#trying smth a lil different for today's edit
inejkaz · 4 years
i was tagged by @mollyweasly to answer the following 73 questions! thank you for tagging me steph ♥ 
on a scale of 1-10, how excited are you about life right now? i'm actually pretty content and the only thing that i'm rdreading right now is my upcoming finals so maybe 6!
describe yourself in a hashtag? #alwaystired
if you could do a love scene with anyone, who would it be? no one comes to mind but steph's answer was chris evans and i'd say the same tbh 👀
if your life was a musical, what would the marquee say? uh maybe "dumb bitch" or "chaotic mess" LMAO idk honestly my life isn't that interesting most of the time
what’s one thing people don’t know about you? that i'm lowkey depressed. most of my old friends know this but they don't rlly know how bad it makes me feel sometimes & i don't think i'll ever tell my college friends abt this except for one person!
what’s your wake up ritual? lay in bed for another 5-15 mins, check the time, and brush my teeth. next i'd either shower, workout, or attend online class
what’s your go to bed ritual? just on my phone looking at useless things and answering my friends' messages. i'll get tired soon so i'll just daydream and sleep. lately i've been listening to music to help me sleep!
what’s your favorite time of day? late night and early morning
your go to for having a good laugh? i love watching lip sync battles. my favorites are by emma stone, tom holland, anne hathaway & channing tatum!
dream country to visit? the UK! my cousin talks abt it all the time and now she's taking her postgrad degree there which makes me incredibly jealous 😢 but honestly i'm dying to travel europe as a whole!
what’s the biggest surprise you’ve ever had? probably when my high school friends bought me the doc martens shoes that i LOVE for my 17th birthday! i love them and miss them even tho many are not in touch with me anymore
heels or flats/sneakers? flats/sneakers definitely! i've never tried heels tbh i can only endure wedges and they alr hurt SO much
vintage or new? both
who do you want to write your obituary? probably my best friend!
style icon? taylor swift during the red era, noora sætre, orion carloto, ashley aka best.dressed!
what are three things you cannot live without? books, internet, family
what’s one ingredient you put in everything? salt
what 3 people living or dead would you want to make dinner for? taylor swift, chris evans, audrey hepburn
what’s your biggest fear in life? the unknown, anything horror & reptiles esp lizards (i can't stand reptiles AT ALL i'd literally cry and die if i have to touch one or sleep in the same room with one)
window or aisle seat? window
what’s your current tv obsession? haven't been watching any tv lately but i've been watching mukbangs on youtube a lot
favorite app? line (a messaging app mostly used by indonesians. i rlly like the stickers and themes i own lmao)
secret talent? i can play guitar just a lil bit
most adventurous thing you’ve ever done in your life? either drinking beers with my friends on a school field trip or not telling my parents that i went to the city alone during college just to hangout by myself
how would you define yourself in three words? introverted, chaotic, anxious
favorite piece of clothing you own? an adidas jacket that was on a 50% sale for international women's day!!! 
a must have clothing item that everyone should have? black pants
a superpower you would want? invisibility and mind control!!!
what’s inspiring you in life right now? since i was a little kid, i've always been inspired by my cousin. she's my role model!
best piece of advice you’ve received? to literally BELIEVE in yourself
best advice you’d give your teenage self? don't be so self-aware bc everyone's busy with themselves, make more friends, cherish your time in school more
a book everyone should read? harry potter series, the raven cycle
what would you like to be remembered for? for being a good, positive person
how do you define beauty? beauty is whatever that evokes a positive feeling out of oneself i guess!
what do you love most about your body? my eyes
best way to take a rest/decompress? skincare, listen to soothing music, drink a warm beverage, watch smth that's easy to watch, and just sleep! 
favorite place to view art? galleries, but i've only been to one sadly
if your life was a song, what would the title be? maybe "paradox" or "misunderstood"
if you could master one instrument, what would it be? piano! but it's expensive and not portable so if i'm being realistic, it'd be guitar
if you had a tattoo, where would it be? in the back of my neck! also maybe on any of my fingers or below my ribcage
dolphins or koalas? koalas
what’s your spirit animal? deer!
best gift you’ve ever received? doc martens shoes given by my friends!
best gift you’ve given? i think i wrote my friend letters to open when she's in different moods once
what’s your favorite board game? monopoly
what’s your favorite color? pink, purple, yellow, monochrome
least favorite color? i just dislike bright obnoxious colors
diamond or pearls? diamonds
drugstore makeup or designer? both, but i mostly can't afford designer anyway so..
blow-dry or air-dry? both
pilates or yoga? i've never tried any actually
coffee or tea? both, but i'm leaning towards tea
what’s the weirdest word in the english language? can't think of any right now..
dark chocolate or milk chocolate? milk chocolate!!!
stairs or elevators? elevators
summer or winter? winter
you are stuck on an island, you can pick one food to eat forever without getting tired of it, what would you eat? burgers!!
a dessert you don’t like? basically i won't like anything with fruits
a skill you’re working on mastering? photoshop i guess? i'm planning to learn coding too now that i have the time!!
best thing to happen to you today? probably finishing my gifset! but honestly, i was supposed to be studying lmao
worst thing to happen to you today? i didn't study lmao
best compliment you’ve ever received? i don't think it's anything that memorable so i can't really think of one
favorite smell? jasmine
hugs or kisses? both
if you made a documentary, would it be about? space, mythology
last piece of content you consumed that made you cry? i get a little teary eyed if i come across a touching content on instagram/twitter tbh lmao. but i'd say the last movie that made me cry so bad was her (2013)
lipstick or lipgloss? lipstick
sweet or savory? savory
girl crush? emma watson
how do you know your in love? don't think i've ever been in love, i've only experienced like a very long crush so...
a song you can listen to on repeat? there are a lot... but for now, woman by mumford & sons and anything by taylor swift
if you could switch lives with someone for a day, who would it be? taylor swift!!!
what are you most excited for about this time in your life? i've just been enjoying editing for tumblr a lot, i haven't really posted consistent content in my 10 years of being here so that's been fun. i also want to learn coding and become an overall healthier person by working out regularly & eating mindfully! honestly i'm trying to build my confidence and become healthier, both mentally and physically 
tagging: @dianaprincie @cllianmurphy @cinderllas @edgarallan @rosamunqpike @gamoora @nataliamaximoff (sorry if you've done this before, feel free to ignore!)
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homosuccs-blog · 7 years
Tumblr media
heyeyeyey oh look its a mary sue eddsword oc
no im joking i love  him,,
okay well anyway here’s some dA info:
yOO aNOTHER REFF HUNNS sorry this took so long >:( i had a little breakdown today because the school decided to fucking block discord on chromebooks >:(((( okay im done ranting anyway; info!! first of all- wHISKEY IS AN OC U BAKAS no i dont ship him with any ew chars because drama will start or smth, also he's Tom's adoptive 'mom'. Whiskey is trans, mtf. biologically male tho, pff, he's girly anyway, know how i said Edd was a Sprite? here you go. vwv im probably gonna redraw tom's ref though cause jesus it's so bad??? fasgf lmao anyway basic info; DETAILS: Name: Edd Gourdon. Height: 4'6" Relatives: N/A Age: 20/21 Current Situation: Edd is more of a magics character, he isn't one to fight much, like a mage in a way. more of healing/forcefields/etc  etc. he's like,, really small lmao, his actual Sprite form is the small lil' Edd you see in the middle oofy. Edd is a sprite,[a being who can tell the difference between a mortal and a Nightmare], yet with Tord, he can't tell a thing about him. He has a theory, but doesn't fully know, due to the rank of Tord himself. Edd casually wears a hoodie with a heart on it, i'll make his other design later. His wings are not connected to his back, magic holds them in place. also edd likes sum1 :^O *anime moa-gasp.* u dont have to read this, it was in the tord ref lmao; Some Nightmare backstories/facts: Nightmares are formed when a person's fear, hatred, sadness and guilt overwhelm them. Nightmares are attracted to negative feelings, and when they sense one shred of doubts, they cling onto you and follow your every movement and try to convince you about something bad. At some point, they give in and they are consumed by the darkness, and the loop goes on. Nightmares can disguise themselves as others to trick them, or trigger a flashback or memory to possibly get them to start to regret something or get mad or sad. Also, Nightmares are pretty fucking creepy. I suck at drawing creepy stuff, but i'mma try my best to make ya'll shit yer pants. djasf i cant thinkkk rnnnn shit for people who didnt read it there lol the little gold  rings around Edd's arms/ears/legs are what keep his magic rushing through his body, like a magical force basically if he looses them he dies but shrugs :) anyway, info about wHIsKEY; DETAILS: Name: Whiskey, aka "momma" or "mom". Height: 5'6" Relatives:Tom[Thomas],Enn.R, etc. Age:25 Current Situation: Caretaker of Thomas Redge, watcher of Edd and Matt. He usually follows along with the crew, unless with his boyfriend. He has no specified species, Paradise-colored hair, silver hoop earring, pure hot pink eyes, sweater. He's tall, lanky, etc. A pretty nice gay- guy. guy. He's partly Swedish, but more English than Swedish. but uh, yeah i don got much to say pfft ask questions please !! if needed!! also, Tim will be in this.  and maybe Pay- idk okay ask questions if i didnt go over anything important :^) ily all and gnight EDIT: the only reason why this is in the 'oc' folder is because whiskey is an oc, edd isnt
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imabookmarkaddict · 4 years
or would the ex gf just stick to the simple script of 'how could you do this to me'?
WelshenToday at 1:12 AM
Uh idk i like to think they liked each other so maybe not cussing bu like youre the worst i cant believe u did this to me
[1:12 AM]
Like me when u mention star trek
puzzlezToday at 1:12 AM
ur the ex gf
[1:12 AM]
i c
WelshenToday at 1:12 AM
[1:12 AM]
U trusted sadi tho
[1:12 AM]
Thats on u man
puzzlezToday at 1:13 AM
and okay, i know some people can get monstrous with their language when they're really upset and i didn't know if the ex gf would be the type to hurl insults to hide her hurt or if she'd be a lil more 'mature' about it
[1:14 AM]
also would she care that it was a guy trevor 'cheated' with or would that not rly faze her/be something she mentions?
WelshenToday at 1:14 AM
I dont think she noticed
[1:14 AM]
That comes up next time
puzzlezToday at 1:14 AM
there's a next time omg
[1:15 AM]
idk if i feel worse for trevor or markus having to put up with angry ex gf popping up and making their budding (and doomed) love awkward
WelshenToday at 1:17 AM
Well yeah she doesnt give up duh
[1:17 AM]
I think she comes back like im pregnant
[1:17 AM]
[1:18 AM]
And trevor has half a backbone and says no go to my ex best friend is it even mine no ofc it isnt lol
[1:19 AM]
Eventually tho the best friend just vanishes so trevor thinks its immoral to let a pregnant woman live on the street right obv she has it very difficult
[1:20 AM]
But he kind of asked markus to move in and now has to amend it to move in with me and my preg ex
[1:20 AM]
Eventually they get marrued for the child even if its not his so
[1:20 AM]
  puzzlezToday at 5:51 AM
i'm assuming that markus overhears most/all of the convo between trevor and his ex gf since the apartment isn't that big?
WelshenToday at 5:51 AM
[5:52 AM]
He doesnt really care about cheating, he would never do it but most of his customers obv cheated on wives and stuff
puzzlezToday at 5:53 AM
so i know markus wants to just hide under a blanket and die but does he ask trevor at all about what happened with the ex gf or is he okay with just not talking about it?
WelshenToday at 5:53 AM
[5:54 AM]
Well maybe he asks if the chocolate didnt work out or smth
[5:54 AM]
And trevor just mentions that apparently his best friend was giving it to her
[5:54 AM]
[5:55 AM]
But not really more than that, maybe later when trevor goes boyfriend? Markus asks if the ex is an ex(edited)
puzzlezToday at 5:58 AM
so what happens after the little talk about the ex gf? like, does markus mention anything about hanging out again/does trevor?
[5:58 AM]
basically, how do they decide to keep in touch
WelshenToday at 5:59 AM
[5:59 AM]
Well markus doesnt really carry a phone
[5:59 AM]
So thats out
puzzlezToday at 5:59 AM
[5:59 AM]
i wasn't sure if like they didn't establish communication and bump into each other again or if they decide while still in the apartment that they want to hang out again
WelshenToday at 5:59 AM
So idk a normal way to deal with that,
puzzlezToday at 6:00 AM
like trevor saying something like "well we never finished that movie so u wanna come over again some time to try again" or smth
WelshenToday at 6:00 AM
God thats so perfect lol
[6:01 AM]
Markus is prob awk saying sorry dont have a phone, you cant come over
[6:02 AM]
Cuz he's staying with another family
[6:02 AM]
A friend of jonahs cousin its complicated
[6:02 AM]
So trevor is like well i work at the mall at x clothing store bla bla
[6:03 AM]
And markus goes yeah i work at the crepe/non usa pancake bar
[6:03 AM]
So they mostly hang out at trevors apt, at work or the mall. Meet me at x tmrw at 4 or whatever people do(edited)
puzzlezToday at 6:05 AM
so i was picturing the original convo (after the ex gf leaving) kind of being like a little awk and then when markus tries to flee, trevor dropping a comment about like "hey come back at x time to finish the movie with me" and markus agreeing
WelshenToday at 6:06 AM
Oh yeah that makes sense, markus cant say no if he feels he owes something
puzzlezToday at 6:07 AM
and that's kind of the end of the scene, and i guess the next scene being the movie?? i'm kind of wondering like
WelshenToday at 6:07 AM
Thats kind of fuzzy
puzzlezToday at 6:08 AM
did u want to do something dumb and cute like the two running into each other at the mall somewhere and that's when they both say they work there?
[6:08 AM]
like idk they're on break
[6:08 AM]
or trevor is on break and wants a quick snack but damn gf packs lunch and shes not there so he didn't pack a lunch and gets cheap/quick junk food and -- oh hi markus how u
WelshenToday at 6:08 AM
Oh hey that second one is cute
[6:09 AM]
Im pretty sure markus workplace is like a 10min walk from the mall or smth but its well recommended
[6:09 AM]
So it would make sense i think
[6:10 AM]
Idk im incompetent at cute
puzzlezToday at 6:10 AM
omg no ur fine
[6:11 AM]
over the past few years i feel like i've gotten good at bouncing ideas off of ppl because despite doing v little actual rp'ing i've planned a shit load of details for the rps and it mostly involved me concocting ideas until the other person says "i like that one"
[6:11 AM]
so if i make a rec u don't like ur not going to hurt my feeings btw
WelshenToday at 6:11 AM
Well im kind of particular
[6:12 AM]
But more about personality
[6:12 AM]
Also why would u care about yr feelings when u go for yoga and skurk
puzzlezToday at 6:15 AM
so it could be like the next work day (i forget but i think the amusement park was on a saturday? so its sunday rn? so next work day is monday unless markus works whenever/whatever days) markus sees trevor and there's that little burst of surprise at seeing each other, and trevor explains i work at the mall, and markus is all oh never seen u here just surprised and trevor semi awkwardly explains yehhhh ex gf packed lunch so now i gotta figure out food for myself/didn't have anything today buuuut won't complain at seeing a friendly face (or something kinda friendly and flirty)
[6:16 AM]
and maybe they have a small flirt fest and at the end trevor says something about "oh i never got your number?" and markus admits he doesn't have a phone and trevor is all well sighs guess i gotta wait until saturday (whatever time they agreed to see the movie)
WelshenToday at 6:16 AM
Yeah that sounds about right
puzzlezToday at 6:17 AM
and markus feels a bit tickled at someone expressing excitement at someone seeming a bit excited about meeting up
WelshenToday at 6:18 AM
The only attention markus has gotten is from spencer so yah now he's a pretty easy flirt
puzzlezToday at 6:18 AM
is trevor a sweet tooth that he would start to casually show up at markus' work every now and then for a bite of food and a quick flirt with markus?
[6:18 AM]
...wait what kind of crepe place we talking actually
WelshenToday at 6:18 AM
Im sure he would do it anyway, see taking care of ex gf
[6:19 AM]
Swedish pancakes are apparently called crepes in usa
puzzlezToday at 6:19 AM
the traditional ones like in france were there are also savory crepes (filled with meat/cheese) or the kind where they just have desert (piled up with sugar/fruit)
[6:19 AM]
u have ur own omg
[6:19 AM]
google time
WelshenToday at 6:19 AM
[6:19 AM]
But yeah i think its at most cheese
[6:20 AM]
Not meat really ? Idk how they stay in business
[6:20 AM]
But hey we eat pancakes w jam for lunch in sweden so f u america
puzzlezToday at 6:20 AM
[6:21 AM]
they look like crepes idk taste difference obv
[6:21 AM]
we have places here that only sell sweet crepes
WelshenToday at 6:21 AM
Ifbwe were to make crepes
[6:21 AM]
They would be even thinner and smaller
puzzlezToday at 6:21 AM
most americans think crepes = dessert only even tho in france they're mostly a savory snack/light meal
[6:21 AM]
yeah the swedish ones look a little thicker than french crepes but other than that they look similar
[6:22 AM]
what do u want me to call them in the story
WelshenToday at 6:22 AM
Probably are idk
puzzlezToday at 6:22 AM
i mean i can call them the swedish name if u want
WelshenToday at 6:22 AM
Theyre called crepes in the next story
[6:22 AM]
Which is the nsfw of markus workplace
[6:22 AM]
Please dont eat there its unsanitary
[6:23 AM]
Every surface has been banged on
[6:23 AM]
Maybe not the stove
puzzlezToday at 6:24 AM
omfg figures
[6:24 AM]
wtf r they called in swedish tho
[6:24 AM]
none of the recipes i'm looking at call them anything but crepes
WelshenToday at 6:24 AM
[6:24 AM]
Or pannkakor
puzzlezToday at 6:25 AM
huh okay
WelshenToday at 6:25 AM
Literal translation
puzzlezToday at 6:25 AM
does markus' workplace have a name or is it just "that crepe place"
[6:26 AM]
same goes for trevor's workplace actually is it just "the clothing store"?
WelshenToday at 6:27 AM
Rofl idk remember unnamed bf
[6:27 AM]
Idk if i use real ones or made up ones
[6:28 AM]
Instead of an h&m store its m&h maybe shrug
puzzlezToday at 6:30 AM
that works, yeh
[6:30 AM]
i tried looking up cute crepe store names but the best i found was "cut the crepe"
[6:30 AM]
(pun on cut the crap but not very good if u ask me)
WelshenToday at 6:31 AM
Snort its cute tho
[6:31 AM]
Im bad at puns
[6:31 AM]
Markus loves puns, its not compatible
puzzlezToday at 6:32 AM
omg well if it comes up do u want the crepe place to be called cut the crepe?
WelshenToday at 6:32 AM
[6:32 AM]
And if we come up w something better i can just edit shrug
puzzlezToday at 6:33 AM
[6:33 AM]
idk if it will come up tbh since i'm not rly the type to shove details in unless it feels natural if that makes sense?
[6:34 AM]
like idk if i'm writing from markus' pov for example i'm not going to wax poetic about how he looks every time he glances at a mirror because realistically how often do u look at urself in the mirror and analyze ur every detail
[6:34 AM]
ur more likely to give it a quick glance and be done
[6:34 AM]
stuff like that
[6:34 AM]
but yeh it's good to know small stuff in case it does come up for any reason
WelshenToday at 6:36 AM
Sure thats fine
[6:36 AM]
Fun to think about tho
puzzlezToday at 6:36 AM
WelshenToday at 6:37 AM
Thats more if i do art for it
[6:37 AM]
puzzlezToday at 6:38 AM
okay so for now it's ex gf shows up, melt down, awk convo and trevor asks for markus to come back to finish the movie, meet up at markus' work, and then movie
[6:38 AM]
omg yes
WelshenToday at 6:38 AM
Yah sounds very good
puzzlezToday at 6:40 AM
so should it be like trevor shows up earlier in markus' work week (like mon or tues) and then again later in the week (friday or smth)? or would trevor not rly think too much about markus after the first encounter at the crepe place cuz moping about gf off and on?
[6:41 AM]
i'm wondering if maybe they agreed to meet up like friday at 7 pm or smth and would/do you want trevor to show up after his shift at the crepe place for a sweet bite and then lingers and asks if markus wants to walk back to his apartment after markus gets off?
WelshenToday at 6:41 AM
Idk i think he was suspecting her for a while? Which is why he blew up at markus for "cheating" the wheel
[6:42 AM]
So hes probably okay with how it turned out
[6:42 AM]
And hes got a rebound now too
[6:42 AM]
Whos very compliant
[6:42 AM]
But yeah he can border on stalker
[6:43 AM]
Very simpleminded guy we're talking about
[6:43 AM]
And i guess hes worried about losing contact?
puzzlezToday at 6:44 AM
omg well it could also be like idfk trevor feels a little excited at the idea of moving on if he was okay with how things went with the ex gf
[6:44 AM]
thought it might make markus happy to have a guy kinda acting like a dope at the idea of a date-not-date thing
[6:45 AM]
like trevor kinda being like "well if ur not doing anything after u get off u don't have to wait until 7 to come over u could walk home with me"
WelshenToday at 6:47 AM
Yeah definitely
[6:48 AM]
Markus is happy to have a friend first of all
[6:49 AM]
Well a nice friend
[6:50 AM]
So yah markus does kinda see sex as an unevitable payment for a relationship tho
puzzlezToday at 6:50 AM
poor kid
[6:51 AM]
so would trevor make moves for 'round 2' of the failed sex on movie day or would they just chat and hang and flirt?
[6:51 AM]
idk how fast things actually get sexual with them so
WelshenToday at 6:55 AM
I dont really know either
[6:55 AM]
Whatever ur comfortable with to start
[6:55 AM]
But yeah im sure trevor is the kind of guy who goes hey i studied lots of porn
[6:56 AM]
Watch what i can do and markus just finds it adorably vanilla lol
[6:56 AM]
Maybe he tries to proper date on date one a kiss on date two etc
[6:57 AM]
Markus finds all of him adorable but in the end too naive for a longterm relationship i guess
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