#trying to get my previously very homophobic hardcore-christian baby brother to accept the lgbtqia+
yeetus-feetus · 8 months
trying to get my previously very homophobic hardcore-christian baby brother to accept the lgbtqia+
Captains Log: First entry
So far he's become accumulated to the idea of two boys being able to have a healthy relationship through his obsession with one Damian Al Ghul Wayne.
Through giving him access to my Pinterest account for something I honestly can't remember- maybe a school thing, he discovered my DC pins and I introduced him to some really cute Damijon art. He was immediately consumed. I left him alone on my laptop and came back to more than three dozen new pins of purely Damijon fanarts.
Note: remind me to make him his own account Jfc!
From Damijon he then discovered Timkon and Superbat. It is an understatement to say he is a fan of bat×super pairings.
I exploited his new obsessions with these ships to make him angry because he's so terribly cute and hilarious when he's angry. How did I do this?
Well, I decided one day that I would break the unfortunate news to him that Jon Kent was in fact already in a relationship with one Jay Nakamura, and Tim as such with one Bernard Dowd. The following outburst from him was immeasurable!
You can imagine my surprise when he screamed at me, demanding I prove such a thing- then afterwards the amount of tears. He refused to speak to me for two while weeks, unless uping the anti on telling me how I was going to hell for being a fag. Hypocritical of him in all honesty considering he was saving pins of boys kissing quicker and more efficiently than I could complete my assignments.
Anywho, I took advantage of this. I like poking the bear, and he's a very cute bear, so I began mentioning Jay and Jon when I felt like seeing his little face get so red with anger it's possible steam might come from his ears. We quickly developed a loose script of back and forth; him getting angry and trying to explode me with his mind, me grinning at how wholeheartedly he defended his most favourite ship between two boys.
Until one day my little brother flipped that script and pulled the rug right out from underneath me and my little game. He proposed Polyamory. Of all thing, Polyamory. Not something you'd expect from the mouth of a Christian boy- especially about three boys.
How and where this primary school kid learnt about the idea of Polyamory escapes me. I have no idea, but the fact he was willing to accept it to disprove my point is almost even more hilarious than his face when he's angry.
I'm so glad, proud in honesty, that he has experienced this growth as a person, that he is accepting of Polyamory- even if it is because of something so silly. It's progress in getting him to stop condemning me and mine to hell. He is willing to accept such relationships now, and all because of my incessant teasing and taunting.
This acceptance extends to Timberkon especially, from what I can tell from the 12 pins he's added to his ever growing collection on my account. Which I am very pleased about, considering my own love for that particular ship. And also, he's realised he can ship Batman with more people than just Superman (though he still hates that I'm a Batlantern shipper).
His favourite Batman ship is now Batman, Superman and Lois Lane as a throuple. He is also open to the idea of Batman dating Talia Al Ghul and Cat Woman as well as Superman. (He is not letting go of the Superbat element, that's fine though).
And, surprisingly, it has also extended to a new show we've been watching together, with my second brother as well, called "Castlevania" on Netflix, in which he's now insisting the main three characters- Trevor Belmont, Sypha Belnades, and Adrian Teppesh aka Alucard- are polyamorus and all in love with each other.
Note: we are only in the second season as of now.
Which is all excellent growth in my books!
Now my lovely friend @froggyinfear has suggested I introduce him to lesbians next, to further his acceptance of queer relationships. I intend to update you all with the details of my progress in this endeavour with this new Captain's Log.
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yeetus-feetus · 8 months
trying to get my previously very homophobic hardcore-christian baby brother to accept the lgbtqia+
Captains Log: Second Entry
To introduce my younger brother to the idea of lesbians through Batman of all things may be tricky.
For this mission, it has been decided that Stephcass is the W/W ship I will be working him towards. However, prying Damian from my brother's obsessive death-grip on said character to be able to do so will most likely prove troublesome.
For this, I have proposed a plan in which I introduce him first to Cassandra Cain and use her as the seed. I find he will take better to her, rather than Stephanie Brown, considering her similarities with Damian. I believe my brother has a strong love for characters that were raised to be weapons and must then learn to be human- which is a big part of both characters' stories.
So, once I've introduced Cassandra I'll then water that seed until he has taken a firm hold of her as he had Damian.
Once he is truly fixated on Cassandra's character I can then enact the next phase of my plan. Here I will open Pinterest whilst we are engaged in parallel play and 'stumble' across some Stephcass art. I will tell him how I think it's really cute, add a few of my own opinions on the ship, and then I will ask him about his opinions on the ship.
If all goes well he will at least be open to looking at a few more fanart pieces of the two together. And if everything goes really well, he'll become interested and begin saving pins.
I'll be able to calculate the intensity of his interest by how many pins he saves, the rate at which his saving them, and compare that with his previous and current pin-saving habits with other ships he has shown interest in.
If he does take well to Stephcass, and our seed blooms into a strong and sturdy tree base, I have high hopes in introducing him to more W/W ships. In fact, I plan on introducing him to Dinahbabs next! He prefers her as Oracle so we'll be off to a great start there!
If all goes well, that is. But I do hold out hope for this Christian boy and his ability to become more accepting, so long as our grandmother doesn't interfere with her everything and stories of how apparently all us gays are evil and under the influence of the devil blah blah blah.
I will update you all on any new developments when I have the time, Yeetus out.
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