#trumpet go DOOT DOOT
confusedgoblin · 10 months
Got a concert today
Bout to sweat my ass off cause it’s like
85 degrees in full formal dress but-
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vjonny2x4v · 7 months
This sad jazz playlist really hitting the spot tonight
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gaykarstaagforever · 6 months
This guy has a tiny channel, but he made this very slick video figuring out where the "doot doot" skeleton trumpet gif came from.
He uses a clip from Star Wars as a reaction meme so watch it before Disney takes it down.
(He keeps calling TinEye "Tiny Eye," but he also has an accent meaning he may not be a native English speaker, so I'm not going to be a dick about it.)
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not-a-skeleton-spy · 2 years
It's come to my attention that there are still many who don't understand the Skeleton War it even what a skeleton truly is so I'd like to take a moment to provide some insight.
To do this one must first understand what a skeleton is. A skeleton is the framework of the Meat Mech that is the mortal body, which is further strengthened by the consolidation of the spirit into the bones themselves upon death. These mechs are buried and when the spirit has been fully integrated exclusively into the skeleton framework, they rise once more as a further evolved (more like further cooked, really) manifestation of the Soul.
However, the soul was not meant to be so concentrated, it's supposed to power an entire mech! So the new demi-beings are eternally restless and in constant agony, thus necessitating a cathartic form of release. This is usually expressed through battle using various mediums of combat - some of which include incendiary attacks, clacking of the jaw bones in place of witticism due to lack of vocal chords, and sonic warfare by brass musical instruments.
Over time, Skeletonkind learned to enchant their weapons and expanded its horizons to make more creative tools with which to unleash havoc. This angered the Wizards, whom were already in the middle of inciting chaos and did not appreciate being interrupted.
This would have been a simple misunderstanding with a lot of grumbling were it not for the Doot Incident. Who exactly tooted is unknown, but the Wizards angrily claimed one of the Skeletons tried to assault them with their Tactical Trumpet 🎺. The Skeletons claimed innocence and cited a Wizard casting Fateful Flatulence as the source of the tooting.
As we all know, the law of He Who Smelt It Dealt It can only be counted by the He Who Denied It Supplied It addendum, which causes a recursive loop.
This kicked off countless years of mostly-totally-but-not-really-at-all violent warfare that is still waged to this day.
I hope this has been an educational post and I encourage you to join a side that looks like fun. We Skeletons have enchanted tools and mighty rusted armor!
Oh, and Wizards have silly hats and spells and stuff, I guess.
The Mushroom Rebels kind of just sit there, but they've got the whole Extant Form of Life thing going on and a cursed form of immortality, so check 'em out!
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luvtonique · 11 months
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Stream Ad - Mica Doot [GoFundMe]
Mica go a trumpet now. [Please note I am trying to use a PostyBirb shortcut for the first time, so if you just see the word "gofundme" inside of spiky brackets below this, it screwed up.] I am doing a GoFundMe, raising $60,000 or anywhere near that to get my family out of California. All of the info can be found at the GoFundMe link here! Until the fundraiser has reached a point where we can feasibly escape from this state, I will be streaming commissions every two days, starting today. Every in-between day is a no-obligations kick-back play-videogames day, and then every day other than that is drawing. The stream may be found at: https://piczel.tv/watch/LilMissJay
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kaisita · 6 months
The skull trumpet video was so weird to watch. Like, the subject matter is cool, and the web sleuthing aspect of it is cool as well, but when it turned to "I needed to stalk this dead woman and all of her relatives just to let her know that I found her because of a gif she made back on 1999 and even after learning of her passing I'm going to keep harassing the person who answered, even though I have their address and I was about to send someone to their house, without thinking about the possibility of that being an invasion of privacy" it just weirded me out. No amount of "self awareness" and admitting that what you did is actual stalking makes that behavior okay. Even less so fantasizing about you receiving an autograph and being so cool because you brought obscure internet culture to a woman that would be probably in her 60's that posted some random ass gifs 30 years ago. Like imagine doing some random beep booping on the internet and then being chased down like that, your name and your loved ones' info being put out and blasted on YouTube for clout and the "privilege of unearthing info that no one else has ever gotten before". Maybe the reason it was never released is because you'd have to do intensive research on someone who wasn't a public figure, and that MAYBE IDK is stalking. If the people you tried to reach didn't answer, why did you feel it would be a good idea to text them again and again, call them, have someone else call them again, email them multiple times, search up everyone related and with a similar last name, LOOK UP THEIR ADDRESS and even THINK going to their home for DOOT SKELETON. And then the audacity to make half of the video about how hard you worked to get all this information, and oh Lord incredible you, you unearthed the personal info of someone else for a meme.
I don't think anyone's life is better after learning where doot skeleton came from.
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eirian · 6 months
if that post doesnt get at least a reasonable amount of notes im going to be very disappointed. i looked up a transparent fireball png for that thing you guys cmon. you dont like flaming skull trumpet? doot doot...?
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actual-lich-queen · 1 year
The worst thing about DA:I is there’s no in game music. Like yeah, you get sad piano and a few orchestral surges during cut scenes and plot important points, but like, a huge portion of the game play is wandering around the scenery looking for a path up to the side quest point in complete silence.
Like, it’s such a wasted opportunity to have a memorable overworld theme that could define the mood of each area ( or even better, steadily improve as you complete quests? Like, imagine if the Hinterlands started with like, a sad penny whistle and gradually grew to a full band playing the same Hinterlands theme as you make it safe for the refugees?)
If you’re going to make me walk around for two hours picking flowers because for some reason you thought that would be a fun gameplay mechanic, you could at least throw me some doodly-doots on a sad electric trumpet so that I am less likely to notice that 98% of the gameplay is mind numbingly boring.
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duckymcdoorknob · 1 year
If you’d like, you can skip over this.
I’m sorry to be so sentimental here, but I can’t share this anywhere else. I have to be strong for these kids.
To you above,
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I will never forget you.
I will never forget the four years that we spent together.
Four years that seemed to last forever, until the week of my graduation.
I will never forget the absolutely ludicrous things I made you google to show the class. (Yes, you’re still expected to play the doot doot up in Heaven).
I will never forget the way that you treated me. You treated me like I was your equal. Though I was just a little shittin’ high schooler, you treated me like I was the same age as you.
Thank you for helping me discover my passions.
For letting me direct two shows, and trusting me to teach my fellow chorus members their parts.
For telling me that I would be one of your “story students” who have made such a big impact on you, that you sing of their praises for years to come.
For always being my number one bestie, even if you didn’t realize it at the time.
For always giving me advice and steering me in the right direction when I was ready to give up entirely.
For getting me through the tortuous years of my adolescence, fighting wars of love, failures, and equality.
For teaching me to stick up for myself, and to always challenge authority if I don’t agree with what I’m being presented with. (I’ll play Jack Kelly one day, you stinker).
For teaching me that my age didn’t matter in the real world, only the amount of effort that I put in would reflect on my achievements.
For believing that freshman year me could handle such a big role.
For ALWAYS letting me hide in your classroom without asking me a single time as to why. Sometimes I needed to hide from a person, sometimes I needed to hide from my grades, sometimes I needed to hide from everyone after just having a panic attack,
For giving me an entire box of cheerios the day I “forgot” my lunch, in which you saw right fucking through my lie.
For always giving me cool opera facts, and happily rambling about trumpet stuff (which I genuinely had no idea what was being said, but I listened anyways every time)
For always making me laugh with stories about your kids.
For telling me about your wife’s school, her musicals, and how much you love her.
For reminding me that reaching my goals is possible
For letting me lay on your floor in dead silence when I didn’t wanna go to math class that one time.
For letting me sneak into your room during lunches, because I didn’t have anyone to sit with.
For letting me skip your class to work on my pounds upon pounds of work for yearbook. (You were confident I always knew my music)
For believing in me and my skills so much that you gave me the alto part and said “can you have this learned by tonight?” (And I did. I was the only alto)
For letting me do my homework in your class almost every day because I hated doing it at home.
For letting me sneak back onto the sidelines during a football game, even though I wasn’t supposed to be there, and letting me play snare one last time.
For always annoying me with the hemiola in America. No matter how much I listened to it, I still fucking loathed it.
Thank you.
There’s so much more I could say
So much more to reminisce
So much more to be grateful for
So much I wished we could do
And now there isn’t a second more we can spend with each other.
I hate this.
It doesn’t even feel like you’re actually gone.
It feels like you’ll be back on Monday to unlock the stage door for me so I can go dig through the costume racks.
As I said in my graduation note, you know how much I hate goodbyes. I can’t accept that I’ll never see you again. I don’t want to.
So, I’ll end it as I did last year.
Go and chase your dreams, you won’t regret it.
Till we meet again, Dad.
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stellatenuem · 1 year
maybe i just need to talk about the fucker a little bit and the urge to make another blog will go away
so lets talk about mia’s goro :)
- goro akechi is an alias and not his real name! his name is Kogoro Hirai. this idea in my mind is that his mom named him after Kogoro Akechi in the first place, the fictional private detective created by Japanese mystery writer Edogawa Ranpo. (whos name is actually Taro Hirai. is their family related at all? who knows.) it was his moms favorite series when she was a little girl. and when he was making this new "Persona" he just. cut the ko out of kogoro and went with akechi. its all references. also kind of really sentimental at its roots when you think about it,, when it comes to his mom and how he wanted to be a hero for her.
kogoro was a kid chasing a pipe dream of revenge, but he wasnt completely stupid. once he started making his plans, he couldnt risk shido recognizing his Actual Name.  he also really liked the image it conjured up in his mind. of when he finally takes down shido and reveals who he Really is.
- hes a dog person. its not like he hates cats, he just prefers dogs. kogoro hirai sees a dog he just. !!! a friend. put a puppy in front of him and he experiences the Cute Rage™️ and tears up a lot. ("kinda wanna cry right now. i am so normal") resists the natural urge to just go complete baby talk mode. he actually gets a emotional support animal of his own. a retriever/shiba mix named senbei! (a traditional japanese rice cracker) he does, also. get a cat. “reluctantly” later on that ended up attaching itself to his dog more than him at first. hes a golden tabby named flapjack.
- hes a big nerd about jazz. its something hes actually really passionate about. his mom used to play jazz on their radio and he wanted to learn to play a lot of instruments as a child. kogoro does learn how to play the trumpet. he goes a long time without touching the instrument, though... with all his jobs... its sad. but!! when he actually starts studying music/jazz in uni, he picks it up again. (you know that fuckign video of the dog that was trained to doot on this plastic trumpet??? kogoro totally taught senbei to do that)
- thinks fish are cool. even if it was true when he said a co-worker gave him those tickets, theres no way he would invite ren to the aquarium to Not show off how Smart about fish he is. (cause no one will value me if i dont have anything intelligent or meaningful to say. and his inferiority complex demands he be better than everyone else at every turn.) the funny thing is that he didnt actually know/care much about fish beforehand and goes down a rabbit hole of fish research the night before to One up ren and be Smarter and Better than him, and accidentally discovers a fixation. very undiagnosed adhd/autism of him, fr....
- has an average spice tolerance. his only hubris is his pathological need to show off and his competitive nature, hence taking that spicy takoyaki thinking he could handle it (wanting to show off in front of the PT) and it backfiring horribly. hes so fuckin stupit and i love him
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golddragon387 · 2 years
wizzard bone blast 💥 💥💥💥💥
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tiredbired · 4 years
One thing that I'll literally never get over is the True Ending of Bravely Default, right at the end when the trumpets give their heroic "DOOT DOOT DOOT DOOT" OVER TIZ JUST FACE FUCKING DOWN IN THE DIRT IN THE GRAVEYARD
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romanamongthestars · 6 years
It's half past 12am and all I can think of is a chorus of trumpets from a song whoops
now all i can think of is trumpets by jason derulo and im giggling wildly for some reason
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humancomedy · 2 years
Human Comedy: Tragedy - 2
Mitsuru: Mmm~! Feels so good to be out in the sun!
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Location: Shopping Area
Time: A few minutes later
Mitsuru: Mmm~! Feels so good to be out in the sun!
Hajime: Fufu, yes, it's starting to get warmer little by little. I think the cherry blossoms will bloom much earlier this year, at this rate. Although, they were just very late in blooming last year.
And last year's flower-viewing live, SakuraFes⁠. That's the one Akehoshi-senpai and his unit members performed in, yes? I'm wondering if we can do one this year.
Mitsuru: Whaa~? I wanna be in the marching band again! I wanna dash around while going doot-doot on my trumpet! ☆
Hajime: Mrmm... Anyone could do that sort of job, so I'd rather give it to the new students instead.
Our seniors have been a huge help to us, so I'd love to do the same by watching over our juniors and giving them opportunities.
Ehehe... I'm sorry, maybe that was a bit arrogant of me?
Mitsuru: Nope! Hajime-chan's always right about everything! But wooow... so we're gonna get juniors too... It hasn't hit me yet!
Hajime: Fufu, it's so exciting~ I wonder what sort of first years we'll have?
If any cute students come in, let's invite them over to Ra*bits and power our unit. ♪
Mitsuru: Hmm... I'm not super sure about this so I wanna ask... Are we gonna stay as Ra*bits even after our seniors have graduated?
Hajime: Wha... I mean, that was exactly what I was planning to do...?
Mitsuru: But we didn't actually promise that, did we? Also, Nii~chan's graduating, so...?
Hajime: Um... By any chance, did you want to join a different unit? Or are you planning on making a new one?
Mitsuru: Nah, that's not why I'm asking... Ra*bits is the best, y'know~! I looove Ra*bits! ♪
But, we can't stay the way we've always been. Everyone keeps acting like that's what's gonna happen when spring comes around.
It feels like they're turning their eyes away from what's important, like, to avoid deciding on anything...
We'll just trip and hurt ourselves if we dash ahead with our eyes closed... It'll be too late to cry then, y'know...?
Hajime: ...?
Tomoya: Heeey~! You guys need to slow down...
Don't leave us behind. Well, all of us know where to go. If the worst comes to worst, we can just meet up there. But still.
Hajime: Waah—I'm so sorry! Mitsuru-kun, let's take it slow, okay? Tomoya-kun can't catch up because he's carrying Nii~chan.
Nazuna: Zzz.... Zzz...♪
Mitsuru: Oh? Nii~chan's asleep! He looked sleepy on the train ride too, actually~
Hajime: Fufu, it must've been rough to prepare for the entrance exam. I'm sure he's exhausted from all of it.
We've also been busy with jobs as Ra*bits lately, so he's been working hard there too. Nii~chan's not the type to cut corners with work, after all.
Mitsuru: Ahaha, it's 'cuz he doesn't have much stamina. But he's mentally tough!
Tomoya: No, you just have an endless amount of it, Mitsuru.
Nii~chan's our leader, so he takes on way more burdens than we do... It mentally and physically weighs him down, y'know? Sadly, it makes sense he'd get this tired.
Hajime: Fufu, then it'll be you who'll have a rough time once the new school year starts.
Tomoya: Huh? What do you mean?
Hajime: Eh? I thought you'll be the new leader once Nii~chan graduates...?
Tomoya: Whaaaat?! When did this happen?! Who said that?! Mitsuru's the one who's most talented, and you're the one who's best suited for this unit...!
Mitsuru: Huh? So you're not gonna be our next leader? But it suits you!
Tomoya: But Nii~chan never really said I'd be the next in line... Oh?
Nazuna: ...Nnh? Sorry, was I asleep?
Tomoya: Ahh... Don't worry. I'll carry you, so you're free to sleep until we get there.
Hajime: That's right! It might be too rough on Tomoya-kun to do alone, so we'll take turns carrying you.
Mitsuru: Ahem. ♪ Nii~chan's light so it's all good! But I wouldn't be able to move one bit if it were Mikechan-senpai we were talking about!
Nazuna: Nah, I'll walk by myself... Sorry, I think my body can't keep up with everything that's been happening lately.
Guess that just shows how close I am to my final days here... I'll do my best to not give you guys a lot of pressure until the end, so I hope you can let me be a little dependent for now.
It's just that I've been getting nightmares lately, so I didn't get enough sleep... Yawn...♪
Hajime: Fufu, that was a big yawn just now. Maybe your pillow's the reason why you're having bad dreams.
Ritsu-oniichan knows quite a lot about sleep-related products. Maybe I should ask him to recommend some?
Mitsuru: Hey, hey~! Nii~chan's really tired, and it's hard to carry him, right~?
We don't wanna waste our energy before we even get to do our job, so how about we take the bus there?
Look, we can get to the TV station from this bus stop! That's where our job's at, right?
Hajime: Yes. The main part of our job is a photo shoot for a TV program, but that also means we'll be performing a live, too.
I think it'll be a rough day for us, so you're right. We need to have as much energy as possible for it.
Tomoya: Alright, guess that's what we'll do. The TV station's not that far from the train station, so I thought we could just walk there
But we have been making good pay with our jobs, so there's money to spare. It wouldn't hurt to spend a little on the bus.
Nazuna: Mmm... You guys have become so reliable. I kinda feel bad though, since this is all 'cause of me.
Hajime: Oh no, it's definitely nothing like that. Tomoya-kun said it earlier, but this is how we'll pay you back for everything you've done for us.
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machvia · 2 years
if i could only keep one of my many many skyrim mods and the rest had to go, hands down i would keep the one that replaces the skeleton footstep sounds with doot-doot trumpet noises
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chloesky1 · 3 years
I present: random shit band kids have said
“The radioactive goop in my tree is finally done gone,”- saxophone 1
*everyone is trying to figure out the band teacher‘s middle name*
trumpet: ”OH! I KNOW! CHAD!” band teacher: calm down Karen. (Legend has it, to this day his middle name is unknown)
Piano: *is playing michael Myers theme*
saxophone 1: JOJO REFERENCE.
—————— teacher: this next song in our book is called clarinet climb, or as I like to call it, clarinet squeal.
—————— teacher: alright, from the top-
trumpet: MAKE IT DROP
Saxophone 1 (again): I wrote two songs last night. One is about loneliness, and the other is about B̶̢̡̲͚̼̤͕̘͕͓̣̰̰͌͜ȩ̵͇͓̹̪̭͔̼̹̞͔͋̈́̈́́̎͗̏͑̐̏͛́̍́͜͜ͅḁ̴̭͎̣̦̣̲́͒̅͝ǹ̷̪͚͑̊̓͐̊͐́š̶̛͔͐̒̋̌̔͐̊̚.
(this isn't very funny unless you were there but im including it anyways)
Pianist: [Bass drum] gimme a beat. *proceeds to play some note, maybe D? idk shit about pianos*
*saxophone begans to play, than trumpet, clarinet, and the rest of the band*
so everyone in the band for about 4 minutes is going "doot, DOOT, DOOT, doot," and the director pointed out that it sounded like we were playing some song about evolution where it just speeds up and shows destruction and stuff. So basically, two people got nearly the entire band to play the same thing with a couple words. I could probably make some sort of fuckin ted talk style presentation on how humans respond or something (no idea how to word what im thinking of)on this but nah
wow that turned into a mini rant fast.
Director: And [saxophone 1], what'd you do during the break?
saxophone 1: I sat alone in my room and read manga.
director: So what you do everyday? (there're a fuck ton of joke insults at saxophone 1 and i barely remember any.)
Percussionist: I'm a worm on a string
*proceeds to slither around on the fucking ground*
Trumpet: [saxophone 1] is coming, he's just a little late
Director: quick, when saxophone 1 comes in everyone point and laugh
The list shall be updated in the future I’m too tired to continue.
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