#ttte blister twins
duskstargazer · 1 month
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“Well it’s about time!” Frank groused.
“We got here as fast as we could!” Blister argued.
“Yeah, even with Blister at the front.” Blaster added, with a smirk.
“That’s because you always hold me back.” Blister retorted.
“I mean about the books.” Frank cut in.
“It’s about time they gave me some exposure. I mean, who else keeps the quarry running, come rain or shine? Mike? I think not!”
“Such a versatile diesel like myself.” Frank continued, vainly. “Though they really should have penned me in sooner. At least they got my heroic rescue from a few years back - I made sure that got in.”
“Oh, you mean those books that made this railway popular?” Blister inquired.
“The books we’ve never been in, despite building this railway?” Blaster added, sharply.
“You weren’t added in because you hadn’t arrived when the first book was written. We got flat-out ignored.”
“I’m rather proud of that one-liner I dropped on Mike when he got shut up in the quarry.” Blaster huffed.
“What was it again?”
“…I forgot.”
“Goddammit Blaster.”
“Anyway, at least you got penned into those books at all. It’d be a wonder if anyone knew our names!”
“Well- well maybe there isn’t as much to talk about with yet another set of twins!” Frank huffed, failing to notice Douglas looking on with an eyebrow raised in challenge. “Now if we’re done here, I’ve got trucks to take back up to the quarry!” And Frank rushed off, leaving no room for further comments.
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steam-beasts · 10 months
Oh Sheep!
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December had rolled around on Sodor, and the snow was at its strongest. On the Arlesdale Railway, Diesel Junior – or "DJ" as he liked to be called – was resting in the diesel sheds at Arlesburgh West. It was early morning, but the schedules were a lot more relaxed than how they were during the autumn rush.
DJ was sitting at the very back of the shed, fast asleep and trying to keep his radiator warm. Just then, the doors slowly swung open, the chilly air sweeping in. DJ's face at the cold and opened his eyes to see Mr Fergus Duncan walking towards him.
"Good morning, DJ. Apologies for waking you" He said. DJ yawned "It's alright, Mr Duncan. Do...Do you need me to do something?" He asked tiredly. Mr Duncan hummed softly in agreement "Yes, I need you to go to Arlesdale Green to collect a left behind ballast cart. Rex forgot to bring it before going to sleep" the Small Controller explained.
DJ raised an eyebrow "Not that I'm refusing to do it, Mr Duncan. But can't one of the Blister twins do that? Or...Frank?"
Mr Duncan sighed "The Blister twins are off doing a passenger run, and Frank is away taking wool bales to market" he replied with a shrug.
"Oh, well...ok. I'll go"
Mr Duncan gently smiled, giving DJ's roof a pat "Atta boy. Off you go!" DJ lightly smiled back and watched as the Small Controller turned heel and left the shed.
Eventually, the little diesel soon set off out of the sheds and into the cold himself, wincing at the bright light after being shrouded in the dark shed.
Snow had begun to fall by the time DJ reached the Arlesburgh bridge street. He glanced at the upcoming platform to see a couple of workers shoveling away snow, and a middle aged lady. This was the Stationmaster, seemingly wanting to talk to him as she waited on the platform. DJ frowned.
"Oh no, not her!" The little diesel groaned quietly "She's always pestering me about something small and unimportant..."
He was proved to be correct as the Stationmaster took out a red flag waved him down. DJ knew he shouldn't be disrespectful despite his annoyance from her, so he slowed to a stop with a fake grin on his face, plus, she had a red flag so it was probably important... this time "Is something the matter, Mrs Stationmaster?" He asked sweetly ."Yes, you don't happen to be going towards the Marthwaite Woodland area, do you?"
"Yeah, I'm collecting a stray ballast truck down at the green. Is something wrong?" He replied nonchalantly. The Stationmaster scratched her head "Well, due to a shortage of sand, the tracks beyond the Ffarqhuarr road don't have any grit, so best be careful" she warned. DJ honked his horn in acknowledgement and continued on down the line. Once she couldn't see his face, DJ rolled his eyes "Pah, 'be careful' she said. Nonsense, the rails can't be slippy! I haven't slipped on them, neither of the twins have slipped, and neither has Frank. All that comes out of her mouth is a bunch of malarkey!" He scoffed. As he said this, a few cars on the road nearby were slipping and swerving, not dangerously of course.
By the time DJ reached the Ffarqhuarr road, the snow fall was getting heavier, and more like a blizzard. DJ had to squint a little as Farmer Willie came dawdling by with a cart packed with sheep. Willie noticed DJ and came to a brief stop "Hullo' there, DJ! You alright?"
DJ gazed up at Willie and smiled "I'm F-Fine, Farmer Willie. I'm just going up to collect a ballast truck!"
Willie hummed and nodded "Ah, ok..." he said before glancing over at his sheep. Some were asleep, some were not and simply sat in the cart...not all of them were accounted for. He then heard DJ gasp "Are those sheep?!"
Willie shook out of his small daydream "Oh, uh– yes! My boss wants me to take these little guys to the barn for winter!"
A sheep then looked over at DJ and bleated, making the diesel "Aww! Hi there!" He cooed. Farmer Willie just stared at the sheep for a solid minute before realising something "Oh yeah, uh...DJ? If you see a sheep on it's own somewhere, let me know please. It, uh... got out. It has a little bell around its neck and... it's not here..." He trailed off, staring into space.
DJ wasn't listening, he was more focused on the sheep "Look at your little faces...what were you saying, Farmer Willie?"
Farmer Willie shook his head again and scratched his head, haven partially forgotten about what he was talking about "Huh? O-Oh, erm...look out for sheep! Oh crumbs, I better get going" He muttered before driving off. DJ honked goodbye to the farmer and set off once more once the gates reopened.
DJ chuckled to himself "Hehe, sheep..."
The Marthwaite Woods were littered with trees and bushes. The bare tree branches had icicles dangling off of them. The bushes were piled on with snow and the rails were all icy and slippery, but DJ didn't know this yet.
DJ honked his horn and took his time to look at his surroundings "Wow, the forest looks so mysterious during winter..." he commented to himself.
He then looked forward and remembered that Arlesdale Green was a few miles ahead. He smirked confidently and went faster up the steep track "Nearly there, nearly there" He panted eagerly.
However, the little baby diesel had to come to a stop as up ahead, a lone sheep stood on the line, using its nose and hoof to dig at the snow – presumably in search for grass. DJ skidded to a halt, clenching his teeth as his wheels slipped on the rails. He was still moving (at a more slower pace now), and was getting much closer to the sheep.
DJ frantically tried calling out to the sheep and honking "Out of the way! Out of the way!". The sheep just looked up and glanced at him with vacant eyes. DJ shut his eyes tight as he couldn't stop.
Why oh why didn't he listen to the Stationmaster?!
The sheep was unfazed as the engine ahead was skidding on icy rails towards it's direction.
Just then....
DJ gasped from feeling the bump and whimpered, fearing what he may have very likely done. Cautiously, he opened one eye to survey the damage he had done, only to see a white furry face in his vision, lazily munching on a mouthful of grass. He then opened both eyes and sure enough, he wasn't dreaming – the sheep was okay. Thank goodness.
"Dizzy diesels...that was close" He sighed with relief. He kinda forgot he's not a big monsterous engine like his big brother, or else the sheep would most certainly become wooly paste.
The sheep bleated and sniffed at DJ, its ear twitching. DJ felt his (currently) non-existent heart melt as the sheep sniffed at him.
"Ooh, sorry about that, sheep. The rails are all icy! What are you doing out here anyway? Shouldn't you be..." he then gasped, thinking back to what Farmer Willie said.
"Oh! You're the sheep that got away!" He exclaimed. The sheep bleated and went back to chewing the little patch of grass it dug up. DJ paid no mind.
"Well, come on! We gotta get you home, and collect the ballast!"
The sheep didn't move, it paid no attention to DJ whatsoever.
A few minutes went by, and DJ huffed "Come on! Get going!"
The sheep remained on the line. DJ loved the sheep, don't get him wrong – but it won't MOVE for him! DJ thought decisively, then honked at the sheep. The sheep looked over at him, but went back to eating soon after.
DJ groaned "Oh I don't have all day!"
The sheep bleated and turned to face him, its ears flicking. This sheep was stubborn, stubborn like a troublesome truck. Maybe that's why they both look alike?
A good 20 minutes passed by, you'd think that the sheep would've moved off the line by now, NOPE! It was still there, but sitting down now.
"Pleeeaaase! Move...please, sheep?: DJ begged, but no avail.
Suddenly, an ear-piercing shriek ripped through the air, alerting both DJ and the sheep. The sheep bleated fearfully and looked around frantically. DJ gulped, doing the same thing.
"Hehe...i-its alright, sheep. I'm sure it's just a..."
An echoey roar was then heard somewhere in the distance as well as crunching snow, increasing DJ's worries "B-BEAR!" He yelled fearfully. He shut his eyes tightly like he did when slipping on the rails.
The sounds of crunching snow got closer and more clearer. DJ only feared the worst...until he heard the voice of a very tired Rex.
"Are you alright there, DJ?"
DJ's eyes shot open and he looked to the side to see Rex in his beast form, gazing at him softly with very tired eyes. The baby diesel's jaw dropped upon seeing him "R-Rex?! But... you're supposed to be hibernating!"
Rex chuckled "Well, I can't hibernate if I keep hearing you honk to your heart's delight. Remember, my hearing's a LOT more sensitive and sharper than it used to be..."
"Oh..." DJ blushed in embarrassment "...sorry. I didn't mean to"
"It's ok, kiddo. No hard feelings..." Rex assured him "...now that we have that cleared up, you appear to be in one baa-ad situation" the miniature engine teased, pointing at the sheep.
DJ sighed "Yep...I think its one of Farmer Willie's. He said something about one of them escaping"
"Escaping, eh? Lots of livestock escape here all the time. They should really improve the fences but then again...me, Bert and Mike can just ram through them" He chuckled. Rex then turned to face the sheep.
He made a little chittering noise at the sheep, leaning forward. The sheep turned to Rex with interest and bleated, walking off the track at last. DJ watched in amazement as Rex continued the chittering sound, leading the sheep into the foliage. It kinda reminded him of that evil snake from The Jungle Book, except Rex isn't evil of course!
"Wow..." he whispered. DJ soon resumed to his task; collect the ballast.
He oiled through the forest, much more carefully that time.
DJ had managed to make it to the Green and was making his way back to Arlesburgh West. Along the way, he saw Rex trotting along the tracks, still looking rather sleepy. He honked "hello" to the older engine, who whistled back "Did you get the sheep home, Rex?"
"Of course! It's not like I ate it, hehe!" Rex chuffed cheekily.
"Yeah, anyway...how did you hear me all the way from the sheds in the first place?" The miniature 08 diesel asked, feeling rather curious.
"I wasn't sleepin' at the sheds, I was sleepin' in a nearby cave around here! That's how I heard you!" He laughed tiredly. DJ giggled as well, then looked over at the ballast truck "Hey, Rex? Did you know you forgot to bring a ballast truck back to the station?"
Rex frowned and raised an eyebrow. He then glanced at the truck behind the small diesel and gasped with understanding "Oh! Fire and smoke, I forgot about that one!" He groaned.
"It's alright, Rex. It's easy to forget things" DJ assured him. The small green engine smiled warmly, then walked in front of the diesel, blocking his way.
Rex said nothing and gave DJ's forehead a lick, probably his own way of 'kissing' him goodnight. DJ's eyes went wide, but he grinned nonetheless as Rex chirped happily before setting off into the woods "Have a good hibernation, Rex!" He called out.
As soon as Rex left, DJ oiled away with the ballast truck. Back to Arlesburgh West he goes.
Until Spring...
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ladychandraofthemoone · 2 months
Blister Twins 🚧🔧🪛🪚🧰🛠️⚒️⚙️
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Blister I (Kier) and Blister 2 (Kiki) in my au 💛🖤
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aut1sm-mess · 5 months
Hey, Ttte followers! I have an announcement!
I got HEAVILY inspired by @askthefamous8 ‘s wedding ceremony that they had last year!
And I am pretty sure that I announced this at the end of last year but here it is again!
The official date is July 15th 2024!!
It’s very obvious that I’m a Rex and Bert shipper because imo they go well together. So, I’ve been planning a fictional wedding for the two!
I plan on using a very similar format that Sleepyhenry used. But my goal is actually me wanting to get more people familiar with the arlesdale characters and railway. Because, let’s be honest, most people forget that they exist or flat out don’t know about them.
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This is the same template photo that sleepy used for their Henry and Gordon wedding! Mine will (like I said) very similar to theirs.
Please don’t hesitate to draw yourself in!!
It makes my day when people interact with my posts! And you don’t even have just draw! You can use picrew, and Gacha as long as it fits into one chair!
I will also make drawings and you will get to see my human designs for the arlesdale sillies!
Again, I want to thank sleepy for giving me permission to use this!
@ anyone else who wants to join!
(If y’all let this flop I will cry)
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ladychandraofthemoone · 2 months
Blister Twins
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Blister II “Kiki” facial expressions and personality based off of Kiki floke from delicious in dungeon.
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Some more Kiki expressions with a Blister I “Kier” based off of kaka floke from dunmeshi.
Fun little facts/hc/trivia:
Kira “Kiki” and kier are based off of Kiki and kaka floke from dunmeshi. Kiki is more upbeat in a calm soothing way hardly raising her voice unless the time is right while kier is reserved and taciturn but he’s just as loyal as Kiki despite his complex over being the smallest out of all the ardesdale engines and not being mentioned at all during the books despite him and his sister having built the railway themselves.
Kiki is unintentionally comes off as being cryptic as she’s always seen smiling (except under certain circumstances) and rather soft-looking Very friendly and easy going
Kier is pretty stoic and quiet content with it as he gets easily flustered over being praised or any positive feedback and is secretly quite sensitive to rejection he’s the one who’s quite insecure
They both have unintentionally frightened the others with the uncanny ability to appear out of nowhere they can also speak at the same time or figure out what the other was thinking
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aut1sm-mess · 9 months
Bert because you are small and cute 🥺💙?
By the way, what are the orientations of the four characters on the Arlesdale Railway in your AU?👀👀
-I’m sorry, I don’t understand your first question
Also there is more characters than 4 on the arlesdale!
Rex: he’s bi with a man preference
Bert: is gay, like me, he is engaged to Rex
Mike: is Asexual! (Also like me)
Jock: is straight (heh)
The blister twins: are straight!
Sigrid: Ich bin lesbich (she’s lesbian)
Frank: is a sex-repulsed Asexual
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aut1sm-mess · 9 months
☆Plans for your AU?☆
Thank you for asking, my friend!
-Well, I hope to make art when I get a new phone! -I really want to expand upon Rex and Bert's relationship! -I love the Arlesdale SO much so I hope to incorperate everyone like Sigrid, Jock, and the blister twins! -Eventually make a wedding thing for R and B.. -I really want to flesh out Sigrid, she's one of my faves -Draw Mr. Duncan -Eventually make another Thomas AU
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aut1sm-mess · 9 months
Adding smth
If so, you guys could help me make it!
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