#king zahard
the-messenger-hawk · 2 months
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-new fav crackship-
'Don't shoot the messenger, lovely tyrant'
Zaryu-🩸👑 (Enryu/Zahard)
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Catching up on Tower of God, and all these theories about how obviously Zahard is the one who did something to Traumerei’s memories and that’s the only reason he could possibly be loyal to him, and as soon as Bam or Gustang or whatever gives him back his memories he’s immediately gonna turn on Zahard are reeeaally weird to me, and diminishing to both Zahard and Traumerei as characters. 
Everything we’be been shown about Traumerei so far paints him as a huge cunt, by choice, who gets off on the suffering of others (which is why he’s a favourite, of course <3 ). When he’s not napping or dead inside he’s short-tempered, capricious and cruel.  A feature not a bug, if you will. While it’s true that we haven’t been shown the origin of his memory-and-emotion-discarding habit we have been shown occasions where he proactively chooses that course of action by himself-in the Yasratcha flashback, where he returned from the Nest to feed some more to Leviathan before dealing with Nen Nen and Wang Wang, and sometime after the incident, if you go by his distorted recollection of the event to Yasratcha. We know from Leviathan that Traumerei is the one who created him and kept feeding ‘filthy’ memories and emotions to him, in quite the amount from what it sounds like. These memories, going by what we know so far, would contain Traumerei at his worst, such as his punishment of Wang Wang, Nen Nen and Yasratcha for example, and likely be coloured by resentment and hatred rather than regret and sorrow (something soldified by Leviathans demeanour, imo) (meaning the current Traumerei is the ‘sanitized’ version).
That aside, how exactly would Zahard have found a way to force Traumerei to cut unwanted memories and emotions out of himself in a way that seems distinctly Traumerei (involving the creation of a Shinheu)? This is not the Hidden Floor, where they were simple data to manipulate and erase (without ill effects to their real/outside selves)! Why would Traumerei have kept up that coping mechanism over the millenia, if it was something forced upon him by Zahard? Why exactly would Zahard himself inquire after Traumerei’s memories, if a key piece of Traumerei’s loyalty to him was their erasure? Zahard himself is the one who brings them up in the first place! What seems like a realtively recent problem to boot, and in a way that seems more eager that he remember and out of worry for an old friend and comrade (’By the way, what kind of nightmares have you been having lately? Do you still not remember?’), (at the end of their strategy meeting, after the ‘business talk’ is already finished) than as some sort of insidious check-up to make sure that he doesn’t remember something from tens of thousands of years ago. It honestly feels like people projecting their dislike of Zahard onto Traumerei, when everything we’ve ever heard about him and are ever shown about him shows him as an ‘enthusiastic’ follower of Zahard and having an absolutely insane treshold of what counts as genuine loyalty. Heck, going by everything about him, it’s more likely that even if he had harboured resentment against Zahard, he would erase it himself to uphold the standard of loyalty he preaches!
In fact, I’d go so far as to say, in view of the Yasratcha flashback and obvious mirroring between him and Traumerei, that it’s far likelier that Traumerei came up with some weird revenge scheme as punishment for ‘abandoning’ him rather than simply being yoinked along by Zahard in something, and that, if he erased his memories because he found them unpleasant to deal with, it was not due to guilt or sorrow but anger and resentment (as we eg. see him exhibit in the flashback upon returning from a trip to the Nest, where he clearly has some leftover frustration).
A lot of fanon seems to view Traumerei as former emotionally softie of the group, who was a poor little meow-meow before he experienced a deep betrayal that emotionally hardened him. While I’m ready to concurr with the latter (and the general fact that the Great Warriors devolved into worse personalities with time) I’d like to point to the examples of what Traumerei perceives as ’betrayals’ in the story, and whether they seem reasonable and justified to feel betrayed by in the first place, or deserving of ‘punishment’, and then reflect upon the likelihood of Traumereis formative betrayal (assuming there is one, definitive one, or that it even involves the Great Warriors) being a cut and dry affair.
As for painting Zahard as the instigator of his unpleasant personality, it reflects an unwillingness to let people other than him be fucked up even though we already know plenty of other family leaders who are, as well as lack of consideration that Zahard might care about some people, like his oldest comrades, and they care about him in turn. Zahard confiding in Traumerei with regards to his views and plans in the first place, Traumerei going above and beyond his assignment to try to turn Bam against Gustang if he proves useful, for example. ‘But the order concering the Poe Bideau family!’- Gustang is the one who stirs the pot in the first place, the one who stole an item whose sole purpose is to defeat Zahard, the one who basically declared if not war certainly conflict, and let it be known that it’s not like Zahard put out a hit on Gustang (which would arguable be pointless, but we do know people as powerful as Eurasia Enne Zahard are capable of getting imprisoned) but merely his family, Gustang’s major instrument for affecting the politics of the Tower.
As of now it seems far more plausible to me for whatever leftover memories that are haunting Traumerei as nightmares to be something done by him instead of to him.
I think that it’s been set up that Traumerei is gonna remember something at the least, and likely something big (maybe eventually prodded by Bam, whom Leviathan told of at least some memories fed to him), but when he does it’s not gonna lead to a sudden heel-turn and alliance, problem solved, but instead a Traumerei actually out for blood, instead of bored and dead inside (anyone remember Bam’s refusal to let Leviathan go free bc ‘if I let it out [...] I’d be committing a sin against the world’ (TOG #531)? That Shinheu formed out of all of Traumerei’s most negative memories and emotions he discarded? That would presumably bubble back up inside Traumerei himself when he remembers?)
To close with a Maschenny quote that summarizes my hopes for Traumerei:
“Has it really disappeared now? That rage of yours? [...] Even if you say that rage has hardened and sunk in your mind, I don’t understand how it could just fly away in the wind like that. It gets more intense and clings to you even more firmly as time passes and you recall those memories. That’s the kind of emotion that rage is. And as long as that rage lives-war can break out at any time.”
-Khun Maschenny Zahard, Tower of God #390
#Tower of God#Lo Po Bia Traumerei#my pet theory that I know is highly unlikely to be canon is that -assuming there was a formative betrayal and it involved the Great Warrior#is that Traumerei was the one who instigated some sort of messed up retaliation or whatever in some form#(forced V to kill himself?)#if we take leviathans demeanour as a genuine representation of Traumerei emotions (excepting eg the resentment of serving as smg to dump hi#negative emotions into)#there is some resentment against Zahard (unless the king he's talking about is Traumerei as his creator)#so what if...the person Traumerei felt betrayed by was Zahard? Maybe for proposing to Arlene even after their huge disagreement..?#So he did something to mess things up even further so V and Arlene really 'betrayed' Zahard (trying to steal the key..?)#(mirroring how Yasratcha framed Wang Wang as a traitor to Traumerei)#(so he'd have no choice but to disregard him either way and come with Yasratcha)#(which I realize is not an exact copy but slightly inverted in the scenario I'm proposing)#boom#Zahard feels betrayed by them for real and retaliates and no more talk of reconciliation#yes Traum talks about dominating those who betray him into forcefully staying by his side but consider:#his 'domination' is literally manipulation?#Emotionally as we see with Wang Wang and Nen Nen even if he seemingly had no set goal#manipulating others be it by controlling their bodies eg Yasratcha or their choices and actions#ngl part of me just wants him to be the toxic gay best friend à la Yasratcha sooo bad#if you want wholesome stuff there's Bam and Khun and whatnot the Great Warriors are for toxicity ONLY#also do not care about leviathan as Bams xth absorbed power show me those memories or perish!
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kuurake · 8 months
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king zahard doodle
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animekissingblog · 9 months
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Amy Pride | She/Her | 600 Years Old | Irregular | Wave Controller
Background and abilities below -----v
Originally from the outside of the tower, she forced her way into the tower to gain more power and followers as well as meet more people. After 90 years of climbing the tower, Amy reached the top of the tower. She would have completed it sooner but she spent most of her time appealing to viewers and showing off.
Was reached out to by a high ranker of Zahard to see what her intentions were regarding the king and the throne, she replied saying she has no interest but if he was interested in appearing on her live stream for an interview she would love to do that. He never replied to that.
Eventually she is recruited into Wolhaiksong by Urek Mazino because of her status as an irregular. 
After getting to know him better and work with him she ended up developing a crush on him and eventually worked up the courage to ask him out. The two are now dating.
She is a powerful wave controller. Her abilities look like something out of a video game (Similar to Silverwolf from HSR). 
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She does this by manipulating the shinsu to change its form. With the use of shinsu manipulation she has the ability to fly/float in the air.
During battles she will often live stream her fights to her followers in the tower using her phone. She manipulates her phone freely with her shinsu to keep it in the air and position it correctly.
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lummyzzz · 11 months
It's midnight and I can't get the thought of Eduan being the baby-girl friend in the Great Warrior friend group while being Zahard's pretty but whiny bf out of my head
Like, imagine him with his long ass, healthy and shiny hair sitting on every single version of Dyson ever invented because he whined too much about the cheap shit until each of them got him one with the 60+ dollars tiny bottles of hair care every other month because everything else in the market either A. didn't help his hair or B. doesn't smell good.
Then there's Zahard who basically has to get Eduan the other shits in his hair routine so now our king debating whether this relationship is worth the extra three hundred but still bought it and even got Starbucks for his spoilt ass bf on the way home 😭😭
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bagel-boy-sama · 2 years
wAit horrible realization
I assumed it was Wangnan because he's my boy and lives rent free in my head but
They only mentioned one prince
And there is at least 3
Oh god
What one is Icarus??? What one flew too close to the sun???... Or... What one *will*???
Oh god what if Zahard's prince isn't an actual person, as in is not a group of people born with birthright as a prince normally is, and is moreso Zahard's successor.
Taking a leap in logic here
If it's still Wangnan... And he's the biggest mistake the families made... And he's Zahard's successor... And he's Icarus
It probably has to deal with fate again, since that's a very Zahard thing
Thus, Wangnan could be fated to succeed Zahard. Which could be good (good king replaces bad king) or very very bad as Bam will probably destroy that entire system. Even if Bam doesn't, with the Icarus name in there is terrifying. EVEN WORSE timeline, is Bam takes Zahard's place and gets corrupted, so Wangnan has to stop him
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iiratix · 2 years
LONG TIME NO SEE :D Seems like both of us are busy and I genuinely hope that you won't be burnt-out and that the busy life won't give you stress. By the way, I'd like your own opinion on something. I imagined a lot of things, and one of them is a family head!reader who loves her descendants in a toxic way, if other family heads ignore their descendants this one manipulates her descendants into becoming mentally dependent on her. Wdyt?
To Love Someone
Where Ratix share their personal opinion regarding a toxic relation
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Without a doubt, it would have been a disastrous family.
In comparison to others, many would have liked to say that Y/n are much more of a kindred spirit than the others. She's compassionate, loving, graceful, and everything else. Truly, she was the perfect embodiment of a perfect and suitable mother for her children and, above all, for her soon-to-be grandchildren in the future.
To the point, they can't help but think that she was the perfect mother to ever exist in this tower, and how fortunate the L/n lineage would've been under her gentle guidance… However, I believe they should retract those statements.
We can all tell that the cause of the great family's ignorance was nothing more than the fact that they see no value in their own children. Only those who outperform their peers and achieve far more than the other children would have received personal recognition from the head family; however, this was not the case for Y/n.
As previously stated, she is kind, loving, and compassionate, and it is safe to say that she is the ideal mother that everyone in this tower and throughout the world desires. But, alas, that was one of her biggest flaws, and it was the one thing that could have led to the demise or downfall of her own children.
That's why most great family heads scoff, roll their eyes, or turn away from the compliment the L/n head would've received from most regulars. Even King Zahard himself knows better than anyone that it is by far the most preposterous thing anyone has ever spouted off.
Regardless of their displeasure with those remarks, the family heads still respected her in their own way. Especially those who are interested in her method of utilizing her own lineage's power, strength, and everything else. It was all wrapped up in her fingers because of the intoxicants and sweet lies she had fed them all. 
She desired nothing more than to be physically close to her children since they were born. She adored them, lived with them, and lavished attention on them, so why should they leave her behind? They are welcome to stay! This is their home! Their sweet home and their sweet, adoring mother are there for them! Is there any reason for them to leave? 
Those poor and pitiful children, of course, will listen to their mother's words. They prioritized her rules and commands over everything else, including the supposed freedom they were given. But, in her opinion, it was nothing more than a flimsy reason for them all to abandon her. Those worthless excuses that should never have existed in the first place. Therefore, to what extent will she keep them all by her side, depending on her, no matter the situation or time? 
When they are still merely toddlers, you can manipulate them by taking advantage of their pretended innocence, pointing out all of their insignificant errors, placing blame on them, and gently correcting them. She reduces everything they do to nothing more than an error, sowing the idea that she is in this situation the only one who is entirely correct. 
This is why they have all developed a mental attachment to the family patriarch. They see her as the righteous one, the one who can provide comfort and safety far away from those heinous towers that were filled with bloodshed, as she would have it. That innocent facade and kind-hearted demeanor were used to her satisfaction, happiness, and obsession. 
It made no difference how promising the lineage or descendant might be. They are constrained by the absolute rule of that wretched and hypocritical family head.
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rinariaahh · 1 year
possible cultural reference for the prince bam theory
(according to the one of the stories) king arthur was killed by his illegitimate son mordred who's mother was a sister of a witch morgana, and in one film he's depicted as a son of morgana
also i think in some version there was a prohecy involved also??
it's messy, but in this case we can parallel arthur and zahard, mordred and bam and morgause/morgana and arlen
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deiaiko · 3 years
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Zahard @Arlene
I can't take him seriously, and neither will you.
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karolinevassalor · 3 years
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I mean, they're not wrong old man xD
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lazysummers · 3 years
Jahad - the King of the Tower
(TOG Spoilers from CH 320 and above)
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A long long time later.... When Baam enters the tower...
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More like King of Pettiness and Cringe 🙄
All just because he got rejected and couldn't let go eons later.
✨Son of the woman I loved more than anyone✨ - Jahad, King of the Tower (while killing the said son)
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the-messenger-hawk · 1 year
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the absolute glow-up this game gave this man is insane
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waitingforsecretsouls · 11 months
I don't think Enryu's attack on the Floor of Death was about Arlene as a person but rather her connection to the Outside God. Going by one of the more popular theories and fitting with the recent mobile game lore dump wishing to continue the climb would have made V and Arlene the last loyal disciples to said Outside God's cause, so to speak. So I genuinely think it was more about Zahard trying to erase the last traces of that following rather than Arlene specifically that caused Enryu's intervention.
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liebertia · 3 years
you've spent your entire life loving arlene, and i won't be the person you settle for just because you can't have her.
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nanashi-art · 3 years
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samemrys · 3 years
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So I simp for a certain king in tower of god-
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