Lilith screamed.
“See you soon.” Drake waved at them and walked down to join the rest of the ladies at the picnic table, sitting next to his mother.
Bianca rolled her eyes and smiled at their retreating figures, “She never gets tired, does she?”
“And she loves to party.” Drake dismissed.
“Unlike you two.” Riley moved her finger between Drake and Olivia.
“I wonder where she got it from?” Bianca pondered.
“Oh, you don’t know? She was conceived in Maxwell’s library.” Riley snickered.
Olivia glared at Riley while Drake looked away in embarrassment.
“That’s a ridiculous reason. Bianca made light of it, “Anyways, I love how these girls bring all the brightness and joy to my otherwise quiet home. I am thankful to all of you for spending fall with me here, every year. I don’t know what I would do without you.” Her eyes welled up.
Drake reached out to hold her hand and comfort her.
Riley assured her, “Aww, believe me, I and Liam look forward to this time of the year. It’s a nice break from the Cordonian court and a much needed family time for us.”
Bianca dabbed her eyes with her free hand.
“Mom?” Drake sought her attention, still holding and observing her right hand. “Your hands are looking so pretty with this colour. He lifted her hand to his lips and kissed.”
Amidst the tears, Bianca laughed and retrieved her hand from his to slap his shoulder.
“Let’s eat.” Olivia tried to distract them. She preferred giving a blind eye to the emotional moments.
The four of them settled down around the table to munch on some Nachos. As they were eating, they discussed their plans for the evening.
“Olivia, what’s on your menu ?” Riley asked.
“Chicken fried steak, Drake’s barbeque ribs, pecan pie…”
“I love the pie you make, Olivia” Bianca chimed in.
Drake and Olivia exchanged a knowing look, some old memories replaying in their eyes.
“When you make it everyday, you achieve that perfection.” Riley stated.
“Everyday? Why would Olivia make pie everyday?” Bianca gave them both a puzzled look while Olivia tried to elbow Riley.
But Riley seemed to be in an elated mood as she explained further. “The Thanksgiving, a year before their wedding, Olivia burnt down the whole kitchen, trying to cook for Drake.”
Bianca gasped and Olivia covered her face with her hand. Drake grimaced helplessly. ‘What’s wrong with you Riley?’ he thought. He knew Olivia won’t like the details spoken out. But what came next surprised him too.
“She decided to make pie every single day for the next 21 days.”
“Really?” Drake and Bianca asked in unison.
“But why?” Bianca questioned again.
Olivia understood that there was no backing off now. She sighed before revealing, “I read somewhere that if you repeat anything for 21 days, the habit gets well ingrained. I didn’t want to repeat my mistakes.
“Oh dear” Bianca sympathized.
Drake got up to sit besides her. He gave her a hug, “I am proud of you wifey. I wish you included me for those 21 days too. I can never get enough of your culinary skills.” He kissed her hair and gave Riley a stare.
“What was that for?” Riley asked innocently.
Drake retorted, “Ok, this whole thing you’re doing? I’m gonna need you to stop. Do you realize, you are acting a lot like Maxwell today?
Bianca commanded, “Stop nudging her, Drake. She is just sharing those childhood memories one has. They are always a bit funny for everyone to hear.”
“Yeah, and a tad embarrassing for the grown up child.” Drake fussed.
Olivia placed her hand on Drake’s thigh and he looked at her. It was her silent way of saying, ‘let it go.’ He smiled at her and leaned down to leave a peck on her cheek.
“Olivia,” Bianca grabbed their attention, “I have something for you.” She dug in her bag of yarn balls to pull out and place a pair of neatly knitted socks on the table. “You said not to buy you any gifts, so I made you one instead.”
Olivia kept looking at her dumbfounded.
“Mom, I hope you remember that Olivia is from Lythikos? More than her, your poor son needs all the wool to survive the Lythikan winters.” Drake made a puppy face.
Bianca waved off Drake with a smile and continued, “I had thought of giving it to you later, but this seems to be the right time. Give me your hands.”
Olivia stretched out her arms. Bianca placed the socks in her open palms and rested her hands over them.
“Olivia, you refined my son into a fine man. You gave me a beautiful granddaughter and you brought us all together. As a woman, I know what it takes to build up a cozy little family. Hope this pair of socks keeps you warm on those awful days when nothing seems to go right and reminds you that you will always be right.”
Olivia was definitely not prepared for this. She felt the moistness in her eyes and feared that it would spill over the brim. She just looked down at the socks in her hands and Bianca’s hands over them. “You know that nail colour looks really beautiful on you.”
Bianca swatted on her hands and they all laughed together.
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Tags: @3pawandme @alj4890 @angelasscribbles @bascmve01 @bebepac @busywoman @dcbbw @gkittylove99 @harleybeaumont @iaminlovewithtrr @karahalloway @kingliam2019 @lovingchoices14 @nestledonthaveone @neotericthemis @mom2000aggie @phoenixrising0308 @princess-geek @riseandshinelittleblossom @secretaryunpaid @sfb123 @sillydg @tessa-liam @tinkie1973 @txemrn @walkerdrakewalker @yourmajesty09
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It's Fall Y'all
Book: TRR AU Characters: Drake x Olivia and their daughter Lilith, Riley and her daughter Eleanor, Bianca. Mentioned: Liam, Maxwell. Word count: 1,547 Disclaimer: All characters belong to pixelberry except Lilith Rating: teens Warning: fluff By @twinkleallnight
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kaitycole · 4 years
Summary: Jackson thinks back to their last few months in Cordonia.
Word Count: 3620
Pairings: Constantine x Eleanor, Eleanor x Jackson, Jackson x Bianca
Warnings: Mentions of s*x, Mentions of adultery, Mentions of cheating, Betrayal, Mentions of divorce, Mentions of unplanned pregnancy, Mentions of panic attacks
A/N: Thanks to @sirbeepsalot every time I reference a flower I now check the symbolism. This is the site I’ve used if you want research the flowers mentioned :https://www.almanac.com/content/flower-meanings-language-flowers
Song Choice: They Don’t Have to Know by Tri Starr
Part 16 of WP. To catch up, read here.
Tag List: @fromthedeskofpaisleybleakmore​ @kingliam2019​ @texaskitten30​ @glaimtruelovealways​​ @bobasheebaby​​  @bascmve01​​  @burnsoslow​​  @the-everlasting-dream​​  @ao719​​  @sirbeepsalot​​  @janezillow​​  @i-bloody-love-drake-walker​​  @kimmiedoo5​​  @choices97​​ @marshmallowsaremyfavorite​​ @lodberg​​  @edgiestwinter​​  @marshmallowsandfire​​ @hopefulmoonobject​​ @iaminlovewithtrr​​  @cordonianroyalty​​  @rafasgirl23415​​  
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Panted breaths come from within the study, both Eleanor and Jackson stilling clinging to each other. They had originally planned to wait longer before sneaking around in the palace, limiting their interactions for at least a month, but both caved within two weeks of returning. Most of those two weeks were spent apart while Jackson was away from the palace, but it proved hard for the two to stay apart. The pull is practically magnetic between them;  it’s clearly obvious by the clothing littered from the closed door to the desk.
There’s a faint salty taste as Jackson kisses her neck, the scent of arousal surrounds them as they both slowly come down from their highs. A cold chill runs down her spine and he pulls her closer into his bare chest.
“I missed you.” She whispers into his ear, running her fingers through his hair. It’s gotten a little longer and she’s loves it.
“I missed you too, El.” His hot breath lingered on her skin as he mumbles the words in the curve of her neck. With a final kiss, the two pull apart and begin gathering their clothes from the floor.
“I could stay here all night,” she says as she finds herself in his arms again. Pulling on his shirt, she drags him back into her for a kiss.
“I agree, but I think we’d both be missed.” He chuckles as he kisses her back.
She lets out a sigh before giving him a small smile. They both look at each other, silently agreeing it was time to part ways. She squeezes his hand one last time before he slips out of the study.
As she stands there waiting, the reality of it all comes crashing down on her. That no matter how long you played pretend, eventually you have to go back to reality.
*                      * Before the king had gone to Portavira, he contacted several contractors to possibly work on Eleanor’s garden idea. It was originally an act of love, but now it was just another palace project to him. Just another way to leave a mark of his reign on the palace.
A few weeks after her return from Valtoria, Eleanor is finally working with the contractors to get the plans started. She welcomes the work load, anything to keep her mind off of her current situation.
“I think the hedge maze would look nice,” she spins around and then points, “over there.”
“There you are, dear.” Constantine comes up behind her, kissing her on the temple before wrapping his arm around her waist. “How are things going?”
“They are going fine.” A few of the workers notice her change in attitude and how she tries to slip out of his grip. It doesn’t go unnoticed by Constantine but he doesn’t speak on it.
“Which types of flowers are you thinking of adding?” He asks, walking over to see which design she picked.
“Yellow roses to the east, facing our suite and gardenias to the west. I haven’t figured out the rest.”
“Any particular reason for the type or location?” He raises an eyebrow.
“Blame it on my mood, I guess.” She shrugs before directing her attention back to one of the workers. No one in the palace has been safe from Eleanor’s sharp tongue; at first everyone chalked it up to being normal monarch stress, but lately she is entirely out of character. Usually if and when she ever snapped at anyone, she’d quickly apologize, but now she would publicly snap and then just walk away without so much as a second thought.
Constantine stands closest to Timothy and Bastien, the latter has been assigned to watch over the contractors in case of any accidents as Eleanor continues to rattle away demands.
”I prefer the Cherry Laurel for the hedging detail. Is that an option that we have?” She asks the man in charge of writing down the plants needed to be ordered.
“Yes, your majesty.” He quickly nods his head towards her.
She catches a quick glimpse of a shaggy brunette-haired guard walking into the courtyard. A quick blush covers her cheeks as she clears her throat to prevent a smile from spreading across her lips. The obviousness is caught by only the senior staff, who also try to discretely look at the king. His face is stoic and the only motion he makes is when Timothy leans down and whispers something; causing the king to just nod.
Jackson quickly scans around the courtyard, biting the inside of his cheek when he sees the king; the one person that he didn’t expect to see. He knows that he’s treading on thin ice, especially considering that he’s nowhere near his stationed spot for the day, but he wants to see her. She’s the only thing that has been on his mind as of late and he struggles to show restraint when it comes to staying away from her.
While rumors and gossip spun around between the servants and guards, it wasn’t reported to higher up as somewhat of an unspoken rule. So typically, Jackson didn’t have to  have a reason for wandering around the palace until he found Eleanor since no one too important was around. However, right now he needs to find a reason, but he can’t.
“Walker, fancy seeing you here.” Timothy hits the back of Jackson’s shoulder. He hadn’t seen much of his friend lately, but that was mostly due to assignments. Timothy has recently been in charge of training a few new guards to take over positions within the king’s guards. But he isn’t convinced that’s why he and his friend have been running in different circles.
“Ah, yeah,” Jackson nervously rubs the back of his neck. “Just looking to get some fresh air.”
Timothy scrunches his brows, “But this is in the opposite direction from where you’re stationed today?”
“A bit of exercise never hurt anyone.” He’s getting annoyed with Timothy real fast.
“You sure it wasn’t just to see the queen?” He nudges Jackson’s arm with his elbow.
“You really need to get a girlfriend.”
Timothy rolls his eyes as he walks back towards the palace. A quick look around shows that during his talk, the king had walked back over to Eleanor, who is looking in his direction.
“Officer Walker, afternoon.” She says, waving him over.
“Your highnesses,” he bows in front of Eleanor before turning to Constantine and bowing to him as well.
“Officer Walker.” Constantine says with a straight face, masking his irritation. He’s not oblivious at how one of his guardsmen is looking at his wife and what really pisses him off is at how he doesn’t seem to try and hide it. Constantine isn’t so out of touch that he didn’t know men’s eyes wander and he knows his wife is beautiful, but the lack of decorum is what eats at Constantine.
“Say, do you have any flower recommendations?” Eleanor looks over at Jackson, not seeming to care about whose eyes are watching.
“Me?” He looks around, making awkward eye contact with Constantine.
“The queen does seem to value your opinion. Surely you have some ideas for her flower garden.” For the first time Constantine shows his hand by giving Jackson a once over with a slightly disgusted look.
“What about Honeysuckle? The kids would enjoy it,” Jackson just shrugs. He really wasn’t sure if that was an appropriate choice, but he loved eating Honeysuckle growing up and felt the children would enjoy it as well.
“That’s a wonderful idea!” Eleanor smiles, turning to make sure the man wrote the suggestion down. Jackson couldn’t help but feel a small blush creep across his cheeks as she looks at him with her bright smile.
One of the newer guards walks up and whispers something to Constantine who then address his wife, “If you’ll excuse me.”
“Of course.” She smiles at him, but it doesn’t reach her eyes like the one towards Jackson does.
Constantine walks back towards the palace before stopping right next to Timothy, who has been standing near the entrance, “I take it everything is in place,  Timothy?”
“Yes, your highness.”
“Then I trust you know what to do.” Constantine takes one last look at the courtyard before heading to his office.
*                      * At first, the Walker-Rys affair is contained to their usual meet-ups on Fridays in the west-winged study of the palace; allowing their guilt to stay at bay. But as the weeks slip pass them, their courage grows and soon they both find themselves wanting variety. Eleanor begins to monitor Constantine’s schedules, aligning his meetings with times she can slip Jackson into her suite. There’s been several days where Jackson volunteers to pick up overnight guard shifts, allowing him the opportunity to sleep in the guards’ suite. That arrangement allows Eleanor to sneak over in the middle of the night without worry of being caught.
With Constantine away on business, Eleanor finds herself alone in the courtyard. The project is taking a bit longer than she originally thought it would, apparently being a reigning monarch can’t get you everything you want when you want it. She’s sitting on the same bench Constantine had sat on when he confessed he wanted to start fresh. Part of her felt guilty for what she was doing, she knew it was wrong. Not only morally, but also ethically. Yet and still, here she is, waiting for Jackson.
The sound of a small twig snapping brought her from her thoughts and she smiles. Jackson steps closer to her, holding something behind his back.
“What do you have?” She quickly gives him a kiss, trying to peak behind him, but he swiftly turns.
“You are awful when it comes to surprises.” He smiles, kissing her again.
It’s late, so she’s already taken her hair down, make-up off and is wearing a pair of jeans with a sweatshirt. This was the Eleanor that Jackson prefers, her just being her; not dolled up and on show.
“I am not.”
Rolling his eyes, he hands her the red tulips from behind his back. Instantly her face lights up and she throws her arms around him. He stumbles backwards a few steps before he’s able to regain his balance.
“I take it that you like them.”
“I love them.” She holds the flowers close to her face, “And I love you.”
“I love you too.”
It’s not the first time they’ve exchanged those three words, in fact it was after the first time that Jackson realized Eleanor is his soulmate. After that revelation, it became clearer to him why the affair was so easy for him. He knows that it’s wrong and that Bianca deserves better, but if he divorced her it could cause suspicious. Suspicious was the last thing that the palace needed and as selfish as it was, he didn’t want to risk losing what he and Eleanor had.
They find themselves in each other’s arms; a rush of adrenaline and arousal overtakes them both, caution thrown to the wind. They’re desperately tearing the others’ clothes away and pawing at bare skin. He gently lowers her to the ground; the cool evening grass sends goosebumps across her skin.
It’s not long before they are completely lost in the moment, lost in each other; forgetting all about their surroundings. It’s not until a flash appears that they both freeze, Jackson quickly pulling the queen into his chest to shield her.
“What was that?”
“Shh.” He places a finger on her lip before rolling her off of him. He sits up slightly, trying to look around when he sees another guard. He throws his shirt back on and sits up just enough, his lower half hidden behind some foliage.
“Everything okay?”
The man with the light turns, it’s Michael, “Walker? What the hell are you doing?”
“I just needed some air.” He discreetly pulls Eleanor’s sweatshirt to her.
“Did you hear anything? A few maids reported some kind of noise disturbance around here.”
Eleanor covers her mouth so she doesn’t laugh and Jackson just shakes his head.
“No, must’ve been some animal.”
“Alright, well I’ll head out.” Michael nods before turning and leaving. When he’s a safe distance away, Eleanor bursts out into a fit of laughter.
Quickly they finish dressing, speed walking hand in hand back to the palace.
“I can’t believe we almost got caught!” Eleanor says between laughs.
Jackson shakes his head once again, “You’re gonna be the death of me.”
*                      * Bianca lets out a deep sigh as she tightly grips her coffee mug; the heat radiating from the mug reddens hers palms as the morning sun warms her skin. Her mind is full of doubts and second thoughts regarding her husband. While the ball seems like just a distant memory, what she was told by a Duke is fresh in her head. Jackson had told her that he wasn’t sleeping with her, that it was just his job, but his words have lost their comfort.
At first, it was easy for her to believe him because in all their years together he had never given her reason to distrust him. His fluctuating attitude wasn’t helping put her to ease. For a while after the ball, he walked around al doom and gloom causing her to walk on eggshells around him. He acted as if something terrible happened, but nothing had changed on their end. Then when he decided to take a vacation he acted like a totally different man; he was an attentive husband and father.
But ever since her Texas trip, she can’t help but feel something was up. Maybe it was the gossip she heard about how the queen and king were sleeping in separate chambers or how Jackson was the only guard that went with the queen to Valtoria. What really didn’t help was Tonya’s projection of her situation on Bianca’s. Yes, the Walker marriage wasn’t ideal or originally an union of love, but it worked and that was mattered. But Tonya didn’t agree, saying that since Cash was Jackson’s friend there was a chance Jackson would do the same as Cash.
Bianca knows that she should just confront Jackson about her thoughts and fears, but she has seen him maybe a handful of times since he came back from Valtoria. First, he was sent to Applewood for a few weeks which she couldn’t fault him for but since then, he seems to never come home. Saying that it’s easier to just stay in the guard’s suite due to late night patrols which would’ve made sense, but Constantine had given Bastien and Michael the overnight shifts after Savannah was born to allow him to be home more. And the longer she tries to think about it, the more she tries to make sense of it, the more jumbled her thoughts become and the worse her headache gets.
She clicks the pen in her hand repeatedly; a divorce is an option, but the fine details make it more complicated. She wouldn’t want to stay at the cabin or even in Cordonia, but it isn’t just her feelings and wants that are to be considered. She has Drake and Savannah to think about, but remembering how happy they were running through Texan fields made her think moving just might be a good idea.
Over in the palace, a certain king is also clicking the top of a pen as he debates how to handle a very similar situation. He too has picked up on not only Eleanor’s but also Jackson’s attitude and behavior. At first, Constantine wanted to believe that maybe he was just being paranoid. That maybe he wanted to believe something was up so he had a reason to keep his heart closed off. Then another guardsman came to him with suspicion and everything became clear to him.
Unlike Bianca, Constantine couldn’t just file for divorce; there’s certain things that the royal family couldn’t just indulge in, divorce being one of them. They have been together too long for an annulment. Plus, if word of the queen’s less than discrete behaviors got out, Liam’s legitimacy could be called into question and he refuses to allow his wife’s choices to tarnish his son’s reputation. With all that said, he also wasn’t so sure she’d act as Liana did and leave her son, which would leave the throne unstable and Constantine in the same predicament as before.
Opening the third drawer on the right side of his desk he pulls out a thick manila envelope. He has a pretty good idea of what’s inside there or more so what’s on those photographs. He isn’t sure if the thickness and weight is from diligence or there was that much to report. He’s had it for weeks now, part of him hoping that he’d never have to open it; hoping that things could go back to before when they were both happy.
*                      * “Oh, do we have any of those sour lemon candies? The ones shaped like lemons?” Eleanor asks one of the servants placed the royal family’s dinner in front of them.
“If not, I will get some immediately.”
“Thank you.” She smiles sweetly as the servant bows.
Constantine snickers at the other end of the table, taking a sip of his wine. The boys and Olivia seem unfazed, going about their dinner as if the room is silent.
“What?” Eleanor cuts her eyes at her husband.
“It’s just the only time you ever wanted sour food or candy was when you were pregnant.” He stops, the weight on the word sitting on both of them, “Wait, are you?”
It feels like she sits there for hours, trying to do the math but failing. Time has nearly stopped completely, trying to see if there’s any way she could be. If there was a chance that it was either an heir or…or the product of adultery.
Constantine picks up on her hesitation, but remains stoic. With Liam, there wasn’t this kind of hesitation, she instantly knew the answer, but here she just sat; almost horrified. Had their intimate affairs been within the window needed? He had asked her once before to explain how she kept track, but when she said to counted certain days and excluded other, he became lost.
Eleanor sits there, “I...” Could I be?
“Are you okay, Momma?” Liam asks, picking up on her unease.
“Of course, sweet boy.” She scrunches up her nose, making a funny face at her son, “I’ll be back in just a moment. If you’ll excuse me.”
The king watches as his wife all but runs out of the dining room. Before when the prospect of an heir was mentioned, he was all but full of joy. The idea of more children was never what he planned, but he warmed up to the idea. Eleanor warmed him up to the idea, but now, he has a sinking feeling there won’t be much joy this time around.
There’s a wave of sickness that washes over her as she rushes down the halls. Her head starts to spin and ache as she feels sick. She wasn’t sure if it was sudden morning sickness or if the queasiness came from her fear.
Quickly, she ducks into her suite; rushing into her bathroom. When her and Constantine became intimate, long before her trip to Valtoria, she had her servants to buy a couple pregnancy tests. Her hands tremble as she rips open the pink foil, the plastic test in her hand feels heavier than she remembers.
*                      * Jackson steps out of the guards’ suite and quickly sees the queen pacing just a few feet away from the door. He’s unsure why, the watch on his wrist tells him that she should be at dinner.
“El?” His voice is barely above a whisper, but she hears him.
“Jacks—” She can’t finish before she’s in tears; her eyes raw and red. She rushes over to him, throwing her arms around him as he rubs his hand across her back.
“What’s wrong?” He tries pulling her back so he can look at her, but she clings to him. Her tears soaking the fabric that covers his shoulder. All of her actions are out of character for the queen, but he knows something is seriously wrong. She has never clung on to him like this, in such an intimate way in a very public setting.
Eleanor tries to speak but all that comes out are half choked out sounds. She’s practically shaking like a leaf, he’s never seen her this shaken up or scared before and he is panicking. Jackson knows that they aren’t safe there, there’s nothing stopping anyone from walking in on their embrace. Carefully he walks backwards and pulls her around the corner, secluding them from prying eyes and concealing them from potential scandal.
“El, I need you to talk to me. You’re scaring me.” He walks closest to one of the couches, pulling her off of him and helping her sit down. She’s finally leveling out her breathing when she looks up at him, tears pooling heavily in her eyes.
“Two…two lines…” Her breathing picks back up and she’s a mess all over again. Wringing her hands together as she tries to catch her breath.
“Two lines? Eleanor, you aren’t making sense.”
With shaking hands, she pulls the tests out of her pocket and hands them to him; she had taken four of them. He looks at them, unsure of how to act and he feels himself unable to breathe. The unsureness of what this meant left him with a mixture of fear and unease.
**A while ago I wrote some character profiles, you can read them here.
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msjr0119 · 4 years
WIP 01/04/20
Thanks for the tag @loveellamae @pedudley @kacie-0156 @annekebbphotography 😘😘😘
Okay, so I’m going to be quiet for the next few days as I’m back at work - it’ll give you all some peace and quiet 😆
I’ve mainly been working on my new series because during self isolation for the last two weeks I basically wrote the full series as a draft form. But in between I have been working on other series.
Ps... if you’ve tagged me in anything I will catch up Friday night 🇬🇧 time ❤️🥰😘
The Unexpected Roommate
Riley arrived at Macy’s bang on eleven am. Usually she would arrive early, punctuality was important to her. On her way there, her mind was in a daze- flashbacks of her rendezvous with Drake wouldn’t disappear.
Noticing her friend waiting outside, she knew Olivia was about to berate her.
“I thought that you’d ditched me for Walker’s cock.” Feeling the blush appear on her face, she didn’t want this conversation to elaborate.
“Not now, Liv.”
“Seriously, Riley. Why him?”
“He’s a good fuck, I suppose?” Olivia shuddered at the thought. Not wanting to think about her arch-enemy any longer, she changed the subject.
“You know, Liam is coming back for the wedding.”
“Well I hope so, he’s the grooms brother.” She responded sarcastically- just wishing that they could go inside, choose a dress and leave.
“Obviously. But he’s single.” Nudging her friend, she would do anything to see her happy- anything apart from push her towards Drake.
”Olivia. Stop right there. I’m not interested in Liam. I never was.”
We Belong
“Mrs Walker.”
That will be you soon, Liam whispered in her ear.
I’ll be the better Mrs Walker, your Majesty. Winking at him, they both laughed hoping that she didn’t hear them.
“Evangeline. Your Majesty. Where are my children? I need them.”
“Why did you go on a hunger strike Bianca?” Liam asked in an authoritative tone of voice. He was a busy man- he didn’t have time to pussyfoot around the woman who clearly wasn’t sane.
“I feel empty without my children... I need them. I don’t want to die.”
“Maybe you should have thought about that before? You’ve caused too much hurt for everyone! You could have killed Evie!” Evie placed her hand on to Liam’s arm, her eyes pleaded with him to calm down- she was grateful for him defending her. But he didn’t need to waste another single breath on her.
“I’m sorry Evie...” Pausing she noticed the jewellery on her left hand. “Are you wearing Pats ring?”
“Yes, myself and Drake are engaged. We love each other, and you are not going to hurt us anymore.”
“Bianca, I will try and get your ‘children’ to say goodbye to you. Your sentencing is scheduled for next week. I’ll see you prior to that.”
“Liam, please. I need them. They need me.”
“They’ve done well without you. Savannah has Bertrand and Bartie. Drake has Evie. Goodbye Bianca.” Liam held his hand out towards Evie, encouraging her to leave with him.
“Evie, stay with me.”
“It’s fine Liam, I won’t be long..” Kissing her on the cheek, she noticed that Liam had left the door open slightly ajar. Mainly to have access to barge in for any emergency.
“Convince Liam to release me and drop the sentencing. I’ll do whatever I need to do. I’ll support you all. You’re going to be family. My family. Please. I’ll stop drinking. I’ll get help.”
“It’s not Liam that you have to convince. It’s myself. As well as the council. I was ready to help you, then you maliciously informed me about my miscarriage. You show no remorse for anything that you have done or continue to keep doing. My parents took in your children for months. How do you repay them? By killing them. How do you repay the royal family for taking over my parents roles? Attempting to kill them all.”
“I am so sorry. I don’t deserve anything, please reconsider my life. If it was Drake with your parents what would you want him to do?”
“Don’t bring my parents in to this. They were good people! I was already saving your life, it was the council that wasn’t. I wanted to help you because you are the mother of the man that I love. You took my parents away from me, as well as our chance of being parents. I’ve got nothing more to say to you Bianca.” Reaching out to her, she held onto Evie’s hand with a tight grip. Bianca needed to tell someone. Anyone. The thing that had made her go crazy in the cold damp cell.
“Evie... I saw Jackson. At the wedding.”
“So you was drunk? The only person who can help you, is yourself. You have a week to prove that. You need help if you are seeing your deceased husband.”
“I wasn’t drunk! I heard his voice. He was there! I swear!”
One Temptation
“I spy with my little eye- baby daddy running down the stairs.” Riley looked towards the stairs leading up to the hotel lobby, as Maxwell said this- her heart fluttered seeing him.
“Let’s get out of here, I’m taking you home. See you at home Max, I won’t be long.”
“Oh I have a date. I’m not sure if I’ll be home tonight. See ya later guys.”
“I’m going to shoot too. Shall we meet up one day? For lunch? All of us?” Drake and Riley agreed with Leo’s suggestion. Standing close to the edge of the kerb, Drake hailed a cab for the two of them.
“Do you want some company? I’ll let Gill know where I am.” A smile crept on to his face, informing the driver of the address- he sat next to her, reaching for her hand she accepted. Their fingers intertwined, both feeling content within each other’s company.
“You look handsome in a suit by the way. Why didn’t you wear the full suit inside?”
“It was far too warm. It’s not my style. You know me, I’m just a casual kind of guy.”
“You’re my kind of guy... excuse me, I’ve got a text.”
Don’t worry about it babe, I’m actually on a date anyway- with a very young handsome man.
“What’s up?” Drake asked concerned.
“Oh, nothing. Gill is on a date tonight, so probably wouldn’t have been in anyway.”
Tags- Just tagging combined tag list, if you want to play along ☺️
@yukinagato2012 @burnsoslow @i-bloody-love-drake-walker @cordonianroyalty @kingliam2019 @bascmve01 @texaskitten30 @kimmiedoo5 @walker7519 @lodberg @cmstella @addictedtodrakefanfic @hopefulmoonobject @queenjilian @addictedtodrakefanfic @ladyangel70 @nikkis1983 @liamxs-world @rafasgirl23415 @notoriouscs @rainbowsinthestorm @jared2612 @desireepow-1986 @twinkle-320 @bebepac @drakewalkerisreal
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princepotatosack · 3 years
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choices + pink dresses💖 (part 3!)
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angelasscribbles · 1 year
In Your Room Chapter 11: Oh Mother
Series: In Your Room
Fandom: TRR                    
Pairings: Leo x Drake
Rating: PG
Warnings for this chapter: A couple of F-bombs, that's it
Song Inspiration for the series: In Your Room by The Bangles
Word Count: 1,163
My other stuff: Master List.
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The woman’s voice trembled as she asked tentatively, “You remember me?”
“Yes…” her image was etched into his memory. Her face had a few more lines in it now, but it was still the face from his earliest memories, as well as the face in the well worn photo of her he carried in his wallet. But it wasn’t just her appearance. The lilt in her voice and the faint scent of jasmine that wafted to him on the breeze pulled him back through the years to the palace nursery, bedtime stories and hugs that could make the worst booboos better and the scariest dreams fade into oblivion. Until one day she had just been gone and nothing had been truly okay since. Not until Drake’s love had started to heal him.
His heart began to race, and the roar of his own blood was deafening in his ears. “What are you doing here?” he choked out.
“I…I just wanted to see you…” tears welled up in the woman’s eyes, “I didn’t mean to disrupt your wedding! I’m so sorry!”
“This is your mother?” Bianca’s mouth fell open.
“Yeah,” Leo nodded, his mouth dry. So many emotions fell through him in that moment. Joy, loss, pain, anger, sadness, curiosity, wonder, amazement. He asked the one question that he’d wanted to ask for over twenty years, “Where have you been?”
“I…” she sniffed as she glanced at the people surrounding them, “Can we go somewhere more private?”
“Come on, let’s all go into the house,” Bianca directed as she patted Leo gently on the shoulder.
Leo responded to her touch, and her directions, turning and making his way into the house without question. Bianca whipped her phone out and sent a text to her son. On the way into the house, she sent a server to bring iced tea to the living room.
By the time the tea made it to them, so had Drake. He rounded the corner in a panic, “What’s wrong?”
Bianca intercepted him, “Drake, this is Leo’s mother.”
“What?” He froze in place, gaping at the scene in front of him.
Despite the gravity of the situation, Leo laughed, “I don’t think I’ve ever seen Drake Walker at a loss for words before.”
“Sorry!” Drake shook himself out of it and hurried to take a seat next to his almost husband. He took Leo’s hand in his own. His copper eyes traced Leo’s face with concern, “Are you okay?”
“Mm, hm,” Leo nodded as he wiped a tear from his cheek, “Just in shock a little I guess.” Turning to the woman seated across from him, he said, “I never thought I’d see you again. I’d given up hope.”
Helena dropped her head into her hands and started to cry.
Bianca moved to the couch next to her and wrapped an arm around her shoulders.
“I’m sorry,” Helena lifted her head to give Bianca a grateful look, “I promised myself I wasn’t going to cry! Today isn’t about me!”
“No, it’s not,” Drake affirmed, “So why did you pick today, of all days, to show up?”
“I just wanted to see my baby boy get married. I wanted to make sure he…” she hiccupped a little through her sobs, “…was happy…”
“I am happy,” Leo assured her, “but I would have been a lot happier a long time ago if I’d had a mother.”
“I know…I’m sorry….your father…he wouldn’t…he said I couldn’t…he…”
The anger whooshed out of him as Leo stared at her, horrified, “Constantine wouldn’t let you see me, would he?”
She shook her head no.
“That fucker! I knew it!” Leo was on his feet, pacing.
“Yeah…but…” Drake looked back and forth between them, “Leos been an adult for a while now. Why didn’t reach out sooner?”
“I tired! When he was at college a few times, but the guards wouldn’t let me through! I sent letters but I…I’m guessing you never got them?”
“All my mail was screened…”
“And your personal number was unpublished.” Drake finished for him.
“I was in the crowd in Paris when you gave that speech about climate change,” she smiled proudly through her tears, “You were so passionate about it!”
“You were there?” Leo felt tears pool in his own eyes again, but for an entirely different reason.
She had followed his career. She had tried to contact him. She had never forgotten him nor abandoned him willingly. And he should have known. He should have looked for her. It was just one more thing his father had taken from him.
As if reading his mind, Drake’s voice cut through his self-recrimination, “You didn’t know, Leo.”
“Of course, I was there!” Helena nodded, “I wanted to be there for so much more, Leo! I never wanted to leave you behind! I made a mistake! I didn’t realize that when I decided to leave Constantine that he would keep you from me! I really thought we would split custody and-“
Leo was suddenly across the room and in her arms. Bianca moved off the couch to give them room as they clung to each other and cried together.
Bianca pulled Drake to the side, “I’ll go let the guests know the wedding will start late. I think they need a minute.”
“Yeah, thanks, mom,” Drake brushed a kiss on her cheek before turning his attention back to Leo, “I’m staying in case he needs me.”
“I wouldn’t expect anything less from you, son.”
Leo and his mother spent the next twenty minutes trying to catch up on all the missing years.
“Hey, babe,” Drake finally interjected, “Should we reschedule the wedding?”
“What?” Leo looked up, startled, “Why?”
“Um…” Drake’s eyes traced from Leo to Helena and back again, “So you can deal with this.”
“I didn’t mean to derail your wedding!” she protested, “I just wanted to be here!”
The press had reported his engagement to another man three months ago, but the man had been unidentified and Leo’s location unknown. Drake’s name had been leaked two weeks ago. She’d hired a private detective who had delivered the address of the ranch and the date of the wedding yesterday.
She hadn’t known if he’d want to see her. She thought she could slip in and watch from the back. She hadn’t counted on security at the gate.
“You’re fine,” Leo grinned at her, “I’m glad you’re here. It makes this day even more perfect!” His father was never keeping them apart again. “Please stay after so we can talk some more?”
“I’d like nothing more!” she agreed.
Leo stood and pulled Drake into his body with a smirk, “You’re not getting out of this that easy, Walker! We’re getting hitched!”
Surprised laughter bubbled out of Drake, “Hitched? Did you just say hitched?”
“Yeah…I’m a real Texan now, boy! Yee Haw! Let’s go get hitched!”
Drake swatted Leo on the backside as he followed him out of the room, “Try and fucking stop me!”
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lady-nightbloom · 5 years
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Why is my “aunt” Bianca Walker in Bloodbound MC’s clothing
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bobasheebaby · 5 years
Opia- Monsters chapter 4
Pairing: Olivia x Emma (MC); Olivia x Liam
Word count: 2,082 Warnings: Evil Liam, Evil Olivia, child abuse, infected wound, sword (knife) violence, blood, wound treatment Summary: Olivia and Liam take Emma to their hotel. A/N: More evil Liam. This one is severely twisted. This is a collaboration with @sirbeepsalot, so hang onto your seats.
Series warnings: Evil Liam, Evil Olivia, child abuse, character death, abuse, knife violence, blood, unhealthy sexual situations, NSFW content to come. By asking to be tagged you acknowledge you are at least 18 years of age.
Let one of us know if you want on or off the taglist.
Disclaimer: We only own our OC’s, the rest we are just borrowing from PB.
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Opia: the ambiguous intensity of looking someone in the eye, which can feel simultaneously invasive and vulnerable.
The trio was quiet as the elevator slowly lifted them to the hotel’s penthouse. Liam glanced at Olivia and Emma, surprised at how put together they looked for having just killed a man.
He shouldn’t be surprised. At this point, they were essentially professionals. They could make a killing off of murder for hire assignments if they didn’t have a country to run.
The elevator stopped and they stepped out into the sitting room of their suite. Emma looked around wide eyed as she took in the room, her swollen lips parted slightly in awe. “This is the nicest place I’ve ever been,” Emma said as she ran her fingers along the petals of a deep red cyclamen. She turned her head to look at Liam and Olivia, who were by the door watching her with smiles on their faces. “You have the whole floor to yourselves?”
“We do,” Liam said as he slipped off his jacket. “Are you hungry? I can order room service while you freshen up. Olivia?”
“I’m fine. Emma, darling, what would you like to eat?”
Emma tapped her fingers on her arm. “I’m not sure. What are my options?”
“We’re at the most exclusive hotel in New York City. They have whatever you want.” Liam paused before turning to Olivia. "I'm going to order you a bowl of chicken soup." He met her eyes, the meaning of his statement clear: you will eat what I order you. He looked to Emma, flashing her a smile. "It's her favorite item on the menu."
“Liam, I’m fine.” Olivia said through gritted teeth. “Order something for yourself and Emma.”
The room was quiet while Olivia and Liam glared at each other. Emma shifted her weight nervously; it was the first time she had seen something other than complete devotion and love between them. Her discomfort led her to break the silence. “Chicken soup sounds good. I need a bath.”
“I’ll join you,” Olivia said before turning and guiding Emma to the master suite. She shot Liam a quick glance; he knew exactly what it meant: don’t fuck this up like you fucked things up with Juliet.
Emma entered the opulent bathroom and turned on the bath while Olivia collected her toiletries from her room. She handed a bag of vanilla scented bath products to Emma before perching her frail body on the sink. “Aren’t you going to bathe?”
“I am. I thought you were going to join me. We’re both pretty gross after … ” she trailed off, unable to say the words we killed Trey.
Olivia looked down before sliding off the countertop. She walked up to Emma and slowly started picking at the buttons on her shirt. “You are an amazing woman to take your life back from that asshole. I can’t wait to learn more about you.”
Emma stepped back from Olivia’s hands and pulled her shirt closed. “I’m not amazing. I’m just trying to survive. I fell for sweet talk once … as much as I like and appreciate you and Liam, I don’t want to make the same mistake twice.”
Olivia ran her thumbs under her eyes to wipe away stray tears. There was something about Emma that she couldn’t put her finger on but she knew she was different. Maybe it was written in the stars or in their eyes as they worked together to free her from Trey, but it was something special. It was something she didn’t want to fuck up.
“I understand. It is hard to trust others. I’ll leave you to bathe. I should have Liam address this wound on my chest.”
Emma's eyes followed Olivia’s hand as she gestured to her chest, where her right breast had an open bite wound around the nipple. Blood had soaked into what was left of her silk shell as the skin screamed red and angry. She felt heartbroken; Olivia had allowed Trey to violate her and she simply pushed her away.
Her hand reached forward and clasped Olivia’s as she turned to leave. “I need time … just know that I think you are pretty amazing too.”
“Thanks, Emma. I really need to have this looked at. Liam gets worried when I have open wounds.” She looked down and cupped her breast, shifting it up and to the side to get a better look at the damage. “There is a robe in the bedroom. I’ll see you when you finish.” She gave her hand a gentle squeeze before leaving the bathroom and softly closing the door.
She has to be okay.
His feet moved at warp speed as he raced through the halls towards the Walker residence.
She can’t leave me. I can’t do this on my own.
Liam didn’t allow himself to catch his breath before he was banging on the door. He was terrified of what his punishment would be for getting Olivia help; he’d been told she was fine and to stop his constant cries for attention. His parents would be angry when they returned but he didn’t care. Olivia was all he had in this world. If she died, he didn’t think he’d ever forgive himself for failing her so horribly.
It was his fault she was sick. He’d begged until the young orphan was allowed to move to the Palace. He didn’t understand why they had been so reluctant to take her in—she was younger than him and left all alone. She would have been safer by herself.
The first time he was ever physically struck was a few days after she moved in with them. He took it with gritted teeth, believing that as long as she was safe they could punish him however they wanted. It was when he found her sporting the same bruises that he’d learned he wasn’t doing her a favor at all. She had also become a victim of their abuse.
He continued to hammer his fist against the solid oak door, panicked about why no one answered. He knew he didn’t have the luxury of being calm or patient; each minute counted. His foot drew back before slamming into the door. His hands curled into fists as he readied them for another barrage of hits. He couldn’t give up when she really needed him.
Finally, after what felt like an eternity, the door flew open. Bianca’s brown eyes were wide with surprise as she tried to close the robe haphazardly wrapped around her body. “Liam, what’s wrong?”
“It’s Livvy, she’s worse!” He said as tears streaked down his face. They had promised she’d be fine but she had only gotten sicker. He knew this would likely earn him the worst punishment he’d ever gotten, but he had to do something to try to save her. “She needs a doctor! I think she’s dying!”
Bianca hesitated at the door, her eyes looking back at her sleeping children. She suspected what happened and knew the risk of defying the King and Queen’s orders. She couldn’t turn a blind eye any longer; a child might be dying. She pulled her robe snug around the slight swell of her stomach as she stepped out into the hallway and shut the door. She raced down the marble halls behind the young prince and prayed they could get her help in time.
Bianca gasped as she took in the small girl. Her crimson hair soaked in sweat and clinging to her face. Her pale skin was as white as the sheets covering her shivering form. She knew the abuse was bad, but she never thought it would ever get this bad. Her heart broke as she rushed forward, her hand grazing Olivia’s forehead. She pulled her hand back quickly as though she’d been burned; her skin felt like it was on fire. “How did this happen?”
Liam shifted uncomfortably on his feet. It was one thing to get her help, but another to tell her how she got sick. You have to tell her. Livvy could die otherwise.
“She—she was cut.”
“Cut?” Bianca questioned. Surely he doesn’t mean ...
“Here.” He gestured to a spot on the left side of his ribs. “With a sword.”
Oliva walked across the penthouse to find Liam changing into his pajamas in one of the other bedrooms. He looked up and smiled as she crossed the threshold. “I thought you and Emma were tak--”
“--Three things,” she said, her voice tight. “First, don’t challenge me on food in front of others. You know better.”
Liam watched her quietly while he waited for her soul to settle. “Livvy, I haven’t seen you eat all day. You will eat when I say you eat. I refuse to watch you starve yourself to death after all we’ve been through.”
She didn’t respond and instead sat on the bed and waved her hand over her chest. “This needs attention. It might need stitches.” She laid down on the bed and watched as Liam went to his luggage and pulled out a small leather case.
“Let me see,” he murmured as he snapped on a pair of latex gloves. Olivia bit her lip as he started cleaning the wound with an antiseptic wash. “So … he did this?” He looked over to see Olivia’s eyes closed, a small smile on her face.
“You should have seen what we did to him. I’ll tell you once you fix me.”
Liam’s feet were rooted to the ground in fear as he watched his father take the requested sword from the servant. He wanted to intervene but he couldn’t let his presence be known; it would only make things worse for her in the end.
“You don’t play with swords.” Constantine growled, his eyes shining with rage as he watched the light refract off the edge of the smooth, sharp blade.
“It wasn’t real.” Olivia whimpered. She realized her mistake too late as his palm struck her face. Tears sprang to her eyes as she fought them back. She never cried. Nevrakis don’t cry.
“Fake or not, you don’t play with weapons.” His blue eyes flashed as his hand slashed the blade across her side.
Olivia cried out in pain as her hands clutched her side; she refused to let the impending tears fall.
“Next time I catch you with a sword you will get worse.” Constantine turned to a servant. “Take her back to her room and don’t allow her to change or dress the wound. I want this to serve as a lesson.”
“Yes sir.” The servant gulped as she carefully took the small girls blood smeared hand in hers.
Liam clenched his small hands into fists as he fought to remain silent. She was his to protect and all he ever did was continue to fail her. I’ll do better, I promise.
“I don’t think you need stitches but I’m going to glue it and tape it up. It’s not deep--it just looks bad.” He worked slowly to repair the damaged tissue, gasps spilling from Olivia’s lips each time he touched her. He smirked as he saw her hand travel between her legs. “You like that, don’t you?”
“Shut up,” she said as she stroked herself, her body already overstimulated from Trey’s assault. She focused on the warmth in her pelvis and the cool burn of the wound as Liam cleaned and bandaged her up. She was taking the experience back for herself.
Bianca gulped, her hands shaking as she lifted the sheet and gingerly pulled up Olivia’s nightgown. The air left her lungs as hot tears pricked at her eyes as she saw the large gash covering the small girls ribs. The wound was obviously infected. The skin red, angry, inflamed, with green spreading outward from the cut.  She couldn’t believe anyone could ever treat a child like this. She felt like she was going to be sick.
“Please save her,” Liam said, his voice small and childlike and nothing like the prince she knew.
Bianca nodded. “We’ll get her help--she’ll be okay.”
Please, Lord, let her be okay.
"When do I get to hear what happened?" Liam asked as he packed away his supplies.
Olivia stretched as she sat up on the bed. "Depends. You want the short or long story?"
"Hmm," Liam breathed as he walked back to stand between Olivia's legs. He palmed himself as he realized he needed release now. "Short story. I can't wait."
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adder-lykel · 5 years
@ Leona Maybe if you had a fucking country you were passionate about you would know what it takes to run a fucking country but you don’t
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harleybeaumont · 2 years
Love Me The Way I Am- Book 2
Chapter 10 - I’m Gonna Love You Forever
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Book- TRR AU
Pairings - (main) Maxwell x MC (Harley),  Drake x Liam, Bertrand x Savannah
Synopsis- Maxwell and Harley have finally confessed their feelings for one another and are ready to begin the next chapter of their lives as a couple. But what obstacles will they encounter on their journey? And what comes next?
A/N- This story has a few events from TRR, but mostly it’s all out the window. Harley is my character who is based off of Riley.
Series Warnings - language, drinking, medical issues, violence, sensuality, lemons - NSFW.
Chapter Warnings- NSFW (lemons) 🍋 🍋 🍋
Word Count- 2,000
18+ only
Click to catch up on past chapters or read Love Me The Way I Am - Book 1.
Song Inspiration: Forever and Ever, Amen by Randy Travis
***This is the last chapter of Book 2, but God help me, I'm writing book 3 now! It may take a while, as I’m also trying to wrap up a couple other series I’m also working on, but it’s in progress. At this rate I’ll be writing Max and Harley until the end of time! Lol
The next book will be a little different as it will show Drake and Liam and their struggle, Max and Harley will have some new complications arise, and I’ll also be exploring more of the darker things that have happened leading up to, and after The Homecoming Ball. But Maxwell and Harley will still be the main focus.Thanks to everyone who likes, comments, and reblogs my story. It makes me want to keep writing, when I know I’m not the only one who enjoys it! ❤️
Chapter 10 - I’m Gonna Love You Forever
During their time at the ranch, the seven friends felt as if they were finally able to relax. They played with baby animals, rode horses, and swam in the lake. Hana was even enjoying a fling with a girl she met at the bar.
One morning as Maxwell watched Harley and Bumble sneak out to play with the newborn calves, an idea struck him. He ran down to the kitchen where everyone was helping prepare breakfast. 
“I'm gonna do it!” Max yelled, and everyone turned to look at him curiously.
Bertrand gasped, “When?!”
“Tonight! I have a plan, but I need everyone's help.”
Drake finished loading up his plate and sat at the table. “It would help if we actually knew what you were talking about.”
Maxwell looked around carefully to make sure Harley was still outside, “I'm gonna.. propose to her.”
Hana screamed and Liam smiled broadly, “That's great Maxwell.”
Bianca clapped him on the back. “Aww, honey! I could tell you had something on your mind since you got here!”
Hana finally managed to regain her composure, “Oh my god! That's so exciting! What can we do!?”
Maxwell shimmied back and forth nervously. Drake laughed, “Beaumont, are you stress dancing over this? You know how she feels about you.”
“I'm freaking out! What if I mess this up?! What if she says no?!” Maxwell’s breathing became erratic and he began pacing back and forth through the kitchen.
Hana grabbed his shoulders, “Maxwell, relax!” She grinned conspiratorially, “She's going to say yes.”
His eyes widened. “But, how do you know?!”
She looked at him and chuckled; he wasn't getting it. “I'm not saying anything else.. what's your plan?”
After breakfast, Bianca found Harley in the barn cuddling with one of the calves. “Hey sugar, can you help me with something?”
Harley, Savannah, and Bianca went into town to go grocery shopping. Harley was trying not to show her boredom as Bianca spent hours looking down each aisle at almost every product. 
Savannah nudged her arm, “Harley why don't we go sit down at the Starbucks while mum finishes her shopping.” Bianca winked at Savannah while they walked away. 
Once they ordered and sat down, Harley blew out an exhausted breath, “Your mom sure likes to shop, huh?”
Savannah giggled, “Um, yep!”
They sipped their coffee in contended silence. “So Harley.. There's actually something I've been meaning to talk to you about.”
“What's up?”
Savannah looked down shyly, “Do you think Bertrand’s happy being with me? He says he is, but do you think he's actually happy?”
Harley smiled, “Savannah, I have seen a completely different Bertrand since you and Bartie came into his life. I know I've only known him for a little more than a year, but he's definitely happy. You and Bartie make him a better person, and he knows it.”
Savannah blushed, hiding a smile behind her coffee cup. “Thanks. I sometimes worry about not being good enough. You know, not being noble or anything..”
Harley sighed, “I get that. I'm a nobody from New York, but somehow Max still wants to be with me. I think when you really love someone, nothing else matters.”
Savannah smiled, “You're absolutely right.”
By the time they returned to the Walker Ranch, the sun was beginning to set. Harley had barely heard from Max all day. The last text he sent her said they were all doing chores. She giggled as she imagined Bertrand mucking out the stables. 
Bianca shooed Harley up the stairs. “Now you go on up and get changed for dinner!”
Harley looked down at the jeans and t-shirt she was wearing, “Oh, are we doing something formal tonight?”
“I forgot to tell you, we’re all dressing up and eating dinner outside tonight!” Bianca smiled at her as Harley headed upstairs. “Now go get all prettied up!”
Harley noticed that nobody was around when she got upstairs, but figured everyone must already be outside for dinner. She touched up her makeup and changed into the red lace dress that Hana made for her. She spritzed on her favorite perfume and headed downstairs.
When she entered the living room, she looked around, “Helloooo?” No answer. She made her way outside onto the grandiose back patio and looked around. Are they messing with me?
Harley noticed lights coming from the barn and slowly made her way over. She cracked open the large, wooden door and peeked in. The inside had been transformed with flowers and fairy lights strung around the room. All the animals were gone. She stepped inside curiously and looked around. In the center of the room she saw a small table with a bouquet of red tulips. She smiled brightly. Aww, Maxwell. 
As she reached out and gently touched the tulips, a song she recognized began playing softly- “Forever and Ever, Amen.” She whirled around as she heard someone enter the barn behind her. Maxwell was dressed in the navy blue tux that she loved so much. She bit her lip and smiled as he held out his hand to dance with her. 
“What are you up to?” She beamed at him as they danced together in the empty barn.
He looked down shyly and smiled, but didn't say a word. Harley lay her head on his shoulder and closed her eyes as they danced together. 
 Maxwell's heart was pounding in his chest. He had checked a hundred times, but was still worried that the ring wasn't in his pocket. It's there, chill out! Breathe! Calm down! He looked down at Harley laying her head against him. She looked beautiful. 
The song played: “..As sure as I live,
 this love that I give, 
is gonna be yours until the day that I die..”
He closed his eyes and sighed happily, enjoying the familiar feeling of her body against his. He breathed in the scent of her hair and perfume that both excited and comforted him each time he was near her. He kissed the top of her head.
“..If you wonder how long I'll be faithful, 
I'll be happy to tell you again. 
I'm gonna love you forever and ever, forever and ever amen.”
Maxwell lifted his arm and spun her and she giggled.
“.. they say time can play tricks on the memory,
make people forget things they knew.
 It's easy to see, it's happening to me..”
Max sang the next part aloud as he dipped her: “..I've already forgotten every woman but you!”
Harley giggled, “so smooth!”
He held her tightly again and his stomach filled with butterflies as he realized the song was coming to a close. He heard Harley’s sweet voice sing along,
“..I’m gonna love you, forever and ever,
Forever and ever, forever and ever,
Forever and ever, amen..”
She pulled back and smiled, “This was so sweet Max.”
He took a deep breath to calm his nerves and reached into his pocket. Thank God it's still there. His heart was pounding as he took her hand and after  another deep breath, dropped down to one knee. Harley's eyes widened and she gasped, as her other hand flew over her mouth.
Maxwell cleared his throat, “Harley Hughes.. I..” Deep breath. “I love you more than anything in the world. You saw the real me when nobody else did.. Or wanted to. You're so kind, and thoughtful, and beautiful, and every day that I realize that you still love me, makes me the happiest man in the world. I..” He started to choke up. Don't cry, dammit! “I.. can't imagine a day where I wake up and you're not next to me. I promise to never stop trying to show you that you are the most important person in my life. Harley.. Will you marry me?”
Harley’s heart was so full that she thought she might burst. The man she loved more than anything in the world was down on one knee giving his heart to her. Her stomach was full of butterflies as she looked at his handsome, honest face. She felt tears fall from her eyes. 
She smiled brightly, “yes.”
Maxwell looked stunned and grinned at her incredulously, “Really? Thank you!”
She couldn’t help but laugh and Max jumped up, pulling her into a tight hug. She squealed as he spun her around. 
“Oh wait! I forgot!” Max took her hand and slid the engagement ring onto her finger.
“Oh my god, Max..”
“Is it.. Ok?”
She tilted her hand side to side, admiring the most beautiful piece of jewelry she had ever seen. The dim fairy lights caught the red stone just right, causing it to glimmer like firelight. “It's gorgeous!”
“It.. was my mothers. She wore it every day. It actually was my great grandmother's engagement ring.”
Harley gasped, feeling more tears fall from her eyes. “Wow.. I’m so honored.”
Maxwell leaned down and kissed her, sighing happily. “I love you Harley Hughes.”
“I love you too, Maxwell Beaumont.”
Maxwell laughed and spun her around again, “I can't believe we're engaged!”
“I know! You're my fiance!”
“Holy shit! And you're my fiance!”
They both laughed gleefully, grasping each other’s hands. “So what do we do now?” Harley asked with a smile.
“Now, I send a text to the six people who have been waiting anxiously to see if I managed to go through with it, or if i spontaneously combusted from nerves!’’
Their friends ran out to congratulate them and brought out the dinner they had prepared for the two of them. 
Later that night, Harley and Maxwell planned to celebrate their engagement together in their room. Harley sent Hana a quick text while Max was in the shower: 
‘Better put your headphones on tonight Hana! It’s gonna be LOUD if you know what I mean!”
Hana- ‘Ok, I'll let everyone know!’
Harley covered her face and chuckled, “oh god, Hana no!”
“What's wrong?” Max walked up and kissed her neck from behind. His skin was still damp and warm from the shower, and he was only wearing a towel around his waist.
Harley tossed her phone on the chair, spinning around to face him. “The only thing that's wrong is that my sexy fiance isn’t on top of me right now!”
Harley yanked the towel from around his waist, and squealed as he threw her on the bed. 
“I'm gonna ravish you tonight, darling!” Maxwell chuckled as he kissed her neck, his warm breath sending goosebumps all the way down to her toes.
Harley's laughs soon dissolved into moans as he made his way down her chest. “Mmm.. Max, you're so good with your mouth.”
He nipped at the soft skin on her hip as he made his way down her body, “Is that all I'm good with?”
She gasped, “No.. you're good with your hands too..”
He kissed his way across her hips, slowly making his way downward. “Is that all?”
She moaned as he got closer and closer to where she needed him. “No.. oh God.”
“Say it..”
She reached down and wrapped her fingers around his length, gripping him tightly, “You're good with this big cock too.”
Max shivered, “Fuck.. I love hearing you talk like that.”
They spent the next hour pleasuring each other as they fell closer and closer to the edge of ecstasy. Maxwell climbed on top of her and she wrapped her legs tightly around him, crying out as her second orgasm of the night left her body trembling. Max shuddered as he released himself into her. They both tried to catch their breath as sweat dripped down their sated bodies.
Harley panted, “Damn.. Engaged sex is even better than dating sex!” 
Maxwell smirked as he wiped the sweat from his brow, “Just wait until married sex.”
Once they showered and got ready for bed, they snuggled up next to each other under the covers. Maxwell put his arm around her and Harley laid against his bare chest on his hippo tattoo. She admired the engagement ring that he had given her that night.
“Whatcha thinking about?” Max stroked her hair softly and kissed her head.
She smiled up at him and pecked him on the lips. “Just you.”
“Anything specific, or just my general awesomeness?”
She chuckled, “Well, now that we're engaged, you know what comes next.”
“Engagement party? Oh my god, we're gonna have the biggest Beaumont bash ever to celebrate!”
“Well yes, that, but-”
He chuckled as he hugged her tighter against him, “I know baby. We get to start planning our wedding.”
Harley sighed happily, “Max?”
“Yes, future Mrs. Beaumont?”
“I can wait to be married to you.”
Maxwell's heart swelled, “Samesies.”
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cavillkingdom · 5 years
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So, yeah.. I really think Liam's mom was pregnant and the baby was Jackson's.
The thing is: If that's the case, I guess Drake is going to be crushed to find out his father wasn't the great man he thought he was. I don't know what to think...
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kaitycole · 4 years
In Love with Another Man
Summary: Luke learns the truth about who Drake is and about his parents while Jackson continues reminiscing. 
Word Count: 1500
Pairings: Constantine x Eleanor, Eleanor x Jackson, Jackson x Bianca
Warnings: Mentions of s*x, Mentions of adultery, Mentions of cheating, Betrayal, Mentions of anxiety/panic attack
A/N: This part is shorter than normal because there’s a lot I have outlined for this piece but they don’t mesh well together. So in order to not go crazy or post something I'd hate, I’m breaking it into two parts.
Song Choice: In Love with Another Man by Jazmine Sullivan
Part 15 of WP. To catch up, read here.
Tag List: @fromthedeskofpaisleybleakmore @kingliam2019  @texaskitten30 @glaimtruelovealways​ @bobasheebaby​  @bascmve01​  @burnsoslow​  @the-everlasting-dream​  @ao719​  @sirbeepsalot​  @janezillow​  @i-bloody-love-drake-walker​  @kimmiedoo5​  @choices97​ @marshmallowsaremyfavorite​ @lodberg​  @edgiestwinter​  @marshmallowsandfire​ @hopefulmoonobject​ @iaminlovewithtrr​  @cordonianroyalty​  @rafasgirl23415​  
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The creaking of the wooden panels brings Jackson back to reality, he sees his youngest son standing there. He and Eleanor decided that they’d keep their past hidden from Luke, but that was now impossible. In just a few days, Liam would show up and Jackson couldn’t lock Luke in his room or even force him out of the house forever. He lets out a deep sigh before patting the space next to him on the swing.
“Mom would have a fit to see you drinking at,” he pauses to look at his watch, “two-thirty.”
“Luke, I need to tell you something. Something pretty important.” Luke nods and Jackson begins to tell him about his and Eleanor’s past. Trying not to bombard him with too many details, but just enough to where things might make sense. He figures the next time Drake and Liam come, Luke should at least be there and have some knowledge to where he’s not shell-shocked.
Jackson tells him about how he and Eleanor actually met, not the watered down “we met while I was at work” reason he’s used before. He tells him about how were both married, not simply just “seeing other people” and that they had other children. Children they left in another country while they moved to the states to start a life together; a life with him. He and Eleanor never planned on telling Luke any of this. They didn’t want him to feel any of the pain that the whole thing had brought them, but he was trying his best. What were the odds that Drake would come to Montana and run into him? They thought Montana was safe.
“If Drake hadn’t have shown up, would you ever have told me?” Luke is looking at someone who looks like his father, but he has no idea who this person is.
“Luke,” he reaches out but Luke jerks away, “It’s more complicated than that.”
“No it’s really not. Were you ever going to tell me I have three older siblings out there?”
Jackson looks down, letting out a deep breath wishing more than anything that Eleanor was there, “No. We agreed before you were even born that we wouldn’t. We just wanted to protect you.”
He stands up, shaking his head, “All you did was LIE.” He storms off and feel tears fill his eyes. He’s not sad, he’s mad and the fact his body is producing tears makes him angrier. His parents had been lying to him for the last eighteen years. He walks for as long as his legs will take him before he drops to his knees and screams. Never in his life has he felt so betrayed, so lost, so alone. If he couldn’t trust the man who raised him, who could he trust?
*                      *
A couple hours pass before Jackson sees Luke return to the main part of the ranch. He helps put the cattle up, but won’t say a single word to his father. It’s not until they are sitting at the table preparing to eat that Luke finally speaks to Jackson.
“How old are my siblings?” Luke scoots his food around his plate, he didn’t have an appetite at all.
Jackson clears his throat, his fork clinks as he lays it on his plate. “The oldest is Liam, he’s 28, Drake is 27, just a few months younger than Liam and Savannah is 23.”
“Who do I share a mom with?”
“Ah, that’d be Liam. He’ll be in town in a few days.”
Luke loudly scoots the chair back and stomps his way upstairs; leaving his plate full on the table. When he gets to his room, he shuts the door and slides down it; pulling his knees to his chin. His world is shattering, everything changing at a rapid pace and he feels like he can’t catch up. He starts to hyperventilate, struggling to just catch his breath. Tears fill his eyes while his hands not only start to sweat but shake. His face gets a pins and needles sensation as he tries catching his breath, resting his forehead on his knees.
After what feels like hours, Luke finally stands up and heads towards his closet. Digging in the back, he finally drags out a blanket that his mother had made him. He pulls it around himself, even flicking it over his head before he curls up on his bed and cries himself to sleep. Trying to hold on to his happy memories before the betrayal washes them away.
Jackson pours himself another glass of bourbon, slowly pacing his way to the living room and settling down in his chair. He takes a sip before leaning his head back on the chair, thinking back to the last few happy weeks they shared in Cordonia.
*                      *
When Eleanor woke the next morning, Jackson was nowhere in her suite. She figured he would leave since a maid regularly stopped in to wake her, but part of her thought he’d stay. The night before ended with them in each other’s arms, whispering their feelings to each other. Typically, she’d have worn some Cordonian blue dress for when she arrived back to the palace, the press ate it up, but that day she decided to wear a casual outfit: jeans and a striped button up. Constantine wouldn’t be too thrilled, but she found herself not caring anymore. She felt happy with Jackson and at the end of the day, that’s what she cared most about.
It wasn’t until she walked down the hall and closer towards the main door that she saw Jackson; he was wearing his uniform and a concerned expression. She watched him talking to one of the maids before shaking his head and walking out. When they finally got into the town car, she learned that he had an early start due to press swarming the duchy. Though he told her not to worry, Timothy had arrived and escorted the man off the property.
As they rode back towards the palace, in hushed whispered tones, they discussed how important it was for everyone that they conceal their involvement. Agreeing that keeping up with appearances was more important than the jealousy they may feel from it. She already knew Jackson would have a difficult time seeing Constantine by her side and she wasn’t sure how she would feel with Bianca hanging on Jackson, but for everyone sake, they couldn’t get caught. And despite knowing they are having an affair, both refused to label it as such, simply referring to it as complicated.
The first few days back at the palace were awkward; while trying to act normal, all Eleanor and Jackson did was come off as trying too hard to get along. Their first few exchanges were severely cringey. Several palace personnel notice the weirdness, but no one will speak up; no one wants to knock over the card house that it the royal couple. Even though the royal couple seemed to have patched things up since returning from their trips, those who work in their palace wing know better.
Eleanor is chipper and her light as a feather attitude has returned, but Constantine has been spending most days and nights in his study. He keeps their family game nights mostly because he enjoys the time with the children. To his surprise Liam, while mirroring lots of his mother, when it came to critical thinking and strategy, he mirrors his father. The royal couple attempts to maintain their weekly dessert nights; though they are mostly Constantine trying to get her to hear him out while she mindlessly ignores him. Eventually those nights come to an end; Constantine has once against thrown himself into ruling a country while Eleanor’s Friday nights went back to being spent in a study on the west side of the palace with a guardsman.
*                      *
Constantine watches his wife’s attitude bounce back and forth for the next couple of days; icy when he arrives but a warmth when he leaves. As far as he knows, she doesn’t seem to notice he’s already picked it up. But what really threw him off was her aggressive attitude the days Jackson had been temporarily assigned to Applewood due to Officer Novak needing immediate leave.
During Jackson’s time away, Eleanor frequented the king’s suite; more specifically the king’s bed. While Constantine wouldn’t complain, it did cause skepticism with him because she had been cold for so long. But the little warmth she gave to him, brought him hope that they were in fact on the road to recover their relationship. Yet all his hope dissipated when Jackson returned and Eleanor returned to the queen’s suite and the icy demeanor increased.
But while the queen felt she had an upper hand, she failed at realizing that while the king may have been coined the unpredictable king; he was a very observant opponent. And once he had his target locked, it was game over.
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msjr0119 · 5 years
One Temptation
Part 10
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*This series is based on The Royal Romance characters who belong to Pixelberry - AU Plot switch*
Riley Brooks moves back to New York after leaving five years prior- struggling to get by in life she wanted to go home. After getting mugged, a woman and man come to her rescue and offer her a job at their strip club. A rich business man Liam Rhys is forced to visit the club as part of his bachelor party. What will happen that night?
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A/N: This part is smaller than most, the next part will be posted once I’ve finished work or tomorrow.
Warnings: Swearing, abuse.
I miss you. X
Hey, are you okay? I haven’t heard from you in a few days. X
Ri, I love you. Please text back. I just want to know that you are okay. X
Can I come and see you? X
Riley sighed as she re read all the messages that she had received from, messages that she hadn’t responded to as if they didn’t exist. It had been a few weeks since she had seen him in the hotel room. Waking up the following morning, she snuck out of the room. Regretting letting her feelings get the best of her- she knew it was best to just leave without saying a word. Maybe in time, they could gradually speak- when she was sober.
“I’m going to have to get you a bucket, are you coming down with something?” Gill asked as she walked over to Riley, noticing that she was pale, as she sipped the water behind the bar and was immediately sick.
“I don’t know? It must be that seafood that we ate last night. I’ve had an upset stomach since this morning...”
“Just stay behind the bar tonight, I’ll get you a bucket in case you can’t make it to the toilet. If you need time off, just go home.”
Staying behind the bar, she was hoping that this shift would go quickly. The usual punters attempted flirting with as they always did- as much as she tried, she tried to flirt back. But the smell of alcohol was making her feel instantly ill. Bending down, she discreetly puked up in the bucket on the floor.
“Hello, can I have a scotch please.”
“I’ll be one minute...” Wiping her mouth, she placed some gum in her mouth as she slowly stood up.
“Hello, stranger.” Wiping his finger along the bar, he looked disgusted viewing all the dust and the sticky residue stuck on his finger like super glue. He was shocked to see her behind the bar, when she first arrived back in New York City- he was horrified when Maxwell blurted out that she was a stripper.
“What are you doing here?”
“It’s a free country.. I’m just checking that you are okay. You don’t look okay- you look as white as a sheet. You haven’t spoken to anyone - we were all concerned about you.”
“I’m fine, shouldn’t you be with Savannah? Congratulations by the way, how is the little bundle of joy?” Providing him with the drink, she explained that it was on the house to congratulate him on becoming a father- as well as ‘wetting the baby’s head’. She knew that this day was coming, but it still hurt knowing the day that their baby arrived could have been the day that she was holding her own bundle of joy.
“He’s amazing. We are having a get together tomorrow night, you should come and meet Bartie.”
“I might do, it depends if I can get time off work or not.” He’s going to be there. Covering her mouth, that all familiar taste made its way back in to her mouth.
“Are you pregnant?”
“No, don’t be fucking stupid...” fuck. I could be. Horror was soon written all over her face, of course Bertrand would assume this- Savannah was pregnant and had morning sickness, so he was now an expert knowing the symptoms.
“I ate seafood last night, I don’t think it’s agreed with my stomach...”
“Or maybe that little rendezvous you had in Times Square has had some consequences...” Perking his eyebrows up, he knew she was in denial- if she was indeed pregnant, he knew that she wouldn’t be alone- she would have support from everyone.
“How do you know about that?” Shaking his head, everyone knew. Due to the man explaining what had happened and him being concerned as she ran off and had ignored him ever since.
“He’s worried about you, he asked if anyone had spoken to you. What is it with you and hotel rooms?” He laughed attempting to make the situation a joke rather than it being a serious matter.
“You know me B. Whenever Liam had conferences with his father, I’d stay in the hotel room with him. Leo, in Florida- when he found me. Maxwell when we all got drunk in Vegas. And Drake, the hotel before we arrived at the ranch the following day..”
“Well we are meeting tomorrow at the Hilton, midtown. Who’s next on your hotel fuck list? You could use tomorrow as an opportunity.” See her frown at him, he laughed. “I’m joking! Thank you for the drink, Ri. I hope you can attend.”
The sickness had deteriorated the day after, feeling relieved she was sure it was due to the food. Getting ready to go to hotel, she was a bag of nerves. Deep down she didn’t want to go- however as Bertrand said they were practically family years ago.
Arriving at the Hilton, she was greeting by a waiter who gave her a champagne flute. Gulping it in one, it would give her dutch courage that she most likely would need to survive the whole event. Scrutinising the room, she saw everyone- as well as Drake’s family. Fuck, I forgot about them. Just breathe, Riley. Bertrand noticed her stood vacant at the threshold. Carrying Bartie over towards her, she placed a fake smile onto her face.
“Bartie, this is Auntie Riley...” Riley placed her finger into the newborns open hand- his tiny fingers wrapped around her immediately with a tight grip.
“Hey, gorgeous... aw Bertrand he’s adorable.”
“Do you want to hold him?” Riley nodded, holding the newborn- she was in love immediately. Bartie began to panic, possibly sensing that his mother and father wasn’t present and that he was in a strangers arms. Natural instinct made her coo at Bartie, before singing him a lullaby. Whilst singing- she placed the baby's head in the crook of one arm and wrapped the other arm around him- she was scared of dropping or breaking him.
“You’re a natural...are you still up for those babysitting duties?” He said with an encouraging tone of voice. Looking up at him, she smiled softly.
“Of course I’ll babysit him. No B, I’m not a natural- I’m a woman. He probably just thinks that my breasts are Savannah’s. Although if you carry on drinking beer, you could grow some man boobs...”
“I’d usually be offended with your sarcasm, but it’s good to see you smile.”
“He’s so gorgeous isn’t he? Hello, Riley.” Shifting her gaze from Bartie, she looked up at the woman. The woman who could win so many oscars with her fake attitude.
“Hello, Mrs Walker. Erm - Bertrand, I think he’s hungry- he’s getting far too close to my breasts..” Bertrand bend down to collect his son, he knew that this was probably just an excuse to remove herself from Bianca’s presence.
“Can you stop following me please...”
“I just want to say sorry for everything I did to you in Texas. Bertrand has explained about your true personality and you sound like a really nice person. I feel awful for the way we treat you...”
“I loved your son, I just wanted to make a good impression. At the time, I’d actually given up work. Who told you that I was a prostitute? That question has been lingering in my mind this whole time...”
“Liam Rhys...” Of course, it was him. That slimy bastard. “Did he give you that money?”
“No, it was from Kiara’s father.” Sighing, she really didn’t want that name to be mentioned, it was just a reminder of more heartache that she had received.
“Thank you. See you around.”
“Riley, wait!” Rolling her eyes back, she couldn’t be bothered with anymore of Bianca’s games. Not quite believing her new sincere attitude, she wanted to keep a distance- a long distance away from the woman.
“I’m so sorry about the baby...” holding her tears back, she began to struggle concealing the emotions. “You are a natural as Bertrand said, I do apologise again.”
“I’d have had our baby by now, imagine if I did. You hated me before you even got to know me. What would you have been like with your grandchild? Ignored it because you had a vendetta against its mother? Please, don’t try and talk to me again Mrs Walker...”
Seeing him smirking and laughing with people, the tears that she held back were now non existent. Instead anger built up throughout her body. Just the sight of him made her feel physically sick, him acting as if he had done nothing wrong. Storming through the crowd towards him, his eyes widened seeing her face like thunder.
“Liam! A word now!”
“Riley, it’s nice to see you...” swinging her fist back- this had become her new hobby especially with Liam. The scotch that he was holding was soon all over the floor- as the glass shattered the room went mute.
“How could you do that to me?” The tears that she had held in soon resurfaced and fell down her face, as her chin began to tremble she was unable to prevent all of the emotions bursting out.
“Do what?” Coming closer towards her, he wiped the wetness that was smudging her make up- not that she cared in the slightest.
“I dropped the charges, you avoided punishments because of my stupid goddamn heart. I went for lunch with you. I thought we had closure. Then I find out that you was the reason behind the Walkers hating me!”
“You went for lunch with him?” Leo walked over with Maxwell and Drake, concerned overhearing the shouting. “What have you done now?”
“He told Drake’s family that I was a fucking goddamn prostitute..”
“Ri, that was before I saw you in Starbucks and we went for lunch. I felt awful for doing that, but he is engaged anyway... we put all that behind us. We had closure...” Smirking at Drake, Riley was too emotional to realise this- Liam knew it would get under his skin that he went for lunch with her. Hoping that this little ‘confession’ would fill Drake with jealousy and rage.
“I am not fucking engaged!”
“Does it fucking matter who’s engaged or not? Does it matter what I fucking do for a living? Why can’t you all just let me live my life? I was thinking about your daughter in all of this Liam, and all you do is fucking screw me over.. continue to fucking break my heart...”
“I’m sorry. I am grateful for you thinking about Alice. Have you made a decision about the offer that I offered you all those weeks ago in Times Square?”
“Go to hell, Liam.”
Maxwell followed Riley, out of all the friends he believed that he was the closest to her- the one who’s daft antics would make her smile instantly.
“Are you okay?” Knowing this was an idiotic question to ask, he didn’t know why he asked her- grabbing the ice out of his cocktail, he rubbed it against swollen hand.
“Yeah.. my hands killing though...”
“You really should quit the bar work and become a professional boxer.” Max pretended to throw some punches towards her.
“Me the professional boxer and you the professional dancer. You totally showed off in front of all those dancers in Times Square.” Doing a re-enactment Of his dance moves from that night, she threw her back laughing.
“Of course I would, they were all amateurs... when Maxwell Beaumont is around no one has a chance... so what do you think about Bartie? Is he a Beaumont or a Walker?”
“Definitely a Walker looks wise, but that can change. Hopefully he takes after his uncle’s rather than his serious father.” Impersonating Bertrand, Maxwell nearly fell over laughing. Pulling her into a hug, he held her tightly- he had missed her.
“What are you laughing about?” Leo asked, as he is put his arms around Riley’s waist and kissed her on the cheek.
“Ask Riley to show you her impression of Bertrand... I’m going to steal a cuddle from my nephew- I need to win the best uncle award.”
“How are you? I’ve missed you.”
“I’m fine, I’ve missed you too. How are you?”
“I’m good. It’s good to see you. Even when you are acting like the hulk...”
“He deserves it... what is he even doing here?”
“He paid for the venue, as usual. But I had my little input...”
“The flower arrangements?”
“How did you guess?”
“Well when you bought me flowers, they were beautiful.”
“I should become a florist? A beautiful bouquet for a beautiful girl. You deserve it. Love ya Ri.”
“Charmer... love ya too.”
Leo had left her alone, walking towards the bar, she ordered a drink- staring vacantly into it, she wasn’t sure why she was even here still. Drowning her sorrows, she felt like she was back at the Crowne plaza- the drinks were disappearing far too quickly.
“I’m sorry about what Liam did, as well as my family...”
“Don’t be. Congratulations on becoming a uncle.” Ordering him a drink, their hands touched as they both went to pay the bar man- the warmth of the touch lingered around their bodies. Quickly creating a distance again, Drake was desperate to pull her into his arms- but decided against it, especially with the mood she was in.
“Thanks. He’s amazing. I can’t wait to teach him a few things. I saw you holding him before, you’re a natural.” That could have been us, you holding our baby.
“I’ve already been told.” That could have been us. You talking about teaching our son or daughter about things.
“Don’t be drinking me under the table again, you know how one drink turns into two then into three before you know it. You don’t want a stinking hangover.”
“You know I can handle my hangovers. You don’t need to worry about my head.”
“I worry about you. I care about you. I love you.” Opening her mouth, she wanted to talk to Drake- civilly, but didn’t know where to start.
“Come on you two, B and Savannah are about to make an announcement...” Maxwell dragged the two of them towards the mini stage. Riley could feel Drakes eyes on her more than the star of the show, his own nephew.
“Riley, before the speech begins I want a private word with you. Savannah will talk and talk - so quick, follow me.” Following Bertrand, He led her to the bathroom- shutting the door, she was confused by his actions- until realisation sunk in as he pulled the object out of his pocket.
“Here, I think you should take this.”
“I’m not pregnant B. It was the seafood.”
“You looked like shit last night. Please.” Taking the test, she knew it would shut him up. Not knowing why he was insisting that she took a test. Peeing on the stick, she hid it in her bag wrapped around some tissue. Re-entering the room, Savannah gestured for Bertrand to join her on stage.
“Sorry for arriving late, I apologise if I repeat anything that has already been said. I’d like to thank you all for coming here today, our friends and family- we appreciate all the support....” the alarm went off on Riley’s phone, panicking that she was disturbing the speech- her hand was shaking as she tried to cancel it. Bertrand looked at her, knowing what the alarm was. Riley swiftly removed herself from the crowd, turning her back- she looked at the result. Covering her mouth, she wished that she had kept her legs closed- turning around she couldn’t look at the father instead she just nodded towards Bertrand hoping that he would understand the gesture. Clearing his throat, he quickly finished off his disastrous speech, knowing that she needed his support especially due to him forcing it upon her.
“Anyway, thank you for all the gifts. Thank you. Thanks...” Running off stage he followed Riley who was lingering at the door- still in shock. Still not knowing how to handle the situation.
“Was I correct?”
“I need to go. I didn’t get Bartie a present I wasn’t sure what he needed. Here, just take this money and get whatever you need. Thank you for inviting me.”
Bertrand, I need your assistance. Savannah shouted attempting to gain his attention- realising that he wasn’t aware that everyone was overhearing his conversation with Riley through the microphone.
I’ll only be a second Savannah, darling.
“Tell me... I am always here for you... you are like my little sister.” Passing him the test, she didn’t care if he was touching something that had her urine smeared all over it.
“I’m pregnant. Happy?” Savannah’s eyes widened, as everyone else’s did as they all turned to face the people who were oblivious that their conversation wasn’t private and was in fact public.
“Darling... you left the microphone on. We heard everything...”
“Bertrand! You fucking dipshit....” still in shock with the result - possibly denial, she just wanted leave. This whole event had been a disaster from her point of view. As the father walked over to her, along with the others- she looked at each of the men. Fuck. This is not happening. He will want to keep the baby. Can I trust him?
“Is the baby mine? Is Alice having a sibling?”
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