#truly so much love in my heart for you ehehe whoever you are
inkykeiji · 4 years
Don't worry your pretty little head about it, I won't, doll. I'm exclusively yours, and I think it's cute.
I'm here to bring you comfort, but you end up making me comfortable too.
- Dabi, Touya.
i 🥺🥺 love you very much, thank you 🥺🥺🥺 i feel uhhhhh very bratty for that but i wanted to be honest with you :(
do i really????? oh gosh i truly hope so :(( seriously, i hope i’m able to even bring you just an ounce of the happiness you bring me <33
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liliumlies · 4 years
Blackwater Cranes | Vanessa and Julia | Epilogue
Waking up is an odd sensation, as Vanessa has never–purposefully–slept. She’s not sore like the others, and she slowly stands as the others discuss future plans. Even with some of them still asleep, her eyes water as she feels genuine hope again for the first time in weeks.
Liesel and Dilan invite everyone to their wedding, and Vanessa’s heart soars for the two of them. Arthur is already talking about plans to help those still asleep even though if anyone deserves rest, it’s him. Shinobu is talking about cooking for everyone, and a revisit to the dinner party they had weeks ago sounds so lovely.
She notices an emptiness in her mind, a familiar sensation that has happened once before. Her hand raises to her temple for a moment and finds nothing there. Ah…. She clears her throat.
“Arthur, I don’t know what help I can be with this, since… Well, I shouldn’t use Alchemy on people. I’m willing to help with anything I can, though. I’m sure we can find a way to bring them back. Also… Everyone? Our mental connection broke off once we woke up…. If anyone would like to re-establish it, I’m going to look into making it longer lasting and further reaching. That way, we can pursue our own goals and research without worrying about it. But first… I would really like the chance to rest. Our connection aside… I think it would be nice for us all to see each other off later this evening, especially if Shinobu is cooking. For now though, I think I’d like to go for a walk. Julia?”
Looking over to where Julia had recently been laying before they all awoke, Vanessa would see a small fox stretching out it’s limbs with a yawn. A moment later though after making a fox noise of agreement, Julia is once more beside her instead! 
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“Of course~ Everyone let me know if you need my assistance for anything. I would be more than willing to assist any of you in the present and the future as well with everything~ I imagine I’ll have access to quite a few more resources now at the very least, though that’s not all I have to offer of course. I’m glad that all of you are alright!”
Julia smiles brightly at those gathered here, and will of course be willing to discuss more specific plans with them later. But right now she’ll offer a hand to Vanessa with a smile. It seems as though they’ll all have plenty of time to figure things out now, and a walk with her girlfriend sounds great right about now.
A little while later, Vanessa leaves one of the classrooms with Julia, bidding a farewell to three people she never planned to learn so much about. She closes the door behind her, and the smile on her face starts to diminish a bit as the pair resume walking.
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“Julia…. I’m glad Hari and Azhar are alright, and it’s so nice to see that their relationship is repaired in this timeline, but…. Hari remembers me as a student of this academy, and Azhar has forgotten me entirely for a second time. It’s also…. So odd to see Azhar as such an older man, now.”
Vanessa gives Julia’s hand a little squeeze. “I do have a few more worries about what this all means for us, but…. We’ll take them one at a time, I suppose? It’ll be easier to do it together. Also…. I have never seen such a harsh expression on Istina’s face– What did you do to her?”
Julia hums! “Mmm, it’s interesting to see how things have changed, now… I suppose much has still been lost to us, but I’m glad to know that they’re alive and well at least,” Julia says, before she chuckles at the question to her and gives her a mischievous smile. “Oh, nothing too terrible, really. You know how I am with libraries, ehehe~”
With everything else, that comment just gets a genuine laugh out of Vanessa! It feels good to laugh like that, since she hasn’t had reason to in weeks. Even as she returns to the more serious topic at hand, her expression is still a bit lighter now. “I’m worried, I suppose… If we find Johann, what if he’s forgotten us as well? Despite everything, I did become rather close to him by the end…. Miss Claire just invited me to be part of her family, too…. What about her?” Vanessa is just out here collecting supernatural family members.
“…I don’t even know if the doll village exists currently, without Anastasia, but I want to look for it. I like to think I’ll find it, eventually. I want to know if Polaris still exists, since Bituin is alive again. At the same time…. I am worried she’ll have forgotten us, too.” Vanessa sighs. “What about you, Julia? What do you want to do, now that we’re free?”
Julia thinks for a moment before she answers. What DID she want to do?
“I think… that I’d like to head back to the forest where my mentor lived to see if I can find her. I have missed her some, admittedly, and I have some things I’d like to ask her,” she says. There were a lot of questions that she had for her now, after learning about her own true nature. “It might be fun to terrorize my old ‘home’ as well with the news of what I am, and maybe a bit of fire too… But lucky for them, I don’t think I’ll bother~!” S-She’s joking, it’s fine hcuidhsiuch
“And I do imagine that there’ll be a lot I need to get used to on the demon side of things as well, really, though I don’t plan to devote all of my time to it. And after that… I think I would like to try and find that village with you and whoever else we can, even if they no longer remember us. Even just getting the chance to really travel would be fun for me, I think~”
Vanessa tilts her head a bit as she thinks. “You’re from America, right? I have been curious as to what it’s like there, since I’ve talked with Dilan about it… I think Arthur’s home is somewhere in America too, so that all works out well.” She has no idea how big America is.
“I do need to stop for some unfortunate business on our way, though–I very much intend to still make Jasper pay for what he did to Poppy, and… He is still a master Alchemist, and Fima…. Even if she survives all of this, she only has a few more years of life. I want to get a head start on learning more, so I can fix that. His research and equipment should help.”
She looks out to the lake a bit as they continue walking, and sighs. “I suppose I should also ask, Julia–do you still intend to wage war with the heavens? If you are…. I won’t ever really like war, but I’d much rather join you on that front than just wonder what happened if I don’t hear from you. Also…. our group aside, but do you intend to let everyone know who you are, or should I keep that a secret?”
“Mmm, just let me know if you need any help with things like that, I suppose. I have no personal vendettas I feel the need to act on, but I can assist you with yours, somewhat.” Julia laughs a little bit at that last question to her too. “I wasn’t planning on it in particular! I’m very much not a fan of war either, you know~ If there comes a time when there seem to be no other good options available to us yet again perhaps, but I would very much like to avoid doing anything of the sort. As for dealing with others…”
Julia pulls Vanessa over towards the lake at the end of their walk, and shifts her form into that of her horned and winged one as she gestures down to a spot of grass on the bank where they can sit down together and rest.
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“…I think we can just take each situation as it comes~”
Vanessa smiles as she lies down with Julia, and just enjoys feeling truly safe for the first time.
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rassasassalin · 7 years
Kane, Kane I love you, but I don't want to see you fight Brock.  It'll be the worst kind of trainwreck.  I don't even really wanna see Braun fight Brock again, just because I don't trust them to do right and have him beat mister dickchest.
...Kurt, really?  Jfc.  I guess it'll bring the casual fans in.  Fuck me, I'm just so tired of Brock.  Love Heyman, hate seeing that dumb purple face and penis tattoo.
Joe Rollins... Yeah, that'll be a good match, but it doesn't quite get the gross lesner taste outta my mouth.
Don't call Seth bad, Cole, he's trying to redeem himse- JORDAN WHAT ARE YOU DOING PLEASE STOP I REALLY LEGITIMATELY WANT TO LIKE YOU AND YOU ARE MAKING IT VERY HARD TO DO. Fuckin Seth's face, tho, like "who the hell is this child and who let him in my ring???"  Man is lucky that Dean hasn't dropped down from the ceiling to try and brutalize him.
Ah Joe, you know you're always the bell of any ball that matters.
Not sure Seth's one to talk about Daddy issues considering his history with Trips and Steph, but  ok, you a face now, we'll politely ignore the things you did as a heel.
Things I would not actually be surprised should they happen: Joe ends up kind of adopting Jason Jordan as his pupil/understudy for the purpose of annoying the shit out of Kurt as Jordan goes through his rebellious stage.
...A WWF commercial on the WWE is really weirding me out.  I mean, hell yeah, let's stop tiger poaching, but like... 's'weird.
I don't like that noise Seth made when he was rammed into the barricade, if he could never make that noise again that'd be great. Is the crowd chanting boring?  People have no appreciation for ring psychology anymore.  I know you guys don't like Jordan, but let him try to murder Seth's back jfc it makes sense, let the boy live. Wow, yeah, that probably should have been Jordan's win, wow.  Also, nice to see American Alpha on the same super cool suplexing lane.  I can dig it.
Pffff, Love Tap.  It's just a lil' love tap.  Love Booker T.
Dean called Sheamus and Cesaro the Europeans.  AND HE CAN'T TEAM WITH A FACE LIKE JORDAN'S.  DEANO.  Deano please.  I can't.
...I also can't deal with bwoken matt please oh my god i just want bray to be taken seriously and also want matt to do ridiculously stupid backyard wrestling shit and i'm just not sure i can get both at the same time.
Things I am honestly surprised by: The fact that nobody has found a way to get the chant "Oooo-ver" into Finn's theme song.  Or just, chanting Over at him any time he's in the ring.
Book, come on dude, give m'boys a chance before you say their strategy aint workin, the match only just started. Oops, someone's bleedin. Oh boyos, boooo, why you gotta be like that, come on that's not HOLY SHIT HIDEO!  I was NOT expecting him tonight!!!
...is... are they thinking of moving Finn over to 205 live?  Hideo's already there, and Vince has a habit of purposefully putting people that he doesn't think has what it takes in no win situations just so he can say he was right all along.  Well, joke's on fucking you McMahon, because those of us who actually watch the cruiserweights are totally aware of how amazing their in ring work and story telling is, and if you bring Finn over, all you're going to do is get more people to watch them and come to the same realization.  Bringing Finn over might very well make 205 a serious contender against NXT as far as loyal and slightly rabid fanbases go. ...Also did Cole say something about the Zo Train and then Drew Gulak as a separate entity from said train of Enzo???  Should I be reading into that?
That's my dude, Cedric.  Glad you know better than to underestimate Drew.
...Wheeeeeeen will I get my UK boys on their own shooooooooow?????????
Oh my god, here we go, I'm not ready, Drew bby pls Fucking yes those cheers were for Drew thank you for noticing Enzo. ...Hmm... I think they're doing the thin DREEEEEEWW FUCKLNDF KILL ME RIGHT NOW BABY NO HOW DARE YOU FUCKING JAR JAR I'M GONNA DIE I CAN"T FUCKING PLEASE STOP ALSO HE"S NOT YOUR BEST FRIEND HOW DARE YOU HOW DARE YOU FUCKING THANK YOU CEDRIC ...Where is Enzo going?  How is going to help Drew cheat from up there?  Also I just noticed Drew's Trunks I think I like them but might also kind of hate thhem they somehow look kinda skimpier than his black ones and I'm not sure how or why Zulak.  Eheheh.  Zuul motherfucker. Okay, so, typing this out while having my eyes glued on the screen so will probably have a number of interjections when exciting things happen, but I'm thinking maybe to explain this whole coming out like Drew didn't do nothing wrong- Drew holy shit, don't flip over the top rope like that, thanks- might be because they're doing that thing where they act like nothing happened on tuesday because they assume that the regular audience didn't bother to watch, which is like... I sort of understand but it also really pisses me off.  Wrestling fans in general aren't actually that stupid, and fun fact, Drew Gulak and Enzo Amore are in fact good enough story tellers to say through a few words, and show through their actions, that shit went down.  That's kind of the great thing about wrestling.  It's a soap opera in the way that you can stop watching for years and years and years, and come back- Sweet baby jesus another WWF commercial what the hell is happening here- to basically any show and pretty much have a pretty good idea of what's going on, storyline wise. -Look, if Cedric wasn't on the top rope, he couldn't be tossed off it, let's be real.  ALSO AMORE YOU SHUT YOUR WHORE MOUTH AND STOP THREATENING MY DREW AND STOP CALLING HIM GABBY GOO GOO I DON'T APPROVE but I do approve Drew working the wings and back like how beautiful i do legitimately love technical wrestling- Just given the action of the "actors" we can tell who's a good guy, who's a baddy, who's got beef with who, and anything that can't be super easily explained, we got video packages for. I'm kind of seriously worried that they're going to do a- FUCKING BEAUTIFUL TIE HIM UP DREW I LOVE HIM SO MUCH SHUT THE FUCK ENZO  FUCK ME THAT FIGHTING FOR THE BOTTOM ROPE WAS FUCKING AMAZING  AND where the fuck is Zo going????  Drew, no, come on, don't get distrac- fuck.  Too late.  Drew is... is Drew bleeding he IS Fuck me, okay, kinda figured that's how this'll beeeee Nia no why???
Shit, okay, thought I was having- Enzo's going to get used and abused, by his train and by Nia probably until the only one he has left is Drew, who is lame and a dweeb and a fucking square but you know what unlike everyone else he's been a true friend despite everything that Enzo has put him through and so, through Drew's good dork heart, he helps mends Enzo so he stops being so jaded and hurt after what Cas did to him.  Or not.  Probably not, at all, but it's a road that they could go down should they choose to.
Mmmkay, Asuka win, unsurprising, slightly surprised that Absolution hasn't come back out to fuck with her again.  Like, if I was eventually going to be going up against Asuka, I'd be playing mindgames and beating her down to give myself a weakpoint to target later on every chance I got.
Shhhiiiiiit, I remember that countdown, it was Ammmaaaaaazing~  I popped as hard as an 8yo could pop and I didn't quite understand what was happening but I knew that I would never be the same Ageen.  Good times.  Good fucking times.
Ah yes, and here come *in Ambrose Voice* The Europeans.  I'm sorry, I'm never going to get over it, it makes me want to both laugh and cry, Deano has a gift on the mic truly.
Not to be a grammarnazi, but it's you'RE a stupid idiot, not your.
Calling it now- Jason is gonna get in Dean's way/ knocked into him or Seth, and Ambrose is going to get distracted enough with beating the shit out of him that it somehow causes him and Seth to lose the match, either because Seth'll go for the tag and no one will be there, or someone's gonna get ambushed and then pinned real quick.  That, or Dean tries to push Jordan out of the way, and so Jordan jumps in to fight back and they lose because of that.
Woooooooow, Jordan.  Slow your damn roll. I mean, I don't think I'd have started with Seth either, because he's obviously still feeling that earlier fight, but still.  You don't go at it that way.  C'mon man. Ahahahaa omg what the hell was that slide across the ring by Cesaro that was the oddest looking thing I've seen in ages.  I mean, I appreciate the blueballing against a hot tag, but like, ehehe I want to be mad but I'm just giggling. Dean, I appreciate you putting Seth back in the ring but why didn't you put him back in closer to your corner??? Shit, Dean, are you okay???  Fuck, shit, that better be a work, jesus, oh no, ohhhh no please come on oh shit I don't like that ending it was awkward as fuck fuuuuuuuck deano....
...No, wait, uh, uhhhh, they setting up for a turn?  I mean, Dean's the obvious one to make a heel turn on the Shield right now.  Personally, I'd go with Roman, because it'd be less expected and unfortunately people are going to go back to booing him as soon as the Shield isn't around anymore so you might as well give the crowds a REASON to boo him, but I know Dean's the lunatic so...  Christ I really hope this is a work and he's not actually hurt...
Limo???  Oh!  Oh, Steph's home!  Nice!
...Matt, omg.  I'd watch Matt fight a fish.  ...Woken Warriors.  Matt, please stop. ...Fuck me, they're going to go back to crossdressing Bray again.  Please, let's not do that again. I like that Corey is a Woken Warrior.  I shouldn't, but I do.
Okay, okay, they're showing Dean getting hurt alot, so... maybe yes a work???  YES, Okay, attack backstage means work, definitely work.  Or like, Dean does have issues with his arm so he needs time off to get it fixed.   They used to do this all the time to let the wrestlers have Kayfabe reasons to not be around for a couple of months.  But like... they're pretty upfront about when a guy or gal does get injured now, so...  I have no idea what's going on.
Fuck yeah, welcome back Revival.  Missed you boys.  Who's their first victims then?  Oh, Heath and Rhyno.  Awww.  Well, makes sense.  At least they're getting tv timmmmmmm what is Dana Wearing???  Why???????  BOOKER MY DUDE NO PLEASE DON'T TALK ABOUT DANA COUNTING CALORIES THAT'S NOT COOL.
KURT DON'T YOU FIRE MY HEATH HE'S GOT KIDS!!!  oh god what is rhyno gonna put heath through????
Hello Elias. ...I love Elias. please go caroling at me. Man fuck Goodell. I- what?  Sasha???  What are you doing?  Oh my god.  Are the girls gonna beat up Elias?  I mean, not that I'm super against it or anything, but like, why?  Is there a reason for this?  Has he done something?  Oh, it's because it's time for their match, right?  He's eating up their time.... Oh no that one buddy, that's so sad, but it was a good try Bailey. Bye, Elias.  Dude...  You can't not hug Bailey.
...Why HASN'T Nia been more involved with fighting Absolution.  She's a huge threat.  You'd think they'd try to take her out early. ...Dana changed her clothes. Well, hello there Boss Lady. Paige looks like she knows she's about to be grounded but is trying to play it cool.
I'd like to point out that if there was a big ol' fella rumble going on and an Dude McMahon came out, they wouldn't have stopped fighting.  But the Ladies know when toooooooooo YESSSSS PLEASE STEPHANIE I WANT A FUCKING WOMEN'S RUMBLE YEP YEP YEP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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