#ts picanii
dragonindigo245 · 5 years
Another Sanders Sides Monster AU
Patton Canis
Patton was originally a human before he was bitten by a rabid dog.
Or at least he thought it was.
Now Patton be a werewolf.
He appears human normally but on a full moon he becomes a white wolf with bright blue eyes.
None of that stuff where you can see their werewolves in their human form. Makes Patton harder to hunt.
His hair is actually dog fur now though, it looks like human hair but feels like petting a dog.
Pat does like to be pat.
When he becomes a wolf he can only suggest doing things. Otherwise the wolf part is in full control. Begging does nothing.
Patton doesn’t tend to remember much during full moons but he does get dreams about being the wolf.
He’s extremely afraid of big dogs. He doesn’t mind small dogs though and will cuddle them.
One time when he was a werewolf the wolf actually communicated with a few dogs. Turns out dogs are by far smarter than humans.
Patton barely remembers it and couldn’t go into full detail about why they were.
He was coincidentally allergic to silver before being bitten. The silver adjustment wasn’t to bad.
Patton is now allergic to chocolate and grapes like a dog is. He mourns not being able to have real chocolate in his cookies.
In wolf form he did try dog food. Horrible but not as bad as you would think. It was mostly the aftertaste.
Patton can growl and do other dog noises if he chooses but can’t understand dogs in his human form.
So he doesn’t really do that.
Logan Silver
Logan died on October 19th, 2016.
Don’t ask him how he died. He goes quiet until the subject is changed.
He was risen from the dead as a zombie because yes.
Well that was the reason at first.
He later found out Emile summoned him on accident.
So Logan tried to live a normal ish life again. He was thankfully guided by Emile and Remy back to it.
It didn’t take much adjusting however due to dying only 3 years ago. Society hadn’t changed that much.
Logan has dead white eyes and is covered in stitches, otherwise he is pretty much like a normal human.
Oh and he can dismantle and regenerate himself. There’s that.
He will sometimes play fetch with Patton in his wolf form to keep him from running off and killing things. Fetch as in throwing his arm and Patton biting the crap out of it.
Logan is extremely smart and was originally an detective. When he died though he was lost to the world. Now he studies anatomy.
He often has to bandage wounds for everyone. He doesn’t mind.
Logan goes stargazing with all the sides frequently.
Roman Gryphon
Roman is a harpie who was raised by human parents after he was shot in the wing as a child.
Roman is terrified of the sound of fireworks due to this, he does like watching them with noise canceling headphones though.
His parents are both male because we need a dose of even more gayness.
It was really a coincidence that Roman ended up Bisexual.
Roman was homeschooled to prevent any further harm to him so he ended up creating a Discord server where he met people instead of meeting kids at a school.
The humans on the server didn’t believe he was a monster so he took a picture showing his wings and talons. There the other monsters DMed him, freaking out about how they weren’t the only ones.
He created another server specifically for the other monsters. There was only 8 members on there but still. They talked and stuff.
More on that later too.
Roman really wants to be an actor but is unable to pursue it due to his wings.
He just sticks to preforming in his prince outfit in his room. His favorite skit currently is playing Prince Neeven in The Princess and the Frog.
His favorite Disney movie is Aladdin though.
We don’t talk about the sequel though. He gets passionate about it.
Virgil Nimbus
Virgil has been around since the end of the Dark Ages.
He got bitten by a vampire and barely managed to escape with his life.
When his teeth and nails grew sharp he locked himself in a room held together by silver.
There he developed his powers for many centuries. He can become a wolf but besides changing his shape he can fly, regenerate, lift things three times his size, and another power to be mentioned later.
He has developed a way of feeding off of himself but it hurts tremendously as well as taking time.
He has to cut himself and let the blood drain off of him so his heart can replace the blood, and then drink the old blood. So yeah, not pleasant at all.
He would often go days without eating cause of this.
On his birthday (December 19th) of 2001 he was found and immediately killed all 10 of his rescuers out of hunger.
Seeing as how it was his first kills, it messed him up mentally.
His other power comes from feeding off of others. If he bites someone, as long as his fangs are in them, they feel calm and become unable to move. A lot like a spider.
Deceit found him curled on himself and they ended up getting into a fight because Virgil attacked him.
Deceit pinned him easily after he noticed Virgil was really small and weak.
Virgil ended up learning how the human language developed from Deceit as well as modern technology.
Virgil also learned only human like blood can feed him so he still uses his old methods.
He eventually met everyone on Romans discord server and he’s the only one who hasn’t seen the others face to face.
Vines are his favorite thing ever. He’s disappointed it died.
He’s actually the most up to date with memes despite being centuries old.
He has been “adopted” by Patton on Discord. He is surprising okay with this.
Deceit Malpolon
Deceit was born a naga. He has the lower half of a snake and an upper half of a human.
He is actually gender fluid and will bite you if you refuse to use his correct pronouns for the day.
Which would hurt cause he’s venomous.
He can also hypnotize people who stare into his eyes.
He was visiting Germany and came across Virgil. He was stow away and had a much harder time bringing Virgil back with him.
Thankfully he could speak fluent German and semi understand Virgil even if his speech was outdated.
He was hurt pretty badly a bit after the trip back. His hands were crippled for some time and he lost some scales around the left of his face.
This was by a hunter who was honestly stupid for wanting to hunt him. It was more of torture for Deceit.
Virgil did kill the hunter before he decided to shoot Deceit. Afterwards Deceit would attack any human that tried to get within a mile radius of where they lived.
Deceit is actually really protective of Virgil and hardly lets him leave the house alone. They only leave when Virgil goes out hunting really. Virgil doesn’t mind most of the time but it leads to complications.
Deceit won’t admit he gets separation anxiety.
Remus visits them every now and then but he’s not allowed near Virgil because he will eat Virgil as discovered.
Deceit is a pathological liar. He loves lying despite how much it seems wrong. He has to resist the temptation and it can get hard for him.
What he can’t control is the urge to chew everything. If he gets anxious or upset he has to clamp down on something.
His hands are full of bite marks and he has holes in all his sleeves. He has plastic shapes he should bite on but he doesn’t carry them around.
Another anxious habit is coiling around himself over and over until he manages to painfully knot himself.
Deceit owns little necklaces that have a tablet on them and give the days pronouns.
I’m calling Deceit a “he” for now cause I’m used to it and they can’t determine their gender out of the fic.
Oh no we reached Trash Goblin who isn’t actually a goblin.
That would be a funny alternative to what he actually is though. XD
He’s actually a wendigo in the skin of a human.
He kinda created his own body.
He started hanging around humans way to much and developed a personality besides whatever an “endless hunger” personality is.
He often chews on stuff to keep the edge off his hunger.
He owns dog chew toys and chews on those too. His favorite thing to chew on besides bones.
So he’s doing better than Dee.
Despite his... exhilarating personality... he’s actually very tactical. He picks humans to kill very carefully and waits until their guard is lowered, most of the time when their sleeping.
Though he wakes them up on “accident” so he can see the terror in their eyes.
Yeah he’s a sadist.
That’s pretty much expected.
He was on the Discord server once and people immediately assumed he was Romans brother. Now it’s a huge joke because Roman hates it.
Remus is aro despite his sexual remarks.
He also eats small rodents for the heck of it.
One time he presented Logan the head of someone and Remus immediately claimed him as his favorite when Logan asked if he could keep it.
Remus hasn’t tried to eat Roman or Logan but has attempted eating Patton and Virgil. If he met Remy or Emile he would most certainly try to eat them.
He only goes after the more human like ones.
Emile Picanii
Emile is around 26 and is a trans male.
Emile is a couples therapist as usual but has taken up trying to do therapy for the monsters.
He has a spell book that he can use to make magic. That’s how he summoned Logan.
Most of the time he keeps it tucked away in his jacket but rarely he will use it on patients discreetly.
He still asks for their permission but does it in a way he doesn’t sound like he’s asking.
So far his spells haven’t backfired except for the Logan incident.
Emile is on the Discord server and has his own channel to help the monsters on.
He has actually gotten Roman and Patton to come to a live therapy session that turned more into a hang out.
Logan has had a therapy session in voice chat but nothing more. Virgil has text ones while Remus and Remy don’t do any.
Emile tries to convince Remus to at least but he declines.
Emile got into cartoons from Roman because Emiles parents didn’t allow him to watch cartoons.
So now Emile has a Stich onesie among many other things Disney, SU, and anime.
However just because of all this doesn’t mean he doesn’t have his downs. He sometimes has depressive days and overworks himself often.
Thankfully he has a therapist as well because he can’t recommend seeing a therapist without taking his advice.
He’s getting a lot better too!
He has naturally pink hair for some reason. He likes to dye it streaks of blue to match.
Remy is a sleep paralysis demon. He gives people nightmares that lead to sleep paralysis.
He doesn’t exactly care tooooo much but occasionally gives sleep paralysis to people when he’s not sleeping or drinking coffee.
He can enter dreams if he wishes to but doesn’t really do that.
His eyes are light sensitive so he typically wears sun glasses.
He also has narcolepsy and people tend to fall asleep around him. It’s a weird thing where nobody can stay awake.
He still tries to be awake though.
His coffee is always from Starbucks with the seasonal flavors or caramel.
(I’m really tired writing this so that’s funny.)
Remy is a part of the server but already knows who each person is.
Remy owns an black barn owl named Roast, a reference to coffee.
He met Emile before any of this and grew to be good friends with him.
They drink Starbucks together and ‘gossip’ (Emile doesn’t really gossip but they talk about celebrities and stuff)
So this is the monster AU for Halloween! Will probably write something with these bois. Happy Halloween!
(Also I tried to make the last names unique from the typical ones okay bye)
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dragonindigo245 · 5 years
Ratatouille AU where Remy, Emile, and Anton are Remy, Emile and the critic.... and Linguine is Thomas... just being controlled by Remy.
Ty for your time.
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dragonindigo245 · 5 years
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Hey so I may or may not have made some epic designs... here’s a preview. I’ll link each QR code at the bottom.
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[Patton] [Logan] [Roman] [Virgil] [Deceit] [Remus] [Emile] [Remy]
I’m actually kinda proud of these even though I literally avoided writing with someone while making these (sorry @pawton-meowity , this took longer than expected) so hope y’all enjoy!!
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dragonindigo245 · 5 years
Animal Crossing New Leaf Custom Design 7: Emile Picanii
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