#trying to find the panel where he is being hung and is so completely unbothered
battlevann · 1 year
poshe posting again
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the-final-sif · 5 years
Lol I'm theory trash and love talking about this stuf for so I'm back with another one, imagine this scenario, Izuku never goes to UA and Katsuki does, years later they find each other again when Katsuki saves Izuku's life and honestly a big fight happens, luckily it's not on camera but Izuku is hella mad and Katsuki is thinking about is past more. How does that feel?
Oh I love talking about this stuff too.
Honestly though, I don’t think Izuku would pick a fight with Katsuki in this scenario, assuming they separated and haven’t seen each other since Katsuki went to UA.
For one, Katsuki just saved his life. I feel like even if Izuku harbored a grudge towards Katuski, he wouldn’t start shit with him after Katsuki had just saved his life. Maybe if they hung out together afterwards and Katsuki was being a huge dick, but not like, right after Katsuki saved him.
For two, I think people really overlook how completely unbothered Izuku is by Katsuki’s dickishness. Like, you know the infamous line from chapter one, where Katsuki tells Izuku he ought to go jump off a building to see if he’ll have a quirk in his next life?
I’ve seen so many fics centered around that scene as if it was a moment that broke Izuku, but honest to god, it didn’t. Sure, he’s shaking and upset, but more than upset he’s pissed. His hands are clenched into fists, and in the very next shot he’s calling Katsuki stupid in his head and thinking (roughly) “Oh god you moron, if I actually did that you would be charged with a crime, think before you speak”. This was an upsetting moment for Izuku, but he’s not broken by it. If anything, he’s frustrated with how Katsuki is acting. It’s also really important to note that behavior is not typical of Katsuki. Izuku calls it out, asking “why” and looking confused when Katsuki burns his notebook. Katsuki’s lackeys tell him “he’s gone too far” and “weren’t you guys childhood friends?” indicating this is unusual for Katsuki. Katsuki also has a spotless record, something he cares about maintaining, which again, implies this is not something he’d normally do.
Right after this scene, Izuku thinks back to his mother telling him he can’t be a hero. and his determination is renewed. He’s really just not that broken up about what happened. When we see him reflect on what people have told him, that line doesn’t pop into his head, instead he recalls Katsuki saying “He’s in his third year and he still can’t face reality”. That’s the part of the conversation that sticks with him.
After the slime villain incident, Katsuki appears to yell at Izuku calling him a “Quirkless failure” and again, being a dick, and Izuku’s entire thought process is “Man, what a tough guy” and then after Katsuki left “But he’s right, I couldn’t do anything to help. I guess i need to start being more realistic about my future” (Side note, we do not, as a fandom, talk enough about the fact Izuku gave up on being a hero for that 1 panel. Like, he was smiling as he had let go of his dream and decided to try for something else instead.). He is just completely unfazed by Katsuki.
Then we get into the fact Izuku tells Katsuki it’s not his quirk, damn near giving away his secret and giving Katsuki a ton of power over him, all because he doesn’t want Katsuki to think he was lying to him.
For all that Katsuki is a dick to him, Izuku still clearly cares about Katsuki and isn’t that bothered by his behavior. Even at UA, Shouto knew Katsuki and Izuku were childhood friends, and we know damn well Katsuki didn’t tell him that. Which means Izuku still tells people Katsuki was his childhood friend.
Izuku still admires Katsuki after everything, looking up to him as a hero. Izuku is desperate to get Katsuki back from the villains, losing his mind when Katsuki is taken in front of him. Izuku, fresh out of the hospital from having all of his bones broken went to save Katsuki from the villains again, despite there being a whole crew of heroes on it. Izuku considered “Kacchan” all on it’s own as a reason to save Katsuki from the slime villain. There’s a million and one examples of Izuku proving he still cares about Katsuki, despite Katsuki being an asshole to him.
So with all of that in mind, once he’s all grown up and has a life of his own, I honestly don’t think Izuku would pick a fight with Katsuki. They’d gone their separate ways and moved on with their lives.
Instead, assuming Katsuki has grown as a person by this point in their lives, I think they might recognize each other and maybe make plans to catch up. Katsuki would be hit front and center by his memories of being a huge asshole to Izuku, and be feeling guilty/uncomfortable, while Izuku is excited that they’ll get a chance to talk again.
They meet up, and throughout the entire interaction, Katsuki grows more and more weirded out, not because Izuku is upset with him, but because Izuku isn’t. Izuku meanwhile can tell Katsuki’s upset about something, he just can’t tell what.
Finally it would come to a head and Katsuki would ask Izuku why he isn’t upset, why he’s not pissed and seeking revenge or something, and Izuku would be genuinely confused. Sure, Katsuki was a dick to him, but he was only saying the exact same thing everyone else was; even Izuku’s own mother and All-Might agreed. Besides, Katsuki’s clearly grown up since then, and Izuku thinks he’s become an awesome hero, what use is there in dredging up bad memories?
Katsuki thinks that’s dumb, he tells Izuku as much, and Izuku shrugs. Maybe it is. Won’t change his mind. Does Katsuki want Izuku to be mad at him? Katsuki doesn’t know what he wants, so he pulls Izuku into a hug and he apologizes for the shit he did as a kid because that’s all he can think of. He said it was unfair, it was awful, and he’s so sorry for it. Guilt burrowing into his soul as tears drip down his cheeks.
That’s when Izuku would start to shake a little, and finally, he’d start crying too. Letting out years of feeling like a failure and anxiety he tried to ignore. It takes awhile for the two of them to compose themselves. Eventually, Izuku manages to say he forgives Katsuki. Allowing both of them to truly move on and start to heal.
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