#tsbm college au
Idk if you'll read this but Jealous Karen I just wanna see a jealous Karen in action
(Ha ha y’all remember my college au?? Back on that bullshit.) (edit post writing wow this is barely what the prompt was asking at all I’m so sorry) It shouldn’t have made her jealous. By all accounts, there was nothing to be jealous of. Sheldon had very assuredly used past tense when talking about the crush, and she and Sheldon were just friends. Of course, Karen wanted to be more than that, but that simply was not their situation.  But nonetheless, when Sheldon casually let out a “Oh yeah, I had a crush on Eugene in high school. Glad that died out.” jealousy was the only word to describe how she felt. Luckily for Karen, she was able to cover up that jealousy quite well, especially given how casually it had slipped off his tongue, and how easily he segued into the next part of the story he was telling. If he could tell that she wasn’t quite hanging onto every precious syllable like she usually did, he did a very good job of not letting on. Her jealousy was harder to hide, however, a few days later, when she, Sheldon, and Eugene all ended up getting dinner together. They sat in their usual arrangement - Sheldon and Eugene next to each other, and Karen on the other side, across from Sheldon. Though she never questioned it before, Karen was starting to feel as though she might be third wheeling. Now, Eugene and Karen never did quite get along. They both tried, for Sheldon’s sake, but they never did quite click. Eugene found Karen bossy and dry. Karen found Eugene boisterous and self centered. Sheldon knew they didn’t get along, but tried so, so hard to force his friends into enjoying each other’s company.  But today, Karen’s usual attempts at playing nice were discarded in favor of glaring, stabbing her meal hall food with a fork repetitively as Sheldon and Eugene talked and laughed while recounting something that had happened back in high school. Her glares and bad mood only intensified as Sheldon turned his body away from hers, facing Eugene, a hand falling on the redhead’s shoulder as they continued to guffaw. Forcing a forkful of food into her mouth, Karen’s eyes narrowed as she chewed, swallowed and then spoke, in more of a monotone than usual “I think it’s time I head back to my dorm.” Almost immediately, Sheldon’s demeanor changed. No longer laughing, cheeks paling from the red they’d been moments before, a very serious look took over his features as his eye bounced back and forth between Karen and her seemingly still full plate. “Are you sure? You’ve barely touched your food.” “Yeah.” she deadpanned, eyes fluttering back down to her plate as she confessed, passive aggressively as possible “I don’t have much of an appetite.”  Instantly, Sheldon stood up. “Well, here, let’s box these up and I can walk you back.” His cheeks flushed a bit, as he added “Make sure you get back safe, and all that. I don’t want you walking back alone if you’re not feeling well.” “You sure you want to leave Eugene here by himself?” her words carried a bitterness that Eugene had picked up on, but Sheldon sure had not. “He’ll be fine!” Sheldon answered for him, waving a hand and arm dismissively. And then, with a sudden sternness and clenched jaw, his head snapped back to his roommate as he questioned a very pointed “Right?” Eugene, of course, picked up what Sheldon was putting down. Unlike Karen, he knew he was a third wheel. “Oh, uh, right!” Already having maneuvered to the other side of the table, Sheldon put one hand in the small of Karen’s back as the other lifted her tray. “C’mon,” his voice was quieter, more gentle than she was used to hearing “Let’s get you home.” Without a word from Karen, Sheldon boxed up both of their leftovers, and ushered them out of the meal hall and into the cool, starry night of the university campus at 7PM on a weeknight in November. They walked for about two minutes before either of them spoke, Sheldon being the one to break the silence, offering an “Oh!” and then unzipping his hoodie and draping it around Karen’s shoulders without asking. “Don’t want you catching cold if you already can’t eat.” A part of Karen felt very smug. Sheldon wasn’t letting Eugene where his sweater, now, was he? Another, larger part of her though, just felt warm. Partially from the newly added layer, but also just from the idea of wearing Sheldon’s sweater. It was intimate, and, if she was being entirely honest, kind of sexy. “Thanks.” Another quick moment of silence, this one only 20-30 seconds, before Sheldon questioned. “Is everything alright? I mean, I know, clearly not, you said you didn’t feel like eating, but you weren’t saying much either and you’re not saying much now and I’m just concerned that-” “Well it’s hard to for me to talk much with all your rambling.” though the words were harsh, they were said with a smile, and an eye roll, and an elbow playfully nudging his. She was teasing, that’s all. And she was comfortable enough with him to assume that he knew that. “Alright, alright, I guess I’ll just never talk again...” “I’d love to see you try.” she continued to tease. “Ah, see, now there’s my Karen!” though he rolled his eye, he was also beaming. And then, the smile faltered. Karen was concerned, until he started rambling once again. “Not that, I uh...you’re your own person, of course! And uh...women aren’t property...and it’s not even like...we’re...that’s to say....ughh none of this is coming out right...” “Hey. Sheldon.” she walked into front of him, her hands, covered by the sleeves of his sweater, grabbed his forearms. “It’s fine.”
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"I don't like to wear my glasses when I'm committing unspeakable acts of evil. They make me look bookish." For the college au?
Sheldon couldn’t believe his luck. His intro to philosophy professor had randomly paired everyone up for a team paper. It wasn’t even worth that much of their total grade, but it meant, by some divine intervention, that he got to spend a few hours every afternoon for a week with Karen. Of course, Sheldon had been absolutely taken with Karen since the first month of their first semester, when she accidentally tripped him in the middle of meal hall. Ever since that fateful encounter, he’d spent hours dreaming, designing, scheming ways to spend more time with her. And now, with no intervention of his own, it was finally happening. They’d added each other on Facebook and used messenger to figure out a time and place - specifically right now, in the library. Not wanting to blow his chance at romancing his dream girl, Sheldon planned and practiced what he was going to say to woo her for days. And yet, when he arrived, none of that came out. What did come out was “Are you wearing contacts?” “Hmm?” Karen lifted her head from the textbook she’d been scanning over.  “Your glasses.” he tried again. “You’re not wearing them. Just kinda took me by surprise, since you’ve had them on every time I’ve seen you.” Now, there was a reason Karen wasn’t wearing her glasses. A good reason! But not a reason she wanted to explain to Sheldon. She wasn’t wearing them because of how often she was told ‘you look so pretty without your glasses!’ and she had a huge crush on Sheldon, and she wanted him to think she was pretty, too. But obviously, she couldn’t tell him that. So instead, she lied “I   don't like to wear my glasses when I'm committing unspeakable acts of evil. They make me look bookish.” “Really?” Sheldon was unconvinced, evident from his tone, and from the way he raised an eyebrow and scrunched up his nose. Karen thought it was the ‘unspeakable acts of evil’ he was gong to comment on, but to her pleasant surprise, he asked “Bookish?” Raising an eyebrow of her own, Karen countered “Yes, bookish.” “No, no, ‘bookish’ is a word for ugly people.” he waved a hand dismissively. “Ugly nerds really. You can’t describe yourself as ‘bookish’ when you’ve got that whole sexy librarian thing going on.” “Sexy Librarian?” she repeated in a sarcastic tone of disbelief. “Yeah, you know, like, tight blouses, tight skirts, glasses, hushing with threat of ‘punishment’...” “And that’s the vibe my glasses give off? Really?” she was completely deadpan.
Sheldon felt his cheeks go red. “I mean...yes? Sort of? Don’t get me wrong, you’re plenty sexy without the glasses, but...” Had Karen been drinking something, she would’ve choked on it. “We should, uh...” there were a lot of things she thought they should do. Most of them would be inappropriate to do in the university library. Then again, if he thought she fit the ‘sexy librarian’ archetype, maybe that was what he expected? “...we should work on this paper.”
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Since I remember you head-cannon Plankton as demisexual maybe you could right a Drabble of him coming out to Karen? College Au
“I can not wait for Pride to be over.” Sheldon grumbled under his breath as he passed through yet another hallway filled with rainbow streamers and obnoxiously peppy students handing out flyers, finally unlocking the door to his dorm.
Following in behind him, his girlfriend, Karen, waited for the door to close behind him to ask “Why? We’re both bi, we can cover ourselves in glitter and get drunk and have a good time.”
Tossing himself on his bed dramatically, he groaned “That’s not the kind of drunk crowd I’d like to get involved in.”
Scrunching up her nose, Karen asked “What’s this really about?”
“I don’t care for the way Pride is run, that’s all.” he lamented, still sprawled out dramatically on his bed.
Sitting down next to him, resting a hand on his thigh, Karen mused “I thought rainbow capitalism would be right up your alley.”
“No, no, it’s not that. I love when any entrepreneur is able to so easily play on the weak minded.” he sighed dramatically, before sitting up, and more seriously stating “I guess it’s more the rhetoric that gets tossed around that rubs me the wrong way.”
Raising an eyebrow curiously, Karen pressed “What kind of rhetoric?”
“I don’t particularly care for people telling me that I can’t help who I’m attracted to.” he admitted, before adding, more delicately. “It’s a bit of a touchy subject.”
“Well given that you’re attracted to me, I’m not entirely sure how I should take that.” Karen confessed, tucking a strand of hair in behind her ear.
“You’re different.” he mumbled so quietly it was barely above a whisper. “That’s part of the problem.”
Sheldon was quick to amend “Not that I find being attracted to you a problem-”
“Are you gay?” she questioned. “Or do you think you might be? Are you trying to break up with me? Is that what this is about?”
“No, no no!” he cried, gently cupping her face in his hands in an attempt to calm her down. “Definitely not the issue. I’m sure of that much.”
“What are you...unsure of, then?” she tried, desperately wanting to understand.
Letting go of her face to run a hand through his hair, he sighed “I’ve always kinda...known...that I found men and women attractive. I’d daydream about Warren Beatty just as much as I would about Faye Dunaway. I’ve had crushes...some fleeting, some more serious. But when I met you things were...different. I guess, I always kinda thought I was experiencing attraction the same as everyone else, but I am attracted to you in ways I just...haven’t been to other people before. I can still sorta pinpoint the moment - we were getting coffee and you reach across the table to hold my hand - and something clicked. It was like ‘oh. so this is what physical attraction feels like’. I’ve felt it since, quite a few times, but only with you.”
Nodding slowly, and then reaching out to hold his hand, Karen spoke in a very calculated way. “Sheldon, it is not my place to tell you what labels to use or how to identify. But it sounds to me like you might be demisexual.”
“But I’m bi. I know I’m bi.” he argued. “I’m just...I don’t know...wired different.”
“You can be biromantic and demisexual.” Karen tried. “I’m kinda the opposite. Like, I tell everyone I’m bi because it’s easier, but ever since I learned what the terms meant, I’ve considered myself bisexual demiromantic.”
With a small nod, Sheldon quietly said “Yeah, you’ve mentioned that before. But you were attracted to me so I didn’t want to make a big deal or push farther.”
“I still am attracted to you, barnacle brain.” she deadpanned.
Rolling his eye, Sheldon teased. “Wow, I guess you could say things are getting tense.”
“Sheldon,” she warned, but was holding back a chuckle.
Taking her hands in his, his tone was much more serious as he asked. “But...you still want to be with me?”
“Are you kidding?” she smirked, leaning forward to kiss him. “Knowing I’m the only who turns you on? That’s even sexier.”
“Karen,” it was his turn to warn.
She giggled, kissing him again. Pulling back, she whispered “But I am really glad you told me. I know it was difficult, and I’m glad you trust me enough to be that open.”
“Of course I trust you that much.” he smirked. “I love you.”
Given that they’d only been dating for 3 months, Karen choked on her own spit. “I’m sorry, you what?!?”
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Plankton and Karen making out in the pool maybe?? It can be also a bit “hot and heavy” ;) Human Au.
{{ decided to tackle this in the college au - hope that’s okay! }}
Being an RA was stressful - and May truly wanted nothing more than to head down to the campus pool and relax in the hot tub. She very rarely got time off between classes and assignments and RA duty, and the little time she did have she normally spent with her girlfriend. She was looking forward to this for the last two weeks.
So of course, what she saw upon arriving was enough to already feel the headache that the encounter was bound to become.
“Not again...”
Of course, it didn’t matter how many times she had to kick them out of the lounges, or the stairwells, or the communal showers - Karen and Sheldon were always going to end up groping and grinding on each other in some public space. And today, that happened to be the hot tub at the campus pool.
Obviously, Sheldon and Karen did not notice May and her extreme disappointment. No, they only had eyes for each other (or eye, in Sheldon’s case). 
It started out innocently enough - as it always did - with the two simply relaxing in the hot tub together. Karen leaning up against her boyfriend, his arm wrapped loosely around her, a couple soft kisses every few minutes as they chatted about nothing in particular. 
The odd kiss or two eventually led to kissing on places other then their mouths. Cheeks, at first. Simple enough. But then cheek kissing lead to kissing some other areas that were distinctively less innocent. Karen kissing down Sheldon’s jawline, Sheldon nipping and tugging and Karen’s ear.
Now, where they were the young and horny adults that they were, this lead to some light petting. But seeing as how they were both in their swimsuits, light petting turned into heavy petting at what seemed like record speed. 
And all this, of course, before May even arrived. So when the RA arrived at the pool area, Karen was on Sheldon’s lap, grinding, their tongues in each others mouths, one of Sheldon’s hands very clearly under Karen’s swimsuit top.
Walking over and whacking the back of Sheldon’s head, May cried “There are other people here you know!”
Giving her a death glare - or the best that he could given he still had his eye patch on - Sheldon sarcastically asked “Does it look like I care?”
“You should!” May raised her hands above her head “You know Karen is only one violation away from getting kicked out of campus housing, don’t you?”
Bringing his hand out from under Karen’s top to instead stroke her face, Sheldon smirked smugly “Good. I’ve been trying to get her to move in with me since last semester...”
“Sheldon.” his girlfriend warned. 
“What?!?” he cried “It’s true!”
“Doesn’t mean that I want to move in with you.” she bickered.
Raising an eyebrow, May noted “So maybe you should stop with the disgusting PDA?”
“It is not disgusting!” Sheldon argued. “We’re two extremely attractive individuals. This is pretty tantalizing imagery we’re providing.”
“Babe,” Karen was growing tired of the back and forth “Let’s just go.”
“And let her get away with this?!?”
“It’s not like she can do anything,” Karen rolled her eyes “She’s not on duty.”
“I resent that!” May cried, knowing that Karen was, technically, right.
“So if she can’t do anything...” Sheldon wiggled his eyebrow suggestively “Why bother stopping?”
“Mmm,” Karen smirked, before leaning in, giving her boyfriend another languid kiss. “You make a great point.”
“Are you forgetting you’re dating a genius?” he teased, already playfully nipping at her ear again.
May rolled her eyes and walked off - hanging out in the pool could be just relaxing as the hot tub, she decided.
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College au? “When you were drunk last night you kept telling me I kiss better than anyone, and I don’t know why since we’ve never kissed before.”
"Alright Sheldon," May's hands were on her hips, her stare disapproving as she questioned "What's the scheme? What are you trying to pull?"Sheldon rolled his good eye before stating "You're going to have to be more specific.""When you were drunk last night you kept telling me I kiss better than anyone." She explained "and I don't know why, since we've never kissed before.""Yes we did." He blinked. "Last weekend for like an hour straight. Then you vomited and so I left but I fell asleep outside of your room. That's how I know it was you."May's eyes widened as she informed him "I wasn't here last weekend. I was home for my mom's birthday.""THEN WHO THE HELL DID I KISS?!?" May sighed "I think I know the answer."Karen groaned as she heard May's key turn in the door. She'd been in the zone working on this paper, and now her roommate was going to noisy up the room again."Karen!" May called as she pushed the door open."We have company.""I already told you," Karen called over her shoulder "if you and your girlfriend want to make out on the bed you're going to have to do it while I'm in class."A knowing smirk crossed May's lips as she informed her roommate "I'm not the one in danger of making out.""Sheldon, this is Karen." May introduced "Karen, do you remember...""Yeah we've...met." Karen interrupted quickly. May's smirk got even more snug as she asked "Does this solve your mystery, Sheldon?" He nodded wildly. Oh god. This was not what he was expecting at all. "Can, we, um, you and I, Karen, um, talk?""If you're going to make out on the bed then you're going to have to do it when I'm in class!" May taunted.Stepping outside their dorm, the door softly shutting behind them, Karen harshly whispered "Look I promise you're not the reason I threw up but-"She was cut off by Sheldon immediately kissing her, hot and heavy without warning. Oh yeah. SHE definitely kissed better than anyone. And probably a lot better than May would have.Breaking the kiss, face bright red, he questioned "Could I buy you a coffee, sometime, maybe?"
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“Delete it. Now.” Karen and Plankton for the college au
Sunlight peered through the window, and Sheldon buried his head further into his girlfriend's shoulder. "It's too bright..." he murmured, lips squashed against Karen's collarbone."Come on," she gently nudged "let's get up. We don't have to leave the room or anything...""Noooooo..." he grumbled, nuzzling further against her in defiance. With a roll of her eyes and a ruffle of his hair, Karen quipped "You're such a baby."Moments passed, Sheldon still unaware of the time, let alone how long he'd been awake. He was almost hypnotized by the rise and fall that came from his girlfriend's breathing as he continued to cuddle. Nothing changed until he heard the sound of a cell phone capturing an image. "Did you just take a picture?" He questioned, starting to pull himself back up."Yeah," Karen smiled, moving her phone screen in front of his face "Look how cute you are when you're all sleepy...""Delete it. Now." He instructed.Karen wasn't having it. "No! It's cute! It's a good picture of both of us.""I'm not wearing my eye patch in it!" He cried, his voice suddenly high and panicky. "I'm being serious, Karen, delete it.""I'm not gonna post it anywhere..." she whined, rolling her eyes "I just wanted to keep it for my personal collection." "You better not post it anywhere." He grumbled, now sitting up next to her, arms crossed over his chest.Karen sighed, leaning up to plant a kiss on his cheek, reassuringly rubbing his forearm as she promised "I wouldn't ever post a picture of you that makes you uncomfortable."
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“I love this song! Want to dance?” Karen and Sheldon?
[college au] Another Friday night, another insanely loud dorm party. Sheldon J Plankton was only being "social" for two reasons: the alcohol, and the purple haired beauty who was currently perched on the arm chair of the sofa he was sitting on. Karen had started as an object of affection, someone he'd stare at from across crowded corridors and lecture halls. But somehow, and he couldn't quite pinpoint when, a friendly acquaintanceship was started. He was comfortable referring to her as a friend now. They met up just about every weekend and sat on the same couch and chatted the night away. Sometimes they'd be drunk enough to start cuddling, and one kiss had transpired between them, though Sheldon wasn't quite sure if she remembered, and he didn't want to bring it up if she didn't.The light chitchat was completely tossed to the wayside as suddenly Karen gasped "I love this song!" While clutching his forearm. "Want to dance?"The song was...not fast. It was slow. She...she wanted to slow dance? "I guess since you love the song and all...""We don't have to." She offered surprisingly quickly. "I was just asking."The sudden joyful buzzing from hearing a song she loved was completely drained. Her eyes, moments before shining with excitement, were downcast. Both of her hands were wrapped around her drink, where her fingers awkwardly fidgeted. Sheldon stood up, and then picked her up off the couch and stood her next to him. "We're going to dance and you're going to like it." He stated severely.Karen wrapped her arms around his neck, giggling as she teased "Well that's the most romantic thing I've ever heard."His own hands now sturdy on her waist, he countered "I'm not exactly the romantic type, Karen.""I think you could be if you wanted to." she argued. He'd opened his mouth to respond, but was shocked silent by the sudden sensation of Karen kissing his cheek. He was at an absolute loss for words when Karen smirked "Its pretty easy."He nodded, slowly, trying to digest the situation. Was she trying to actively seek out a romance with him? It was she trying to prove how easy it was to be romantic? "Did your lipstick get on my face?""Yes." She replied instantly. "You're marked territory now."He smirked, before asking "And who says I want to be your territory?"Karen eyed him suspiciously for a moment, before the slow raise of her eyebrow that accompanied her question of "Don't you? I thought that was what this was.""This?" Sheldon met her eyebrow raise with one of his own."You know..." hands still on his neck she pulled him closer, laying her forehead against his "THIS""OH!" Sheldon's voice was too loud for the situation. "THAT this! Yes, yes, that this. That...that is one hundred percent what this can be. I'm good with that. Mark away!"Karen rolled her eyes, but did as she was told none the less. Sheldon's face was covered in purple lipstick before the song was over, and he couldn't have been happier.
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“Stay the night. Please.” Plankton and Karen? College au?
It was taking a lot for Karen to not fall asleep despite it only being 7:30 PM. She was warm, blankets covering both her and her boyfriend, and being curled against Sheldon’s chest as his breathing, now slowed, gently rocked her back and forth, her head rising and falling with each inhale and exhale. And it was quiet, not a word had passed between the two of them after the small reassurances that it had been good for both of them.
The silence was broken as Karen let out what Sheldon was sure was the cutest yawn he’d ever heard. “Sleepy?” he questioned.
“Mmmm,” she nodded gently. “I should go soon. Before I get too tired.”
Sheldon nodded, but moved to start lightly tracing his finger on her shoulder. “You know, Eugene’s still visiting his family back home. I’m going to have the place to myself. You could…”
“I could?” she repeated, urging him to finish his thought. She had an inkling of where this was going, but she didn’t want to jump to conclusions.
“Stay the night.” It wasn’t a question. “Please.”
Another soft hum left Karen’s lips, before she replied “You don’t have to say please. I already want to.”
“You do?” he questioned, a small excitement starting to stir in his stomach. 
“Of course I do.” Karen sighed contently. Her voice lowered even more, barely above a whisper, as the words fell out of either of their lips for the first time “I love you.”
The small excitement from before was suddenly exponentially larger. His eye widened as he glanced back down at his girlfriend. Still lying against him as still and quiet as before. As if she hadn’t said it. But she had. She’d said the ‘L’ word out loud. And meant it. “You-”
“Yeah.” she cut him off, her voice just as quiet as it had been moments before. “You don’t have to say it back. It’s okay. I know it’s really early to be saying it. But I do. I’ve been thinking about it for a while now.”
He shifted, slightly, to press a light kiss on her hairline. Karen loved him. And she was staying the night. He almost felt the need to pinch himself. How did he get so lucky? Wasn’t it just last semester he was too shy to even talk to her? 
“I love you, too, you know.” he confessed, the corners of his lips tugging into a bigger smile with every passing second “And not just because you said it first. I was going to tell you when you helped me with the chicken nuggets, but it seemed weird then.”
Karen laughed. An honest, pure laugh. She hated her laugh. She’d disclosed this to him before. But he loved hearing it. “Well I’m glad it doesn’t seem weird now.”
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My friend dragged me to this party and I just saw my ex quick make out with me
"Look who finally decided to leave his room."Sheldon Plankton was surprised to turn his head and find his meal hall crush standing beside him. If he knew she came to these parties he would have come to one a long time ago. "Roommate dragged me out." He confessed. "Said he needed a wingman." He glanced over to where Eugene was making out with the same girl Sheldon had seen in their dorm multiple times before. "But apparently it was all a ruse.""Are you planning on staying, then?" Karen asked, her cheeks flushing as she let one of her fingers trace up and down his forearm "or did you want to...go back to your room?"Karen's obvious flirtation was lost on him. "I may as well stay for a short while." He shrugged. Thinking his obliviousness was rejection, Karen sighed. "Oh. Okay. I can leave you-"Eye widening, he grabbed her forearm without thinking, crying "WAIT!". Karen did as he asked, her eyes grey eyes meeting his with a sparkle that made him weak in the knees. "My ex is on their way over here, quick, make out with me!"Karen didn't need to be asked twice, pulling him down by his suspenders and smashing her mouth against his. Of course, Sheldon had no ex. He was afraid Karen would call him out on it, since he really didn't know how to kiss. At all. But when she did pull away, all she asked was "Are they gone?" "Hmm?" He had a difficult time forming a thought, let alone a sentence. "Yeah, can't see them anymore."Karen's lips curled into a smile that he could describe as devilish, sending shivers down his spine, as she purred "Good." Before yanking him back down, kissing him again.
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Sandy and plankton fight for karens hand prompt!!
wow this is OLD I’m sorry fam but I’m here I’m getting to it!![college au]
Sheldon Plankton was on his way out of his 8:30 class, still groggy with sleep, when he felt a hand on his shoulder. Spinning around, he spotted the tall girl Bobby was friends with. Sadie? No, that wasn’t it. Cindy, maybe? Yeah, that sounded right. “Hey, you haven’t seen Karen ‘round, have ya?”
He narrowed his eye suspiciously. What did the tall woman want with his fiancé? “Not recently.” he admitted, pursing his lips together before questioning “Why?”
Sandy’s cheeks flushed at the question. Drat. There was no two ways about it now. “Well, with the Sadie Hawkins quickly approachin’, and all…”
“What, are you planning on asking her?” Sheldon chuckled lightly at his own joke. Surely every one on campus knew about their engagement by now. And even if she didn’t know about the relationship update, he’d been dating Karen for upwards of three years. The purple-haired vixen was off the market.
Sandy’s eyes suddenly fixated on the floor “Well, last time I was talking to her she mentioned no one had asked her yet, and-”
Sheldon tuned out whatever she continued to say. Was Karen…expecting him to ask her to an imbecilic college pub party? Dang it, he’d already asked her to marry him and she said yes, was it so naive to assume that would include going to these events together?!? 
He walked off, his head dizzying with ideas, leaving Sandy standing alone in the hallway mid sentence “-or, okay, I guess I’ll see you around, then?”
And she did, two days later, when she finally located Karen. Approaching the shorter man, Sandy questioned “No one’s asked Karen out yet, have they?”
“Not yet.” he smirked, wringing his hands together deviously.
Sandy raised an eyebrow, and then shook her head. Never mind Sheldon. He was usually on about something or other that nobody really knew much about. She’d seen him on the roof of the chem lab with a megaphone less than a week ago. 
But there was Karen, standing in the corner of the library, looking over titles of marketing books, on her tiptoes trying to reach. “Let me get that down for ya,” Sandy smiled, handing the shorter girl the book. 
Karen turned, a light smile on her face as she offered a genuine. “Thank you.”
“You’re welcome!” Sandy beamed. “So, uh, I was wondering, I know the other day you were talking about the Sadie Hawkins at pub, and if you didn’t have anyone else to go with-”
Karen rolled her eyes “Oh, I’m making him go. He’s just being an anti-social crybaby. But we’ll be there.” 
“Yeah, but he’s always like this.” Karen replied, not understanding the context of Sandy’s questioning. “Why, are you and the boys going? It might make him want to come out more if he’s going to know someone other than Eugene.”
Sandy’s face flushed. She felt like an absolute fool. Of course Karen was taken. Why wouldn’t she be? Weird that Sheldon didn’t bring it up when she asked him, though. Though she supposed that might have just been Sheldon being an asshole. “I was, actually asking…” she shook her head “Never mind. I’ll see y’all there.”
“What are you two gossiping about?” Sheldon questioned, swooping in to be the big romantic husband Karen apparently expected him to be. 
“The Sadie Hawkins thing they’re doing for pub.” Karen responded dryly. “Sandy’s going.”
“And so are we,” he smirked, making a big show of getting down on one knee, taking her hand into his as he theatrically gushed “Karen Soon-To-Be-Plankton, will you do my the honor of going to this lame pub event with me?”
She rolled her eyes, but Sandy noticed the smile on her face and how her cheeks were pinker then they’d been a second before. So apparently she and Sheldon were a thing. Huh. Who knew?
“Well how can I say no in front of all these people?” Karen teased, reaching down to ruffle her fiancé’s hair.
Sheldon got up and laid a kiss on her, and Sandy awkwardly backed out of their little corner of the library. There’d be other cute girls in the science department somewhere, she didn’t have to watch this one make out with her apparent fiancé. She’d probably witness enough of that at the pub itself. 
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Do you think you could write a college au drabble of both Karen and Sheldon getting way too drunk at party?
A telltale sign that Sheldon Plankton had been drinking too much was when the eyepatch came off. Swearing he could "see better out of this one", as though his eyelid wasn't sewn shut from the accident back in high school, he stumbled around the halls of the university dorm before locating Karen and greeting her by pushing her against the wall. Thinking that it was going to be a grand, romantic 'hello gorgeous' moment, he slurred "I wanna fuck you so bad"His fiancé, clearly too inebriated to notice his eyepatch was missing, immediately slapped both of her palms against his cheeks, whining "so do it!"He didn't bother to ask if she wanted to move to the couch just a mere two feet away as he squished her little body with his slightly less little body in a sandwich between himself and the wall. His tongue hit her lips before his lips did, but Karen clearly didn't mind."Can they get a room?" Edward sneered in disdain, before taking another sip of his rum and lemonade.Bobby put his hand on his roommate's shoulder "But it's so romantic!" He hiccuped "They're just...they're just sooo in love!""Don't touch me." Edward deadpanned, picking Bobby's arm up and removing it from its perch on his shoulder."I think he's right!" Sandy piped up, taking the half consumed cup out of Edward's hand and replacing it with a full one, tipping it up towards his mouth "and I think YOU will be a lot more fun once we get this in ya.""Um, guys?" Patrick finally broke from his half-baked silence "should they be doing that?"Attention was immediately turned back to Sheldon and Karen, as the shorter had her hands on the elastic waistband of the taller's underwear. At some point during the quick conversation they all shared, Sheldon's pants had come off completely.Karen got onto her knees, and Sandy began storming towards the couple in the corner. She figured she could push em into a broom closet quickly enough. And then, to everyone's shock and horror, Karen projectile vomited all over her fiancé's underwear."Karen what the fuck!" Sheldon cried, only to glance down to see the woman of his dreams still heaving on the floor. "Baby baby baby you okay??" He leaned down, too drunk to be concerned that he was kneeling in her vomit. "Too much..." Karen muttered, trying to wipe the vomit off her face.Sheldon helped his bride to be off the floor, his voice still slurring as he stated "Time to go home."Edward wrinkled his nose up in disgust "is anyone going to clean that?"He waited for an answer, just to find that the boys and Sandy had already left. He was alone. Figured.
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“I can’t get over how a few months ago I wanted to learn your name and now you’re having breakfast with me in my sweater.” College au?
It was a quiet morning. There was the distinction of spoons clinking against their cereal bowls, and the quiet crunch of the cereal’s consumption, but not another sound to be heard. Neither of them minded. It was a quiet contentment.
A few more spoonfuls each before Karen’s thoughts were stirred by a single content hum coming from Sheldon’s direction. She glanced up at him, a childlike curiosity bubbling, as she questioned “What?”
His cheeks flushed pink, and she felt hers do the same just from watching him blush. How was one human this adorable? “Nothing.” he muttered into the cereal bowl, awkwardly pushing around his cornflakes with his spoon without any real direction. “Nothing important.”
She paused just long enough to push a strand of hair behind her ear. She was in one of his sweaters, the sleeves too large and flopping around as she did so. “Tell me.”
“It’s a lot, you know?” he questioned quietly. “I can’t get over how a few months ago I wanted to learn your name, and now you’re having breakfast with me in my sweater.”
If Karen thought she was blushing before, she was definitely blushing now. “It moved pretty quickly.” with the hand that wasn’t holding her spoon, she reached across the table, holding his hand in hers “But I’m glad it did.”
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[I swear I’ll get to the ones in my inbox but in the mean time enjoy a college au drabble that deviates from the main college au story]
Friday nights meant dorm parties. And for Karen, dorm parties meant getting drunk and making out with Sheldon. It had happened every Friday for the last month and a half. They were currently sitting on a couch, as he drunkenly rambled on about his latest revenge scheme. Karen ran fingers through his hair, hanging on his every word. “Oh, that’s such a good plan...” she sighed “you’re so devious.”
Bringing one of his hands up to caress her cheek, he agreed “I’m the most devious. I should...I should...I should call my ex.” 
Karen could only get out a soft stuttering protest before he was pulling his phone out of his pocket. As his fingers typed something in, she managed to murmur “but I thought...I thought we were...that you were...” He motioned at her to hush as he put the device to his ear. 
Heartbreaking, Karen stumbled out of the room in near tears. She was a drunk girl at a party, she could cry if she wanted to. She wouldn’t be the only one.
She was still sobbing on the staircase when Sheldon stumbled up to her 20 minutes later “There you are!” he happily plopped himself down next to her, resting his head on her shoulder, oblivious to the fact that she was crying. “I thought you were gonna stay and listen to my phone call. You woulda loved it.” his words were still slightly slurred, but he could make them out.
“I don’t wanna listen to you talk to your ex.” she whined. “I thought we were havin’ a moment. But you were thinkin’ about someone else the whole time...” she sniffed, a few stray tears still falling.
“Was not!” he cried, lifting his head from her shoulder. “If you woulda stayed for the call you would’ve known that.”
“Why else would you call your ex? I know what drunk calls to your ex mean. It’s either ‘i want you back’ or a booty call.”
Sheldon smirked triumphantly “I can call ‘em back right now and prove it.”
Karen watched him pull his phone out, dialing another number after putting his phone on speaker “What the hell is it now, Sheldon?!?”
“Hey, quick favor, Karen’s here-”
The voice on the other end questioned “Karen? Is that your new girl’s name? Listen, I’m glad you moved on, but please stop calling me to tell me about how much smarter and prettier and blah blah blah she is-”
“Thankshateyoubye.” he spit them all out like they were one word, before turning back to Karen, a big toothy grin on his face as he bragged “Told you so.”
“I’m your new girl?” she blinked up at him.
“Well, I thought that’s what this was.” he shrugged slightly “I like kissing you every week. I like talking to you. You’re smart and insightful and we hate all the same people.”
“You haven’t kissed me this week.” she reminded him, nudging his arm playfully.
“I haven’t?” he thought about it. She was right. “I gotta fix that. Can I push you up against this wall or is that too forward?”
“It’s backwards for me.” she teased, before cracking up at her own joke “Cause you’re pushing me backwards. I’m hilarious.”
“God,” he groaned “you’re the total package.”
And then he followed up on the pushing her against the wall thing. 
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Im bad at this but how about College AU where Plankton is trying to hide from Karen the fact that he hasn't slept the past few nights due to nightmares please?
Karen eyed her boyfriend skeptically as he downed the fourth energy drink of the day, and it was only 1PM. “And you tell me I need to lay off the coffee.”
She rolled her eyes “What you need is to use your indoor voice.”
He whipped his head around, ready to snap at her again, but halted himself before doing so. Why was he yelling at Karen? He loved Karen. Karen didn’t deserved to be yelled at. Overly caffeinated beverages were not a substitute for sleep, he was learning. “Sorry,” he muttered “These drink don’t really help me with the whole cranky thing.”
“Have you been sleeping at all?” she questioned, raising an eyebrow and letting one of her hands reach out to rest on top of his wrist.
“Sleep is for the weak.” he deflected.
“Sheldon,” she rolled her eyes again. Uh oh. “You know just as well as I do that you need sleep to function at full capacity. Especially you. You get super cranky when you don’t sleep, and not even in a cute way.”
“Everything I do is cute!” he argued. “Look at me, I’m adorable!”
Karen smirked “I feel like I’m too biased to give a proper opinion on that.” she leaned over, resting her head on his shoulder, before she sighed “You’d be cuter if you got a decent amount of sleep.”
“Don’t tell me how to live my life.”
“What’s the matter?” she questioned, still nuzzling her cheek into his shoulder. “Are the neighbors keeping you up?”
“Nah,” he shrugged, causing her hair to brush by his ear. Not that he minded. He loved her hair. “Neighbors are fine.”
Karen pouted “So what is it?”
“Nothing.” he lied.
Even though he couldn’t see her, he could feel her eyes roll as she groaned “Sheldon…”
“It’s not important Karen.”
“You’re important to me.” she argued. “So, yes, it is important.”
He felt his heart squeeze as she spoke. He was important to her. Did she know how powerful her words were to him? “…you have to promise you won’t laugh at me.”
She lifted her head from his shoulder to meet his gaze. “I’ll do my best.” she offered, but her eyes were wide and welcoming, her smile warm and encouraging.
He sighed, shaking his head, before admitting, his shame and embarrassment seeping through his voice “Nightmares. I’ve been having nightmares. So I’ve been trying to not sleep to avoid having them again.”
She didn’t laugh. She didn’t roll her eyes. She looked just as encouraging as she had a few seconds before. “What kind of nightmares? What’s happening in them?”
“Bad things.” he responded vaguely. She nodded, urging him to go on. How was she so good at pulling all of this out of him? “Bad things…happen to you. To us, sometimes. But normally you, and I just have to….watch.” 
“What can I do to help?” she questioned, her voice quiet. “I don’t like this. I don’t want you to go through that.”
“When I wake up, I just want to make sure you’re okay. But I can’t call you at 3AM. Your phone won’t even be on.”
Karen nodded, moving to take a hold of a his hand “What if I slept over tonight? I know it’s a school night and I normally only stay on weekends…”
“Really?” his eye widened “You would?”
“If it means you’ll actually get some sleep.” she smiled, squeezing his hand “I’m more than willing to help. I don’t like cranky Sheldon.”
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The coffee shop au!
Bobby had noticed it all right away. The awkward glances, the way she was constantly playing with her hair, how often he turned to say something and then backed out at the last minute…
…and of course, the way he was staring at her from across the room for the hour following their drinks being ready was a big give away.
The next day, they came in at the same time for the second day in a row. The shop was a lot more crowded then it had been yesterday. Karen’s drink had been finished first, so Sheldon’s was the one he decided to write on. Just an extra little note on the cup, reading “ask her if you can share her table”
“I have a tall blonde red eye for Sheldon!” Bobby beamed, sliding the drink towards him. 
The shorter picked up his cup, eyes falling on the note. He looked at Bobby in total bewilderment. The redhead only raised his eyebrows suggestively in Karen’s direction before turning to make the next drink. Sheldon’s face flushed, and he walked away in a hurry.
Bobby did notice while calling out the next drink that Sheldon had, in fact, sat down at her table. It didn’t look like the two were talking, but it was a start. 
They both came in at the same time the next day. Bobby kept an eye on them in the line. The awkward tension was still there, but it had also dissipated some. By the time they got down to the end where Bobby was making and calling drinks, they were engaging in some light chit chat. Bobby took his marker out again, this time leaving a note for Karen.
“Karen, I have a tall mocha!”
Karen eyed the scrawl written under her name ‘He knows your name know. Ask for his! :)’
“I am, Karen, by the way,” she introduced awkwardly.
“It’s nice to put a name to the face.” He smiled, nodding “I’m Sheldon.”
“Well, it’s been nice getting to chat, Sheldon, but I have to get to class.” She tucked a piece of hair behind her ear “I’ll, um, probably see you here tomorrow?”
“Oh, yeah!” he nodded enthusiastically. “I’m here at just about the same time every day.”
“Cool.” she smiled “I’ll, um, see you then.”
Bobby smiled knowingly as he worked on the next guest’s flat white. Ah yes. Sometimes young love just needed a little push. And he knew just how to push them tomorrow.
Same time, same place, but the conversation they made in line was brighter. He overheard Karen tell Sheldon that she was a computer science major, and that Sheldon seemed very impressed by that. He overheard Sheldon joke about something that made her laugh a lot harder than it probably should have, and he saw Sheldon’s face light up when she did.
“Sheldon!” he called “I have your tall blonde red eye!”
He looked at Bobby, then looked at the cup ‘tell her you like her hair’ written under his name. He gave the barista genuine “Thank you.” before turning to Karen and doing just as the cup suggested “I like your hair.”
Karen’s hand immediately flew up to touch it “Oh? Um, thanks.”
“Yeah, no problem. It’s uh, it’s really pretty. Just um, you know, like the rest of your face.”
Karen could feel how hot her face was getting. “Yeah? Um, I mean, thanks.”
“Mocha for Karen!” Bobby grinned, sliding the cup so that his hand scrawled note of ‘ask him if he’s free later’ could only be seen by her, not Sheldon.
“Are you doing anything later?” she questioned.
Sheldon’s eye widened “M-me? Um, no, not really. Class is already done for the day.”
She nodded, before asking “Did you want to, I don’t know, maybe, do something? With me?”
Bobby saw them again the next day, their fingers intertwined as they walked into the store. Ah yes. He was good at this. Another two lives saved by the mysterious coffee cupid! Now to figure out how to get Perch to say something to Edward.
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Okay so y'all know the trope where Person A is a lot taller than Person B so A picks B up and sits them on a table/counter to kiss them? Please consider Plankton hopping on countertops to kiss Karen even though he's taller than her - he just wants to feel TALLER
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