#trust me i would LOVE if I could just turn them into hardcopies and sell
pastafossa · 1 year
Would you consider having TRT published for people to have a physical copy? I know you said you were thinking about publishing a version of it
I've looked into it! So far as I can tell, I cannot legally publish TRT as is to sell to you because of The Great And All-Seeing Mouse's copyright. I even looked into selling at cost - basically you paying me only the amount required to actually make it (aka: no profit for me), but that seems to be a very risky grey area. I know other fics have done it like Fallout Equestria but those companies are a little more friendly than The Noble And Standing Over My Shoulder Mouse who is aggressively protective of his copyright even when you're not making money.
What I can do:
I can publish what amounts to an AU of TRT in which all canon references have either been removed (Daredevil plotlines) or altered (Matt's appearance, name, and profession, though I'd keep his personality), and only my original elements (TRT-unique plotline) and characters (Jane, Ciro, Eli, Maya, Daniel, etc) remain. This is the generally accepted way to publish your fanfic, and if I self-publish (tentative plan), I can leave TRT up if I understand the legality correctly. My plan's also going to be to change enough of the original plotline that there are surprises for any TRT readers (as well as giving me additional distance between the fic and the AU so no one can argue I'm 'using' the fic to make money on my book). This is going to take a while, though, since there's a lot to change between pronouns, the plot, the characters, and themes.
I can allow you to create your own physical copy. There are book printers who create individual books for people, and since you would be paying and I wouldn't be making any money, this would be legal! This is likely the easiest way to get a hard copy of the original TRT!
You can also bookbind it yourself without having to go to a book printer at all! There are some excellent guides to bookbinding online, and I've had multiple requests from readers who wanted to bookbind a copy for their own shelf, which I'm totally ok with! Again, as long as it's not being sold you have my permission to do this!
Sadly as far as I know, those are the only three ways you can get a TRT-Original or TRT-AU as a hard copy. Honestly if I had the money, I'd just order a bunch of hard copies and give them away to readers for free. When TRT is eventually done, I do plan to have a hard copy printed for myself (or maybe bookbound, not sure) and have tentative plans to buy a few extra to give away as a raffle thing. But unfortunately, I can't afford to do that on a wider scale.
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