#tsukino mhs2
drakomachina · 6 months
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easy to read (post pomore garden scene)
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dominicsorel · 8 months
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Kyle’s reactions to teaming up and switching him out with another teammate
Tsukino says he is not beating the “has a crush on player” allegations today.
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joshthemaker913 · 3 months
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Mew dressed up like Monster Hunter Stories 2's Tsukino. A Mewkino if you will. Shiny Rookidee is here too! A rq I drew for a /vp/ drawthread since the idea combined two series I love.
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+ a bonus Mew cause I love this Pokémon so much!
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bouncingkadachi · 1 year
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And then we proceed to get nuked by a living breathing B52 bomber.
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canariboo · 2 years
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yes art today
me and the bros
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goddessofpuppies · 2 years
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i love this game
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nadearts · 1 year
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I did not expect to see you here~ |
I wanted to draw Tsukino since MHS2 came out, so here it is.☕️🐾🌿
My Twitter My Pixiv
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digitalworid · 4 months
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"..." There was a slight edge to his usual level of gruffness, one that denoted a topic he wasn't exactly excited to get into.
They were good friends at this point, they knew each other very well. But this was a topic he'd never even brought up with Tsukino.
"...Mari, be absolutely honest with me, ok?" He was well aware that kind of thing would put her on edge, but well, there wasn't a lighthearted way that this conversation could go.
"Do you think my dad was a bad person?"
From the day he had seen his dad scorched to death by Guardian Ratha, until the day he and Mari had become proper companions instead of first bitter enemies, then bitter associates - he had never questioned if what they'd been doing that day was wrong.
It was provably, categorically wrong. They'd unknowingly been paid by an apocalypse cult who had lured them to try and end the world. They'd trespassed on restricted territory and shot at not just an uncommissioned Rathalos, but the island guardian.
To anyone besides his horrified child and entourage that day, his father clearly had it coming.
But in all his memories, his dad was a good man. The dad whose profession was the most noble thing in the world, and so it was forgivable that he wasn't home when he said he'd be. Kyle had wanted to be just like him. He'd looked up to him more than anyone.
When he thought, for the first time, that Ratha wasn't exactly a harbinger of death, he had to question his family in absentia. It was uncomfortable and disconcerting, he pushed it away. What would it mean for him if that were true?
What did it mean, that it was true?
Why was he a hunter, if the dream of heroics and awesome had been built on a foundation of vapour?
What would his mother say if he committed those thoughts to heart?
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lessrthanthree · 3 years
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kathuman · 3 years
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Oh Kitkat, you oblivious little thing. She really has no idea Kyle is embarrassed or that the idea of wearing matching armor is nightmarish to him XD She just wants to be fancy with her friend XD
Definitely had to draw the Kulve set because, well, look at it?? And it’s the perfect excuse to fluster a brat XD
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felikatze · 3 years
kyle seeing the rider stomp the mizutsune with ratha: this better not awaken anything in me
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virtual-insanity28 · 3 years
Unwanted Rivalry Pt. 1/2(Kyle x Reader)
The bitter refusal of hunters and riders is a major influence on your relationship with Kyle...
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Blossom petals fell from every cherry tree there was in sight, making the land become covered in a pink flower blush. The contrasting colors from the nighttime sky only made it more complimentary. Although, nothing was complimentary about the two nagging at each other's throats.
"What do you mean hunting monsters is better than bonding with them!?" Navirou put his hands on his hips while he walked out of the Felyne Shelter with his buddy, Ratha, and the two new acquaintances: Kyle and Tsukino.
"Hunting is hard enough work as it is, without do-good riders coming in to befriend them. Hunters kill them to control the ecosystem." Kyle replied, a hiss resting in his tone. The group didn't exactly want to be partners in action for tracking down the truth of the rage-rays and pits. In fact, it would be the last thing in eternity they'd ever do. Navirou didn't like Kyle, which made Tsukino not like Navirou, and Kyle didn't like Ratha, causing Ena and (Y/n) not to trust him around her monstie, and...well, Ratha sensed their malice towards each other. The feeling of resentment was new to him, and he had no idea how to react to it or how to help out his rider.
Overall, their journey was difficult in many ways.
"Riders have special bonds with their monsties for a reason! It's so they can create peace with each other and fight for the good!"
The blond-haired boy scoffed at Navirou's words. He stopped in his tracks while crossing his arms and looking away from the rider and her friends. "Please. And what about the destruction that Razewing Ratha created back in Kuan Village, huh?" At that haughty yet true remark, (Y/n) stared at her feet with a frown. The situation in Kuan still got to her. She thought that she and Ratha had a strong enough bond to suppress the Wings of Ruin, but she didn't believe in her bond with him. He trusted her and would do anything for her, yet she still didn't know if she felt the same.
Until Avinia gave her the question of how she felt. Growing up as the grandchild of a prodigy wasn't easy for her. She always wanted to finish what her grandfather, Red, had started no matter how risky or how useless it was. Mahana Village adored that aspect about their new rider. Except, she never figured that her journey would've led to the fate of the world. Ratha was capable of immense power. She, Avinia, Ena, Navirou, and the entire village of Kuan saw that after he demolished the Windmills with one fire blast. The attack was meant to go for the rage-raged Legiana he was after, yet it missed and struck the landmark of which Avinia treasured.
It was like he was controlled by the light in the pits that day. Nothing he did was what he would do if that made sense. Ol' Dede even had to step in and conceal his ruinous power. That day was a time of misery for Ratha's rider. Not just her, but also Avinia, Kuan Village, and everyone with hopes that Ratha wouldn't give in to the abominable chaos he had.
"That was before the way how my buddy and Ratha are now! Don't you get it? Monsters come to us for harmony. Hunting them down only makes things-" The legendary Felyne was interrupted mid-sentence by (Y/n) who extended her arm out; a gesture of hers to tell him to keep quiet. He looked at her and watched her shake her head at him. "B-buddy..." he whined.
"Tch. Whatever." The Hunter of the group walked forwards and to where the sun light finally hit the ground instead of being blocked by the cliff's shadows. Tsukino stood close besides him. "Hunters and riders can never get along. That's all I want to know of our little compromise." He didn't dare glanced back at the others unlike his Felyne friend. She gave the others a cat-smirk but the look in her eyes said otherwise. She couldn't decide for herself of whether Riders or Hunters were best off left alone or if they should at least come to an alliance. She had to follow Kyle's lead, though.
He was her buddy like (Y/n) was to Navirou. She helped him throughout his journey no matter how hard it was, and this was no time to back out of her job. Especially since the pits had began to open up again and cause monsters to become enraged, leaving danger upon the many villages. She liked (Y/n)'s way of discovering solutions just a tad more than Kyle's way. She liked the quiet stoicism the girl rider had, and Kyle was nothing like that. He was driven by vengeance for his father. That's the entire reason why he's so caught up in wanting to hunt down Ratha. Well...not so much anymore after he was backstabbed by (Y/n)'s own kind.
The Riders that had captured Ratha in Lamure Tower made him feel like a fool. He hated that. He hated embarrassment, stupidity, and weakness of any sort. When the abductors stole Ratha to do force the Wings of Ruin out of him, Kyle hated himself more than anything. He didn't care about Ratha. That wasn't why he hated himself. He despised how he didn't think of the Riders' horrible plan in the first place. Later on, he ignored those feelings of himself when (Y/n) and Ratha flew away to where they are now.
Alas, his stubbornness got to the best of him once again when he stumbled upon the group of Ratha's friends after rescuing Orgo, a good friend of Navirou's AND Tsukino's, from raged-rayed monsters. Tsukino and Navirou reluctantly agreed to Orgo's talk for them to get together in order to defeat a crazed monster nearby the Felyne Shelter. That was why they were working together in the first place.
Overall, like said, their journey together was difficult in many, many ways.
"C'mon, Buddy!" Navirou jumped on Ratha's saddle with Ena. "We should go check out that monster without them." He suggested frustratingly. As much as she didn't want to agree, (Y/n) peered at Kyle and Tsukino walking away, and sighed before riding on Ratha's back. She patted the Rathalos's neck. Navirou nodded, huffing happily to himself at his persuasion, before having to hold on right to Ena's shoulders as the wyvern took off in one wing flap. The (e/c) eyed Rider stared at Kyle's own blue eyes with regret as the group passed by them. The boy could see a bit of hope in her gaze, yet he ignored it and looked away.
"Kyle, aren't you going to follow them?" Tsukino questioned.
"No." Kyle replied gruffly. His hands balled into fists, and he walked towards the edge of a cliff where he could look at the sea. "They aren't going anywhere near that monster without us. I know of it."
"Buddy, why did you come here?" Navirou asked. He watched his friend land Ratha near a blossom tree on a high enough plateau where monsters weren't near. She got off and sighed. Ena must've noticed her discomfort, for sure got off of Ratha too and stood besides her.
"You come here to think, don't you?" Ena pondered aloud. In response, the Rider nodded. Navirou perked up, looked around, and gawked with realization.
"Oh! I get it! Is it because of Kyle? He gets my whisker nerves to tingle real badly..." he made a fuss about the boy as he rubbed his brown whiskers. Shortly after seeing his friends frown at him, he sweated and gave them a thumbs up. "It's ok, Buddy! They'll come around to us eventually!"
"As much as I don't exactly trust them...Navirou does have a point." Ena agreed. She stared at (Y/n), a sense of firm belief emitting from her. "You and Kyle have great power together. When you battle against those monsters, you're both stronger together than you ever were. I can see it when I watch you fight." She sighed and carried on. "If you two are to form a better bond than what we have, I am sure of it that we'll all be able to find out the secrets of the pits more simply; knowing that we'll have two of the greatest protectors by our sides, of course."
"Ena is right, Buddy!" Navirou smiled more. (Y/n) knew she was right. Kyle wasn't anywhere from being weak. In fact, he was probably one of the strongest battle buddies she had during her adventure so far. The only thing was that he was picky and stubborn-the two things she didn't know how to react towards. If she were to somehow find a way to break through his barrier he set around himself, she was sure they'd be even stronger, and be able to defeat whatever rested beneath the pits of the rage-rays.
The (h/c)-haired girl let out a deep sigh, her breath becoming mist in the cool air, and walked to the edge of the cliff to sit down. Her legs swayed with the breeze when she sat down, and she watched the moon travel to it's peak. Overwhelmed wasn't even the start of what she felt. It was a mixture of emotions she didn't even know existed! Her head bowed low as a gloomy expression adorned her face once more. She didn't know what to think about her situation with Kyle and Tsukino, the pits and Ratha, herself...Everyday was a new day, yet nothing seemed to change for herself.
She chased after her grandfather's wish-to figure out the secret of the pits and stop them-but...she became so caught up in it that she didn't focus on time for herself. She was truly Red's granddaughter.
"There you are." (Y/n) whipped her head around and gazed into the icy blue glare Kyle had. Tsukino stood by Navirou, teasing him with their heights. The Rider sat still. Kyle scowled internally before stepping to her, and sitting down besides her; making sure to keep a distance between them. "What were you thinking of, leaving us to go and find you and that monster?"
Navirou clenched his paws. "Now-"
"Hush." Tsukino moved her arm in front of him to stop him from both going to the young one and speaking. She stared at him for a moment before shaking her head. Kyle continued.
"You know that we don't trust you already. Taking off like that only made me not trust you more. Did you know that? Or are you stupid?" (Y/n) remained silent at his rude question. Ena had her hands to her necklace given by the elder of Rutoh Village. She was worried about the two humans. They had different aspects of life, yet they had the ability to befriend each other. She just wished they'd become friends sooner than later.
Kyle gazed at the moon now at it's tallest height, yet he caught sight of the girl beside him wipe her eyes. Was she seriously crying? How pathetic that was to him. No matter how things were, he found crying at confrontations stupid and ultimately show that you were weak. He scoffed and got up. "Tch. Come on, Tsukino. We're going to find that Mizutsune." And with a leap down from the cliff's edge, the two were gone. (Y/n) felt Ratha prod his beak-like mouth at her arm, asking in his own ways if she were ok. She smiled wearily at her monstie, and patted his head to make him feel better.
Ena walked besides (Y/n), a look of determination gleaming in her eyes despite seeing the tears in her friend's eyes. "We must follow them."
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birnenlos · 3 years
I could do this the whole day
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fandomdumpsterfires · 3 years
Hello, take some fomft gay bois to improve your evening.
An arrow became lodged in the side of a large red barrel, going all the way through it. A boy with blonde hair and a standard hunter's uniform huffed and stepped towards the barrel, grabbing the long, thin body of the projectile and yanking it free of the wood, walking back to where he originally stood.
Kyle loaded the arrow back into his bow and pulled it back, one eye closed as he aimed at another barrel, legs wide in a sturdy stance "Tsukino, on my cue, I want you to throw the barrel." He said in a calm stern tone, the feline clad in purple fabric mewing in response as she lifted the barrel "I'm ready when you are." She said.
Kyle slowly inhaled and exhaled, he had been practicing this one for a while, yet still couldn't get it quite right. He was trying to launch multiple arrows at an aerial target within a short period due to nearly being killed when trying to deal with a rather annoying bazelgeuse near rutoh village, the wyvern's explosive landing leaving more burns than he desired..luckily for him, Philip was nearby and was able to help him out.
Kyle chuckled to himself. Philip was...something, to say the least. Always so enthusiastic and caring, it always baffled the young hunter at how quickly they had forgiven him after the...incident.
He shook his head free of thought and put back on his focused glare 'stop distracting yourself, just focus on the barrel and ONLY the barrel...' he pulled back the string of his bow and widened his stance, Tsukino preparing to throw the barrel, when suddenly...
"Hey, Kyle!!"
The sudden sound of a familiar voice caused kyle to look away, accidentally releasing the arrow and sending it flying into the ground, Tsukino hissing as she jumped back when it narrowly missed her paw.
Kyle flinched when Tsukino hissed and he immediately ran over to her to make sure she wasn't hurt, not noticing the familiar rider that had just arrived behind them.
"Erm..sorry for distracting you, I didn't realize you were practicing," Philip said, scratching the back of his neck, carefully making sure to not scratch too hard to avoid drawing blood with the claws of the zamtrios armour he wore, something he had done accidentally a few times in the past.
Kyle sighed and stood up, turning to face the other boy "Tsukino didn't get hurt, so it's fine, I guess..." he crossed his arms and shrugged, Philip seeming to perk right back up "ok, good!" He said, smiling.
Kyle resisted the urge to match Philip's happy expression, he didn't know why, but something about the rider smiling made him want to smile as well. He huffed and worked down the faint red hue that had risen to his cheeks "so...why are you here?" He asked, head slightly tilted to the side.
"Oh! I just wanted to come and say hi, Ratha did too." Philip replied, his rathalos walking over and letting out a soft growl, causing kyle to tense up a tiny bit, still not sure if ratha had forgiven him fully or not...
Philip's smile faded as he raised an eyebrow "hey..you ok? You look a little bit scared..." he said, stepping towards the hunter.
Kyle's face lightly flushed with red "what?? I-i'm not scared!" He retorted, quickly calming down with a small sigh "it's just, well..." he looked towards Ratha, Philip instantly understanding the other teen's previous reaction.
Ratha let out a low growling-purr as Philip scratched underneath his chin, the rider's other hand gently running across the top of the rathalos' head "I guess you still can't get over it...huh?" He said, kyle letting out a small huff and giving a hesitant nod in response.
Philip frowned as he slowly stopped petting Ratha. He stepped towards Kyle, waiting to see if they did anything before fully approaching them, gently holding their left hand in both of his own "listen, Kyle, I know that all of the guilt from before hit you like a Bulldrome, but you can't let that be the reason why you fear Ratha. He's changed since then, and I guarantee you that he has forgiven you just as I have."
Kyle watched Philip grab his hand, his whole body seeming to freeze. Their grip was firm and cold due to the armour, but it still felt comfortably warm. He could feel his tensed hand begin to relax in the rider's hold..then realized that he had yet to say something and felt a little embarrassed by it "i-i doubt it.." he replied with an accidental studder.
Philip's eyebrows creased with concern, he slowly let go of Kyle's hand "well, maybe he just needs to prove it then." He shrugged, ratha beginning to walk towards the other teen.
Kyle felt a small sense of disappointment when Philip drew back their hand, instantly missing the contact. He looked at his hand, then immediately activated his fight or flight response as Ratha grew closer.
He began to reach for his bow, his other hand out to hold the creature back, then froze. He looked back at the rathalos, surprise and confusion in his eyes when he saw that they were running their head underneath his hand like he wanted to be pet.
Philip grinned softly "see? I knew he's forgiven you." He said. Kyle chuckled nervously as he carefully began to pet Rathas' head with both hands, doing it until the rathalos returned to their rider.
The two boys stood quietly and awkwardly looking at each other until kyle cleared his throat "so...is there a reason why you came to see me other than to pet your rathalos?" The hunter raised an eyebrow.
"Hm?" Philip's head perked up at the question, eyes going wide. He then went back to his usual upbeat self "oh, yeah! There is one other reason!" He replied, immediately beginning to rummage through a sachel on Ratha's saddle.
Kyle blinked as he saw all the stuff Philip carried around getting flung out of the sachel. Potions, vital essence, life powder, throwing knives...
"Aha! Here it is!" Philip said as he finally found was he was looking for, going back over to kyle, gently taking their hand and putting the object inside.
Kyle looked down at the object Philip had given him and quirked an eyebrow. The little trinket was a talisman, the chain was made of gold and the stone attached to it was similar in shape to an arrow, with the body of it being a dark gray-ish blue and the head is an icy blue.
The hunter looked at the talisman until he heard Philip's voice "I made it for you as a gift to thank you for what you did for us in the past." He said, chuckling softly as ratha nuzzled his leg "it'll keep you warm whenever you go to Loloska, as well as make sure your shots never miss a target." He explained.
Kyle listened to Philip's explanation, his lips curling into a tiny grin "thanks, Philip." He said as he put the talisman around his neck, the two clips at the back of the chain clipping together with a small click.
He looked down at the talisman that now hung around his neck, then back over at Philip "your welcome!" The rider said with another adorable smile, something kyle couldn't resist responding to with his own. Philip's happy grin suddenly stopped when he had a look of realization "oh gog, I forgot that I was supposed to help Avinia with rebuilding the windmills today!" He said, frantically picking up all of the items he had thrown out of the sachel and putting them back inside. He closed the leather bag and climbed up onto Ratha's back "sorry kyle, bye!" He said, the rathalos flaring its wings and taking flight.
Kyle shielded his eyes with his arm from the gust of wind that came off of Ratha's wings when they took to the air. He watched Philip disappear into the horizon, and while he was disappointed that they couldn't stay longer, he smiled, knowing that they will be back.
"Kyle?" Said Tsukino.
The hunter looked down at the feline "shall we resume our previous activities?" She asked. Kyle immediately put back on his focused expression and nodded "yes, we shall." He replied, watching Tsukino dash back to the barrel before flicking out his bow, and thanks to the talisman, he was finally able to reduce the airborne barrel to splinters.
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build-a-buddy · 3 years
received nice sized paycheck and immediately spent some of it on birthday gift for myself. what can I say November is for ME ... anyway yeehaw
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wyverian-lady525 · 2 years
Hello MHS2 Lover, may I request one where Kyle has a crush on a Rider Male Reader, but he pretends that he doesn't?
Sure!! Sorry if it’s short.
Kyle in Denial
Kyle likes to pretend that he has his life together. Then you come along and mess it up.
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Kyle forced himself to stare at the horizon. Why was he forcing himself to stare at the horizon?
Because you were sitting shirtless beside him.
You had just finished bathing in a nearby lake and decided to let the afternoon sun dry you off. However, you enjoyed the company of Kyle, who decided to sit on a nearby ledge. You sat there, humming to yourself and swinging your legs, while your companion was having a mid-life crisis.
However, you didn’t know that.
Kyle would like to think that he was doing alright in life. He finally has his act together after acting like a jerk to you. However, you recently have begun to affect him in ways he didn’t think possible. The heat on his face and nervousness he would feel. Almost like a...
No! Kyle can’t have a crush on you! He doesn’t do love.
Well, those were his thoughts as he huffed and crossed his arms. However, his actions caught your attention.
“Something wrong?” You asked while turning to look at him. Kyle made the unfortunate mistake of looking over at you and gazing into your eyes. The hunter lost all focus and felt the familiar flames light his cheeks.
“Um...” Kyle was at a loss for words as you smiled encouragingly at him. That stupid smile was not helping him right now. 
He could practically hear Tsukino laughing all the way from Lulucion.
“You can tell me.” You said while putting a hand on his shoulder. That touched caused a spark to zip through Kyle and he stiffened as his blush increased. You were quite a man; Kyle couldn’t deny that. However, could he really be having a crush on you?
The red on his face said “yes”.
But Kyle wasn’t believing it. He gruffly shoved your hand off him and recrossed his arms. This time, however, he sported a pout as you gave him a confused/offended look.
“I’m fine.” Kyle mumbled while looking back towards the sunset. You knew better than to push the hunter and eventually just nodded before getting up to retrieve your shirt. Kyle felt regret lingering inside him. 
Maybe he was too rough.
All the feelings in his body lingered for your concern again. So, with a frown, Kyle made his way back towards you as you were getting wood ready for a fire. As soon as his presence was known, you threw him another grin as if nothing had happened.
“Hey Kyle!” You beamed and Kyle froze. Here we go again with the blush and nervousness. 
If only Tsukino was here to see this. 
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