#tsmih vhia
lookbluesoup · 1 year
🙇- what type of parent is my muse? Strict or laid-back? Does parenthood come easy to my muse? (for all those who are parents of course lol)
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Nahte's a really good parent. He hardly felt prepared for it, but his thoughtful nature has given him a lot of wisdom. And he grew up in the Shroud around dozens of other kids, helping with babies, so the technical aspects weren't really unfamiliar.
He keeps a close eye on his son, but doesn't hover. He's there to help, but doesn't force it on Louis or helicopter over him - Louis is allowed to make mistakes and learn from them, with the security of knowing he has a parent to step in IF he decides he needs that, or the danger is serious.
As a father Nahte's very affectionate, physically and verbally, and also pretty good at keeping boundaries consistent. Rules don't change on a whim, and affection is consistent - never a weapon or a tool.
Moreover, Nahte doesn't really expect anything of his child except that they love themselves and know their life has value. Though he allowed Aymeric to name Louis as heir in infancy, it was always with the understanding that Louis could abdicate that title if he chose to, and be whoever he wanted to be in life.
Overall Nahte's a laid back parent, but laid back certainly doesn't equal careless or uninterested. He is very invested in the wellbeing of his son and makes great efforts on Louis' behalf.
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Lyrha was terrified to be a parent, and would never have even considered it without X'rhun's assurance of aid and care.
When she found out she was pregnant and the decision was made to keep it, she didn't even really consider it her kid for the entire term. It was X'rhun's. Something she was doing for him. It didn't make sense for her to be a mom and she feared she'd be a bad one.
When their child was born premature and with little hope of surviving, all that latent maternal instinct kicked in full force, with interest charged. She is a fiercely protective parent, in large part because she knows firsthand how dangerous the world can be for a child, and is determined never to let her own kid go through anything like she did.
She's surprisingly patient with her own kids, but anyone playing too rough or even just getting too close best beware. She compulsively cat-slapped the shit out of A'mahl once for play-wrestling with her toddler even though no harm had even been done.
Lyrha can certainly be overprotective. She doesn't want to stop her kids having adventures, but she doesn't want to leave them unsupervised either and there's very few people she trusts besides herself to watch them. She is a little bit of a helicopter in those early, particularly vulnerable years. Her first kid being born so sickly and deaf in one ear contribute to this quite a lot.
On the whole, she's a very accepting mother and wants her children to be happy people who care about those around them. She wants them to be smart, but she's glad they don't have the instinct to be as suspicious of others as she is and tries not to let her own trauma jade them as best she can.
Parenthood isn't easy, but she's ultimately glad to be one, and especially grateful to not be doing it alone.
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Tsimh has quite a few children, in addition to being an aunt, niece, sister, and cousin to many other broods of Vhia babies all collectively raised in the same semi-nomadic village. She's experienced, she knows what generally works, how kids change through different life stages, and though she isn't able to give every child personal attention all the time - that's what the clan is for. There are relatives all around to help. It's a great big extended family, not just a nuclear one.
She's pretty strict in the sense that most of her rules are meant to protect her kids from the dangers of the deep Shroud, or necessary to the function of the clan, so they're not changing no matter HOW exciting it would be and the penalties to breaking them can be heavy. But she is willing to take the time to explain the reasons for those rules, and even negotiate if the child is mature enough to engage in discussion.
She tends not to hover too much, though she's available to comfort or help her kids when they ask for it, and her ear for trouble is flawless after so many years of practice. She can be a little terse at times, but is very emotionally self-aware; she knows that she is the adult in all situations and doesn't take her frustrations out on children. If she's overwhelmed and needs a break, she'll delegate to another clan-sister.
She'd prefer her kids grow up to embrace their Moonkeeper culture, but she understands that not all of them will, especially as the world gets more and more interconnected. Her own brother being a Warrior of Light means their little village isn't nearly as isolated as it used to be.
So while she's not quite as 1x1 as Nahte is, she's very much a denmother and parenthood came easily to her. She was helping to raise her own siblings and nieces and cousins as a youngster herself, and already had a lot of practice by the time her own kids started coming along. It's a natural rhythm she's comfortable and happy in.
Headcanon Meme
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