#ts4 new releases
alltimefail-sims · 5 months
Has anyone posted screenshots for the teaser video the sims team posted for this "season" of upcoming releases?
I'm cleaning up my cc right now so I'm going to break it down. Speculation below the cut! Feel free to reply with your own thoughts because this teaser has kind of stumped me in some ways ngl... but I have theories!
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Jewelry box theme, so I think "jewelry" will be important to this "season." I'm unsure how that ties in, perhaps the stuff pack? (More on that later.) Either way, I think we can all safely assume that it's the big selling feature of this season.
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Already got those obviously: Goth Galore and Castle Estate. Moving on!
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SDX drops are kind of wildcards - they don't usually cover just one kind of thing. In this pic though I'm a bit complexed by the "W," mannequin head, and Bella-style bodycon dress. Not sure what they're going to give us, but the last few SDX drops for basegame have actually been great, so I'm hopeful it's more than one or two things. I'll always take free stuff!
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First thought is could be a new skill like gem cutting/jewelry crafting with an accompanying career, but that seems niche to me idk why!! But with the theme of this entire teaser being so jewelry-focused, I have to believe that the stuff pack is going to be jewelry related in some way (it's the largest thing on this list, so it makes sense that the teaser would mostly be connected to the most profitable item.)
I do want to say this: although I really don't think they would make fairies a stuff pack (sorry to my fellow occult lovers and TS3 Fairies enjoyers... I know you all have been wanting fairies so bad) HOWEVER!!! I will admit that the spooky all-seeing-eyes in the earrings, the gnome, the color palette, the crystals, the butterfly necklace in the header... it's giving nature/fairies/magic. Guess we'll see! 🤷‍♀️
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Hmmmmm this feels so straight forward that it's going over my head somehow. We have luxury party, we have wedding stories, toddler and backyard stuff have a lot of great "party" items, seasons gives us a ton of seasonal party items... what could this give us that has to do with celebrations that aren't already covered? Birthday stuff maybe? That might be fun, but I am not sure what to expect from this kit.
I'm going to controversially say this though: I like build kits. If we get even one new activity from this kit and some good clutter that's reusable with good swatches, I'll happily buy this one. Birthdays might be one of the only type of celebration we have next to nothing for, so I don't think I'd be upset with getting a kit for general celebrations (graduation parties, for example) and birthdays. Plus the disco ball swatch is kind of silly but could be exciting!
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No idea what this could be, but more than likely it seems like it will be a CAS kit that is a collab with one of two people: either a gamechanger/big cc creator in the community OR another collaboration with a brand or company (like we saw with Moschino stuff or Depop in HSY).
What do you all think? I'd love to hear thoughts and feelings on this teaser and when/in what order you guys think things are going to be released!!
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peonypyxels · 7 months
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anddd the nap room
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saturngalore · 5 months
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connect with style 🌐🌟
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evellsims · 1 year
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softpine · 7 months
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one hit wonder 🌟
inspired by this lovely anon:
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xmasmonkey · 6 months
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Finally, I think this patch is good enough to publish, I've created a merged and a loose file versions of the assets. It's mostly build mode oriented, despite having some decorative objects.
But after all, I think those were more important to grasp the Minoan vibe.
All models should have a custom thumb with a monkey ribbon, so you should be able to find the items easily. Although all objects have the prefix Knossos, so it should be easy to search.
I hope you like it and enjoy it and if you publish screen or builds with this just tag me too so I can see them.
Oh! And Happy New Year, everybody!!!
Also, thanks to my family for being supportive and patient with me, I love you all very much.
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The first link is the loose version and the second one is the merged one.
Knossos fence stone require Jungle Adventure Knossos Stairs require Jungle Adventure Knossos pool trims require Jungle Adventure Knossos braziers require Get Famous Knossos hearth require Get Famous Knossos Pillars require University Knossos Roof Horns require Island Living Knossos Windows require Island Living Knossos Banners require Movie Night
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minervamagicka · 11 months
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got a lil something cooking up to make up for the dressage saddle being a perpetual hot mess(tm), at least now it can be a hot mess in style 8)
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velvet-disc · 1 year
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hi guys <3
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aniraklova · 10 months
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pralinesims · 1 year
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Felt like doing a lookbook with the airpods pro, uhh, I mean my Ozone earbuds 🎶
Hair @johnnysimmer / Top + Pants @nucrests / Poses @helgatisha / Shoes Incheon Arrivals (Kit) / Museum (Gallery) @cross-design / Earbuds, Cap, Glasses, Ear Piercings, Nose Piercing, Rings (Enigma) all by me
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diwns · 1 year
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i believe in @liliili-sims4 supremacy 🧎‍♀️
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whyeverr · 1 year
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craftsman ✨
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hi-land · 11 months
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made this cutie, just wish i could play the game with her lol
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saturngalore · 9 months
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taíssa soares 🌺
outfits inspired by paloma elsesser’s off duty looks, named after eliza soares and taís araújo, and nose by @kashisun <3
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riftgoddess · 2 years
im being fr when i say this but the sims community is the ONLY modding scene i have ever seen/been apart of that has charged people for their creations. ive been playing games and modding them like fallout, mass effect, dragon age, skyrim, etc. for YEARS and have never once paid for a mod for any of those games. its actually really ridiculous and makes me wonder what about the sims makes people feel theyre entitled to $6K a month in compensation for a piece/set of cc that likely took them a few days/a week to make. thats absolutely insane. and the sims modding community doesnt even treat everyone the same - we’re literally just customers, and its been this way for years. some of these creators dont even play the game! its so tiring to come back to a game series i love and the community still acts like this. it screams entitlement.
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izayoichan · 1 year
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Premiere day. 🎶
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