#tsubasa isnt here bc i dont hate what they did w him and also i kinda liked that most of the characters we already knew werent legendary
ladyryukyo · 1 year
(Its curedeity) top 5 most maligned characters in beyblade. Which have gotten it worst?
oh god i'm no good at character analysis like that, why do you give me the hard questions deity??
pls no judgement i'm winging this in a completely subjective and tailored to me specifically manner (meaning this is only about characters i already care about, sorry your fave probably isnt in this lol)
1. yu
i loved yu to death in fusion and then he was soo boring in masters and fury. what happened man i wanted to see him be cool in the world championships and instead he had to learn a lesson in humility or sth?? fuck that. let him beat up older and more experienced bladers until they regret ever having challenged this feral gremlin of a child.
2. benkei
i think benkei had potential to be so much more than just kyoya's sidekick but they never explored this. they never gave benkei merit on his own, only as someone's (usually kyoya's) best friend, and even as part of team wildfang he was more a mascot than an actual player tbh. they say he's gotten stronger but then he gets flattened in every fight he enters ever. i'm so sad about this
3. hikaru
yes ofc hikaru is in this list, we all hate what they did with hikaru. one of the few female bladers, very competent in a very badass way and then they make her basically a secretary who never has narrative weight again. it would have honestly been so cool if hikaru had been a legendary blader, not just to have a woman at all in that lineup or simply see her fighting again (although those are part of it), but also to explore her thoughts about why she gave up blading and what she thinks about having to take it up again, basically being forced to do it. i do have an AU for this but it's pretty old. gotta think about this more.
4. hyoma
another character i was sad to see shelved after he fulfilled his purpose in his single arc in fusion. especially as a childhood friend of gingka's he originally brought in a whole new dynamic to the main cast. plus, his rivalries with other people would have been cool i bet, esp since there already was a foundation with kyoya. then, the show made such a huge deal about koma village and that could have been really well executed with hyoma's help as well. just,, what other mysteries does koma village have? what is it like living there? what kind of people live there? etc. etc.
5. ryuga
fuck off yes i'm mad that they killed him at the end of fury. they just couldnt handle having a character that was stronger than their protagonist around. they gave him character development for a micro second and then immediately crushed him to dust i mean wtf!! and kenta had to watch it happen!! thats not okay!!
a few honorary mentions: kyoya (fury destroyed all his character development since fusion for what??), madoka, the garcias
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sakurabaneku · 7 years
it was such a whirlwind weekend i dont even know what happened everything happened
i somehow managed to miss going to ANY panels because i’m disorganized and i spent a lot of the con just wandering the con floor and talkng to people and being generally overwhelmed by the entire thing. id have liked to go to SOME but it was still amazng so idgaf
thor with the speaker in his hammer. thors jamming hammer blaring call me maybe in a packed elevator
ALL THE TEAM SKULL GRUNTS they were all hilarious. especial shoutout to the huge group of them that packed themselves into an elevator while shouting elevator party. 
SPEAKING OF ELEVATORS god all im talkng about here are the elevators i did more than stand in elevators i swear BUT THAT ONE REINHARDT! HOW! DID! HE! FIT! IN! AN! ELEVATOR! I SAW HIM GO IN BUT H O W
all weekend i saw people posting pics of the snorlax and COULDNT FIND SNORLAX AND THEN! SUNDAY! I FOUND HIM!!!! I LOVE YOU SNORLAX my greatest regret in life is not gettng a snorlax selfie. i failed. shame on me.
WEARING REMYS JOSHUA COSTUME THURSDAY AFTERNOON WAS SO GOOD I FELT SHOCKNGLY GOOD IN HIM two people recognized me while i was pretending to climb in a trashcan. it was excellent. there was a lot of twewy at that con in general. its keeping me alive rn
ALL THE TSUBASA/CLAMP COSPLAY!!!!!!!! THERE WAS SO MUCH OH MY G OD spending saturday night sitting and talkng about tsubasa and my otp was so great. 
just?? being fai in general? i was so worried about that costume and i thought id hate how i looked BUT I LOVED IT I LOVE HIM and i got such a positive response?? people FLIPPED and were generally adorable and also hilarious. i was chased down while walking out of the hotel and it MADE MY NIGHT. god i love fai I LOVE HIM. my private shoot for him went really well and the previews looked so pretty im SO EXCITED
AND i hosted my first public shoot which wasnt the most organized affair but everyone seemed to have fun! i’m planning on setting up a clamp day shoot for ab so HEY if youre considering bringing somethng clamp to that con. hey hey.
in general actually cosplaying enstars was pretty underwhelming ngl but i got to talk to some fun people cause of it and it totally wasnt a bad experience it just wasnt as exciting as some of the other costumes i wore that like, i worked really hard on and challenged myself with and got a really good response for? im figuring out i dont like buying cosplay too much for myself bc I CANT MAKE SHIT EASY!! but the enstars meetup was really fun and i wish i talked to more people! i mostly was just chilling with some knights. also holy fuck speaking of knights there was the most attractive and canon izumi and arashi i took a pic of arashi picking izumi up. it was gold. they were gold. 
ALSO i totally walked by a rei cosplayer on sunday when i was ritsu and had no idea until their friend shouted YOUR BROTHER LOVES YOU which was pretty great and they were also freaking perfect and extremely pretty. there were a lot of extremely pretty people at this con. katsucon isnt an anime convention its just a convention for gorgeous people. with mad skills. 
I MET! A WHOLE! BUNCH! OF MY FAVORTE COSPLAYERS! very briefly. i was too geeky to actually properly TALK to most of them but i tried. i was probably a total embarrassment when i ran into cowbuttcrunchies at the elevators ahjkjh WHOOPS SORRY. another fav cosplayer who wasnt at the con also commented on a selfie of mine on insta and i had about 20 heart attacks. i am still havng 20 heart attacks
ALSO! being soowon was soo much fun and LITERALLY RIGHT WHEN I GOT IN THE ELEVATORS some people freaked and i died. i actually got way more attention for that costume than i expected
the most beautiful mercy like, ever (AND THERE ARE A LOT OF BEAUTIFUL MERCYS THERE WAS A BEAUTIFUL MERCY AT EVERY CORNER OF THE CON) complimented my wig and asked about wig commissions which WHOA whoa someday ill get my life together right and do those SOMEDAY
I DIDNT GET TO DO A GAZEBO PICTURE i was gonna on thursday but i got distracted by trashcans and also by meeting friends. but the gazebo is as legendary and terrifying as i had been told it was JAM FUCKNG PACKED for almost all of friday/saturday
goshgoshGOSH I DONT EVEN KNOW WHAT ELSE!! I BOUGHT SOME GORGEOUS PRINTS AND I FOUND CAPRI BOOKMARKS WHICH NIIICE but i found a heartstoppngly pretty sormik print and a SICK ASS akatsuki no yona one 
also my charm collection grows. a jaehee was laughing at how heavy my wallet must be because of all the charms. but look theres quality shit there and i fuckng love charms
SPEAKNG OF OH MY G O D joscelyn bought leoizus and leo just. disappeared. he fuckng lionhearted it the fuck out of there i cant believe leoizu breakup happened in my bag. incredible. it was sad he disappeared but joscelyns face when i got her a new leo was so cute SO 
there was so much more that happened and i cant even remember right now it was all SO MUCH and there were definite low points and some rough patches and now my feet hurt SO BAD and i also caught con plague and slept in an airport last night but it was still just such an incredible weekend and im so ready and excited to get cracking on anime boston cosplay
once. i figure out what i wanna do for ab cosplay. 
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