#ts3 no rules legacy
hiddenspriings · 3 months
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  ♈︎ - Is everything a game to you? Well of course it is, you’re an Aries. First sign in the zodiac that also might be banned from playing simopoly. We admire a courageous spirit that knows what it wants, is driven, and is bluntly honest with us but can you let some of us, you know….win?! Not everything has to be a competition. Geez 
name: daphne potts lifetime wish: become a superstar athlete traits: athletic, hopeless romantic, hot-headed, slob, workaholic likes: color red, lobster thermidor, beach party music, winning
Excel and reach the top of their career
Fall In love and marry their first love fast
Has to do something athletic once a week
Master the athletic and handiness traits
Have them battle someone once a week
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simspaghetti · 7 months
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Minerva got an opportunity to donate some gemstones to the science facility, so she adventures around town to collect them all up
She puts the reward money towards a charity called the 'Secret Squid Society', being the good-natured sim that she is!
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minty-plumbob · 2 months
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a little (a lot) of ts3
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happy-lemon · 11 months
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Meanwhile, in an attempt to change the future, Dylan began calling down all sorts of space junk with a meteor magnet. He also attended a doomsayer's meeting and convinced six sims--including Zoya!--that the sky is falling. I fear we're heading for a dystopian future!
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thepettymachine · 1 year
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It's time to talk
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brannewjoint · 1 year
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~ The housewarming party was a success. Jamie was pretty surprised everyone showed up, the Tensworths have a tendency to ignore party invites. it was nice for everyone to catch up after the big move, Jamie even learned Cersei named her baby after him!
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nocturnalazure · 1 year
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faeriefrolic · 1 year
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4am and Albion is playing in the rain outside...
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A Skill-Based Build a City Challenge for TS3
I have created a new version of the BACC that is strongly tied to TS3 gameplay. In addition to securing the funds for lots and growing the population, which make up the crux of previous versions, this iteration of the challenge also requires your sims to complete specific skill challenges, milestones, or LTW in order to progress. In a way, it’s kind of a meeting in the middle between the “Complete the Sims 3″ challenge and the BACC.
If you like “prompt style” challenges that give your sims specific goals, or otherwise long-term challenges that require multiple generations/households to finish, this may be your style. I have created a side blog for all the rules, as well as an excel file for notetaking, which you can check out here and here. 
If you do play this challenge and end up posting it, please send me a tag to follow! I’d love to follow along :)
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happy-lemon · 11 months
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After Zoya went back to the present day, Dylan borrowed some clothes from Emit Relevart that would help him blend in better, before going to Legacy Park to learn more about the future.
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happy-lemon · 1 year
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I just updated my No Rules Legacy master post, and I've been thinking about how Dylan has inherited all the best traits of the heirs who came before him. One of his siblings might have provided us with more drama or hilarity, but no one is better suited for all the tasks of generation 10 than Dylan. He's (mostly) unflappable in the face of everything thrown at him and he gets shit done.
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happy-lemon · 11 months
No Rules Legacy - Favorite Pets
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There were a lot of pets in my legacy, but these three were my absolute favorites.
Charlie and Henry were strays that showed up on Nara and Jeffery's doorstep in Generation 1. Charlie loved watching TV and both dogs liked howling along whenever Jeffery played the guitar. In their elder years, they terrorized the postal carrier, and they were buried at the state park in Sunset Valley, where the family enjoyed spending time.
Mateo and Marzhan adopted Buran in generation 5 for Alexandra. She wasn't able to ride him until they were both grown, but she learned a lot about caring for a horse. Buran taught her how to love and together they were a championship pair in generation 6.
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happy-lemon · 11 months
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Dylan went to visit his descendants in the dystopian future, but not only did they live at a new address, but they were different people. Melonie Melville, the woman who reminded him of his mother, was gone. And this new Melville family was not happy with him for ruining Oasis Landing.
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happy-lemon · 11 months
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While in the future, Dylan did some research into the mysterious door in the wasteland and discovered it was a crashed ship. He scoured the sandy terrain for pieces of the missing key and once they were all assembled, he entered the ship. He found a few interesting items, including a hard copy of the internet, and a video of what was either the last sight before the ship crashed or the end of the world. Either way, Dylan was sufficiently creeped out enough to report his findings to Emit and go back to the present.
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happy-lemon · 11 months
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Dylan and Zoya met Dedric Melville and his wife, Melonie. They have four children, Bernard, Dana, Drew, and Danial. Some of the kids have Marzhan Koziyeva's nose (generation 5) and the entire family has the Ciaran Delaney white hair (generation 8). I don't understand how genetics works in the future, but Dedric and Melonie both look a lot like Dylan. Hmmm.
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