ieatmybroccoli · 6 years
Fields of Gold: A Choice to be Made
I had a plan: do virtual assistance work after my layoff. 
Two weeks later after a coaching session on a Monday afternoon, I was back at square one. And more frustrated than I had been in months.
I was left asking myself, once again, what do I actually want? Deeeeeeeeeep down. Why am I doing all this to build a business? Is it going to fulfill me or leave me feeling the same sense of dread that my 9-5s did? What am I passionate about that I could do that doesn’t feel like work?
After an hour in the car, going over some of the things Peggy said in our session, and talking to one of my best friends, I had answers.
I have spent my life taking the easy route for one reason or another. It’s landed me here. But my limited beliefs about myself and ideas of what work is have played a role as well.
There’s a part of me that wants a simple life: Put in my hours. Come home. Spend weekends with friends and family. Maybe have a garden. Lounge in the hammock on warm spring days.
But if I am to be honest with myself, completely honest, I’d be content with the simple life for maybe a few days. I need more than that. I have avoided stepping into larger roles because I’ve doubted my abilities. I’ve never wanted to tackle major responsibilities for fear of failure. 
I’ve allowed myself to stay safe. 
However, there comes a point where you realize it’s time to become more than who you are, uncomfortable as it may be, or you can keep doing what you’ve been doing. While virtual assistant work may not be a passion, it’s something I feel I need to do. Because I want to see who I become in the process.
I want to grow into someone else. A better version of who I am now.
All I need to do is get out of my way.
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it's nothing new. Whites still basically elected a black President. We have come a long way as a nation. @Regrann from @knowledge_75 - #Hiddenknowlege #Speaking truthtopower#Humanitarian #Humanist #warrior #lover #creator #fire.and.ice #Indigenous #aboriginal #Historian #scientist's #evolving #consious #truthseeker #knowlege #respect #positiveimages #nomorewhitelies #occult islatinforhidden#truthisahardpilltoswallow #unityaboveallelse - #regrann
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inkwellspoken · 4 years
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Truth Ingesture: Truth-in-jest gestures are truly ingested much better than hard pills. #STEELYourMind #InkWellSpoken #truth #TruthInJest #ingest #gesture #TruthIsAHardPillToSwallow #HardPillToSwallow
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nyathryce · 7 years
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#capricornseason #truthisahardpilltoswallow #survive and #rise to the top! • • • • #nyathryce #themetaphysicalmami Via: #rumicards
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