#tu perie tperie
snowwy-sprites · 3 years
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Fanspecies Week 2021
Day 4 - Crossover/AU
Yes this is a speciesswap AU but I have something planned for speciesswap day and I wanna draw more of this AU anyway.
Anyway they're at the start of the journey and probably all running on 5 non-consecutive hours of sleep max over the past few days so I'm not gonna blame them for not knowing what math is.
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khuneduan · 3 years
Eduan, about the other 10 family heads, how is your relationship which each family head?
Hmmm, let's see...
Bloodmadder is my best friend, we love speaking and teasing each other well into these days. But the way he treats his descendants does make me flinch. So I just try to forget that whenever we speak to each other.
With Hon, I have a friendly rivalry with him when it comes to overall strength, Ranking, and collection of rare weapons.
Yurin has a really bad temper, and I am somehow often become the target of her impulsive violence. I hate her! Although she is sexy, I still hate her!
Han is friendly. A bit too friendly even, he really does not like conflict. In other words, a people pleaser. I do not speak to him that much, but I was happy for him when I heard Yurin and him broke up -- he deserved better than being a barbarian's doormat.
Gustang is someone I love to tease, because he is a haughty know-it-all. I love, love, love seeing his calm façade breaks down!
Although I rarely meet and speak with Hana these days, we get along well. We love to tease each other about our first heartbreak in private. She also loves to chides me about the number of my wives though 🙄 Oh, and she is really, really, really scary when she is mad, so I know better than teasing her too much.
Blossom rarely wakes up so that automatically means we rarely speak to each other. She is cool though. She does not intervere with other people's business, so she is fine in my book.
With Tperie, since she is very quiet and observant -- and I know she really does observes everything with her Lighthouse -- I feel uncomfortable near her.
Lo Po Bia is.... a true Jahad fanatic. And a furry. In other words, he makes me feel uncomfortable.
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Zahard: Precognition
Arie Hon: Swords
Khun Eduan: Spear Bearer, lightning
Ha Yurin: Scout, body strengthening
Tu Perie Tperie: Light Bearer
Eurasia Blossom: Wave Controller
Po Bidau Gustang: Research
Hendo Lok Bloodmadder: Defender
Yeon Hana: Flames
Ari Han: Needles
Lo Po Bia Family Head: Anima
Arlene Grace: spells
V: Shinsu tension
These are the Great Warriors' specialties; it shows who is the best at what.
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stellara-palette · 3 years
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God's Eye (Tu Perie Tperie)
#FFF5D1 | #FFEDD1 | #FFD7D1 | #FF96A2
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systematic-shark · 7 years
10 Family Pantheon
I know this is super close to when I posted the ToG Paladin/Cleric mechanics, but I just felt like putting this out now since I have my first round of alignments/domains figured out. (read more again because it gets a lil lengthy)
For reference, I’m doing the 7 Domains (Knowledge, Life, Light, Nature, Trickery, Tempest, and War) listed under the Cleric Class of the 5e Player’s handbook. When I first wrote the pantheon out, I wasn’t aware of the Arcana/Death Domains, so if you guys feel like I should include those somehow, let me know (might slot the Eurasia family into the Arcana Domain though, just fyi). To know specifically what each Realm Entails, here’s a blog posted that has the expanded spell list and abilities pertaining to each (since i can’t find a way to provide a legal link to the handbook;;).
also quick reference: L=Lawful, N=Neutral, C=Chaotic, G=Good, and E=Evil
And here is the pantheon! excluding zahard cause i still need to figure him out:
Ari Han: (CN)—War, Trickery
Arie Hon: (NE)—War
Eurasia Blossom: (N)—Life, Trickery
Ha Yurin: (CG)—War
Hendo Lok Bloodmadder: (LN)—Life
Koon Eduan: (NE/LE)—Tempest, Trickery
Lo Po Bia: (CN)—Nature
Po Bidau Gustang: (LE)—Knowledge
Tu Perie Tperie: (LN)—Knowledge, Light
Yeon Hana: (LG)—Light
if you guys think that domains and alignments need to be swapped, let me know!
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towerofgod · 12 years
Tu Perie Tperie
Ranking: 11 Position: Lightbearer Special Positions: Unknown Tu Perie Tperie (투 페리 트페리, Too Pehri Teupehri, "Tu Perie Tperie") is the head of the Tu Perie Family.
She is the first Light Bearer of the Tower's history, but how she came to be in that position is unknown. Whenever she reminisces about the time she became a Light Bearer, she is known to say, “The Heavens gave me the Eyes of God.” However, it could be that people choose to believe a “romanticised story” rather than the “exact truth.”
After the Great Journey (TN: Zahard and the 10 Great Family Heads conquering the tower), she is one of the most active Family Heads, and also known to have created many items along with the Blacksmiths. She was also crucial in the pioneering of the system in which the Light Bearer acts as the intermediary for all communications within a team. These facts indicate she is very knowledgeable, perspective, resourceful and innovative. And she might have served as one of the strategists when Zahard and the 10 Great Warriors climbed the Tower.
The most famous of her creations is the "Opera" Lighthouse, one of the greatest Lighthouses of The Tower. Tu Perie Tperie is actually female ([1]). Grumpy has also confirmed her gender (via PM).
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The Great Warriors & Olympian Gods
Zahard: Zeus; he’s the King.
Arie Hon: Artemis/Apollo; his family is said to have a brotherlike relationship with the Ari Family. Ares; he’s seemingly okay with his son Hoaquin becoming a demon and wreaking havoc.
Khun Eduan: Dionysus; he loves grapes and wine. Zeus; he uses thunder and ice and has alot of kids that he doesn’t pay attention to.
Ha Yurin: Ares; according to Yuri, she’s a pro at destroying things.
Tu Perie Tperie: Hermes; they were the first Light Bearer. Hephaestus; they’ve collaborated a lot with the Workshop.
Eurasia Blossom: Poseidon; she’s the most powerful Wave Controller of the Great Warriors. Demeter; she cared very much for her daughter, Eurasia Enne Zahard. Persephone(not an Olympian, I know, but hear me out); she has the appearance of a young child, has a first name and a sobriquet that relate to flowers. 
Po Bidau Gustang: Athena; he founded the Research Association. Hephaestus; his family is strongly affiliated with the Workshop.
Hendo Lok Bloodmadder: Demeter; he kinda has lots of descendants to keep his lifespan. It’s like he sows seeds and lets them grow and they get “harvested” by the contract that gives him their lifespans.
Yeon Hana: Hestia; she uses flames and is said to be a virgin.
Ari Han: Artemis/Apollo; his family is said to have a brotherlike relationship with the Ari Family. Ares(with a twist); his family is pacifist.
Lo Po Bia Family Head: Artemis; he is the best Anima in the Tower.
Arlen Grace: Hera; was a love interest to the king actually got married to V. Aphrodite; she got along well with everyone.
V: Hades; because he’s dead(lol).
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