#lo po bia family head
Thinking about administration and authority in the Zahard Empire (as one does) and I find it extremely interesting just how...passive Zahard apparently uses his position for the most part? He doesn't do the day to day ruling, that’s the authority of the Three Lords, when he gives orders it’s only in the form of ‘pick your own adventure’, some of the stuff that’s key aspects of the present time Empire and carries huge prestige like the princess system is something he himself had no interest in but was overruled by/felt like he had to concede to public opinion/pressure...how the Great Families are held at the longest possible leashes (literally the only stipulation seems to be 'maybe don't commit blatant treason' and even then they are immediately up in arms, see Yuris case, who did pretty blatantly aid FUG, yet the Ha family is angry about that having consequences (which we admittedly still do not know but it feels safe to say that it's not execution)) and for the most part do nothing but incurr negative PR for the Empire, since they are technically part of it, that rebounds onto Zahard himself, despite said long leash and operating pretty independently...See how most of the injustices in the early story were very focused on the families and only have the ability to flourish bc the family heads don't care about curtailing any of that either (see: the name hunt Station ie Slavery lite, run by the Lo Po Bia family, the Yeon families deliberate concealement of the origins of Zygena flowers)...
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wwy009sideblog · 3 years
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Adopting a pet. I wasn’t planning on drawing the third image; it’s just the background I drew for Yasratcha made it look like he is in some sort of Zahard’s facility. 
(Edit: The tags though they are acting funky asddfxfgd!!!)
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karolinevassalor · 3 years
Finally *. * he also look friggin strong (and somewhat cute tbh) but... If Baam kill him, i quit this whole series. I had enough about plot wins. *angry cat noises*
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Zahard: Precognition
Arie Hon: Swords
Khun Eduan: Spear Bearer, lightning
Ha Yurin: Scout, body strengthening
Tu Perie Tperie: Light Bearer
Eurasia Blossom: Wave Controller
Po Bidau Gustang: Research
Hendo Lok Bloodmadder: Defender
Yeon Hana: Flames
Ari Han: Needles
Lo Po Bia Family Head: Anima
Arlene Grace: spells
V: Shinsu tension
These are the Great Warriors' specialties; it shows who is the best at what.
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nanami-luvr · 2 years
also, i went MIA only because i started reading tower of god and got emotionally attached to some of the characters which made me re-read everything for the past few weeks
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rememberrymainblog · 2 years
!!! Huge spoilers under the read more so beware !!!
Ok so I sort of caught up to the story on an illegal website that posts every new chapter translated from the korean webtoon page that are also behind cashwalls and before anyone chides me for it, I am not at the financial stability nor am I really thrilled with season 3 (which I’m not gonna touch on in this post bc that would be it’s can of worms) for me to pay for them. I skimmed most of it through but the major thing that stunned me was that Traumerei proposed or forced Bam into a battle in which everyone fights for Bam’s hand in marriage so in exchange the Lo Po Bia family head can remove Bam from FUG and become his successor.  Wow. Bam is ofc barely phased by it bc why would he ig. The biggest outrage came from that Jahad Princess in the same chapter, the blond, blue-eyed one that roped Endorsi into a bet in season 1 (I think), who threw a fit and attacked Bam as she heard she had to fight for his hand and potentially marry him. Oh and if you would worry about Endorsi and how she’ll react to this, don’t worry, last chapter, she got the news. Wasn’t thrilled with this concept either. So before anyone gets their hopes up with “Oh man Khun surely wouldn’t let this happen, afterall he has done drastic stuff for Bam in other chapters when he was forced in very humiliating and difficult situations.” Hahahahah. No. No he is not. Rachel showed up and apparently hired some guy (unspecified what’s going on really, it is teased as a mystery) and traded him Khun (somehow) by trapping him or whatever and we don’t know what will happen to blue boy but this guy keeps calling Khun “cute” and a “blue kitty”, so my alarm bells are going off.  So in a sense SIU panicked and just made Khun fuck off from the scene so he can’t even know about any of this and is probably pushed in another life-threataning deal with Rachel bc we didn’t have enough of those already. Now my biggest beef with this story development is simply the idea of multiple people fighting Bam’s hand (probably all of them will be women bc you know, god forbid same gender attraction can exist in this universe). It feels like forced “love” subplot, since these women we previously knew have to face off in catfights just to save their dignity but also to gain a higher position, both things that irritate me. And Bam? Fuck Bam and him having any developed relationships with any of supposed “love interest”, here, let it be a forced get-together with these other characters. Like no shame in liking Endorsi, she is a delight as a character, but she and Bam barely have anything of substance between them. They barely grazed that friendship line. Endorsi has been gone for ages now and just returned for this news to drop into her lap and even when she was with Bam and co, they barely talked or interacted with one another. The most significant thing she did on an emotional level, that I can remember, was her revealing her traumatic past to a handful of peoiple. Wow how romantic. Is this how SIU develops a main character love subplot? Or any at this point? Bc I find it just so stupid. I’m sure ToG Reddit users will drool over this idea but it ain’t me.
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shiroandblack · 3 years
Caught up with the most recent Tower of God chapter and all I have to say is:
Yasratcha honey, that sounds fruity.
Lo Po Bia "Be my Pet" Traumerei: Because normal animals don't do for me, I gotta have Furries.
Also him: I'm used to being betrayed by someone in love.
Daddy Zahard, something you wanna say here?
Lo Po Bia "I will free you" Yasratcha: *pretends to have killed his 'friend's' children so they can live without being targeted and deadass lies to a Family Head with a straight face*
This is the BDE that Princess Leia displayed when she lied to Darth Vader's face despite the fact that she knew that he saw ship.
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edensrose · 3 years
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ask-teambaam · 3 years
What’s everyone’s current goals? (Aside from the constant struggle of rescuing/survival)
that’s how it is for us regulars isn’t it, but interestingly enough these answers are pretty short ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
viole - save his teacher from jahad’s army
khun - take over as the head of the khun family
rak - hunt strong prey (??? that’s how he says it ┐( ̄~ ̄)┌)
hockney - find the final piece of a painting of his that was destroyed
elaine - reform her branch of the lo po bia family
hatz - to bring his family honor
mine - become a ranker, i made a promise to a friend
- isu
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khuneduan · 3 years
Eduan, about the other 10 family heads, how is your relationship which each family head?
Hmmm, let's see...
Bloodmadder is my best friend, we love speaking and teasing each other well into these days. But the way he treats his descendants does make me flinch. So I just try to forget that whenever we speak to each other.
With Hon, I have a friendly rivalry with him when it comes to overall strength, Ranking, and collection of rare weapons.
Yurin has a really bad temper, and I am somehow often become the target of her impulsive violence. I hate her! Although she is sexy, I still hate her!
Han is friendly. A bit too friendly even, he really does not like conflict. In other words, a people pleaser. I do not speak to him that much, but I was happy for him when I heard Yurin and him broke up -- he deserved better than being a barbarian's doormat.
Gustang is someone I love to tease, because he is a haughty know-it-all. I love, love, love seeing his calm façade breaks down!
Although I rarely meet and speak with Hana these days, we get along well. We love to tease each other about our first heartbreak in private. She also loves to chides me about the number of my wives though 🙄 Oh, and she is really, really, really scary when she is mad, so I know better than teasing her too much.
Blossom rarely wakes up so that automatically means we rarely speak to each other. She is cool though. She does not intervere with other people's business, so she is fine in my book.
With Tperie, since she is very quiet and observant -- and I know she really does observes everything with her Lighthouse -- I feel uncomfortable near her.
Lo Po Bia is.... a true Jahad fanatic. And a furry. In other words, he makes me feel uncomfortable.
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Tower of God 542 spoilers
on the one hand I'm significantly hype to have Sophia Tan in the story, but I'm kind of shocked SIU has deferred consequences AGAIN for the Cat Tower participants. Now I'm thinking back to when Augusgus and Mule Love got reintroduced right before the big hiatus, and I think that SIU might have needed to get the Regulars and weaker Rankers headed back towards Augusgus for some reason. Or maybe that group does successfully escape and it's Khun A.A.'s group that's caught in the lurch. Part of me thinks Maschenny definitely knows Bam has the Leviathan and let him go because all of this was her way of getting him to be set against Traumerei for some reason, but if that isn't the case and she genuinely wants the Leviathan for herself then Khun A.A.'s group can be made into hostages very quickly.
The other major thing in this chapter is Gustang's frontal assault on the Lo Po Bia mothership, which he states is specifically aimed at getting Traumerei to return through the warp gate. Given the... extremely fortuitous placement Gustang has enjoyed earlier in the story I have long felt he definitely has some kind of strong predictive ability. The fact that Lyborick is a Po Bidau AND a Khun cant be a coincidence, but I don't know whether the significance of that is just thematic or directly plot-relevant. The last time we saw Rachel she was meeting with Gustang to deliver him Wangnan's red Jahad ring and the item from the Hidden Floor, neither of which we really understand at this point. Gustang and Traumerei are also the Family Heads with the strongest implied connection to V. If Gustang lure Traumerei away, I wonder if his next move is to pursue Traumerei into the Nest. So many irons in the fires right now. I love it here
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So people love creating children of their favorite ship, so I decided fuck it and made a KhunBam child.
Khun Aurora Grace is her name. Headcannons and stupid shit in bullet points
-She’s the adopted child of Bam and Khun, she’s a direct descendant but was abandoned as a baby for political reasons by her mother
-Has an affinity for ice, and is also a Spear Bearer
-Bam and Khun got her during a lull period in the war. Bam got really injured in a fight between the Family Heads so Khun took him away to rehabilitate him.
-Khun had trouble taking care of both Bam and Aurora, but Aurora brought a much needed pick me up for the both of them
-Khun and Bam made sure she never got caught up in the war. Though there was a time where the Lo Po Bia’s took her hostage. Bam made sure all of them paid for that
-Nearing the end of the war, Aurora was finally grown up and strong enough to fight. Against her dads’ orders she helped support Rankers like Endorsi and Anaak
-As a gift from Khun Eduan, Aurora recieved his Mago spear, though it had been broken in half during his fight with Urek.
-In her prime she’s in the Top 500 of Rankers, though battles with her are rare.
-Her favorite aunts are Ehwa, Yuri, and Goseng while her favorite uncles are Shibisu, Karaka, and Yama
-Aurora is a master manipulator, in her dads’ eyes anyway. She can make spear bearing calculations without a lighthouse and can make you buy two ice cream scoops instead of one
-Khun absolutely prohibited swearing in front of Aurora. When grown up, Aurora doesn’t curse in front of her parents but without them she has an extremely dirty mouth
-She’s asexual and has no interest in dating. Khun sees this as a good thing because he’d probably end up murdering whoever dare break her heart
-She loves sweets, cats, and lazing around. She often gets compared to a member of the Phonsekal family with how relaxed she is at times. Though as a child apparently she had too much energy
-She has autophobia (fear of being alone), Anginophobia (fear of choking), and Nyctophobia (fear of the dark). She developed these when abandoned by her birth mother, throughout the war, and when kidnapped. Shes been working to treat it though
That’s it I guess. Might make cute little stories between her and the big found family she’s in.
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karolinevassalor · 3 years
Burn the spidey into crisps please :3 im hella afraid of spiders and his momma - the branch head- even creepier :O
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The Great Warriors & Olympian Gods
Zahard: Zeus; he’s the King.
Arie Hon: Artemis/Apollo; his family is said to have a brotherlike relationship with the Ari Family. Ares; he’s seemingly okay with his son Hoaquin becoming a demon and wreaking havoc.
Khun Eduan: Dionysus; he loves grapes and wine. Zeus; he uses thunder and ice and has alot of kids that he doesn’t pay attention to.
Ha Yurin: Ares; according to Yuri, she’s a pro at destroying things.
Tu Perie Tperie: Hermes; they were the first Light Bearer. Hephaestus; they’ve collaborated a lot with the Workshop.
Eurasia Blossom: Poseidon; she’s the most powerful Wave Controller of the Great Warriors. Demeter; she cared very much for her daughter, Eurasia Enne Zahard. Persephone(not an Olympian, I know, but hear me out); she has the appearance of a young child, has a first name and a sobriquet that relate to flowers. 
Po Bidau Gustang: Athena; he founded the Research Association. Hephaestus; his family is strongly affiliated with the Workshop.
Hendo Lok Bloodmadder: Demeter; he kinda has lots of descendants to keep his lifespan. It’s like he sows seeds and lets them grow and they get “harvested” by the contract that gives him their lifespans.
Yeon Hana: Hestia; she uses flames and is said to be a virgin.
Ari Han: Artemis/Apollo; his family is said to have a brotherlike relationship with the Ari Family. Ares(with a twist); his family is pacifist.
Lo Po Bia Family Head: Artemis; he is the best Anima in the Tower.
Arlen Grace: Hera; was a love interest to the king actually got married to V. Aphrodite; she got along well with everyone.
V: Hades; because he’s dead(lol).
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p0l-anka · 4 years
They won the test, but due to pure luck.
Khun's carefully laid out plan deviated from perfect to worse when a high ranker from Lo Po Bia family suddenly showed up. More than half of the team has been hurt and is now recuperating - including Bam.
Bam is in their bedroom, relaxing and reading a book. He was supporting a few bandages for the deep wound he got that is taking a bit more time for his regeneration to heal. Rak took off to get his supply of chocolates and bananas. Telling Bam to rest and he will get back with food for the two of them.
Khun is on his side, just looking blankly at his lighthouse. Feeling miserable and angry that he didn't create another set of plan from the dozen he had laid out.
Bam noticed Khun's sour mood. So he laid his head on Khun's shoulder. "You're hurt, Bam, rest properly."
"Khun." Bam poked Khun's cheeks, making him look to Bam. And Bam, ever so adorable, started to make goofy faces until Khun laughs.
"Stupid." Khun flicked Bam's forehead.
"I love your smile." Bam laid his head again on Khun's shoulder "It's an accident. Stop thinking about it."
"Sleep with me?"
"Go ahead, I'm still reviewing what happened."
"I'm tired, and you need to sleep too. Come on, no buts." Bam pulled Khun's leg, forcing him to lie down. He pulled and wrap Khun's arm on him, spooning him.
"Fine, fine."
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The lo po bia family head gives me "baby of the group" vibes. Like he just seems super gullible and emotional, and honestly not all that smart. He just wants to collect his little pet children. And like. Endorse a genocide or two.
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