#trying to subtly nudge them toward realizing they're falling in love
acciokaidanalenko · 2 years
Obsessively thinking about Kasumi nudging Shepard & their ME2 LI together, with her own little hints and comments 🥺🤣🥰 ya girl knows everything that happens on that ship, and she's so into watching this unfold 👀
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sweetcherrypie1967 · 4 years
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I’ve seen other people do this so I’m going to share one of my short stories from my Dramione Imagines book (on Wattpad and FF.net) I hope you enjoy! Also this is not my image, it helped create the inspiration for this imagine though!
After All This Time?
He knew what day it was, of course he did. Firstly, it was all anyone would talk about and secondly, he couldn't get it out of his mind. He told himself to just forget about it and go on with his life instead of moping about but he couldn't help it.
You see, today was the day the girl he loves is getting married.
And no, not to him.
Draco Malfoy paced the floor, how could he have gotten himself into this mess in the first place? How could he have fallen in love with Hermione Granger of all people? And even worse than that, they let each other go. Both too afraid to take the risk and admit their feelings so they drifted apart, trying to bury it inside them.
Draco knew today was his last chance, but what chance was there? A small fraction but with a bigger possibility of losing her in every way, rather than one, forever. Even if she had loved him, did she still? He found that hard to believe since she was getting married, to Ron Weasley of course.
Hermione and Draco had started getting close a few months after graduating Hogwarts, he had gone out of his way to apologize to everyone he had bullied in his school years. After that they kept bumping into each other, they quickly found they had much in common and before he knew it, he was falling in love with her. Hermione and Ron were "on a break" for awhile so one night Draco almost kissed her, only for her to subtly reject him and inform him that her and Ron were back together.
Though Draco couldn't help but notice the regret in her eyes. After that, neither had the courage to meet up again.
Knock knock knock
His heart pounded, it couldn't be her...could it?
Thoughts swarmed through his head. What if it was her? What would he do? Draco wasn't sure. It wasn't whoever it was knocked again that he realized he hadn't even moved.
The blond walked to the door of his flat and opened the door slowly.
"Jeez, Drake, what took you so long? Been waiting out here for ages," Blaise Zabini said letting himself in.
"Oh," Draco said plainly, "good to see you too, Zabini."
"What's with the tone? Too disappointed that I'm not a certain bride to be?" Blaise said from the couch. Draco turned to look at him quickly, he's never told Blaise about him and Hermione. How did he know? Blaise just smirked, "ha! I knew it! You still fancy the know-it-all!"
"I-I don't know what you're talking about.." Draco said unconvincingly. Blaise just gave him a disbelieving look for Draco to lose the act. "How long have you known?" He added.
The Italian smiled, "since Hogwarts."
"I didn't fancy her in Hogwarts," Draco argued sitting down next to his friend.
"Oh yes you did," Blaise said. At Draco's confused look he continued, "drooling over her throughout the Yule Ball? Fretting over her safety during the Black Lake TriWizard Tournament challenge? Staring longingly at her from across the Great Hall? Anything sounding familiar?"
Draco gaped, "I did not!"
"You may not have realized it for yourself, mate, but the rest of us did," he told him.
"'The rest of us'? Draco asked.
"Oh yeah. Me, Daphne, and Theo would joke about it all the time. You've loved her for a long time," Blaise said.
He put his head in his hands, "what do I do, Blaise? She's getting married."
"You stomp off to that wedding, throw open the doors and object! But you can't do it till they say 'if any object come forward now bla bla bla' because it's gotta be dramatic as hell," Blaise said standing up.
"But what if she doesn't feel the same and I make a giant fool out of myself? I don't want to lose her forever," Draco said sadly.
"And what if she does feel the same? What if you two get your happily ever after and ride off in the sunset?Now, are you gonna just sit back and watch that weasel take your girl?" Blaise asked.
"No," he said standing up as well, "no I won't."
"Than go get her!" Blaise said excitedly. Draco then dashed out in a hurry, "hey! Wait for me I gotta get this on video!" Blaise called before going after him.
Draco had managed to slip into the wedding unnoticed with the help of Blaise and his wife, Daphne Greengrass now Zabini, as she had become a close friend of Hermione's since Hogwarts and was now one of her bridesmaids. Before leaving he'd changed into a nice suit and Blaise had grabbed a camera (then proceeded to film everything to "capture the memories"). Now he was sitting with Blaise near the back, trying not to glare at an overly giddy Ronald Weasley, and unable to help bouncing his leg in anxiety. It felt like forever since he's even seen Hermione in person. Not since that night...
Then the music started, all eyes turned so he did as well.
And there she was.
Draco's heart seemed to stop, he had no words. She was simply stunning. Though he recognized the staged smile on her lips.
He couldn't take his eyes off of her the entire time, that was until Blaise nudged him, it was almost time. Draco steeled himself for whatever may happen.
"..if anyone objects please say so now or forever hold your-"
"I object!" Draco said standing from his seat.
It was dead silent for a moment, then there were gasps all around the room.
"Draco?" She said barely loud enough for him to hear. Then the whispering began. "Is that Draco Malfoy?" "What's he doing here?" "Why would he object?" But he didn't care, all Draco cared about was the look on Hermione's face when she saw him.
Her face was confused then it lit up brighter than he's seen so far, and on her wedding day that's saying something.
Draco walked across the aisle towards her and she met him half way.
"Please don't do this," Draco practically begged, holding her arms for emphasis.
"I don't understand, what're you doing here?" Hermione asked, putting her arms on his.
"I love you, Hermione. I've loved you for a long time, I was a fool not to say so sooner," Draco rambled though he meant each word.
"'Mione?" Ron asked not quite hearing anything they're saying, both ignored him.
"You...love me?" She asked with wide, almost teary, eyes, "after all this time?"
"Always," Draco said.
"Oh Draco I love you too," She said, tears now falling down her rosy cheeks. Hermione leaned forward slightly as if to kiss him before looking to her fiancé then back at Draco, "hold on a moment."
Hermione then walked to a dumbfounded Ron, took off her ring and put it in his hand. "I'm so sorry, Ron. I hope one day you can forgive me," she told him before kissing his cheek and rushing back down the aisle. Her and Draco crashed into a passionate and breathtaking kiss (earning a whoop from Blaise and Daphne) before walking hand in hand out of the Church.
Blaise had kept this tape and played it again and again for many occasions. The couple's anniversary, eventually at their own wedding, when they had found out Hermione was pregnant with their first child and even when they had their third. Eventually Ron did forgive Hermione and they became friends again, he even warmed up to Draco and through him Ron found his own happily ever after with Pansy Parkinson. It had been a surprise for everyone.
But now they all watch the tape, joking and laughing with each other as it is nothing but a distant memory.
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vandergelic-blog · 7 years
Could you do the RFA + the minor trio reacting to an MC who gets hit by a car infront of them but gets up right after claiming they're fine then it turns out they have a broken leg and fractured rib thank you! P.s. I love your blog
OMg!1 Thank you so much anon! Of course!! I giggled a bit when writing this, here you go. It’s kind of long~
You guys had planneda date in the evening, and were going to meet up at a restaurant. On your waythere you both saw each other at opposite sides of the street and they werealready at the venue, so obviously you’d be the one going to them! You pressedthe button and waited for the light to change. Your excitement probably got thebest of you and you literally went a second too early…then a drunk drivercomes speeding down the street like a mad man, hitting YOU AND YOUR BODYLITERALLY GOES OVER THE CAR IN THE AIR DOING A 360 TURN AND YOU LAND FACE FIRSTIN THE CEMENT
Here’s how they react.. (the italics is them and the bold is mc)
 Yoosung sprints towards you and shouts “SOMEONECALL AN AMBULANCE CALL 911 SGJK”
*smacks your face*
 Your eyes shot open and then you smiled up athim
 “oh hey yoosung that was some wild shit lmao”
 “shall we go get dinner now” you said as youstood, dusting yourself off
 Yoosung.exe has stopped working
 He was speechless for the rest of the night,besides asking you if you were okay and you swore that you were, until you gotup after you were finished eating and..
You collapsed on the floor then were rushed tothe hospital
 You had a broken leg and a fractured rib cagelmao
Now whenever you fell or hit yourself or anythingyoosung just rushed you to the hospital lmao
It’s like a scene from a moviewhatelsedidyouexpectfromhisdramaticass
He jets over towards you and drops to his knees,scooping your limp body into his arms
*rain starts to pour*
*looks up at the sky*
“hey why are you screaming”
*rain stops*
“how..how are you alive?”
“uh…idk. That kind of stung.”
Mc what
“lets goget dinner now! Being hit by a car sure makes you hungry.”
Oh I see now
He yanks you up to your feet but you immediatelycollapse down
Oh shit
Later you guys found out about your arm andribcage
“hahaha well you may not have the healing powersof a beast, but you sure can take hits like one!”
Literally judo kicks and punches everyone out ofher way as flips and cartwheels over to you like a fucking superhero
Has her phone out ready to call the fucking government
 *eyes flutter open* “im fine”
 “um no youre not”
“im taking you to the hospital”
*throws your body over her shoulder*
Turns out she was right
When is she ever wrong tho like
Scolds you while she takes care of you but shepromises its out of love
Doesn’t really know why you wanted to walk thereso much when he could’ve just sent driver kim for you
 He tried to convince you but you said it wasgood to get fresh air and enjoy the scenery sometimes
Whatever mc
 And when he sees you get hit by the car, thefirst thing he says
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Is about to come over to you then sees you standup
Doesn’t even question it, neither of you sayanything about it and just continue with your date as planned
Over dinner you talk about traveling and stockprices lmfao until then you feel a slight sharp pain on your torso
you put your hand over it
then suddenly your leg goes limp
oh dear
“what is it honey”
“I think I broke a few bones”
“oh my okay well let me call up the helicopterso they can take you to the best doctor in the world who is in Singapore”
“that’s a good idea or..OR… we can just go tothe one a few minutes away”
Lmao you’d get treated and that’d be the end ofit
He’s actually on snapchat because he wanted torecord you crossing the street
He filmed you crossing then at the last 3seconds you get hit and all you hear is him screaming “OHG MYGGOD” before itcuts off
*accidentally puts it on his story*
Zips over to you immediately
It’s a dramatic scene, just like Zen
*starts giving you mouth-to-mouth CPR*
“Saeyoung stop im fine” you suddenly speak asyou push him off of you
 “well actually I did enjoy the kiss tho”
“OH..but that is kind of cool tho”
You guys end up making out in the middle of thestreet
Until he puts his hand on your ribcage and youstart screaming
This is such a mess
“hey if you didn’t feel a car hitting you I wonderwhat else you won’t feel… wanna try lolol”
Minor trio below!
He’s eating an ice cream cone while waiting anddrops it on the sidewalk when he sees you get hit
Immediately starts to sob
Doesn’t even know what to do, little baby is soclueless 
Kneels down besides you and starts poking you
“mc..are you okay? Please wake up.. I can’t livewithout you I love-“
You shoot up
“what was that sorry”
“were you about to say you love me”
He instantly goes back to his edgelord self
 “oh my god you’re so stupid how do you get hitby a car?? Just go under it or something..”
“okay sorry lets go get you a new one”
You guys are walking towards the shop and areabout to enter until your leg gives out and you fall face first into the window
“call the ambulance” you say
“yeah already on it”
You still had to get him ice cream later tholololol
….He wouldn’t know you got hit
He would hear a loud thump and a few screams butwould quickly die out as you got up and told everyone you were fine
Eventually you got over to him and greeted himwith a hug and he smiled recognizing your scen
“did you hear all that noise? What happened?”
“ah..just got hit by a car.”
“let’s go”
He didn’t say anything, in fact he thought youwere just joking and shrugged it off
But during dinner you started to whimper and bitand he asked you what’s wrong
“jihyun.. you know I actually got hit right”
“I got hit by a car”
“then…how are you alive”
 Immediately starts freaking out and you had totake yourself to the hospital lmfaooj
He runs over to you and is about to pick you upuntil he realizes he doesn’t have his gloves on today
“um, ew I don’t want to touch a dead body that’skind of gross-wait are you even dead”
·He has seen enough dead people on the job to beable to tell and he sorta just… nudges you with his foot and looks around
“MC get up this isn’t funny people are starinG”
You get up and he lets out a sigh of relief ashe slings an arm over you and you both walk off the street
“So..uh…are you like, okay… or whatever”
“yeah I think im fine”
*awkward silence*
“so wanna get food now”
“yes please”
Dinner would be awkward and silent, he reallywouldn’t know how to bring up the subject because deep down inside…HE WASACTUALLY REALLY WORRIED LIKE HIS EMOTIONS WERE BOUNCING ALL OVER THE PLACE LIKEWERE YOU ACTUALLY OKAY
But he didn’t want to tell you because thatwould mean he cared and like…
Ew emotion
So he subtly brings it up
“Hey, just a suggestion, you know you don’t haveto listen to me or anything. Matter of fact you could just ignore me if youwant. Actually just forget-“
“what is it”
“…let’s go to the hospital to see if you’re okay……orwhatever.”
And you guys did and he sort of gave you hellwhen y’all found out about your leg and ribcage
“just don’t cross the street anymore”
“seriously you’re such a handful mc”
“when you’re about to cross a street call me so Ican come hold your hand-look out for you. So I can make sure you don’t get hit”
He literally ends up getting a job as a crossingguard..LMAO
Requests are open y’all!
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