#truly this show is uh. bringing me SO. MANY. BEAUTIFUL. EXPERIENCES. everyday
hideyseek · 7 months
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tsukuna · 4 years
Assistant to the Chancellor
Summary: “An outsider with no reason to be given the hefty task of dealing with the Gralean Empire’s flamboyant chancellor has ended up with just that. She’s willing to put up with all the antics, but is there ulterior motives for her obedience that none are privy to? And can they compete with the grim secrets of Chancellor Izunia himself?”
No True Rating Yet • Female Reader • Before the Events of XV • Under the Cut
A couple weeks had passed since you had begun working for Chancellor Izunia and you found yourself growing more comfortable with his flamboyant personality. If nothing else, you could tolerate it. There were even moments where you found yourself giggling at his little antics, to which he’d react with a self-satisfied smirk. You were grateful that these flirty gestures and comments were at least coming from an attractive man, not someone slimy and entirely not your type (which you weren’t quite sure what would even constitute as “your type”). You shuddered to imagine Besithia acting as Ardyn does.
It had taken a couple days and evenings, but you finally finished the paperwork--sifting through what you’d bring to his attention, throwing whatever out, putting official seals on anything that required it. All simple things, but it seemed far too much for someone who didn’t even appear to take the politics seriously. Though who were you to judge when you hardly took the work seriously yourself?
A sigh passed your lips, knowing that it would already be dark outside and thus you would need to go sleep soon after. You placed a soft knock on the Chancellor’s office door.
“Come in, love,” he invited with a sing-song voice.
“Ardyn,” you gave a short bow, “everything you need is ready for you.” You explained the gist of what you completed, hoping it’d make his busy work easier.
“Thank you. You continue to impress me everyday,” he said your name with a warm expression.
“That’s the goal, right?” You offered up the same energy. “I know it’s a bit late, and I wouldn’t want to keep you any longer, but is there anything else you’d like from me before I take my leave?”
Ardyn closed his eyes and leaned back in his seat, obviously considering your request. “Dinner!”
“Eh?” There was no chance of you holding back the shock on your face.
“Your boss is requesting that you share dinner with him,” he chirped. All you could do was blink at him for a few moments.
“I actually had some leftovers I have to finish so they don’t, uh, go bad,” you made an excuse.
“Hm, quite a predicament we find ourselves in,” Ardyn stated, scratching his stubble. “How about this then!” He excitedly put a finger up as if having an ‘Aha!’ moment. “Tomorrow is our day off, yes?” You slowly nodded your head with a quirked eyebrow. “Then we will go out for dinner, a nice dinner tomorrow night!”
“I…” You had no excuses to deny the Chancellor this time, and his satisfied expression indicated he was well aware. “If you truly wish to share a meal with your humble assistant tomorrow night, I shall accept.”
A sly smile graced Ardyn’s lips, “Wonderful, I haven’t had anything to look forward to in quite some time. We can meet here in the evening.” He laughed before waving you away, “That’ll be all for today, my dear. See you tomorrow,” he winked.
You bowed before bidding him goodnight and rushing to your room. Non-work related conversations with the man always left your brain feeling drained as you tried to ascertain what motivations he had under that carefree facade. You crashed unceremoniously onto your bed, not bothering to eat anything, though you technically did have leftovers that were going to spoil.
What were you to wear tomorrow? What conversation points did you have to discuss? Where were you even going to eat? Such questions eventually lulled you into a sleep.
Though not a very satisfying one. You woke up in the late afternoon to a mess of rat’s nest of hair and dried drool caked to one side of your mouth. ‘Maybe I should show up like this,’ you snorted but your better judgement told you to clean up. It wouldn’t be any good to lose your current position, it’s already difficult to get the information you’re looking for as is. You slinked off to the showers, making sure the temperature was as hot as your skin could take before stepping in. The shower routine you had wasn’t too long, yet you still sat there in contemplation long after you were done.
Travels all around Eos led you to no further information on what you were seeking--information about the lost and long-forgotten Astral you heard stories of as a child; stories that were deeply rooted in your existence. Eventually, the only place you hadn’t checked was Niflheim. And so here you sat, in the last place you could hope to check.
Your skin was raw from the hot water by the time you finally exited, but hey, at least you were clean now; however the clock was ticking against you, you slept in far too late and showered far too long. “Ah shit,” scolding yourself, you quickly got to work on finishing up your appearance.
It was nothing special, frankly speaking. You didn’t want to look like you tried too hard for your kinda-but-not-really dinner date with your superior. Donned in a black, sleeved, and laced dress accented with gold, you accessorized only with your pendant. The only styling your hair received was a decent blow drying. Nodding as you checked the mirror last time, you headed towards the office, but not to work this time.
Truthfully, you expected the Chancellor to be late like he often is at work, so your heart skipped a beat to see him waiting. “Apologies for making you wait for me,” you bowed once you finally reached him.
Taking you by the chin, Ardyn lifted your head up and gave one of the signature smiles, “Not a problem. I would be happy to wait a thousand years for a beauty such as yourself,” he kissed the back of your hand with a wink. Though it was nothing out of the ordinary for him to say, there was something about it that felt chilling. “I see you’re as lovely as ever,” he offered as a compliment.
“I see you’re looking… the same as ever,” you quirked a brow. He wore his typical dark, layered outfit, though you were a bit relieved to see that he ditched the fedora for the night. ‘I quite prefer his wine-red hair uncovered,’ you admitted to yourself.
“Apologies,” he chuckled, “Believe it or not, I don’t own very many outfits.” Seeing how eccentric Ardyn was, you did believe him and nodded as confirmation. “Well then,” he said your name in a rather sultry way that made you blush, “shall we get going?” The chancellor offered his arm to you, which you timidly took.
The two of you shortly arrived at a low-lit, rather intimate restaurant. It was intimidating to an extent, you’d never bothered to go somewhere nice. Your life had been about eating quickly, eating cheap, and only eating when necessary. “I don’t know if I belong at a nice place like this,” you remarked with a laugh as the two of you were seated.
“Nonsense, it is my duty to treat my ever faithful assistant to something out of the norm,” Ardyn gestured around the room.
“Treating?” You opened your eyes wide. “That won’t be necessary. I can pay for it. Though I appreciate the thought,” you put on a smile.
“Absolutely not! I am the one who invited you after all.”
“Well then next time I have to pay!” You quickly smacked your hand over your mouth, realizing what you said and the implications of it.
“You are one of the most entertaining humans I have ever met,” Ardyn stifled a laugh. “But fine, if you are to ask me out, I will allow you to pay.”
“Ever the gentleman.”
The chatter the two of you kept over dinner was rather innocent and not professional, but not overly colloquial either. There were, however, multiple incidences of him reaching over the small table to get touches of your hand in. To be honest, you weren’t too shocked at the gesture, but it did garner a bit of surprise out of you when he instead clutched your pendant between his fingers.
“Such an interesting little thing,” the Chancellor pointed out. “Such an interesting little gem.” He examined the green crystal, the designs within, and the metal twining with fervor. “You wear it daily.”
You nodded. “It is very special to me, it is all I have of my parents,” a soft smile came to your face. “It was actually an anniversary gift to my mother, but after their death, it ended up in my hands.” You paused before continuing, “It is the only earthly possession I truly care for--my most precious treasure.”
“To care for something is quite a gift,” Ardyn spoke absentmindedly almost as if you weren’t there, but you hummed affirmatively anyways. The waiter brought the check, breaking the man out of what appeared to be deep thought. It was a fast transaction, and finally, the night was winding down to an end.
Ever the chivalrous man, Ardyn walked you to your living spaces. “Thank you for tonight,” you bowed deeply. “It was an honor to spend alone time with the Chancellor,”  the pleasantries slipped from your lips. It was a shock to find his fingers flicking your forehead, and you recoiled at the slight sensation.
“I thought I told you long ago not to act so, hmm, how to say… kiss-assy with me just cause you work for me,” the man rarely swore so you couldn’t fight the full smile and laugh that was drawn from you. He seemed pleased to have garnered such a reaction. “Sorry,” you managed to get out after another laugh.
“Well, dearest, it appears the night out is over. I thoroughly enjoyed the experience.” You nodded in agreement. “I shall see you once the work week begins,” the ever cheeky Ardyn leaned down to give a kiss to your forehead where he had previously flicked it before quickly turning and waving goodbye.
As you tried to sleep, your face heated every time you thought of the peck. You were aware that the majority of his flatteries were empty, but it still gave you butterflies. You had never let anyone share contact like that with you after all. A deep sigh rose out of you, you had to brush off all the strange feelings before work began as usual; however, you didn’t know if Ardyn would ever let you do so. The man certainly knew how to press buttons you didn’t know existed.
‘What a pain.’
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pjstafford · 4 years
Can you Imagine Going Through Life Looking Like That?  Review of Humbug Blog 19 of the Disability in The World of The X-Files Series
Humbug is the twentieth episode of the second season and the first episode written by Darin Morgan and directed by Kim Manners.  It is an episode about “otherness.”  It changed the nature of the X-Files as the first comedic episode of the X-Files; thus allowing the X-Files a diversity in form that most series don’t have.  It, also,  inspired this blog series.  
From my perspective, Humbug takes the viewer through a fun journey which you don’t realize is a journey of self-discovery until you are through to the other side.  If it is a journey of “otherness”, the other is defined as having physical differences.  We begin by seeing how Scully perceives the grotesque other as an object of pity.  We then enter into a town inhabited mostly by side show performers; circus geeks and freaks with many physical differences.  We hear humorous repeated messages that to perceive people based on nothing more than a physical appearance reduces a person to a stereotype and a caricature and is the same as judging someone by their skin color.  Being so immersed in this world of the “other”, we get to the point where we can see through the “other’s” eyes.  Then, we can see Fox Mulder for what he truly is:  a man of such freakishly good looks that he falls outside the box of “normal.” Can you imagine going through life looking like that?  I pity the man.  
In this entire episode, there is no evidence of anybody with a physical difference being unable to do or accomplish anything.  The preacher with no arms turns the pages of the Bible with his feet.  The short of stature, Mr. Nutt, simply steps onto stools or other things to change his stature when needed.  You have at least one character, Mr. Blockhead, who was not born with a physical difference, but is trying to join this elite group of carnival and side show performers by learning how to withstand pain and through his mastery of the escape.   When  Jim Jim the dog face boy finds that he is losing his hair, he  is reduced to the more banal role of the town’s Sherriff, but he doesn’t go off to escape his past and shows no shame when confronted with his past.
The episode plays with the concept of false  perceptions from the cold open to the show’s conclusion.  The opening scene is one of typical suburbia about to be overtaken by a hideous looking creature.  Two boys are playing in a pool where they are being observed through the trees by some sort of creature.  When the man who has gone through his whole life being known as the alligator man due to a skin condition jumps into the pool, you find out that he is the boys’ father and a sense of normalcy is restored.  Then the boys go in to get ready for bed and the monster actually hiding in the trees attacks the father.  
The next scene is the typical scene in the FBI basement where Mulder provides Scully with the details of the case.  However, Scully can’t seem to focus on anything but the initial picture of the deceased and his skin condition.  When Mulder asks her what she thinks of the case she can only say “Can you imagine going through life looking like this?”  This sentiment is not new for The X-Files.  I previously reviewed the episode Miracle Man where a man brought back from the dead is so dismayed by his appearance that he goes on a killing spree to discredit the boy who brought him back to life.  In that episode a physical difference is seen as such an affliction, we are left to ponder if death might be preferable.  In Humbug, despite the fact that the deceased is a successful man with a wife and children and appears from our brief glimpse in the pool to be happy, we hear in the intonation of Scully’s voice the pity that wonders how horrific a life must be when a person looks different.  
It is only a short time later that Scully and Mulder finds out the town where the murder occurs is actually a town founded by Barnum and Bailey performers (based on an actual town) and Scully jumps rapidly to the conclusion that the mystery can be easily solved:  “…and their isolation from everyday society caused by their physical deformities could have built up pathological resentments so intense that…”   She is quickly interrupted by the Sherriff who assure her that inside they are as normal as anyone.  “Its just been my experience that many people have a harder time accepting these people’s deformities than they do themselves.”  This is when the show shifts to allow us to see through the eyes of the “other.”
The case not being easily solved, the agents are forced to find accommodations.  In checking in, they meet Mr. Nutt who Mulder immediately asks if he has done any circus work.  Mr. Nutt is indignant. “.. You took one quick look at me and decided that you could deduce my entire life.”  Mr. Nutt then judges Mulder for his all –American features, his dour demeanor, his unimaginative neck tie.  “But do you see the tragedy here?  I have mistakenly reduced you to a stereotype.  A caricature.  Instead of regarding you as a specific, unique individual.”  In a later scene Mr. Nutt will judge Mulder again.  “Not all women are attracted to overly tall, lanky men such as yourself.”  Both of these scenes set the stage for the later scene when we will all see Mulder as the other.  
Another scene which pokes fun at all the scenes in all the other episodes where a person is considered to be a suspect because of a disability is the scene where Mulder and Scully observes the Sherriff, who they now know was once Jim Jim the dog face boy, burying something and then they decide to exhume whatever was buried. Mulder says “we’re being highly discriminatory here.  Just because a man was once inflicted with excessive hairiness, we’ve no excuse to suspect him of aberrant behavior. “   Scully: “Its like assuming guilt based solely on skin color isn’t it?”  The acknowledgement that these assumptions are wrong does nothing to dissuade them from exhuming what turns out to be a potato.  
The killer turns out to be the conjoined twin of Lanny.  Throughout the episode Lanny has his twin conjoined head inside Lanny’s stomach; creating a abdominal bulge.    Here again the perception is not what it appears. The viewer and the agents have presumed that the head inside of Lanny must be dead.  However Leornard, Lanny’s twin, is alive and can detach itself from Lanny.  It is the murderer, but the murders are not intentional.  He does not mean to harm.  He is simply looking to replace Lanny as a brother.   Lanny cries and says “It hurts to not be wanted.”  Then, Lanny says “you cannot change the way you were born.”  
This brings us to the conclusion of the episode.  The character Blockhead says to Scully, “Twenty-first century genetic engineering will not only eradicate this Siamese twins and the alligator skinned people, but you’re going to be hard-pressed to find, uh, a slight overbite or a not-so- high check bone. You see, I’ve seen the future and the future looks just like him. “   He points to Mulder who is standing in a classic model mode. He then says the phrase used earlier by Scully:   “Imagine going through your whole life looking like that”  
Finally, the last line is uttered.  In keeping with the episode it once again plays with the perception issue.   The character the Conundrum has gone through the entire episode without speaking.  When the agents wanted to question him, Blockhead said the Conundrum doesn’t answer questions but only poses them– such implying that, perhaps, he does not talk. Now  the Conundrum  has eaten Leonard, the murderous twin of Lanny, and so has an upset stomach.  When the agents says they hope it is nothing serious, The Conundrum says clearly and without any sign of speech or mental impediment “It’s probably something I ate.”  
Let’s put the icing on the cake of the perception lesson. This is an X files episode about murder in a carnival side show performer town.   Given what we have seen thus far up until this episode in regards to disability in the world of the X-files, this could have been a horror fiasco of flagrant, serious stereotypes and caricatures.   Instead, we have this beautiful surprise.  The X-files can do comedy and they can recognize their own failings.   This is a brilliant episode.  It adeptly leads the viewer through this expert journey of judging until we are left wondering if our hero isn’t a little bit of an unnatural himself; a little too handsome.  This episode doesn’t excuse some of the episodes before and there are bad episodes yet to review, but this episode is a stand- alone hour of television which everyone who loves diversity should view.  
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c-a support + paired ending
c (i)
Hilda: Ah, Lorenz. At it again. Lorenz: Hello, Hilda. Are you training too? If that's the case, I may have to revise my opinion of you. L: Increased strength and skill would serve as perfect complements to your beauty and esteemed lineage. H: Um, no. I just left something here. I don't share your tireless work ethic. H: You’re quite something. I don't think I've ever seen you take a break. L: When the fate of all the Alliance rests on your shoulders, the rigors of training seem paltry by comparison! (golden deer route) L: When the fate of all Fódlan rests on your shoulders, the rigors of training seem paltry by comparison. (other) L: Besides, when my admirers see that even an individual of my talent possesses a diligent work ethic, it is sure to inspire them. H: I see. But I was wondering... Ah, never mind. You're clearly busy. L: Oh! Is there something you require? What do you need? There is nothing I cannot handle! H: The trouble is I'm no good at fighting. I'm a fragile young lady, not a fearsome warrior. H: I didn't even want to join the academy, honestly. My brother made me. L: Of course. For a delicate flower such as yourself, no doubt battle must present a terrible hardship. H: It does, it truly does. So I was wondering if, in the next training session, you'd do my fighting for me? (pre-skip) H: It does, it truly does. So I was wondering if, in the next battle, you'd do my fighting for me? (post-skip) H: I mean, I can put on a tough, "I'm actually fighting" kind of air, but...that's not quite enough on its own. L: Please, leave all of the difficulty to me. I shall permit no harm to befall you! H: Ah, I'm so happy! In that case, I'll focus on giving a convincingly soldierly performance. H: You know, Lorenz, you're a good guy. Not that I'd have expected anything less from a noble. L: With each of your foes that I vanquish, I shall only become ever stronger! L: Yes, leave it all to me! H: What a guy! And all I had to do was ask. H: Mm, maybe I'll have a snack.
c (ii)
H: Thank you, Lorenz! You've done so much for me. You've been a tremendous help. L: It was but a trifle. Surely there was no small amount of danger, but in the interest of experience, I was happy to endure. H: You're so strong that I can't help but feel safe in your presence. L: Yes, of course. Although no matter how much brute strength we bring to bear, it is important that there be a leader on the field as well. L: Without someone possessed of my sound judgment and adaptability, we would surely be lost. H: Surely, yes. My thoughts exactly. But, um... L: Hm? What is it? H: I'm going to keep providing support from the back. You wouldn't mind doing more fighting for me, would you? L: Oh. Well, uh...physically, I can certainly, but if you mean on an everyday basis... H: I knew you would! You have the generous soul of a true noble. I'll have to write back home and sing your praises! L: Really? You mean, to your father and brother? H: Oh yes. I have to write my big brother pretty often, as a matter of fact. He gets upset if I don't. H: And yet, I never have much to write about. I've been really straining for topics. H: That must strike you as a terrible nuisance—the idea of me blabbing about you in my letters. L: Nuisance? Hardly! Your brother is one of the foremost commanders of the Alliance. (pre-skip) L: Nuisance? Hardly! Your brother has won great honor as a commander of the Alliance. (post-skip) L: I can think of no higher accolade than to have my name passed on to his noble ear. H: And I'll tell him about all your thrilling exploits! Although, if you can't help, that's OK too. I'll find something else to write about. L: Oh, fear not! I shall show you exploits of a nature more thrilling than you could ever dream! L: Incidentally, when you write to him, please do not refer to me merely as Lorenz. L: Please use my full name... Lorenz Hellman Gloucester! L: This will be an excellent opportunity to advance the status of the Gloucester name! H: What a funny boy.
L: Ah! There's yet another option. H: Lorenz? What are you doing? L: Oh. Hello, Hilda. I'm using these pieces to represent soldiers on the battlefield. This will allow me to better visualize concepts of strategy. H: Very good! Is it fun? L: It is utterly engrossing. Look—swap out just certain pieces for others, and the board completely changes. L: Then, even considering the same types of units, employing different individuals calls for a new set of plans. H: Oh, I see! Or, I kinda see? It's hard for me to grasp really complex things like this. L: Nonsense! It's thanks to your many requests that I have been adapting my fighting style of late. L: Working to accommodate you has convincingly shown me how essential it is to rethink tactics on a continual basis. L: After all, the risk of getting hurt is greatly reduced if you are prepared for any situation. L: So, now I will be ready for anything. H: ... H: Lorenz, you're so wonderful, I'm at a loss for words. I'm not just saying that to flatter you either. Honestly! L: Tell me something, Hilda. Did you make all of these ludicrous requests of me purely so that I might have the opportunity to develop myself? L: Because if so, I am deeply moved. Thank you for caring so thoughtfully and passionately for my personal growth. H: Um, you're welcome! L: If you will permit me to return the favor, I do have one request to make of you. Will you hear me out? H: Ah, I'm not usually one for fielding requests, but I can make an exception in your case, I suppose. L: I would be so pleased to have the opportunity to observe you in action, in the heat of battle. Would you be so kind as to oblige me? H: Oh, very well... You've convinced me. But if it gets too intense...you'll help me out, right?
H: Lorenz! Lorenz! Look! L: What is it, Hilda? Ah, a letter. From your brother? H: That's right. Though part of me thinks it's some stranger imitating my brother's handwriting. He's never given me this much praise. H: "Hilda, you've learnt the value of persistence." "You're really maturing." Stuff like that. H: Usually his letters are like, "I'm worried about you," and, "Stop being so lazy." L: Since I have fought by your side, I can assure you that his praise is genuine and entirely deserved. H: I've written about fighting in plenty of letters. Why's he so gushy this time around? L: I would venture to guess that your depictions of battle are more passionate than before. L: It’s no surprise that such authenticity would resonate with a veteran warrior like your brother. H: If that's true, I have you to thank. You've inspired me to throw myself into battle. H: Does everyone think I'm a tough warrior now? I don't want to be stuck with their high expectations. L: Would that be so terrible? You are gifted, you know. L: Not to say that your lackadaisical nature has failed to endear itself to me. H: I'll choose to take that as a compliment. L: Speaking of letters...did you keep your promise? L: Did you, uh, mention me? H: I did! I told my brother all about you. H: I said you were a uniquely gifted leader, who could inspire people to be their best selves. And I said that you'll be a real asset to the Alliance. (golden deer route) H: I said you were a uniquely gifted leader, who could inspire people to be their best selves. And I said that you'll be a real asset in this new era. (other) H: I also told him how I wished you could join our family. He responded that he'd be honored to call you his brother. L: Truly?! To have such a valiant brother would be beyond my wildest expectations! H: Um—Lorenz. You know what I mean about you joining our family, right? L: I believe I do. And I confess, if I am correct, that the same thought has preoccupied me as well. L: But you must forgive me. Now is not the time. L: Before we can consider our own future, we must first end this war. We must secure a peaceful world. H: And if we do attain a peaceful world, then what? Come on! Just say it. L: As much as I'd like to grant that request, I cannot. This is something that will deeply affect our lives. L: It must be said at the proper time and place, with the most artfully chosen words, and the perfect offering. L: I am Lorenz Hellman Gloucester, after all! H: I'm not usually one for waiting around... But maybe I'll make an exception in his case.
paired ending
As the new head of House Gloucester, Lorenz first worked to restore his own territory, and then expanded his vision to include reforms for all Fódlan. At the height of his storied political career, he announced his marriage to Hilda, the only daughter of Duke Goneril. After the recovery effort, at Hilda's behest, the pair established artisan academies all over Fódlan. The schools quickly flourished, invigorating interest in the arts as well as trade with foreign lands. After many years of success and prosperity, the students of the first of these academies crafted a bronze statue of the founding couple to honor their achievement. The statue stands to this day.
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vandergelic-blog · 7 years
Can you do a headcannon with the RFA + minor trio with an MC that's got nearsightedness and she's slowly going blind and it can't really be stopped?
Yes of course~ I actually have nearsightedness..but I’m not going blind. Hopefully I did this justice..! I struggled with Seven and Yoosung surprisingly. But I hope I did okay, enjoy! 
“You can still see my beauty from afar though, right?” He chuckled and you rolled your eyes as you adjusted the glasses propped on the bridge of your nose.
He knew that your vision was bad, but it wasn’t until later when you asked him why it was so dark in the living room one night when all the lights were on.
So he took you to the doctor and was shocked at the news, and saddened all at once.
You told them that it was okay, and that you could get through this as long as he was by your side.
When you completely lost your vision..his heart would slightly drop whenever he looked at you.
You didn’t know how beautiful you looked everyday, so he would be sure to tell you.
“Honey, I wish you could see how you look right now. Your skin is so radiant, and your silky brown hair spilling over your shoulders. The earrings I bought you really brings out the angelic shade of your eyes..”
Honestly..he wouldn’t be sure of how to handle it. But you can bet he was always describing the scenery wherever you guys went.
This little bby, he would always be so aware and cautious of you when he learned that you were nearsighted.
“Hold onto my arm MC while we cross the street! Uh..”
But when he learned that you were slowly going blind he would probably just lose his shit.
“Yoosung, don’t worry. I knew this was coming, my vision has been bad all my life.”
“If you knew it was coming..then WHY didn’t you get it treated?!”
“I tried, it couldn’t been helped.”
Would ultimately just feel terrible about the whole situation.
He would help you as much as you could and as often as he could.
It would take him awhile to accept it and get used to it..but at the end of the day he was always sure to remind you of how much he loves you, and how he’ll never leave your side.
She would automatically go into overprotective mom mode.
I know that’s like a cliche for her, but it’s true!!
“MC, stay out of the kitchen please..I don’t want you to get hurt. What if your vision fails you while you’re cutting up something? Or if you’re using the stove.. Let me do the cooking from now on.” 
I feel like she wouldn’t be that taken back when she learned that you were slowly going blind.
Would probably do some research of how to make things easier for you, and help you learn how to read braille. 
Always looking out for you..always. And being very attentive towards you whenever you were doing something.
“I know..all of this must be very hard for you. But believe me when I say that I’ll be with you until the absolute end.”
As soon as he found out you had nearsightedness, he’d schedule an appointment with one of the best eye doctors in the world. 
Would do everything in his power to make sure that your vision wouldn’t get any worse and would only improve.
He had already dealt with V..he didn’t want to fail again.
But your condition was rare, you going blind was inevitable and he just felt so..defeated.
The most important people in his life, both have gone blind.
I feel like he would take it the worse. 
When he took you on business trips, he felt like absolute shit that you couldn’t admire the beautiful scenery to you.
Much like Zen (haha), he would take his time describing every possible detail to you, so that hopefully you could vividly envision it in your mind.
Since you had lost one of your senses. he would make sure to stimulate the others in the most pleasing way.
The penthouse would always have the best scent, he made sure you ate nothing but the most well put together food..music filled with such beautiful harmonies it put you in a trance.
“MC, I know that you’re blind..but I hope that doesn’t stop you from seeing how much adoration I have for you, and how much I love you.”
Despite doing a background check on you, he didn’t know this. 
I feel like he would be the kind of person to hold up his hand in front of you and ask how many fingers he’s holding up.
“3, Seven, 3.”
“Okay how about now?”
“You don’t even have your hand up anymore.”
Even though he would make a joke from time to time, deep down inside it worried the shit out of him. 
Would probably try to develop some special glasses that would support your vision way better than just regular ones.
You know like eSight glasses that allow blind people to see again?
If your vision wasn’t curable, at least he could do this.
It would take quite a long time though, he’d have to do some much research and testing, it wasn’t a field he was experienced in.
But until then, he would just assist you himself and make upgrades to the cat robot to help you as well.
Would never let you out of the bunker by yourself.
He was actually..just a huge worry wart over you, but only because he loved you and wants nothing more but to protect you always so you can be the safest you could possibly be.
He wouldn’t think much of it at first..
So what? Not everyone had the best vision.
But when he learned that you were going blind and it couldn’t be treated..
He just felt so..helpless.
It would send him into a brooding state, and he would just stare at you sometimes.
“You..you’ll be okay right? You just won’t be able to see? You won’t leave me right..”
“I would never leave you Saeran.”
“I don’t want you going out anywhere alone. Please, let me be by your side just all the time so I can look at for you.”
Wouldn’t quite know what to do most of the time tbh.
But you were the most precious thing to ever happen to him, the fact that this was happening to you angered him to know end.
He never wanted you to experience something like this, he wish he could somehow give you his vision in exchange for your blindness.
“Why must terrible things like this happen to good people? It should be me..not you.”
“Saeran, please don’t say that. The world has a weird way of working sometimes.”
“I want to fight the world then.” saeranpls 
“MC, I want nothing more but to protect you. I’ll make sure from now on, whatever danger comes in your way I’ll stop it before it could ever reach you. I love you more than anything..It’s unfair how you’re forced to only see darkness, when you bring so much light.”
Jihyun (V):
Suddenly thinks he made a mistake by finally accepting Jumin’s request for him to get eye surgery.
It was almost as if..the universe took his condition and gave it to you, as punishment.
After all, he did lie to you and the rest of the RFA.
Would have so much regret, and just.. so much hatred in himself.
“I should’ve never gotten the surgery..now you have to suffer as I did..” He cried one night as he watched you sleep.
“Perhaps..if I blinded myself, you would get your vision back.”
no baby please don’t do that please please please no
Before you completely lost your sight, he would take you all over the world with him.
The most beautiful places on Earth, and he would have you explore the scenery and capture the most breath-taking, purest moments of you.
He just felt so terrible about it sometimes, you would have to constantly reassure him that he was not at fault. That you had been struggle with your eyesight all your life.
But he couldn’t help it. The only reason why he didn’t harm himself is so he could be able to see for the both of you..
Honestly..I don’t think he would say much at first when he learned that you had nearsightedness.
“Oh.” is all he would say, with sentimental eyes and he looked down on you.
Your vision may be shit, but you could see the slight uneasiness that rested on his face. 
“Well if you ever need anything..let me know.”
He would ask you if you were okay a lot, and if you needed help. 
“Do you need something? I can go get it for you.. Just stay there, don’t move.”
Suddenly, he didn’t mind cleaning up and taking care of the house if it was for you.
He would show small actions of compassion and worry, he wanted to make things easier for you. 
Sometimes, when you guys laid on the couch with each other, watching movies he’d make funny, sarcastic comments describing the setting or how the characters looked. 
Like once you guys were watching a zombie apocalypse movie..
“Okay, wow. Well this place looks like a total shit-hole. So just picture Seven’s bunker..but outside, spread out throughout the city.” 
“The dude is really ugly by the way, don’t waste your energy trying to envision it. He’s truly horrific.”
He didn’t know exactly how to handle it, but it wouldn’t have any negative connotation towards how he felt for you. 
In fact this would probably just make him care about and love you even more. 
He admired how strong you were, and questioned how you managed to stay calm even though you were going fucking blind.
“I don’t quite know what’s going through your head…and I know this is a struggle for you. Never feel like you have to hold anything in. If you’re frustrated or sad, let me know.”
“One more thing..” 
“Awwww, Vandy. I may be nearly blind, but I can just picture how red you are right now. I love you too.”  
His face went even redder.
“Shut up.”
Phewww! I hope you liked this! Requests are still open y’all! So send in whatever your heart desires!
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izanaginookami10 · 7 years
Well, saturday is the day I await the most. Re:Creators is officially my favourite anime this season (AOTS = Anime of the Season). I am a little late, but well, I other than battling with reality, I spent really lots of time to write this post.
Now, onto this week episode.
And we begin from the hype of last episode! The red-hot-haired guy who named himself “Last Boss” Mirokuji Yuuya VS. little brat “Mahou Shoujo” Kirameki Mamika.
I’m loving Yuuya here. His arrogant tone of voice and behaviour, as expected from a “Last Boss”. And you remind me of Accelerator from Toaru Majutsu no Index, my favourite character.
Though that gangstar style resemble more Kintoki Rider’s form Fate/Grand Order.
Kintoki Rider
I hate dealing with girls who think they can get away with things by crying.
WELL SAID! Open the eyes of the naive Magical brat!
Three…. Two…. On- nihihihiHH!?
OooHH!? What the- TITURIA!? *ahem* I meant “ARTORIA LANCER FROM F/GO”!? What’s this!? The Holy Grail War?
Kintoki Rider
Artoria Lancer
Seriously, you’re identical to her. And what!? You are on that brat side? Then you’re my enemy too. See? Yuuya knows which side is better. Holy, what great character. This series is making me love characters so quickly. Has it ever happened before? I’m not sure (and I did watch a good amount of them).
Sasuga MC. Your extensive knowledge about AMLNVN world is useful in these situations.
It’s just been a minute and I’m so excited, I’m so pumped I actually think I need to calm down doing push ups.
The Opening! My ears. My eyes. My whole being. My very soul is in ecstasy while seeing, feeling, hearing the Opening Theme. i can’t say how great is the OP. I’m unable to express the beauty, no, the artistry of it. So beautiful, so dazzling, so stunning. I can’t seriously express how just the OP is enough to give this show full score (well, actually there are anime where the OP is better than the show itself, or is the only good thing… But this is definitely not the case).
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Let’s all listen to the Opening! I’ll never stop saying how good it is. I’m actually listening to it looping in the background.
But you never know what’s going to happen in the future.
Wait, are you saying you’re saving money for the future? That’s surprising.
Military Uniform Kid? Goddess with gorgeous white hair, charming eyes and wonderful power who also resemble a Nazi-Gilgamesh I suppose you meant.
Remaking our world?!? That… I actually didn’t think of that possibility! Holy, if ours truly is the world of Gods for them, then that would be really interesting.
So… unexpected. I’m liking you more and more. Totally different from your appearence. And that’s really nice. Just like Accelerator or Kintoki Rider (yeah, I love the first while the second is basically my saviour in F/GO).
RIGHT! The author should be able to tweak the characters, abilities and everything about the creations. The reason they were chosen? Hm, right. There should be some kind of criteria, I actually forgot such important thing.
A lasting impression on many people huh. So the more popular and interesting the more chance to get materialized? Wait. Waitwaitwait. The more you are known. The more you are likely to appear. Let’s think about it. Isn’t this actually… how Divinities work? I mean, the more believers you have, the more a God should be able to manifest itself and be powerful I suppose (well, this is a setting of many anime stories  naturally, as if I would talk about reality, pff).
Whatever happens happens. I’m going to do whatever I want…
I’m not going to cause you trouble. I’m the kind of guy that never forgets what others did for me.
I fucking love you. I FUCKING LOVE YOU. And I’m a guy. This feeling of admiration… it’s been a while. Maybe from the anime adaptation of Fate/Stay Night: UBW of 2014?
Hou, the illustrator, the co-creator then?
Woah, already bickering? Hmmm. This actually make me reflect on the connection between creator and created. What if… the latter killed its creator? It shouldn’t affect them right? Hm… nah. That’s really unlikely, as there isn’t really a connection between them time-wise.
Yup, a parent-child relationship is what best describe this I suppose.
Warning: you may skip this part, as it’s only the complaint of a failure as a human being, who refuse to accept reality and escapes from it towards the ideal world of AMLNVN. Yeah… I also do believe I’m quite the pessimistic one…
As humoristic (or creepy) the picture may seem, I believe that what she says is really important and deep, although she may have not had that intention… No one asked to be born. Yet, we are asked the unreasonable. I won’t say that I do not feel gratitude for my parents: I will definitely pay you back for the trouble of raising me, but for giving me birth? No. I’ve never asked that. Why would anyone wish to be born in this reality? Why would I want to fight everyday to affirm my existence? To have my identity acknowledged? Why would I desire for a life full of hardships and pain? Haha, merely “existing” is quite hard.
Ahh, screw it. You’re definitely not here to read my rumblings about life. So let’s just say, that this hit me really hard, and it’s one of the many reasons I love this show. Ok let’s continue then. And I deeply apologize if this was a little too… heavy, let’s return to 2D! 
Hm, we still have to see whether and how much a creator can affect its creation, what if he changed the whole backstory or synopsis? What if he erased its existence? If that was the case… fufufu… there actually would be a reason for killing one’s own “parent”…
Sasuga Meteora, I too wish to experiment immediately that.
Ugh, how embarassing. Author-san, did you really have to make that chant? What about a normal “fire ball”?
I think the lacking condition is popularity. If it was the lasting impression on humans that choose them, then it would be logical that it should be spread among fans and acknowledged by them for it to materialize. Didn’t thought about the lack of information being a possibility though.
That’s it. That’s the turning point. That’s what I’ve been wondering the most. If a character actually did materialize in our world… at which point of the story would be at? What if the author continue the story? Will this “copy” get updated?
Oh, so it’s from the latest episode/chapter. Huh. Wait. Why the anime? What about the original source? It’s because it’s not popular enough? What if both version came out? The possibilities and questions are only increasing. Christ, how come I’m so philosophycal here, when I need it the most at school?
Heh, Selesia (Selestia? Celestia?)’s reaction at her own spoilers. Yep, exactly. Seeing, or rather “knowing” the future isn’t so good in the long term. Well, if it’s just for a few times or a power under one’s will, I suppose it would be good. If it’s passive though… you’ll fall into despair like certain, amazing and loved by me, characters from Danganronpa series.
Uh, no. I don’t think you can just pretend to not have heard anything. Wait, if you actually return to your World, would you keep your memories? No, before that. You’re a character, you wouldn’t even be sentient at that point, would you? Hm. Ok, let’s stop here. I would like to keep this curiosity and bring it to school.
Wait. Why smell? Because she has been battling for the entire life or because she’s a creation?
16? Quite young. I thought you were a year ot two older.
The moment of truth…
Heheh. When music and insert song suddenly started I actually thought I was wrong, maybe it was really the lack of information. But then *flop*.
Passion in creating a character. I think, that’s quite deep. Just think about the possibility of a creation materializing just to discover it was created in a half-assed way. Meteora… I would offer you a hug if you ever manifested here. Please do so.
Sasuga MC! Impression on readers and popularity! That’s the condition (probably). Otaku tend to think alike I suppose? That makes me feel happy.
Hou? We will see Meteora’s creator soon then? Hope he isn’t a jerk. For some reasons I fear this now.
Hohoh, don’t worry. Even if Souta doesn’t show it, he’s actually very happy to have 2 beautiful 2D girls at his house.
Fate and destiny huh. I… would like to believe in it, and yet, I really dislike their meaning. Saying “it was fate” is romantic and all, but… it makes human actions worthless. I want to believe that the result wasn’t already set in stone, but it was accomplished by my hard work.
Oh, finally. Our Goddess. I’ve been waiting for you.
Destinies… again, huh. I truly wonder how Souta is connected to her. For some reasons I have the crazy idea that she’s actually his creation from the future or something. Too much Fate evidently.
…? ?? Mahou Shoujo is a stalker? Oh, wait. She was kidnapped by Artori- no, what was her name again? *check on MAL* Alicetalia, yeah. Hm? So they are allied, huh.
I wonder how many faction are there. From the exquisite Openin we see numerous characters.
Now, Souta won’t return to his dull daily life, will he? Maybe he will bump into another creation?
I await next saturday like Gasai Yuno await for Amano Yukiteru. If you do not know about them, I suggest trying to see Mirai Nikki.
Umu, and thus this long, very long, post finishes. I think this is the longest as for now.
No matter what. I can’t stop singing praise to Re:Creators. I truly do love this series. My love for this show is trascending my mortal limits.
But this is also worrysome. I’m getting scared of the future. I have great expectations for this series. What if… what if the show won’t live up to my huge expectations? I just have to deal with it.
So, yeah. You won’t get a score lower than 10/10 from me. But I am totally aware of how biased this is. I am easily satisfied, and this show simply hit almost all of my weakpoints. I’ll definitely try to revise my scoring after the anime ends.
But for now…
You’re perfect! Izanagi approves and recommends it!
…you might know that “Izanagi” is actually my username. If you didn’t… well you now know.
Oh and, by the way, it seems like we now have all the translated glitchy text that appeared on the table in Episode 1 thanks to a kind and bored redditor.
Read a post of almost 2000 words where I sing praises about Re:Creators episode 3! Well, saturday is the day I await the most. Re:Creators is officially my favourite anime this season (AOTS = Anime of the Season).
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