#ttm shippy asks
thethreemages · 3 years
If they work, Vira/Maephesto and Elken/Ceraeza for the ship meme?
Ooh, sure thing! :3
Is the most affectionate: They're both pretty affectionate in their own ways, but I'd give this one to Vira since Maephesto's status as a warlord tends to make him present himself more "firmly" in-public (but he's still happy to treat her softly when they're in the comfort of their home~)
Their most common argument: Hmmm, dunno if I can see them arguing that much in all honesty .3. Perhaps I feel like Maephesto would be a bit too protective of his wife at times since he knows she used to struggle with standing up for herself (though she's grown alot more confidence in recent years).
Nicknames for each other: "Dark Flame", "My Beloved", "Blackest Star", "Soulmate", usually variants of that nature :3
Who initiates kisses: A sweetie goth queen like Vira is always eager for kisses x3
Who kisses the hardest: With his size and general strength, Maephesto wins this round~ ;p
Who said I love you first: Maephesto, surprisingly enough! With his perpetual loneliness up to the point of meeting Vira, it didn't take him long to grow attached to her as he helped her gain more power to regain the throne (and be rid of her awful first husband). Vira at first figured he only saw their dynamic as a "political move" to advance his amry... but once he confessed his true feelings, it touched her heart enough to accept his love after all ❤️
Who whispers inappropriate things in the other’s ear during inappropriate times: Both tend to be a lil too "proper" to pull stuff like that regularly... buuut on the rare occasion Vira's feeling more "playful", she'll most likely be the one to make her husband blush stronger than the sun lol :p
Who's the better cook: Vira self-taught herself some good baking recipes from classic Nydorian cook-books, which Maephesto can gladly attest to being quite delicious uwu
Who wakes up to calm the baby: It varied between them when Embyr was born (since they've both got busy schedules as royal leaders), but it was usually Vira since she always had the softest side for children x3
Their favorite non-sexual activity: Meditation, sight-seeing (whilst Maephesto's in human form), and riding along one of his demon wyvern-steeds to glide across the sky~
1 sad headcanon about this couple: As Maephesto's kind is known to live for a good few centuries, he often finds himself worried of outliving Vira someday :c. Though he's transferred part of his demon magic to her, he's not sure how to bring up potentially turning her into a full-on demon (as he knows she still values being a queen to Nydor).
1 sugary-sweet headcanon about this couple: Maephesto tends to make "purring" sounds when he and Vira lay down to cuddle together, nuzzling his tiny wife close to his heart (similar to a cat) ❤️
Is the most affectionate: Though both are for the most part, there's absolutely no denying how "amorous" Elken can be for his beloved sun wife~ 💚
Their most common argument: Sometimes Elken’s ego and need to boss everything around can get tiresome for Ceraeza to see (*though she gets that he means well in wanting to show pride for his family and kingdom*)
Nicknames for each other: "Mi Rosa", "Mi Amor", "Girasol"
Who initiates kisses: For the most part Elken, though Ceraeza can be a surprising one when he least expects it~
Who kisses the hardest: Heh, weeeell… shouldn’t be too hard to guess if you’ve read by now ;p 💚
Who said I love you first: Ceraeza said the first big “I love you” when they were teens, as Elken (flirty as he was with her in his youth) was still pretty immature and unsure of what he wanted in life.
Who whispers inappropriate things in the other’s ear during inappropriate times: Poised and dignified as he appears, Ceraeza can attest that her hubby can be quite an amorous one if the mood strikes ;p
Who's the better cook: Ceraeza was taught alot about Elven cultural food recipes as she grew up, which she's more than eager to share with her husband and daughters (even if they technically got a royal kitchen staff, nothing beats Mama's homecooking~)
Who wakes up to calm the baby: Since they’re both royals you’d expect them to have a whole team of nannies/castle staff for that… but surprise surprise, Elken’s actually quite attentive to let his wife rest whilst calming their daughters 🥺
Their favorite non-sexual activity: Gardening in their royal shrubs/flower patches, sometimes cooking a lil together in the kitchen (when they have the time), and especially dancing~
1 sad headcanon about this couple: Ever since Ceraeza's near-death experience a few years ago, Elken still has some nights of getting nightmares of losing her for good... which at first he tried to hide from his wife as he didn't wish to worry her (especially so soon after she got revived) :c. It took alot of gentle nudging and heart-to-hearts for him to admit that he still had these thoughts, and for her to reassure to him that she'll never leave him like that again. 🧡
1 sugary-sweet headcanon about this couple: Sometimes when they're out in the gardens together, the couple will braid flower crowns into eachother's hair as a soft affectionate gesture 😊🌻
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blutopaz15 · 4 years
One of the things that TDP and ATLA (my two favorite shows of all time) have in common that draws me to both shows so strongly is the natural world around characters being important enough to be a part of those characters’ identities, whether in the form of bending or in the form of arcana. Something about characters’ reflecting and embodying aspects of certain elements/primal sources is just so remarkably beautiful to me.
Being in tune with moon and being able to sense and use its power?? SIGN ME UP
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Emotions being so powerful that they manifest in the your powers, whatever they may be??? YES PLEASE
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And my airbender/sky magic heart and these two angel boys feeling one with the wind??? LOVE LOVE LOVE
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On a shippy note: I love love LOVE the thought of my OTPs (Rayllum and Kataang) randomly seeing things in the natural world that remind them of their love and, like, interacting with each other’s element/primal.
Like Kataang bending together??? The BEST. TOP TIER KATAANG RIGHT HERE.
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Not to mention, my COUNTLESS leftover pining!kataang headcanons from before they were officially canon of, like, those two sweethearts just smiling to themselves when the breeze blows in Katara’s hair or additional cute blushy waterbending training moments.
Likewise, I am SO ONBOARD for some wistful gazing at the moon post-TTM. I already wrote a fic that incorporates some of these feels on Rayla’s end immediately following TTM.
Also, Callum asking about Rayla’s powers!!!
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And Rayla listening to him about connecting to the sky arcanum!!!
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Anyway, the point is, lovers being so in love that they see each other in the world around them is so sweet to me and all of the elemental/magic stuff in ATLA and TDP gives a whole ‘nother layer to that sweetness, which is part of why both those shows and both those ships own my heart.
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thethreemages · 3 years
Now it’s time for me to be self-indulgent again and ask for two of my OC/Canon ships for the ship ask meme: Alyx/Holley and Meirin/Emiko~
Okie dok~! Lemme seeee-
Is the most affectionate: Oh Holley, most definitely since Alyx's such a huff head lol
Their most common argument: Sometimes Alyx would feel like Holley tends to act before she thinks on certain things (not helping of her naivety at times), whereas Holley wishes Alyx would be more willing to open up/not stay inside so much
Nicknames for each other: Holl's, Lyx, Sweetheart, Fluffy
Who initiates kisses: That girl Holley is such a sneaky one with her kisses, Alyx can attest to lol
Who kisses the hardest: Hmmm, for some reason I'd say Alyx lol
Who said I love you first: Both would've been the type to blurt it out at the same time to get it off their chest (with mixed, awkward results I'm sure lol)
Who whispers inappropriate things in the other’s ear during inappropriate times: Alyx can be pretty mischievous so I wouldn't put it past him xD
Who's the better cook: Holley and her family seems like they'd be the pro's at homecooked meals, compared to Alyx who's best friend is his microwave :p
Who wakes up to calm the baby: It'd vary, but I feel like it'd primarily be Alyx since he's usually up pretty early to work on his inventions 🥺
Their favorite non-sexual activity: Sight-seeing around the cities/amusement parks/whichever kinda hangout seems the most fun to explore together~
1 sad headcanon about this couple: When the royal court of Kronia heard of Alyx dating Holley, half of them were rather dismissive of their prince dating someone of Holley's "status". It took alot of adamant pushing on Alyx's end to get them to leave the young pair alone whenever he wanted to bring Holley over (though thankfully his mothers were both supportive in comparison to their court).
1 sugary-sweet headcanon about this couple: One time Holley gifted Alyx with a goofy-looking plush robot she won at a carnival (which he was at first grumbly about... but now it found its forever home at the head of his bed every night~ uwu)
Is the most affectionate: I can imagine Emiko in that light, given how "reserved" Meirin tends to be :p
Their most common argument: I feel like Emiko would worry of Meirin pushing herself too hard as a queen, forgetting to take valuable breaks to just relax for a change.
Nicknames for each other: Mei, Em's, Honey, Sweetheart, Rinie randomly came up to me somehow lol
Who initiates kisses: It would depend I'd feel, Emiko maybe a bit more? :3
Who kisses the hardest: Prooobably varies between them both, but Meirin mostly
Who said I love you first: Meirin probably did so in a moment of exhilaration when they were having fun together on a date (originally planning it to be a big event but it just came out more "softly" instead)
Who whispers inappropriate things in the other’s ear during inappropriate times: Hmmmmmm, by "inappropriate" would be more like just the bluntest statements by Meirin's end lol
Who's the better cook: Hmmmm, Emiko? :o Meirin doesn't tend to do much cooking since she has a royal staff for that
Who wakes up to calm the baby: I feel like both would alternate on that, perhaps?
Their favorite non-sexual activity: Sword-fighting & training together, or even just casually sharing a spa day on their more "down" days
1 sad headcanon about this couple: When it comes down to their future plans together, Meirin still regrets the fact that her own parents aren't around to give her the advice she needs...
1 sugary-sweet headcanon about this couple: Meirin has a planted rosebush in Emiko's honor over by her oasis palace, each bloom representing Emiko's elegance, wisdom and beauty~
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thethreemages · 3 years
How about the Kodiak couple for the ship ask meme?
Certainly! :3
Is the most affectionate: Naya absolutely; her hubby's always been more of the "huffy" one when it comes to that stuff (though he'll show it a bit more when they're in private at least :p)
Their most common argument: Sometimes Naya feels like Donovan can get a bit too rough with his students at times (even for a former-military man). As much as he insists he means well in "toughening" up the kids, it has to take a bit of pullback from Naya for him to tone down his boot camp-like teaching style.
Nicknames for each other: Don, Babe, Baby-doll, Sweetheart, and (in-private) Donnie lol
Who initiates kisses: Naya, often in a surprise-way to catch Donovan off-guard ;p
Who kisses the hardest: Though he may be a gruff guy, Naya can't deny the power of his strong kisses~
Who said I love you first: Donovan, as a kind of "slip of the moment" thing when Naya was tending to his wounds after a school field trip gone-wrong led to an animal attack on him. Though they were already dating by that point, it still gave Donovan the biggest red face realizing what he just told her (with most of their fellow staff members nearby as well).
Who whispers inappropriate things in the other’s ear during inappropriate times: Being a woman of science, sometimes Naya can't help but be a lil playful in sharing some "bold" nature facts to bring a laugh to Donovan's face (especially helpful for when he's had a rough day at work too)
Who's the better cook: Donovan's learned a good thing or two about cooking from his good buddy Bastian in their Elite-soldier days, so he's glad to treat his wifey to a nice homecooked meal whenever they're off-shift~
Who wakes up to calm the baby: As much as babies tend to make him a bit "nervous" at times, Naya's always found it sweet how protective Donovan can be whenever they're tasked with babysitting lil Luna (like the slightest whine heard from her will make him "spring to action" to cheer her up again, feed her, or even just letting her snuggle on his chest for nap-time 🥺).
Their favorite non-sexual activity: Training, working out together, sometimes even horseback-riding (which their coworker Braelen introduced them to after a nice lil trip to the school's barn area).
1 sad headcanon about this couple: Having grown up in such a strict, militant household all his life (the type that often dismissed any vulnerability as "sissy"-nonsense), Donovan used to be too scared to even approach the thought of being "soft" emotional-wise. When he and Naya first got together, he kept worrying deep down that he'd just "scare" her away with his perpetual-grumpy/cold disposition... yet didn't think he had it in him to open up much either. It had to take alot of persistence and patience on Naya's end to finally get through to Donovan that she does love him, and that it is okay to be gentle in expressing yourself, no matter what...
1 sugary-sweet headcanon about this couple: On Naya's latest birthday, Donovan gifted her with a pet Australian Shepherd/Border Collie puppy named "Wolfie". Though bred from a long line of strong, dedicated guard dogs... Wolfie himself is really just a big, loveable doofus who loves to cuddle up to "Mama and Daddy" whenever they're just relaxing together (and any attempts to teach him "tough" commands just... leads to the fluffy fella rolling around aimlessly, to Donovan's embarrassed amusement lol).
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thethreemages · 3 years
Hmm, would Vinia/Lachlan work for the ship meme?
Is the most affectionate: Lachlan's always been a prideful type when it came to showing his affections towards his wife (whether they'd be alone or out in public with fellow acquaintances). Vinia may be a bit more "reserved" in her own affectionate states (ex. linking her arm with his closely during social gala's), but she's not at all complaining to his "boldness" when it all comes down to it~
Their most common argument: Though they generally work pretty well as a team (business and marriage-wise), sometimes they can find themselves getting rather... "carried away" with their natural-born competitive streaks. Whether it's trying to show off at others or getting too "in the zone" during sparring sessions together, it can be pretty intimidating for an outsider to walk into.
Nicknames for each other: Lach, Nia, Dear, Darlin', Love, or just any variants of that nature are expressed between them both
Who initiates kisses: Both tend to, depending on the mood (like if they had a really good day at work, one-upped some annoying snob in their midst, etc.).
Who kisses the hardest: Lachlan typically, though Vinia (growing up in a repressive religious circle) tends to be the type who'd give "longer" kisses :p
Who said I love you first: Vinia did, though accidentally since it was during a time she and Lachlan were still "technically" just business partners/still sorting out their feelings. Essentially they were sharing some celebratory wine while on a business trip and some things just kinda... "slipped out" when they were having a heart-to-heart reflection on all the success they've been having together as a team (and what they wish for the future).
Who whispers inappropriate things in the other’s ear during inappropriate times: As much as they try to keep things professional at work... sometimes during some particularly "boring" meetings, Lachlan can't help but liven the mood with some jests between him & his wife (to her huffy amusement lol).
Who's the better cook: Neither of them tend to do much cooking since they have a hired kitchen staff at their manor, though occasionally Vinia doesn't mind baking some Korean-based treats from her childhood~
Who wakes up to calm the baby: They alternated here and there with both of their children, though when Noira was born Lachlan had to take over slightly more since Vinia was still in recovery from the rough pregnancy/birth.
Their favorite non-sexual activity: When they're able to get vacation time, they often like to relax and have fun by the beaches of their private island (alongside their children, back in their younger years)
1 sad headcanon about this couple: Vinia had a very hard time convincing her parents to give Lachlan a chance during initial introductions, given their perpetual-stiffness and stubbornness to their own religion. Though they did eventually go to the couple's wedding and (occasionally) visited their grandchildren... relations remain fairly strained between Lachlan and his in-laws (which Vinia can't help but feel guilty for, as Lachlan's own parents never showed up for any of those important life events...).
1 sugary-sweet headcanon about this couple: When Lachlan and Vinia first met, he impressed her with a large crystal geode he had collected on his traveling mage adventures (which was a part of a whole collection of expensive rocks and gems he accumulated by that point). Later on he would use a small piece of that same geode to craft into an engagement ring for Vinia 💙
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thethreemages · 3 years
If it's okay to ask for more ships and if these are okay for you to do, could I maybe get either Colden/Jena or Marian/Jada next?
Ooh sure! I'll do Colden/Jena~ ^^
Is the most affectionate: Hmmm, I would say Jena since she's a very bubbly and snuggly gal, I'm sure Colden would mind~
Their most common argument: Perhaps that Colden could use some more "opening up" throughout their relationship, and/or Jena to take things more "seriously" beyond just being laidback all the time?
Nicknames for each other: "Jen", "Col", "Honeybun", "Babe"
Who initiates kisses: Jena, since she's again quite a cuddly type lol ;p
Who kisses the hardest: Hmmmmm I'm thinking Colden ngl-
Who said I love you first: Between them both, I'd say Colden since Jena's known much of her own feelings for a long while... so I'm sure she'd wanna wait for Colden to feel comfortable enough to open up to her himself~
Who whispers inappropriate things in the other’s ear during inappropriate times: Jena's honestly got no filter half the time, it'd definitely throw Colden off guard xD
Who’s the better cook: It's usually pretty messy whenever Jena attempts to cook a big meal on her own (her sister Jada could attest to that last time she tried to whip up a birthday cake for their mamas), so for the time being I'd say Colden would be better at cooking?
Who wakes up to calm the baby: Jena's always had a fondness for the lil ones (and lowkey always wanted a bunch of siblings aside from just her and her twin sis), so once she and Colden get around to having their own baby she wouldn't take her eye off their lil buggaboo~
Their favorite non-sexual activity: I can see them being that kind of couple to binge watch over a whole show/trilogy of movies in one sitting, so date nights of just chillin by the couch like that would be a fun lil way for them to bond just between the two of them~
1 sad headcanon about this couple: With Colden's background of having lost his mother and closing his feelings off for a long time, it would take quite alot in their relationship for Colden to finally open up around Jena to trust that she means well... and no matter what will always be there to support him 🧡
1 sugary-sweet headcanon about this couple: With how she likes making homemade crafts, Jena would often wanna gift Colden plenty of lil beaded bracelets, rings, and even a necklace with their initials on it just to liven up the mood
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thethreemages · 3 years
Can we get the evil duo Kaz/Ana?
Ooh my, the evil highschool sweethearts lol this'll be interesting-
Is the most affectionate: They were both rather affectionate in their own ways (Kaz being more flirty/sly about it whilst Ana was more snuggly and such)
Their most common argument: Ana being a pretty big nag to make everything "just" right, and Kaz not taking much seriously at the time (even within a relationship)
Nicknames for each other: "Honeybell", "Babygirl", "Kazzie", "Princess", "Darling", "Dollface", really any variant of those
Who initiates kisses: Depending on the others' mood, they both would~
Who kisses the hardest: Again, it mostly depends (-buuut, there's no denying what dat tongue do on Kaz's end ljkjk)
Who said I love you first: Since Kaz kinda lowkey had some commitment issues at the time, Ana would've most likely blurted it out first to try and "move along" their relationship (how well that went is up to your imagination)
Who whispers inappropriate things in the other’s ear during inappropriate times: Kaz is the ultimate sneak with that shit... need I say more ;p
Who’s the better cook: Ana knew how to bake some treats here and there, whilst Kaz honestly hasn't had that much cooking experience since it was all done for him by his family's personal chef (but he did have fun barbecuing a few times at his dad's place)
Who wakes up to calm the baby: One time when they were both assigned to raising a dragon egg for a week (think of it like the flour sack/egg baby projects in irl schools), Ana was a pretty clingy/doting one when it came to tending to their "baby". Kaz was admittedly a bit standoffish to the idea at first... buuut there were a few instances where he got caught nuzzling and napping with the egg (think of it like his half- Naga instinct kicking in ;p)
Their favorite non-sexual activity: They used to really like sneaking out to nightclubs to dance together, away from the stresses and annoyances of the school scene where they could just be themselves to the beat of the music
1 sad headcanon about this couple: When Kaz's sister Tawnie caught word of her brother going out with her best friend Ana... at first she didn't exactly take it too well with how "secretive" they were about it at first. It became more of a rollercoaster with Tawnie continuing to pout about it, then grew accepting as she saw them having so much fun together, but once they broke up Tawnie felt so conflicted about "taking sides" between her own twin and bestie for awhile... 😔
1 sugary-sweet headcanon about this couple: One of the things that brought Ana to initially crushing on Kaz was a time when she helped bandage him up at the Nurse's Office (a result of a brawl between him and Kain), and upon removing his shades she was so in awe at how beautiful his eyes truly were (despite most others finding them "scary"). They still make her blush to this day thinking about them (even as she insists she's "sooo" over him).
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thethreemages · 3 years
Is the most affectionate: Both would be, from Prym's gothic passion to Tula's wholesome-filled snuggle fests~ uwu
Their most common argument: Not too many frequent arguments, especially for how close they've grown as both school mates and mage-traveling partners 😊
Nicknames for each other: “Tula Dear", "Prymmie", "Darling", "Dearest"
Who initiates kisses: Both~ it alternates sometimes depending on the mood (or in some sillier situations, they try to do it at the same time but end up bumping into an awkward spot that they can laugh at later ljgk)
Who kisses the hardest: Prym's quite a skilled one when it comes to her smooches, I'd say~ 💜💋
Who said I love you first: Tula, in an instance where Prym was feeling especially insecure in her Dark magic and thus reassured her dearest friend that she's about as lovable, beautiful and strong as any dependable mage would be~ 🧡
Who whispers inappropriate things in the other’s ear during inappropriate times: Prym is such a sneak with this, it never fails to bring Tula into a giggle fit lol
Who’s the better cook: Prym, though she does her best to keep Tula happy by trying her dishes anyway (no matter how charred or... oddly misshapen they can be at times, its the thought that counts~)
Who wakes up to calm the baby: Both would~ Prym using her Dark magic to project some pretty night-time scenery whilst Tula brings out the stories to lull them to sleep
Their favorite non-sexual activity: Doing eachother's hair and nails was always a fun lil pass time when they got the time to have some "girl's nights" in their dorm; especially fun with Prym always liking to bring her homemade makeup to try on Tula~
1 sad headcanon about this couple: One way the girls were able to click with one another was how they could both relate to the feeling of having to grow up without one other parent (for Prym it was her father Luka who was MIA, and for Tula it was her late mother Milana). Whenever either girl was feeling down or having nightmares about missing their absent-parent, Tula and/or Prym would do her best to comfort and reassure her that she's not alone in that experience :c
1 sugary-sweet headcanon about this couple: The two of them actually met quite awhile ago as wee babies; during a time when Meradyth (Prym's mom) and Ivor (Tula's dad) wanted to give their girls a lil play date whilst the folks went to talk about some military stuff. While a distant memory to the girls nowadays, there was still a subtle-enough connection between them that sparked a newfound friendship by the time they met up again at St. Ravilda's
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thethreemages · 3 years
This one is a guilty pleasure for me but can you do Cable and Jinger?
Oooh, that sounds interesting! Sure~
Is the most affectionate: Ooh Jingie, most definitely. Very much a snuggle bug/grade-A flirt regardless of who he's with (so it wouldn't be very surprising to Cable given how long they've known eachother)
Their most common argument: Jinger causing waaay too much drama than he needs to half-the-time, whereas Cable can still be a lil too closed off/stubborn on certain things
Nicknames for each other: "Cabe", "Babe", "Jing", "Jay", any variant of that I'd say?
Who initiates kisses: Depends on the mood I would say, but mostly Jingie imo
Who kisses the hardest: Lets just say... Cable's "fighting" prowess isn't just in the ring ;p
Who said I love you first: Proooobably Jinger, in a moment where Cable would need some serious comfort during a particularly heavy drama deal
Who whispers inappropriate things in the other’s ear during inappropriate times: Honestly... knowing them they'd be cracking shit in eachother's ears like its no one's business xD
Who’s the better cook: Cable~ Jingie doesn't always watch himself when it comes to junk food and such (especially since he works so often at a theme park/carnival), so having a guy big into health and fitness like Cable is would be a good balancing thing for him 👍
Who wakes up to calm the baby: Again, it'd probably depend but I'd say Cable would (especially since he was actually pretty doting on caring for his pet cat as a previously-stray kitten 🥺)
Their favorite non-sexual activity: Playing games and hanging out around the board walk, causing up shit for others as a laugh, etc.
1 sad headcanon about this couple: Cable has a trigger against especially loud, explosive noises (relating to his late father's penchant for guns back in the day)... so he can't always find himself fully-comfortable at some of Jinger's concerts since he often uses his Firework magic/pyrotechnics in his shows. Luckily Jingie knows Cable long enough to understand his limits... so if anything he'd be glad to offer some noise-cancelling headphones/ear-plugs to at least let Cable enjoy the show more "calmly"
1 sugary-sweet headcanon about this couple: Jinger was the one who encouraged Cable to spruce up his look to a more "edgy goth" style; as that was the time Jingie himself was experimenting more on his own looks and could sense Cable was growing tired of having to live under the same "boring" look his father enforced. By the time Cable relaxed throughout the hair-dying/styling process, it became quite euphoric by the time he saw his finished look in the mirror (leading to a surprisingly heartfelt hug moment between them both)
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thethreemages · 3 years
*skids across the floor* ZephMila? >u<
Yeee, the icy babies~ 💙
Is the most affectionate: Both are in their own ways, but Zeph's definitely been quite a confident one to make his gal feel all warm and fuzzy inside~
Their most common argument: Hmmmmm, nothing really comes to mind? I'd say they'd be a pretty "chill" couple no pun intended lol imo
Nicknames for each other: "Zephy", "Babe", and sometimes Mila will find herself calling Zeph her "Penguin" when in more-playful moods lol
Who initiates kisses: Mainly Zeph, but on days Mila's feeling most confident she could easily catch her bf off-guard with some sweet smoochies~
Who kisses the hardest: Zeph may be an ice lad, but his kisses be "fiery"~ ;p
Who said I love you first: I would say Mila; after living most of her life without really being "doted on", to have Zeph been the one to fully-love her as she is would really help her loosen up to give the first "I love you's" 💙
Who whispers inappropriate things in the other’s ear during inappropriate times: Zeph's got such a fun sense of snark to him, it'd just as easily stir up some blushy laughs if Mila got whispered some of them lol
Who’s the better cook: Hmmmm, well Mila's been a lil shy to try much of cooking in-between her usual schedule, but perhaps Zeph could try to coax her to try it? :o
Who wakes up to calm the baby: Yee I'm sure both would~ making sure to bring out the wooliest of blankets to keep everybody snuggled up warm too uwu 💙
Their favorite non-sexual activity: Ice-skating/snow-boarding, enjoying the local metal concerts when they can catch 'em, or for a more "lowkey" date they could just as easily have fun playing up some arcade games too~
1 sad headcanon about this couple: In the beginning of their actual relationship, Mila would probably still have a bit of doubt in herself if she'd fully "measure up" as a girlfriend for someone like Zephyr (and her mother being such a priss about it wouldn't help either). But eventually it'd come clear enough to Zeph that he'd quickly sit her down and reaffirm that she'll always be his girl... neither rain, sleet, or hail to keep them apart~ 💙
1 sugary-sweet headcanon about this couple: On one date, the two had thought of a fun lil creative idea to use their ice powers to make snowcone/ice cream treats together; sharing plenty of laughs and kisses through some sugar-coated sweetness~ x3
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thethreemages · 3 years
Ooh, that latest meme looks fun! Would it be okay if I asked for Winnie/Finn? :3
Sure thing~! ^w^
Is the most affectionate: They're both a generally fluffy pair, though I feel like Finn may be a bit more open about affectionate gestures given how shy Winnie is 🥺
Their most common argument: I... actually don't think they would argue that much tbh? Or at least, nothing too serious since I'm sure they'd very easily makeup afterwards~
Nicknames for each other: "Finnie" from Winnie, "Honey" from Finn
Who initiates kisses: It'd depend sometimes, but mostly Finn would
Who kisses the hardest: Hnmmmm for some reason I keep thinking Winnie lol
Who said I love you first: I feel like Winnie would, since Finn's such a chill guy as is that he'd probably wanna wait to hear how she feels first so he wouldn't put her on the spot
Who whispers inappropriate things in the other’s ear during inappropriate times: Finn's lowkey has an... "interesting" sense of humor once you get to know him, bordering a bit on "dad joke"-level so that usually earns some more easy giggles from Winnie hearing them xD
Who's the better cook: Finn grew up fairly decent as a cook with how often his dads were busy at work, so I'm sure he'd love to treat his dear Winnie to a nice lil homecooked meal for one of their dates~
Who wakes up to calm the baby: Both would~
Their favorite non-sexual activity: Depending on the day, watching the sunrise/sunset together~
1 sad headcanon about this couple: Being as this is Finn's first real relationship, he often gets nervous if he's truly "good enough" to give Winnie exactly what she deserves as a boyfriend (since he only ever had one crush that unfortunately didn't go anywhere in his youth :c)
1 sugary-sweet headcanon about this couple: On Winnie's birthday, Finn gifted Winnie a special pure gold locket with their initials sketched on the back, and a picture of them together sealed inside~
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thethreemages · 3 years
For the shipping meme, can I get both Lyra/Zayn (snarky lovebirds) and Cole/Masyn (gay idiots)? :3
Already answered for Cole/Masyn, so here's Lyra/Zayn!
Is the most affectionate: Zayn's quite a laidback fella on his own, so I feel like he'd be a lil more openly affectionate with his stoic gf?
Their most common argument: Hmm, I can see that perhaps Lyra would feel like Zayn may not always take things as seriously as she does... especially given where they're working in, it can get pretty dangerous/risky as is.
Nicknames for each other: "Wolf Boy for Zayn, and "Kitten" for Lyra ;p
Who initiates kisses: I feel like it'd probably alternate depending on the circumstances, but mostly Zayn would initiate 'em
Who kisses the hardest: Tbh Lyra seems like she'd give him the biggest smooches when they're alone~ lol
Who said I love you first: Surprisingly, I feel like Lyra would? Probably not at the most "fitting" moment in time (maybe while they're in the midst of battle?) but it would've bound to have come out sooner or later, given how close they are
Who whispers inappropriate things in the other’s ear during inappropriate times: I mean... have you seen Zayn? Boi has no filter xD
Who’s the better cook: Hhhhhhmmmm Lyra?
Who wakes up to calm the baby: Remembering that one fic of Lyra babysitting, I can see her definitely being pretty attentive to her and Zayn's future baby (maybe a bit on the clingy side at first, but I'm sure overtime Zayn would've coaxed her to let loose a bit for him to take over too)
Their favorite non-sexual activity: Theater! Whether reading about plays, watching them, or (rarely) participating together on stage, they can definitely have fun expressing themselves more freely while playing as different personas~
1 sad headcanon about this couple: Given Lyra's background, she probably had a bit of trouble fully opening up/trusting Zayn when they first officially dated... worrying about the lil things and the big future ahead when they were ultimately pretty young as is.
1 sugary-sweet headcanon about this couple: Zayn once got Lyra the fluffiest cat-ear kigurumi suit (aka: one of these) as a pseudo-joke gift. As much as she tried to play it off that she didn't like it much... the next few times Zayn visited he caught her waking up and making breakfast whilst doning the suit willy-nilly lol
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thethreemages · 3 years
Ooh! How about Cole and Masyn for the ship ask?
Is the most affectionate: Masyn's usually the more open one with his feelings, so he'd be more likely to openly express himself (as awkward/dorky as he is)
Their most common argument: The fact that their kingdoms are still pretty big rivals with eachother can weigh alot on their consciousness sometimes... Cole feeling like Masyn can be too much of a people-pleaser whereas Masyn thinks Cole doesn't care enough about certain things. But they usually resolve them pretty fine after a good pep talk and makeup session~
Nicknames for each other: They don't usually use that many "flower-y" nicknames, but sometimes they'll eachother still call eachother "dude"/"bro" like they're still buddies, or Cole will call Masyn "Mase"
Who initiates kisses: Masyn (though again his are pretty clumsy/shy attempts more than anything)
Who kisses the hardest: Cole~ he may be a stoic dude but he's got alot of "strength" ;p
Who said I love you first: Cole, since Masyn was still overthinking alot of how he should express himself... Cole decided to just shrug and blurt it out to him when they were on one of their dates (*cue some awkward deer fainting on Masyn's part)
Who whispers inappropriate things in the other’s ear during inappropriate times: Lowkey I feel like Cole would, as he always finds it cute whenever Masyn gets flustered lol
Who's the better cook: They don't usually cook much on their own (being royalty & all), but maybe Cole would since he used to help prepping the hunting game with his family as a kid
Who wakes up to calm the baby: I think that both of them would take turns, depending on the circumstance
Their favorite non-sexual activity: Generally just hanging out amongst themselves like they usually did as just a regular pair of friends; gaming, rollerblading around the skate rink near St. Ravilda's, lounging at the beach, etc.
1 sad headcanon about this couple: They've lowkey talked about potentially eloping one of these days, away from their kingdoms' strife to start their own lives... yet at the same time, with their close connections to their family and responsibilities as royal heirs... both boys feel too guilty to wanna let any of them down by going behind their backs :c their future as far as marriage/family goes remains pretty strained because of this...
1 sugary-sweet headcanon about this couple: Masyn's quite a cuddler when he's knocked out asleep, as Cole has quite amusingly found out whenever they were both watching TV (even though Masyn's taller, Cole can't help but snuggle and carry up his big noodle boyfriend up to bed in return).
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thethreemages · 3 years
If you don’t mind me asking, can we get Autem/Hakem for the ship meme~? :3
Awww yee, the fiery forest loves~ 🧡💚
Is the most affectionate: They both are in their own ways, though Hakem is generally more "openly" affectionate given how shy Autem is
Their most common argument: Hm, I don't really see them arguing too much tbh, moreso I can see others arguing that they didn't get together/notice eachother's feelings sooner? :p
Nicknames for each other: "Sweetheart", "Honey", "Babe", and sometimes when he's especially sentimental Hakem likes to refer to Autem as his "Fire Lily" 🧡
Who initiates kisses: After awhile of growing comfortable enough in their relationship, both would~
Who kisses the hardest: Hakem~ Lava mages gotta always bring the heat somehow, yknow? ;p
Who said I love you first: Would take quite a bit of nudging, but eventually both would probably get it out in the most awkward, adorkable way possible :3
Who whispers inappropriate things in the other’s ear during inappropriate times: Hakem's honestly quite a sneak when it comes to his sense of humor, especially helps that it always makes Autem giggle and loosen up some when she's in the middle of something boring/mind-tasking during her royal duties
Who’s the better cook: They've both know a few good tricks around the kitchen thanks to being the Team Dad/Team Mom of their friend group, so one can always guarantee they get a full belly when they're tasked with cooking a meal~
Who wakes up to calm the baby: Both, alternating a bit depending on the others' tiredness level and/or their energy for the day (which can be especially taxing with how they're the royal heirs to eachother's respective countries)
Their favorite non-sexual activity: Meditation, among some other "calm" exercising activities like swimming around the local ponds, yoga, maybe a bit of dancing, etc.~
1 sad headcanon about this couple: In the beginning (and honestly a bit in the current day), both of them had a bit of doubt to how the other felt beyond just a friend level. Autem always felt like with Hakem being so strong and handsome that he'd easily get any "fairer" girl back at Vul-Dor... whilst Hakem didn't think he'd measure up to Autem's level for how many suitors she tended to get back at Efornia. Making their struggle of truly knowing eachother's feelings all the harder :c
1 sugary-sweet headcanon about this couple: Whilst they've always knew of eachother from the time they were toddlers, their actual romantic feelings didn't sprout until they were about 13-ish or so; Autem was feeling down on herself (and the expectations of being a "grownup" were already creeping up even at her actual birthday party)... so Hakem was able to cheer her up by taking her out to the flowering meadows of Efornia's capitol so they could get away from everyone. After sharing some laughs and play-wrestling a lil in the flowers, Hakem told her some encouraging words to cheer her up (along with tucking one of the brightest-colored lily blooms in her hair). And thus... a newfound crush was born before either of them realized~
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thethreemages · 3 years
How about Zia and Noira?
Ooh, this sounds cute~ 😊
Is the most affectionate: Ooh most definitely Zia; Noira's always been a shy lil bean since they first met, but it hasn't stopped Zia from giving her all the hugs and snuggles to let her know what a rad girl she is 🥺
Their most common argument: They surprisingly rarely argue despite how different they are (as they often work pretty in-sync with their lil pranks as-is), but I guess there could still be some times where Noira's snark can come off a lil too insensitively at times (same with Zia's penchant for being "on top" of everything leading to overbearing-levels)
Nicknames for each other: "Zee" from Noira, "Noir" from Zia
Who initiates kisses: Zia, especially to cheer up Noira from a particularly "gloomy" day now and then ^^
Who kisses the hardest: Depends, but most likely Zia since she's usually the "bolder" one of the two anyway
Who said I love you first: Noira, most likely during a Truth or Dare game where she got "Truth-ed" to admit who she liked the most (and given their closeness at the time, wouldn't be much of a surprise to Zia tbh)
Who whispers inappropriate things in the other’s ear during inappropriate times: Honestly both would; Zia's sass combined with Noira's snark make for one giggle-fest of a combo if they're feeling bored-enough lol
Who’s the better cook: Probably Noira, since her Aunt Freya used to babysit and cook the best homecooked meals for both Noira and her brother Raider to enjoy. Being the crown princess Zia barely got to make any of her own food as everyone just did everything for her, so getting the chance to try any of Noira's cooking would be a nice lil treat~ 😊
Who wakes up to calm the baby: The closest to a baby would probably just be their pets atm (Zia's cat Gruffin and Noira's dog Misty Belle), which both girls can alternate on depending on who's sleeping over at the others' house and what-not
Their favorite non-sexual activity: Spa days are always a must for these girls on the days-off they can get one; a full-special usual that both of them can enjoy and feel refreshed from
1 sad headcanon about this couple: As a younger kid, Noira sometimes got worried about Zia and her growing apart in the future (especially with Zia being the crown princess of Asteria, so there's no telling how many would've clamored to become her "bestie"). Definitely something Zia would always try to reassure would never happen in a million years, knowing Noira means the world to her more than anything 🥺💙
1 sugary-sweet headcanon about this couple: One time Zia surprised Noira to a nice lil trip to an Asterian petting zoo; something Noira was a lil unsure about until they got up close to a particularly fluffy sheep on display. And since sheep were always a big spirit animal of Noira's... it didn't take long for her to go into snuggle-bug mode as Zia later bought her a plushie of said sheep when it came time to leave ;p
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thethreemages · 3 years
RosaPrym and Tulas for the meme?
Ack, sorry for the lateness I saved most of these answers in my drafts but kept forgetting to post 'em after awhile, my bad >>;
Is the most affectionate: Ooh Prym, most definitely~ while Rosie would eventually soften up a bit more after getting comfy in a relationship, she'd still be on the lowkey huffy/uptight side when it comes to showing affection (not that Prym minds, respecting her girls' boundaries and such uwu)
Their most common argument: Early on in their school days they always liked to try to outdo one another in alot of subjects (magic, academics, theater production, etc.), which once they get together would be alot more on the lowkey side given how much they've grown up since then. Regardless they'll still make up pretty fine after awhile though~ 💜
Nicknames for each other: "Rosie", "Rosebud", "Rosie Posie", "Ro", "Princess", "Darling", "Dearest", "Sweet Pea",... yeah there's a whole arsenal of 'em between these gals, lemme tell ya lol
Who initiates kisses: Prym, though if Rosie's feeling especially "bold" enough she'll probably sneak in a quick one before a big mission or something ;p
Who kisses the hardest: Rosabel can't even begin to count the amount of times Prym's lipstick stuck to her mouth right before a big work day xD
Who said I love you first: Surprisingly enough, Rosabel! After years of angsting, lingering on her feelings and just generally missing Prym after she's left for her traveling Mage duties... it wouldn't take much for her to finally blurt out her emotions by the time they'd inevitably reunite
Who whispers inappropriate things in the other’s ear during inappropriate times: Sneaky lil lady she is, Prym wouldn't miss the opportunity to liven up the mood via-telling all sorts of dirty jokes between the both of them (especially since Rosie herself has such an adorkable lil laugh on top of that)
Who’s the better cook: Rosabel was never really allowed around the kitchen thanks to her parents (whom always deemed it "too unfitting of a lady" for her to not let other servants cook for her), so Prym would most likely take over cooking duties at first. Rosabel always did want to try it though, especially since she still had memories of her dear Nana cooking the most delectable homecooked meals in her childhood~
Who wakes up to calm the baby: Both girls would take turns, given their natural soft spots for kids (especially Rosie :3)
Their favorite non-sexual activity: Performing in theater, bonding over some old literature, having lil picnic tea parties near the gardens outside, and so on~
1 sad headcanon about this couple: Rosabel often had to fight internally about her own feelings of jealousy and guilt seeing Prym with other love interests (Dantae Litayla in their first year, then Jada Ito in their third year). While not outwardly spiteful towards these pairs, with it combined to what she was dealing with at home... it just made Rosabel close herself off from Prym for awhile to not hurt her feelings (much to Prym's own confusion/worry that she might've done something wrong... as even through all their rivalry, she still considered Rosie a dear friend at-heart :c)
1 sugary-sweet headcanon about this couple: One of Prym's first presents to Rosabel as her girlfriend would be a fancy rose gold bracelet with charms of a rose and moon-shape (to represent them both as a couple :3)
Is the most affectionate: Tula's the most fluffy lil bean with practically anybody, including her big huff butt of a boyfriend~ ;p
Their most common argument: Hmmm... they probably wouldn't argue that much on their own tbh (at least not over anything too serious). Moreso its just over matters of Tula wishing Elas would loosen up a bit from having to be so worked-up and responsible over everyone (future king or not)
Nicknames for each other: "Dear", "Darling", "Honey", "Sweetie", "Ellie Bear"
Who initiates kisses: Tula~ 🧡
Who kisses the hardest: Hmmmm, it'd depend but if Elas is feeling confident enough, he's got a good "fiery" side of his own~ ;p
Who said I love you first: Elas, most likely in a heat-of-the-moment thing if he ever sensed Tula in grave danger (despite her insisting she could handle it), so things might just blurt out from there, to both of their own surprise
Who whispers inappropriate things in the other’s ear during inappropriate times: Prooobably Tula, but moreso in an "accidental" way that she herself doesn't realize (to his utter frustration lol)
Who’s the better cook: Neither of them have exactly the "best" cooking experience on their own (Tula being a clumsy sweetie and Elas's fire magic reacts a bit too strongly to handle kitchen flames). They could probably make a decent-enough meal if they both worked together though! ^^
Who wakes up to calm the baby: Elas would totally be one to be extra-protective of their baby early-on (having the royal medical team on speed-dial if anything were to come amiss), with Tula being right there to try and reassure him while comforting their lil one that its all okay
Their favorite non-sexual activity: Reading and Writing~ its been one of Elas' past times to vent out some of his stresses through this and Tula's always been a creative one since school, so together they'd probably have alot of fun making up their own lil novel to enjoy themselves uwu
1 sad headcanon about this couple: Knowing his father's unlucky history in love, Elas can't help but wonder sometimes if a similar fate would befall him the more he gets closer to Tula (hence some of his "tenseness" in getting too attached in relationships)
1 sugary-sweet headcanon about this couple: Tula always thought Elas had a cute lil laugh (even if he'd usually be too embarrassed/stiff to show it often), hence why she'd always try to encourage some good humor and wholesomeness whenever they go on a date~😊
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