#tsubasa answers kisani
crxaturxs · 5 years
🚪 - kisani teehee
🚪 Tap on a table/door/wall/chair to get my muse’s attention without speaking
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It had been only two days since his incident with his beloved, and Tsubasa still could not tear his mind away from his treacherous behavior. It had been as if he had turned into some kind of rabid animal, tearing away at her, trying to devour her, yet he had felt no need to stop. True, now, he was ripping himself apart because of it, but why hadn’t he been able to control himself then? Tsubasa had always had control. It had always been him. Juro was the one that lacked the strength to control their hunger, so why were things suddenly twisted?To add to his misery, his arm had yet to fully heal from being shot by that white-haired bastard. It ached to no end, and the healing he had had before the separation no longer seemed to be present. However, he had not bothered to feed since his psychotic fit, either. Tsubasa had contemplated it, but the hunger bore no interest to him. The hollow fully believed that he deserved the pain he was in. What better way to discipline himself than putting himself through as much pain as he had possibly put Maya through? Hell, he didn’t think it was enough. He wanted to tear into his own throat if he could, but he was too egotistical to do even that. Chewing at his lip, the hollow fingered the mouth of his beer, thinking of bringing the fifth bottle to his lips once more, to finish it off and begin another brew.
However, thoughts were halted when a sudden irritating tapping occurred rather close to him, and he’d glare at the source. The hand that had started it all, and he’d growl, warning whoever dared to disturb him that they’d be sorry. Why couldn’t these filthy pests just leave him alone!? Did he have to plaster a sign to his forehead that said, Not Welcome? Rising quickly to face the fool, Tsubasa would stop dead in his tracks, coming face to face with the horrors of his past. The witch that had left him so long ago, with his heart still bleeding–if you could even say that he had a heart–to wonder why, or what he had done so wrong for her to abandon him!?
All thoughts of Maya were suddenly pushed to the back of his head in that instant. As he uttered her name, he felt as though he was speaking the name of a ghost, and looking straight through one at the same time. Seeing her now made chills run through his body, and up his spine, skin littered with goosebumps now at this point. He swallowed whatever anger he’d previously had. Not all of it, but just enough to stay somewhat civil. It was easy for him to say that she was the very last person he wanted to see at this moment. With a furrowed brow, and a clear frown, Tsubasa smirked at the first woman he ever told he loved.
“Tch–go figure. Of course I’d run in to you at a time like this,” he scoffed.
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daemcnicus · 5 years
“Is that my shirt?” (Tsubasa to Kisani)
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            ⟶ “ one of the ten i took from you back then that, no, you CAN’T have back. ” kisani answered teasingly, tucking in a small portion of the shirt behind her gucci belt. 
                        “ i made your drab shirts vital parts of my fashionable outfits. you’re welcome. ”
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crxaturxs · 5 years
🌸 kisani has a big, shit eating grin on her face.
Send 🌸 for three things my muse likes about yours.
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A low grumble as his first response, and the hollow sighed. Honestly, he didn’t have to think long before he had his answer, but saying it all out loud was the hard part of the matter. The fact he had to admit the things he did still like about Kisani made Tsubasa want to rip his own tongue out and gag. “You can wipe that grin off your face, Kisani, because that smile was never something I enjoyed.” That was a lie, at least it was now. Back then, he had enjoyed her smile. Now, it just irritated him because he knew that where her smile came from was mostly out of joy of seeing him being tortured. Eyebrow twitched and again he’d grumble before letting it all spill. 
“I like your stubborn ass. As much as it irritates me, I guess I enjoy it too because it gives you fire to your soul. Your hair is pretty cool now too, and I guess I like the fact that you are a reaper now because that means that eating your soul, or drinking your blood would taste absolutely disgusting now. Which is fine with me, because I actually enjoy my eating habits, and the thought of enjoying any part of you again makes my stomach turn. It’s nice having no temptation for your life, or whatever you want to call your existence.”
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crxaturxs · 5 years
" tsu tsu . . elon musk called, he wants his ugly reject clone back. "
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“Speak for yourself you soul sucking midget,” A growl emanated from the hollow, his rage boiling dangerously towards the edge of tipping-point. Kisani always knew how to get under his skin, whether Tsubasa wanted her to or not, there was something about her that always made him want to snap.
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crxaturxs · 5 years
☮ stroking/ruffling hair
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Upon receiving such rough attention to his head, the hollow grew rather irate, a single eye keeping open to glare at the woman who dared to scruff his hair. A growl, before pushing away the hand that delivered the embrace, rather forcefully would he reject the action, thereafter his own hands moving to flatten his bed-like head, hair standing at odd angles.
“Quit touching me, Kisani…”
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crxaturxs · 5 years
“give it to me now.” i forgot if i sent one or not LMFAO
seven sentence starters for the seven deadly sins (G R E E D)
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A chuckle escaped the hollow as Kisani’s demands bounced off of him like soft balls of cotton. In his hand, he held a bottle of liquor to which he took, in his opinion, fair and square. The bottle was waved high, certainly out of her reach. “No way! This thing is all mine now, and if you want it, you’ll have to come and take it from me. Good luck with that,” Tsubasa would taunt, fairly certain that the smaller girl would have absolutely no chance of taking the bottle from him whatsoever. A cocky smile rest upon his visage, and he’d happily continue strolling away from the petite one.
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crxaturxs · 5 years
“i can’t help it.”
seven sentence starters for the seven deadly sins (E N V Y)
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“Well stop making it my problem, Kisani.” A frown was eminent upon his features, as irritation was a frequent feeling whenever his ex was around. It was hard understanding her most times, and what her motives were. Why she was so envious was beyond him, but Tsubasa felt that it was not his problem to deal with regardless, and perhaps because Kisani was so envious, that was why she felt the need to push her issues on to him, of all people. “I’m not going to fix whatever you’ve got going on, so stop coming around like it will change anything.”
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crxaturxs · 5 years
“Hey, I said stop!” @ tsubasa
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“Or what, Kisani!? Afraid I might actually push you away this time!?” Tsubasa lunged towards her, blade in hand, ready to swing towards his ex lover’s throat. It was another crazy fit he had plunged in to, his eyes bloodshot from exhaustion, mouth bloodied from a recent kill. Seeing Kisani only set him off even more. This whole damned situation was killing him on the inside, and he wanted to wipe it out just as much as it was doing to him. He wanted to get rid of it all. Even if that meant killing those closest, or that were once close to him.
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