vanessaisaac-blog · 11 years
Text | Vanessa » Kinsey
Kinsey: Hey Van, not ever, but don't mean I can't find none. What's up, sweetheart?
Vanessa: I was wondering if we could meet up and have a discussion.
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vanessaisaac-blog · 11 years
Text | Vanessa » Kinsey
Nessa: Kinsey, you got any spare time?
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vanessaisaac-blog · 11 years
All Those Pretty Light || Vanessa &_________
If there was one thing which calmed Vanessa, it was running through the woods, feeling the wind run throughout her fur and listening to the sound of raindrops hit the fragile leaves. This was the only time that Vanessa felt free from the worries of everyday life, this was the time that she had no worries at all. Her mind would always be filled with questions and worries and situations which happened and would never happen, and so she found running to be the thing which both clears her mind and brushed her worries away for another day. The phone call from this morning was something which Vanessa had played over and over again, ever since Kinsey hung up, although she wouldn't let anyone know this of course. She knew that she had made a mistake is going off by herself, but she also knew that it was something that she needed. To her, it didn't matter that she could of done it any other day, she wanted to do it with the full moon on her back and the stars shining brightly above her, she wanted to be alone, but that wasn't understood and now she had to pay for her actions, although she didn't know how.
As she ran through the woods, she started to think of her past, of her mother and father, of her mother's killer and of the court case which blew what she and many others, were. She remembered the constant battles which she would hold with herself on a daily basis, she would remember the fear that she held when she did release what she was. Even though the court case had happened a while ago, everything about it was still fresh in Nessa mind, and this was one of the reasons as to why she was so guarded, and it was the main reason why people knew her around Pickens. While she understood what she did and she knew that the court case was something that had to happen, she still didn't approve of the many stares which she would witness on a daily basis, and she knew, no matter how hard they tried to turn and look away, that they were directed at her. She knew that some people didn't approve as to what she did, but that was in the past, and there was nothing that Nessa could do to change that fact.
Within that minute, panic coarsed throughout her viens at the sudden snap of a twig just a mile ahead of her. She didn't know what it was, she didn't know who it was. She didn't know if the person which made the twig snapped meant her any harm, and that worried her, especially while she was running. In her two years in Pickens, she had heard many stories of deaths when it came to Lycans, and every time that she heard a story, she would promise herself that she wouldn't end up as a wolf, dead in the woods with no way to ID her as her human self. That was the man cause of worry for her in that current moment, and so within a second, Vanessa had shifted from her wolf form into that of her human one. Straight away, she felt tired, but she knew with concentration, she would be able to fight it off. As soon as she had shifted back, she turned herself around and started walking swiftly back to the farm, back to protection of her workmates.
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vanessaisaac-blog · 11 years
Get the blood running and the heart pumping, sure fire way to kick start your day, and you will also be in a good mood for a short while. Gotta love those endorphins.
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Guess my body decided I was sleepin' in.
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vanessaisaac-blog · 11 years
Today must be my lucky day
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Not only did I succeed in checking over the sheep, I also found a ring in the field. I have to say today is shaping up to be a good day.
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vanessaisaac-blog · 11 years
Each to their own I suppose, although I would personally go with the coffee. You may be bouncing off the walls but it is better than being tired
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Guess my body decided I was sleepin' in.
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vanessaisaac-blog · 11 years
Phonecall || Vansey
Kinsey: Good. Keep it in mind. You pull this again I'm not putting you in Omega cages, I will kill you myself—which is a kindness, instead of breaking your knees with aconite, which is what comes to mind—despite all the things my father did to help your family. We got our own ties, you and I. I'd hate for it to go that way because you're being a reckless endangerment. [pause, slightly softer] I just expected better from you, Van. I expect this shit from the runaways, from the lost ones, not from you. You're better than this, you have better control. You thought of going Beta, once. I know you're better than this.
Vanessa: I would argue that killing me yourself isn't a kindness, but then you are faced with the hours of pain with the Aconite. I understand where you are coming from, so don't worry, no threats are needed, or at least not with me.
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vanessaisaac-blog · 11 years
Phonecall || Vansey
Kinsey: You got a goddamn thick skull. Always knew you were stubborn, but try hard to crack yourself open and think. You could run yourself alone on any other night. No one would care because it's not on a schedule. When you go, what time, where—too many variables. But the moon is a certainty. It's the one night of the month where everyone knows exactly what you have to do at what time. And that's why we run together. Because the little ones and the morons get picked off. Strength is in the pack, that's why we're pack animals. Just because you didn't get shot doesn't mean you won't. And gosh—have some pride! That how you want this all to end? You get shot because you're a moron and your whole family's done in a blink and no one will remember or care because you're just another dead wolf body? And if you get shot, we have to break up, go after you, get distracted to keep you safe, makes everything harder. You didn't even say anything or give warning. People have been kidnapped, Van. I protect them, but I also protect you, and I can't be in two places at once. You're a part of this pack right now and I'm as responsible for you as anyone else. And what if we needed your help, huh? What if it wasn't you shot, but a brother? You have others to worry about. You will apologize or you will be a rogue and I will hunt you out of this town just to make an example of you, friend or not. Do I make myself clear? This is bigger than you. The moon is not negotiable.
Vanessa: Of course that isn't how I want my life to end, it isn't how I want anyone's life to end. As you said, I would just be another dead wolf on the outskirts of town, so not it isn't what I wanted. I didn't say anything because it was a spur of the moment thing. I was working at the farm when the moon hit and all of a sudden I wanted to run, run and not look back, so I apologize for not thinking, I apologize for last night, and I understand the point in which you are bringing to the table. I may be stubborn but I am not stupid Kinsey, I know exactly what the moon is and isn't. Run me out of the town? Really, threats? I thought we were behind that, but it just shows that I was wrong.
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vanessaisaac-blog · 11 years
I'm sure with a cup of coffee, you will be right as rain.
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Guess my body decided I was sleepin' in.
Still don’t wanna get up.
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vanessaisaac-blog · 11 years
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vanessaisaac-blog · 11 years
Phonecall || Vansey
Kinsey: And I ain't done not one thing to have you not trust me, not ever. If you don't trust me, get the hell out of this town because I'm not going to put my life—or the lives of your packmates—on the line for someone who is too busy being selfish. You are a Delta 'wolf on the full moon. Any other night of the month you do what you like, but that moon—you said it. You know the rules. You know the risks. Are you really in the mood for the consequences? Was it worth it to you? What is this, I come back and everyone thinks it's peaches to not listen to the Alpha? What if everyone does like you? You used to be a model example to the others, not the exception. What happened to you? You wanna take risks? Get shot? Get out. Choice is yours.
Vanessa: I never said I didn't trust you, because I do. I trust you more than anyone in this godforsaken town. Well I am sorry that you think I am being selfish, but that isn't how I saw it. I saw it as one night, getting away from the noise of the others. I just wanted one night on my own, and okay maybe it was selfish, maybe it was rude, but sometimes people need to be alone. I understand my position in the pack, but is it really that important to you that I always stay with you and the others during the full moon? I wanted to run, by myself through the woods, and if that has consequences, then so be it, but I am not going to apologize for it. But I didn't get shot, I came to no harm and I know that neither did the others, because they had you to protect them.
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vanessaisaac-blog · 11 years
Phonecall || Vansey
Kinsey: You watch your mouth when you're talking to me. You know better. I know you know better 'cause my pa watched you grow up and you fucking know better in this town, you been here a year. Where were you.
Vanessa: Well respect works both ways right? I was in the woods Kins, or at least I think I was. Nothing happened so there is no need to get all mother superior on me. I know the rules, I know the risks, yada yada yada, but for one night I threw caution to the wind and spent a night on my own, no biggie.
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vanessaisaac-blog · 11 years
Phonecall || Vansey
Kinsey: Are you a goddamn moron?
Vanessa: I wasn't the last time I checked, and I am pretty sure it hasn't changed since then.
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vanessaisaac-blog · 11 years
Phonecall || Vansey
Kinsey: [ringing]
Vanessa: Hello?
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vanessaisaac-blog · 11 years
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Vanessa spends tonight alone, trying to find someone or something to hunt and kill. From the second that the beams from the moon transform her, Vanessa runs from the farm, into the woods to try and find her prey of the night.
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vanessaisaac-blog · 11 years
Texts || Vansey
Kinsey: Oh, Van. You gotta stop letting them cows show you up ;) They been milkin' alright?
Vanessa: It's my own fault really. I went near one of their children and they were being protective so yeah, I ended up with a few bruises and a broken rib. Yeah, we've been getting quite a lot thankfully. I was worried for a little while though.
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vanessaisaac-blog · 11 years
Texts || Pack
Kinsey: Home from DC. Headcount and update me.
Vanessa: I don't think I have anything to update you on, although I did get kicked by a cow last week.
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