#true ffom
kn0pfauge · 10 months
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sarah-cam · 2 months
It’s true that Jenny has a tight lock on that set because we haven’t seen anything since filming started 2 weeks ago. All people are doing is speculate based on casting calls and some set photos so I will give you a little sum up and you can take it with a grain of salt.
1. They are adding the Jeremiah is a frat boy story line (remember: Belly hated Jeremiah’s fraternity and was a source of constant fights between them). One of the people living in the neighborhood where they filmed the frat party scenes posted the pic. There’s also a bar scene but no one knows if it’s them or maybe another character.
2. They were filming Conrad medical lab scenes last week because one of the cast call pages on the place they are filming was asking for people on medical clothes to look like students.
3. Rumor has it Belly herself is joining a sonority and yesterday they were filming scenes with Belly there - a girl confirmed with a pic in what looks like a sonority set. And a couple days ago they were asking for a lot of girls for scenes. This is interesting if we consider Belly hated that lifestyle and in the books she even lies to Jeremiah about not having enough money to join a sonority when he asked her to join one. People speculate that this will be Belly’s attempt at “fitting with Jeremiah’s world” and kind of make it up for the denial that she’s been under to make it work between them. This adds up with Belly’s people pleaser behavior and how in the books she keeps saying she barely has a life on her own because she doesn’t even have friends on her own that aren’t Jeremiah’s. And it could also double down on her and Laurel’s issues because Laurel was concerned Belly was changing and limiting her college experience to Jeremiah’s. And people think this is how she’ll meet Anika (and potentially Lacie too??).
This is the deb ball 2.0 - a thing she never wanted to do because it wasn’t her style but did because she was trying to please Susannah and only Laurel and Conrad called her out for trying to be someone she’s not. Seeing Belly losing herself as a justification for the cheating plot and the decision she made will be so sad to watch but necessary for her own growth.
4. They were filming on the beach of a resort a few days ago and people on Reddit thinks this is location for the Cabo storyline because it looks very much like Cabo with the setting. And they were even asking for beach goers too.
The first two episodes will definitely revolve around Belly being in denial about her relationship with Jeremiah. Joining a sonority to please him while he does whatever he is doing with his own fraternity and the Cabo storyline. Meanwhile, a few scenes of Conrad studying at Harvard here and there.
I think they are trying to film as many outdoors scenes as possible to get into the more private sets to avoid spoilers.
belly joining a sorority is so ooc but i can't wait to see how much she hates it and how much she's trying to change herself to be with him 🤡
also can't wait for this --
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idgafabyou · 2 years
xNFx the true menaces stay the FUCK AWAY FFOM MEEEEE
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