#dropping hints every dayyy
acciokaidanalenko · 2 years
Obsessively thinking about Kasumi nudging Shepard & their ME2 LI together, with her own little hints and comments 🥺🤣🥰 ya girl knows everything that happens on that ship, and she's so into watching this unfold 👀
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deleteddewewted · 3 years
Been brbrbr because Dilf is life~ also you kinda look like you are in need of a dayyy
Whats a mommy without daddy right?
💜 dilf shinsou who tugs at his pants and winks at you at family dinner with all your relatives nearby. He sits on his chair legs spread out, but not too much. It was enough for you to notice. Your family agreed on weekend sleepover and you're in for life of pain with your man trying to keep you quiet
💜 dilf shinsou who takes your hints as you mouth him 'not now-!', taking the dishes back to kitchen only for him to follow after you a minute later.
"I told you no!" You yelp quietly as you wash dishes, your cousins laughing at some story in other room
"Maybe not sex. But you'll be suffering whooole night long as a punishment."
He quicly slid his index and middle between your folds, and rubbing you over your pants, his other hand coaxing you and holding your arm.
"Y-you'll be suffering equally ah-"
You feel his body heat radiating behind you and soon his soft lips meet your neck. A shiver ran through you and almost made you drop the dishes. His fingers running circles on your sex and hitting the spot even through the fabric
He smiles at that, satisfied at your reaction.
"That would be your doing, darling. You'll make us both suffer if you keep denying it."
He removes his fingers and smelled his fingers. His eyes rolling at the intoxicating scent of your pussy.
"See you later."
💜 dilf Shinsou who, in eyes of your family, is a honorary diplomat, hero and traditional young man who holds high regad to himself. But you knew he can be soft as a soft served ice cream but also someone who- after a rough day a job would make a good pounding
💜 gives you presents, even if there's no occasion, this man's bank is full and he doesnt know what to do with it. Buys you nice neko bag, maybe new tablet, and anything that would brand you as 'his' if you wore it. For instance a perfume he likes. ~
💜 would love seeing you his "mommy" , filled with his seed and sees you so breedable in every sense. Rubs your boobs and worships them (kind of gets jealous how his kids sucked on them ngl)
💜would love to spend time baking sweets with you and kids too, but you'd have to give him the taste test 😛
(How dare you!)
"You know that we can sneak some mommy and daddy time if you just been over now and let me fuck you while you cook." Shinsou grind his uncovered cock on your covered pussy. He was already leaking pre and smearing it on your leggings.
"Hitoshi, please. We can do this some other time." Shinsou whimpered at you but didn't stop his motion. He kept rubbing himself on you and didn't stop when your children made their way into the kitchen. You pushed against him to cover him up and give him time to get decent but Shinsou didn't seem to care.
"Mommy, can we watch tv?" You nodded at your kids and told them to go ahead. Shinsou in the other hand pulled your leggings down the moment that the kids left and pushed himself inside.
"Do you really want me to stop mommy?" You chuckled at him and instead pulled at his hair making sure that he was close enough for only him to hear you.
"You better make this quick or you'll be punished for wasting my time, daddy." Shinsou shivered at the thought of getting punished that night by his mommy after nearly getting you both caught by your children.
"Dont worry mommy, i'll make sure to make it worth it."
(Soooo, when are y'all going to announce to your kids that your having another one?)
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yami-yomiel · 4 years
We’re about to die, but at least we can say goodbye
[I’ve never posted fanfiction before, but hopefully people will like it...and yes this is an OC i inserted in ghost trick.]
[potential triggers: Guns, death/blood, chapter 15 spoilers, and me saying ‘man in red’ a lot (all expect for the last one in minimal detail however.)]
“CABS, IS EVERYTHING OK? I HEARD SOMETHING EXPLODE.” the blonde said, swinging the office door open as fast as she could. The inspector was limp in the chair, blood staining his precious white coat, with a mysterious blonde figure in red on the phone next to him, her heart and mind began racing.
Really what do you do in a situation like this, do you run and punch(in in this case shoot) the guy, or do you bend down and kiss his shoes hoping he’ll spare your life? What Brooke did would be considered brave, irrationally brave.
She stood in front of Cabanela, banging her fist on the table and interrogating the man in red,
“Look pal, i don’t know who you are or what your business is, but you’re committing assault, you know.” Great job Brooke, you just stated the obvious, you’ll definitely get a raise on your next paycheck..
“Oh really, i thought i was having a lovely chat with the inspector.” he replied, there was a tone in his voice that really irked her, he continued as he placed the phone back on the handle-
 “Listen sweetheart, these are private matters, if you don’t stop interfering then i might have to make you.” his voice was smooth but that sweetheart bit really pushed her over the edge. she pulled her revolver out of her jacket pocket, aiming right for his temple.
“Go ahead, I dare you.” he edged her on, it didn’t sound like a tease- it was a demand.
The man didn’t bleed, but he did flop over backwards, landing on the polished floor. 
Brooke (foolishly) dropped her gun and went to check on Cabanela, thankfully he’s just unconscious, she suspected that he was wounded during the explosion; perhaps just a few broken bones or two.
She planted a kiss on his forehead whispering “Hang in there bud, I’ll get you out of here.”
“It’s funny really..” a sinister voice started, the hairs on her back started standing. “This is giving me a sense of deja-vu, makes sense since Cabanela did the same, now look at him.” Brooke didn’t have the courage to turn around fully, but she can tell the man in red came back, now wielding her weapon.
She started to shake, her fingers firmly gripping the seat’s arms, digging her aquamarine and green nails into the leather. She tried to focus on a way to escape, but no matter how hard she tried- her legs wouldn’t move. “Well..do you have any last words?” he asked, pushing the gun closer to head, she could feel the cold metal against her scalp, it was no different from the chills going up and down her spine.
“Who on god’s green earth are you?” she replied;remaining firm but you could hear the terror in her voice, tears started rolling down and started staining that precious pale coat even more..
The man in red just shrugged “Well, I go by many names, but if you must know, it’s Yomiel.”
Yomiel..just hearing that name sounded evil (ironic, since it’s the name of an angel). A second bang was heard, this time causing Brooke to crash into the chair with enough force to knock them both over.
Blood was pooling around her head, her fingers intertwined with Cabanela’s, and tears in her eyes. “I’m sorry Cabs, I did all I could” she wanted to say, but her vision and voice was already fading. If he was still here, would he be proud, maybe he would reprimand her for her reckless situation skills, but he would be proud nonetheless.
At least that’s What Brooke thought.
[and the sequel!!]
Come on girl 
[yes the title is a yung bae song,,thank my friend :)]
“Nice Try, Inspector Cabanela.”
“But you could never stop me!”
“See ya sucker.”
Just as the man in red went to open the door, he turned and muttered “Oh! i guess the lady gets a send off too, see you..Never.” It was most definitely a backhand comment, you could almost feel the snarkiness ooze from his voice.
Yomiel lightly tapped Brooke’s body with his white shoe, moving her body ever so slightly, and making sure not to step on the fresh blood. And just like that, he was gone, not in a rush or hurry- just like this was an everyday task for him.
Is this what it felt like to die? 
So many Questions left unanswered-and even more to ask.
It was oddly peaceful here-wherever here is. If she could she would rather stay like this; it was better than whatever she just went through anyway, those last 4 minutes of her life obviously weren’t the best.
Suddenly, Brooke heard voices,she couldn’t see anything-or anyone, just the void staring back at her.
“Hey, do you think you could wake up for me?” one voice asked. it had a very apparent new york accent, with no hint of familiarity. “Come onnn~, dear, we ain’t got all dayyy~!” another called. This one definitely struck a chord, the slight country accent, the elongating of vowels, and dripping bisexuality-er flamboyancy. 
The blue flame in front of Sissel and Cabanela started to glow a bit brighter, contrasting the intense reds of the ghost world,a swirly void that seems to both go nowhere and forever. Cabanela smirked, turning to Sissel “You think she recognized me?” he chuckled.
“Think so, do you know her by chance?” he replied, tilting his head a bit.
At this point Brooke was elated by hearing her friend's voice, she wanted to reply, but it felt like her mouth was stuffed with cotton, and her “movements” were sluggish and minimal. 
“OF COURSE HE KNOWS ME!!” a mature yet chirpy voice shouted, the blue flame in front of the two shook and transformed, taking the form of a tall plump woman. Her blonde hair was styled in a bob, a streak of brown in her bang, a dark aviator jacket and tan sweater, but most importantly, her eyes (one being blue and the other green) were filled with hope, hope from the very existence of seeing Cabanela. 
Even though she wasn’t that far, she started to run towards him, embracing him in a big ol hug that spun him around, with both of them now sharing a hearty laugh or two.
“Now’s not the time to be goofing around hun,Buuuuut~ it’s nice to see you haven’t lost your spark.” he said, a bit of professionalism in his voice. Brooke nodded her head, placing her equally tall friend back on his feet “And I see you haven’t lost your…” her voice trailed off as she got a good look at Cabs’ new friend, his blonde hair was styled in a spiky updo (very banana-eske), his suit was a royal red and under it a dark grey shirt, and his shoes a bright white. Her eyes began to widen as she took a step back, her heart once again beating in her ears- was this all an illusion, was she in hell this entire time? Was the man she embraced real?. 
Sissel reached out to comfort the woman,but she slapped it away, Her fear boiling over into steaming rage. Brooke’s hands started moving slowly on their own towards his spindly neck, shaking within every 'second'; she wanted revenge.
He wasn't going to stand around for an inevitable strangling, so he clasped her hands,as an attempt at calming the storm.
"Listen, I don't know who you are. But I know I'm not the man you're after." Sissel stated, "I just share his face, I suppose." Brooke could see her reflection in those dark sunglasses, she just knew they were hiding something. “How do I know you’re not trying to kill me..again” she questioned.
“Well, for starters, you’re already dead. So the chance of dying ‘again’ here is highly unlikely.”
“Sigh..alright, but how do i know you’re not..you know?” she felt like she understood a bit more, that this man wasn’t a threat, but she kept a close eye on him. Cabanela put a hand on her shoulder, nodding “Just trust the man babyyy~!, you have nooothing to fear!”, it was the most he could do in a situation like this anyway, since all 3 of them are dead and all. Sissel then lets go of one of her hands, the other loosely gripping her own. 
“Well,now that that’s settled, shall i go back 4 minutes, before your death?” it was a rhetorical question, since regardless he was going to bring these two back- since it was his main goal to find out who he was and why he was killed.
Brooke felt like she didn’t understand whatever was going on, but if it meant for her and her lovely friend to come back to life, it’d be better to go along with it now and ask questions later. She then took Cabanela’s hand and nodded at him reassuringly, a smile forming on her lips. 
“Sure, it’s better than staying here in this realm anyway!” she chuckled.
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