rottensapple · 2 years
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TW: The following post is intended for mature audiences. It contains a description of a crime scene. Reading discretion is advised.
“His personality was he was very outgoing, he was a comedian, he was just getting, going in his life.” - KEVIN DESCRIBING KURT
Kurt Eugene Sova
[b. 15 July 1964] was an American citizen, the fourth and youngest son of
Dorothy Sova (née Mozik)
. He was also the younger brother of
Kenneth Jr.
, and
. Kurt and his siblings lived in Newburgh Heights, a suburb of Cleveland in the state of Ohio.
Growing up, Kurt was given the nickname “Mousey” because of his intention to make other people smile as he made squeaking sounds (Rae 3:37). Kurt, according to one of his brothers, loved sports and loved playing football (Rae 3:50). When he and his brothers had moved into a new neighborhood, Kurt had quickly made a lot of new friends, including John Miller and Danny Washington, whom he was specifically close to (Rae 4:30).
On 23 October 1981, this would be the last time that Kurt’s family would ever see him alive. That afternoon, Kurt met up with a friend named Sam only a block away from his residence. Sam had mentioned a Halloween party that would take place later that evening and the pair had apparently made an appearance there. Dorothy had stated that Kurt rarely ever stayed out late as he would normally come home between ten and eleven at night, though he would only stay out late if she and Ken knew where he was.
On the morning of October 24, Dorothy and Ken were very concerned about Kurt’s whereabouts. While Ken searched the area looking for him, Dorothy made some calls to Kurt’s friends. Ken would begin to grow more concerned as the day had gone on and there was no sign of Kurt. The following day, October 25, missing fliers had been placed around the neighborhood from Dorothy, Kenneth Jr., Keith, and Kevin after she and Ken registered Kurt as a missing person with the local police in Cleveland.
During the afternoon hours of October 26, Dorothy had been told by some of Kurt’s friends that he had been at a party less than two miles from where they had lived on the night that Kurt went missing. The woman who had rented the apartment that the party took place at went by the name of Susan/Debbie. It wasn’t until Susan/Debbie had told Dorothy after she had contacted her again that Kurt had been at the party after having to have denied that he had been there that Kurt drank heavily, drinking a strong liquor called 
. This made Dorothy shocked to hear since she had not known Kurt to drink. Those who knew him state that Kurt was not much of a drinker, his slight build adding to a low tolerance that he had for alcohol.
At around 9:30 PM on the night that Kurt disappeared, Sam took Kurt outside to get some fresh air. Because it was a cold night, Sam went to get Kurt’s jacket as he left him hanging on the fence. It wasn’t until he came back outside a few moments later that Kurt was no longer hanging on the fence. Sam shared that he searched around the area but did not find Kurt as he assumed that Kurt walked home. 
On 28 October 1981, only five days after Kurt’s disappearance, his remains were found in a ravine behind a warehouse that was located on Harvard Street, and was found only 400 to 500 yards from the duplex where he had been seen alive last because of the party that he had attended with his friend, Sam, on the day of his disappearance. The police had found Kurt’s left shoe wedged in some rocks that was less than ten to twelve feet away from where his remains were. As for his right shoe, it has never been found. The exact cause of why Kurt passed was never determined, which led to be signed off as “probable accidental.” After 40 years, Kurt’s case has never been solved.
At the time of Kurt’s passing, he was only 17-years-old and a junior in high school. Kurt is survived by:
Kenneth Albert Sova [1933 - 2001]
Dorothy Sova (née Mozik) [1938 - 2014]
Kenneth Joseph Sova [1960 - 2017]
Keith S. Sova [1961 - 2014]
Kevin Sova
Continued thoughts and prayers are with Kevin and the Sova family as they continue to mourn the devastating loss of Kurt. May Kurt continue to rest in peace and that justice is sought out for him soon 😇
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