verdancepackaging · 2 years
Get A 30% Discount On Custom Tuck End Boxes Offered By Verdance Packaging
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Tuck end boxes have opening and closing flaps and the procedure they offer to access product out of its box are the dominant features that is why they are widely used to imprint good impression at customers. The custom tuck end boxes assist easy locking that provide full security to products from falling out of the box. Some cosmetic suppliers want reverse tuckend boxes to have a full plain one side and tuck closure on the other side. These tuck boxes must fulfill the objective of strong protection and poignant presentation. Our state of the art printing set up allow us to manufacture wholesale bulk orders in few days.
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deepdeanvsweston · 5 months
I canNOT remember which book it was, but based on one (1) line in MMU where it says something like 'Lavinia had a doll hidden at the bottom of her tuckbox' I've simply come to the conclusion and headcannon that Lavinia collects dolls, those vintage-y porcelain ones <3
No evidence except I feel it in my heart
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tarotwave · 7 months
I just posted what should be the final Kickstarter update for Tarotwave and while I was more professional in that update I want to be maybe a little more candid here on my tumblr since this is where it all started:
I lost thousands of dollars on this Kickstarter
I ended up eating the cost for almost all of the shipping out of pocket. One of the biggest reasons for the shipping delays is I had to keep waiting for my paycheck to hit so I could afford to ship out the next 20 decks or so. It cost maybe over $3000 to ship them all. I was not proud of this and this lead to a lot of anxiety when it came to doing business upkeep things like checking messages daily. I hated seeing people worried about where their decks were when I just couldn't afford to ship them yet (And when I say hate I mean towards myself. not backers. because of my own negligence when planning out the Kickstarter production costs)
I really wanted to improve the product and offer upgrades that I dreamt about like the double holographic printing and the better tuckbox because those were things important to me that I really wanted to offer to our supporters. And I am glad that ultimately I was able to do so! But boy did it cost me haha.
This will absolutely be the last ever Kickstarter. I do not have it in me to do another one of these. My service was not adequate and I was not able to give customers the services they deserved and for that I'm sorry. It was important for me to see this through to the end so I still made sure everyone got their deck even if it came at a great personal cost. I'm glad I'm through it thought! It meant a lot to me that everyone got their decks. And ultimately the financial mistakes were on my part so I'm glad I was also able to take care of that behind the scenes, I am just once again sorry it ultimately took so long.
Thank you, truly, for all of the support!
Now if anyone ever wants this deck again a publishing company is going to need to pick it up because I am NEVER shipping 200 decks from an apartment ever again.
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poisonapplezine · 11 months
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The Moon illus by @bigskycastle Princess Kaguya peers into the unknown with the spirit of their intuition and grace radiating like the light of the full moon behind them. The princess faces their deepest fears with courage, allowing those fears to be seen, they don't fully understand the situation but is pulled by a unseen force to study the patterns that are unfamiliar to them.
35 beautifully illustrated cards that depict creatures, villains, horrors, and deities from cultures all over the world. 🌕 Claim your copy of the deck + a digital version of Poison Apple here
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The deck includes 35 cards with metallic green edges A designed tuckbox A physical Guidebook A PDF of Poison Apple Zine
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wendys-ash · 8 months
daddy you forgot my FUCKING TUCKBOX 🤣
that dude in the pink shirt walking past Oliver
this part makes me remember my first day at uni WHICH WAS THE SAME YEAR 2006
oh look at Farleigh being unnecessarily rude as usual
FOOKIN ASK ME A SOOM, THEN! he’s so creepy
Oliver looks so beautiful in his tie and shirt and he’s got glasses on at the beginning where do they go later in the movie? Felix get him contacts?
Merseyside… that’s where the Beatles are from (by the way hello I like the Beatles) 🥰
Farleigh has a Lucozade.
The way the professor says “Frederica CAHtthn”
Oliver’s essay is so poetic! “To look as if it were alive,” I want him to write an essay about Sylvia Plath
Oh look at Farleigh being rude again. he’s wrong here. and Oliver’s essay style is POETIC.
The cheeky Christmas song is surprisingly catchy!
Felix be like “siiiiiiighhhhhh” “siiiiiiighhhhh” big brown eyes
But look he’s so sweet “CHEERS OLLIE!” 😁
Oh look at Farleigh forcing Oliver to buy the most expensive drink ever, even in 2007 it was like £6-7 for a Jägerbomb IIRC
Oliver waking up and remembering and being all happy is so lovely
Omg this music is so beautiful, favourite part of the score I think
“I’ve not sucked any teachers off.” “Not yet, you ‘aven’t…” 😋 GET THAT SHIT OUT OF HERE FELIX JESUS
Ollie still has his glasses on when do they disappear
“Was it was it was it was it awful?” How many times did he say was it?
no one ever said chirpsing at my uni 😂 I did not go to Oxford
I think Oliver is wearing Felix’s hoodie because Jack Wills was quite sought after back then…
What if Felix looked outside and saw the cherry of Oliver’s ciggie in the dark, that’s fanfic fuel!
Ollie’s face after Felix yells at him
Fuucking wood fucking panelling
I don’t like this bit. 😠
Oh look at Farleigh, he’s actually got a nice cardigan on here!
The use of colour in this film drives me nuts, the blue and red light on Ollie’s face when he leaves the pub
From experience, drinking vodka like that at 18/19 most certainly leads to vomit in high places. Awful stuff.
More red. I want to go through the movie and go red red red red 😂 Felix has a red shirt on.
Fucking - I’ve historically been disgusted by men’s body hair but Ollie’s is… acceptable and by that I mean hot.
“Always check the sleeeeeeeeves!” He actually isn’t directly nasty here but still condescending
When they’re running to the bridge it’s one of the most beautiful shots in the movie. And when they’re standing by the bridge. it makes Barry’s eyes pop.
The way Ollie says “it’s not stupid. thank you.” no idea why that’s significant but I just love the way he says it.
“And I believed him.” You can never leave Saltburn, Ollie. Even if you leave that house, you will never leave that house. 🖤
Duncan. Is. So. Scary. What if he’s a ghost who comes with the house like in American Horror Story? Omg
Felix’s tour makes me so happy “Henry VIII’s sPUnk”
I wish we got a better look at Felix’s room. But the bathroom is where the magic happens.
“A sort of… hellish SQUOT.”
Venetia’s EYES and her TEETH and I want to know what she’s reading (or pretending to read)
They all throw innuendos at Oliver until James stops them also “oh my god she’ll die.” SHE FKN DOES DIE and Elspeth’s way of saying “drAping”.
Oh look at Farleigh being rude some more
“It’s rooooood!”
I forgot to check when Ollie’s glasses disappeared
The face Ollie makes after Felix says “Duncan will be thrilled.”
Of course he doesn’t have fucking CUFFLINKS FELIX
Love Pamela’s high collar feather thing here and also I love her hair
Venetia is perfect Venetia is perfect Venetia is perfect WHY DIDN’T OLLIE PUT SOME CLOTHES ON was he trying to show off his physique to Venetia?
“Sweet.” aw I love her
“Niiiiiight…” 😍😍😍😍
James says “morning,” so sweetly!
Oh look at Farleigh being rude again how the fuck was Oliver supposed to know how breakfast is served in Rich Land?
Venetia’s shirt is something I would wear.
“Look, Pamela.” “Oh nooo…”
Those eggs are really undercooked, I wouldn’t eat them either. They’re not over easy at all. They’re extremely sunny side up.
Sorry but Venetia’s legs and flowers in her hair she looks like Ophelia
EVERYONE was reading the last Harry Potter that summer and we all asked questions like that and made dirty jokes! so much nostalgia!
Venetia leaning through the harp and being scared of The Ring… 😍😭😍🥰
All dressed in their finery playing tennis! They all fuck. And sleep in a hamster pile.
“Yes! Do you know him?” 😁 James is so excited and happy about things, I love him!
THE LABYRINTH OF SALTBURN first Theseus ref I caught
Oh here we go
No one can convince me that Felix didn’t do this hoping Ollie would walk in and catch him so he could be like “why don’t you join me,” and that’s fanfic fuel
How many times does Felix bare his neck in the film
Also this has been said by someone else much more eloquently but people who squick at the 🛁 have obviously never felt desire that hurts and EATS you and makes you want to rip their face off and throw up on their shoes and that’s why Saltburn is so compelling to me
(I had to pause here while I got deep)
Elspeth’s drink matches her dress. This scene is so beautiful and the colours are bloody gorgeous and again making Barry’s eyes pop!
“Sexually incontinent” 😬
Those flowers next to Ollie 💖 match the cushions oh god 💖
“Men are so lovely and dry,” says Elspeth. THEY’RE NOT. Not in this movie anyway.
Bye bye Pamela, I wonder if she had to go through the servant’s entrance.
I could just look at Elspeth forever in this scene…
The vampire scene is unspeakably erotic, I don’t make the rules
The light reflected in Venetia’s eyes 🤩
They definitely went all the way after this and Farleigh watched - whoops, another fanfic idea.
The sex music is so sinister!
AGAIN Venetia looks like a goddess.
Oh look at Farleigh GLOWERING at Oliver. so rude.
Felix flings his napkin like a child! 😂
Farleigh is wearing all beige.
“I can wear my suit of armour, Elspeth!” James being a ray of sunshine again
Felix sat over there pretending to be Lolita srsly
Ollie implies Venetia is out of his league but Felix clearly thinks she’s not and also Felix is so jealous here it’s coming out of his hair
Felix’s sideburns ugh 💖
Venetia must be cold on that step 😕
Farleigh is still wearing beige but I like his jumper. Felix’s orange jumper is not his colour.
That shot of Oliver
More gushing about how fucking flawless Venetia is but that’s probably getting old now if anyone’s actually reading this good god my ego
I’ve seen Henry before but I can’t remember where. Something funny.
“She had two arseholes!” excuse me what the FUCK
Low was EVERYWHERE THEN. Perfect choice.
Farleigh fancies the fuck out of Oliver. Look at him manipulating the shit out of the spoiled beige-wearing twink!
“I don’t hate you,” no you fancy him
Henry’s sad face when Farleigh snatches the mic.
James is so excited about karaoke.
There was absolutely no reason for Ollie to sing “I need it,” that way.
And. And. “I love you. You pay my rent.” I can’t explain why that does this to me.
Feeelix and Veneeetia waving their arms together is just so very lovely.
What’s Farleigh wearing on his head in bed? Genuine question.
Also no one can convince me Ollie didn’t ride him here I mean who said that (fanfic idea) him and his fucking mad top energy
I expected someone to throw themselves down the spiral staircase if I’m honest. Or Ollie to throw someone down it.
Venetia among the lily pads 🪷🪷🪷🪷
It was pretty hot in 2007 but I don’t think it was hotter than Barbados…
Brit pop is not a band…
I saw Pulp and Sophie Ellis-Bextor last year at Latitude. 💖💖
The wallpaper in the sacred bathroom is just gorgeous. I want it.
Ollie bowtie 😍
Oh wow that little Felix x Oliver montage made me want Atonement AU with Farleigh watching them fuck in the library
I don’t like this bit either. Not good with secondhand shame and embarrassment.
“Always beetling off by himself,” I could write an essay about the insect symbolism in Saltburn
Is Ollie’s dad the same dad from It’s A Sin?
The talking and ringing is so much like sensory overload in real life!
Red and blue again! Same shirt! And Ollie is in blue and framed in blue.
The black splatty painting next to them… 🤩
This song is such a BANGER! I was not a club girl so I didn’t know it before this.
What did the orchid do to offend Elspeth?
Ollie’s jacket is like something Neil Perry would wear in a dream… 🌿
The light flashes off Farleigh’s ring just before Oliver says hello!
Why would Oliver have fat kids? So rude!! Again!
That’s why Farleigh’s hair is so big, it’s full of secrets!
Barry’s FACE. Just his facial structure. The close-ups of his face are just… chefskiss
Duncan doesn’t feel like dancing dancing miniminiminiminiminiminoo 🎶
Most beautiful shots in the movie of Oliver lurking in the shadows 💙 skulking
“You two are fucking gross!” India knows what’s up
there’s a lot of fingers in mouths here that I’ve not linked together before…
Felix still cares about Oliver enough to ask him if he feels better 🥺
The carnage after that party, good god.
That magenta colour is everywhere here. The robe, the flowers, the streamers and balloons and debris on the lawn. it’s perfect.
I love the Minotaur statue so much.
Music here reminds me of the soundtrack of Perfume, which came out in 2006.
The sideways shot with the looming Minotaur is pure art.
“Felix, darling, where’s your jumper?” 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
Horrible pie 🤮
Horrible everything
I had a cardigan like Venetia’s back then
I feel physical pain during this scene. my beautiful posh trashy eccentric darling family is breaking apart. 💔
Venetia pouring the wine is so disturbing to me.
James is no longer a ray of sunshine 😭😭😭
Oliver really unleashes the fury on Farleigh. See, being rude gets you nowhere. Hannibal would eat you, Farleigh.
Oh GOD, this HYMN. It’s so beautiful.
James carrying the coffin 😭 and Venetia’s chipped black nail varnish. Poetry about Venetia’s chipped black nail varnish.
Ollie doesn’t get to come to the stone ritual
*siiiiigh* how can something so bizarre be the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen?
I have to make a joke because I’m uncomfortable, sliiiiightly worried about Ollie getting dirt in places it shouldn’t be and having to make up lies to a doctor about how he got mud in his urethra 😬
Sad room 💔
Venetia be like wtf at Ollie asking about the font
See this is my favourite bit (the whole movie is my favourite bit)
I have fanfic planned about this scene. It will be sad and hot and fucked up.
Venetia’s flushed cheeks 💖😭
Ollie barely reacts when she splashed him in the face. How did he not flinch? He has so much control at this point and he knows it.
More fingers in mouth.
Why is this kiss so hot? And the one tear on Ollie’s cheek… 😭
Ohhh I do not like seeing dead Venetia.
James has no sparkle left 😭 he has a signet ring too though
That gardener doing a stupid wave at Ollie 🤔
Ollie doing his Tom Ripley as Dickie Greenleaf bit, he’s even got the hair.
Duncan is still there BECAUSE HE IS A GHOST!
Do we think Ollie slowly poisoned Elspeth? Do we think he slept with her? I think so.
On Ollie’s nonsense screen in the coffee shop the only thing coherent is “milk and cookies”!
“I hated all of you,”
When he pulls the tube out it mirrors the statue I think?? One of the statues.
here we go with the magnificent penis
The euphoria I feel at this ending I swear to god
Holy shit this got long
I asked my SO what it feels like to fling your penis about and he didn’t give me a serious answer
Barry’s arse is ridiculous. 🤬
It’s ridiculous.
I’m gonna make some rocks with the Catton’s names on.
And that is that.
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damedarcy · 2 years
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🍀Love this pic of us @maureenpatrickstudio ! Best at #stitchwitchery in any #fairyrealm ! From #samhain at @55gallonstudio epic party. A reprise for upcoming #ostara too! Getting my #cosplay #costumes together for @megaconorlando ! Not sure which one to wear yet! I’ll post soon and maybe you all can help me decide. ⭐️To celebrate our next upcoming #comicconvention please join us on @damedarcy .com for the #witchycattarot tuckbox 50% off sale faire march 28-april 5 ⭐️Mermaid Tarot Gold 50% off sale faire march 28 - april 2 And witchy cat sale on @damedarcy etsy 50% off NOW-End of MegaCon Orlando April 6th use coupon code : MEGACON all caps! Meow! See you soon live at the con! Thanks for profiling #damedarcytarot #witchycat #tarotdeck for #catlovers and #divination @brookeisbananas and @roidecoupes https://www.instagram.com/p/CqILQnOO-Lj/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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talenlee · 6 months
Wip Assessment 1
I keep my files organised in directories on my hard drive, which is a thing the youths don’t do any more, because of woke. I even use silly tricks to handle how they’re organised. Did you know you can put a ! on the front of a directory name, which will ensure it’s always sorted to the top of the list, so if there’s some sort of universal toolset or template directory you want, you can use that to keep it up the top for easy access? These are useful tips for if you want to run the Windows version of Xtree Gold, which they call ‘Explorer’ to manage your files.
I keep my games in progress there. Hypothetically, that’s also where completed games go. I haven’t completed many games this year. Or last year. Or — look, it’s been rough since basically 2020, that’s when I can say for sure things got difficult. There have been a lot of reasons to slow down production, not the least of which is just money. Making games is a hobby and it costs money and I’ve just not had as much to play with lately. Shipping costs have changed, production costs have changed. I’ve talked about this before.
But those are why the game doesn’t get pushed to a product that I can sell you.
As of this moment I have 34 directories in my GameDev directory, with components of games of some degree or another, that are all labeleld as, in their own way, ‘WIP.’ Works in Progress. What are they waiting on? What is keeping the Works In Progress as In Progress?
There’s a piece of terminology you’re going to hear me use here, which is something-complete. Art-complete and rules-complete are the two big ones. That’s not the same thing as done though because games are more than just their rules and their art. There’s a final step which is all the presentation; putting the art in the card frame for people to read, making packaging, and presenting rulebooks. That stuff is things I’ll refer to as ‘presentation’ here.
The Botch
Start Date: This is a revision to the game planned in 2021.
Current State: This revision is art-complete and rules-complete kinda.
The Botch is one of my most successful games — in the context of paid games, it might be the most successful one. It was made in a week with the art of a great friend, who was also similarly easily inspired to burn on a project fast. I like it a lot but over time I’ve grown a want to improve things about the game.
First of all, the game’s original microgame form factor was an allure because it made it cheaper. No box, no tin, you just got the cards and you could put them in whatever container you liked. I’ve learned this isn’t pleasant to most people, they want a box to put it in. Second, there are some wording changes I want to standardise, particularly around reactive items like the Dog and the Drink. Third, this game is hard for players to play confidently at first.
What I want to do with a revision of The Botch is:
Compile The Botch and The Botch is Back into a single tuckbox sized game
Standardise the rules text across all cards
Make reminder cards for the items and roles for players
Adjust the rules for potential lock states
Make a new tuckbox for the game
Hypothetically if there’s room for a stretch, add a timer micro-expansion, ‘Botching the Clock’ that gives the game a limited number of turns
There’s nothing holding up most of these wants beyond the feeling that I can afford buying test prints from whatever source I have on hand. I currently have four options for that:
A local printer whose name I don’t know
A local (as in Australian) game prototyper whose name escapes me
Start Date: This game was meant to be available Christmas 2018
Current State: The game is a collection of pieces. It is not quite art-complete. The rules system is barely started.
What happened? The subject of the game turned fourteen! This game was made for a kid who was turning eight, and then things kept it from being available on time, and it got forgotten. But since that kid changed, so has the stuff that kid can handle changed.
Originally, the game was designed to be conflict-averse, so nobody had to feel like another player was punishing them. It was also designed to be non-complex, so a kid wouldn’t be overwhelmed by the things happening to them. There was also a push to make the game gentle in what it asked you decide, so the outcomes were pretty even. These are all effects that make a game a little soft feeling, a little toothless, even if it’s complicated to make. It’s not bad to make games for conflict averse kids who aren’t good at math, of course!
What I have here is a concept and some math. The thing I’m trying to fish around for now is the idea of a game where you’re collecting pairs of cards to make Unicorns; one half of them show butts and one half of them show heads, and you stick them together. Each card has one and a half symbols, and if the two halves match when you stick a unicorn together, then you get a third symbol. Each pairing of Unicorns does something to your symbols – right now, the only option I have is increasing or decreasing your score – and I want it so no unicorn card does anything to its own ‘half’ symbols. If you have a unicorn that’s got ABC on its cards, then you need another unicorn that does something to B cards to get anything special out of that.
This system intrigues me, and I like the aesthetic and the funny names you can get out of jamming unicorns together?
Lysen Co.
Start Date: I made most of the work on Lysen Co late in 2023.
Current State: Art complete, rules complete, ready for a playtesting copy.
What’s holding up Lysen Co? The push I think this game needs is the feeling that I can get a prototype made. I need to look into the services that will get me a prototype and how quickly. As it is, the game is almost ready for a prototype copy – art-complete, rules-complete, and it’s even got the structure file I use to produce the prototype PDF!
But I feel like unless I can then do something with that PDF, then it’s just going to sit on my hard drive. I want to print it out and take it somewhere and playtest it. I have a class of students who I’d love to show me playtesting!
Also, making the pdf using the structure file is a little intimidating. I keep wanting to ask Fox for help doing it, and then modest resistance stops me asking.
Die Rich
Start Date: This game had its rulebook started in 2017
Current State: Art-complete, rules-complete
Die Rich is so complete I have a copy in my bag. I have played it with my students. I have played it at conventions. I like this game a lot. Right now it is waiting on a proofread and art revision from someone else and a decision on how many copies of it we can afford to stock. At the moment, that number is not a big number, which sucks.
I’m told the box is a little drab and could be made a bit better looking and the overall look of the game could use improving, so I’m waiting on being able to consult on ways to improve that, but as it is? I could just flick a switch on DriveThruCards and make this game available for sale right now. It wouldn’t have a properly written rulebook available anywhere, though.
I should get in the habit of doing this.
Check it out on PRESS.exe to see it with images and links!
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eyegiene · 8 months
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needabetternamelater · 9 months
How Boxing Day Got Its Name:
Traditionally, boxing day was when the rich boxed up items they no longer needed to give to the poor - it was also tradition to give servants the day off and send them off with a thanks/treat box.
So Alms-boxing and treats-boxing day. The semi-modern versions of those are shoebox-appeals & tuckboxes.
So it's shoe- and tuck- boxing day!
Why Is It Called Boxing Day? (housebeautiful.com)
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Let’s Talk Counterfeit Decks
First thing’s first: How do you identify a counterfeit deck? At some point in your deck buying journey, you’ve probably stumbled across a counterfeit deck. It doesn’t matter how reputable the platform itself is that hosts the listing, anywhere that third-party sales listings are permitted might have people using that platform to scam. The quickest and easiest way to identify a fraudulent deck is when it comes with a QR code instead of a LWB or guidebook. Sure, some decks don’t come with any form of a guide at all, but I have not seen any legitimate creator release a deck with a QR code in lieu of a LWB. Why? Because it’s sketchy. You can’t verify what you’re downloading or viewing until it might be too late. Links might have questionable redirects, so even if you think you’re going to the site RandomTarotGuidebook.com, it might be a false domain that redirects to malware. Another good way to tell is by the boxes. Most fake decks come in a tuck box versus whatever the original packaging was. If the original deck came in a clamshell box or a box with a magnetic closure and suddenly this edition is a plain cardboard tuckbox, it’s a fake deck. Still not sure? Is the price too good to be true? If you’re finding a $90 deck for $10, it is fully a fake deck (And honestly, half the time these scammers won’t even ship out an actual product!). And the last way is to check the seller. If it’s a deck on Amazon, is it sold by the actual creator, sold and shipped by Amazon, a reputable shop, or publishing company? Or is it sold by RandomUser234987? If you don’t recognize the seller name or if it’s being sold on a platform not listed in a creator’s promotion links on their verified pages, don’t buy the deck.
In today’s economy, it’s understandable why people are purchasing counterfeit decks. The price is often cheaper, and if the deck actually arrives, well, you got something for your money. You’re getting a “bargain”, but at what cost? Is buying counterfeit decks a victimless crime? And the answer is no. Not only are you receiving a shoddy product that doesn’t reflect the quality of the original, but you’re also harming artists. It’s important to take an active stance against these types of decks, because quite frankly, they’re art theft, and that’s not okay. You can’t want artists to produce decks and then refuse to pay them for it because a deck is currently out of your budget. That’s absurd.
Imagine that you’re an indie artist. You’ve spent countless hours producing the perfect deck and spent money on all of those materials to produce these drafts. You’ve spent days researching what publisher/printer you want to use. You’ve done so many cardstock tests and made sure the images were sharp, clear, and colored just right and then placed the order you paid upfront to produce the deck. All of this takes time and money. You finally get your product to the market, priced as fairly as you can . . . and then some no name located gods-know-where steals your entire product just to reprint it on the worst cardstock they can find that might as well be standard printer paper. Now you’re getting flooded with messages and reviews calling YOU the fraud and condemning YOU. But you have done nothing wrong! That doesn’t change these people’s perceptions of you and the negative feedback is now spreading by word of mouth. So now what? Not only are these criminals taking money out of your pocket for the loans you’re probably paying back to print this deck in the first place, but you’re left taking responsibility for THEIR art theft from customers who fell for their scam. And then when you raise valid concerns about it, you get people kicking you while you’re down and saying they’re going to support the art thief instead of you. How would you feel? Is that an industry you would want to stay in?
Many artists either have already decided or are strongly considering leaving the tarot industry because of this problem. The reason these thieves are still going is because people are actively supporting this illegal market. Everyone wants these beautiful decks from these artists, but if this keeps up, no artist will produce another deck again independently because of this issue. The only way to stop it is to stop supporting art theft and to support the artists themselves. I understand that it is not always financially feasible for everyone to get the decks they want when they want them, and that can be disappointing. But by trying to save a quick buck, you are actively harming regular people who are trying to have an independent business, many of whom are the only ones behind their company and their product. Is that really what you want?
So why don’t tarot deck creators just price their decks like mass market decks? Here’s some reasons. Large worldwide publishers like Lo Scarabeo or U.S. Games can afford to place print runs of 20k decks at $15 per deck. Obviously when you are ordering in bulk, you will often get discounts and this allows you to sell your product at a cheaper price. You have the force to market these decks worldwide. You know you can sell all 20k decks at $20 per deck and make a substantial profit. Now imagine you have the manpower of one single person. You’re working a regular 9-5 job to try to fund your project. Maybe you crowdfund it, but also risk paying taxes and/or fees from the crowdfunding platform, so while a deck would cost $40 to produce, now you have to charge $65 to cover those added costs. If you produce it yourself, you might have to take out a loan or use what you have saved, which is a substantially less amount of money than LS or USG have. Now, you go to a publisher. You can only afford to print 1k decks, meaning that instead of the $15 bulk price USG or LS might get, you can only get them to lower the price to $30 per printed deck. Now, you as a creator need to make a profit. So you charge $45 for each deck since you have a smaller number of decks and need to pay your bills. Marketing is expensive if you pay for promotions or features, and you don’t have the same reach as big companies. Now we come to the shipping differences. LS or USG most likely have a bulk mailing program they’re enrolled in with their carrier of choice, meaning that their shipping costs are only $5 per parcel. The independent artist most likely does not qualify for those programs, meaning their packages ship at the standard rate of $12 per parcel. Factoring in the costs of good quality cardstock, any special foil details or gilded edging, a higher quality box, and all the other things that a creator wants for their deck to make it feel special and be a product they’re proud of, and the price easily goes up. These are all of the things that are factored into the prices of indie decks. This is why they are more expensive. Not only are you paying for quality, but small creators do not get the perks that major companies get as well. And if you think you’re getting any of the original deck’s quality with a $5 knockoff deck from Wish.com, you have another think coming.
So what can you as a consumer do? Raise red flags when you see these fake decks. Report them, alert publishers and creators, and that way they can take action, either legally or alerting their audience. Call out these fake decks when you see them and hold people who support buying fakes responsible and don’t support them. If a platform will not remove the fraudulent listings, leave reviews notifying people of the art theft. Support the artists who are creating these decks directly and avoid third-party sellers selling new counterfeit decks. If you truly want a deck and you really can’t afford it, look for used decks. Some Facebook groups to check out are Just Tarot Marketplace and Tim and Allen’s Tarot Marketplace. You can find a ton of like-new used decks that can fit your budget. If all you can afford are mass market decks, that’s okay too! As long as we are not giving these art thieves money, they won’t stay in an industry where they make no profit.
The bottom line is that if you want creators to continue making these gorgeous decks, then you need to support them when you can and not the people actively scamming tarot readers.
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niobium-tarot · 2 years
I've embarked on a quest to make deck boxes for all my decks that don't have boxes, or came in plain white tuckboxes. It's been a learning process, but I have a few keepers now.
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kiloptell · 2 years
Rainy daze farm
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As well as negotiating with Sam, Eliza has to ensure her bosses don’t get too impatient and don’t endanger the hostages by acting too soon. Although Eliza is more on the outside, she isn’t treated as just window dressing and is given her own back story so we understand she is a human being too. While Eliza does a good job of getting under Sam’s skin, she is nowhere near as successful as the hostages who bond with Sam despite the circumstances. It takes a while for Sam to answer Eliza’s calls but when he eventually does answer the phone, Eliza has to use all her skills to keep him talking. Our last protagonist is Eliza, a police negotiator, whose job it is to build a rapport with Sam and to eventually talk him down enough to defuse the situation. Sam’s story is one of emotional cruelty and manipulation so it is hard to condemn him for what he had done in the end. Sam’s life changes after the death of his father and his mother’s growing reliance on Robert who she eventually marries. Once Sam begins to communicate, we are given his point of view and many chapters are dedicated to his experiences growing up with his parents on their farm. Sam seems distraught by his actions and the others attempt to draw his story out of him. They slowly learn his name is Sam and he is the stepson of Robert, the Tuckbox owner, who he has just shot. As the last one to open up, you know her revelations are going to come at a pivotal point in the story.Ībi, Neil and Mutesi are unusual hostages because once they get over their initial fear, they realise there is more going on with their captor than meets the eye. Mutesi remains secretive about her past until almost the end of the novel, however there are enough hints along the way for the reader to realise her story is a painful one. Brigitte and Emmanuel are eventually released but Mutesi stays to form the hostage trio with Abi and Neil. Mutesi was definitely my favourite character and you really believed her when she sys everything will be okay. Born in Rwanda, Mutesi experienced the horrors of the country’s genocide so she isn’t abut to let a guy with a rifle scare her. Mutesi, a care worker, has just finished her night shift and heads to the cafe to meet her daughter-in-law, Brigitte, and her grandson, Emmanuel, as is their habit before school starts. A compulsive gambler, Neil used to be a teacher until his habit got out of control and he lost his job as well as his family. Neil, a homeless man who sleeps on a church bench, likes to spend his mornings at the Tuckbox where he can have a warm cup of tea and a newspaper to read. Abi, a lawyer who is on her way to court to defend a young woman charged with abusing her baby, is preoccupied with the negative result she got from her latest pregnancy test and the fact she is hiding the news from her partner after their latest round of IVF. As most of the customers flee in panic, three of our main protagonists are trapped there. The characters all converge at the same time (except one) and end up being taken hostage when a young man has a row with the owner and ends up killing him with a rifle. The characters are intriguing in their own way and each of them has secrets which are slowly revealed at different paces.
The book begins by highlighting a series of different characters and it isn’t immediately obvious how they are connected until you reach the part where they are all heading to Tuckbox, a local cafe they frequent. The Secrets of Strangers is fast-paced from the start and continually confounds your expectations as you progress through the novel. Charity Norman is an auto-buy for me so I was really happy to see she had released a new book which I believe is her sixth.
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adamjoe123 · 3 years
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Die-cut style on custom tuck boxes is a wise tactic of catching the eyes of the prospects. It comes with a transparent film beneath the cuts in design to protect the product from environmental factors. It displays the product in a unique way through the design which boosts the actual item’s visibility. It sways the buying decision of the potential customer and also increases the confidence level for making the purchase. The Premier Packaging experts create creative designs for die-cut tuck packaging boxes to grab the attention of prospects. You can get the logo embossed on the packaging as it contributes to the overall appearance of the boxes. It makes the company unforgettable as the embossing option makes the logo prominent on the packaging.
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Custom Tuck Box is a box with flaps on both bottom and upper sides of the box which tuck into the box. There are two basic types of Tuck Boxes Custom Straiht Tuck Box and Custom Reverse Tuck Box. Each of them has its own Pros and cons.
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schmidtolla · 4 years
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Overcast today, probably because the #tuckbox was outside for two days in a row. #gopro #goproeverything #goprophotography #goproza #goprosa #viewbug #hubs_united #500px #shuttershock #aboutsouthafrica #shuttershockcontributors #shuttershockphotography #myrunthehockeyfarm #nomorevirtualrun #myrun #myrunsa #myrunza #hockeyfarm #localislekker #outinthebanks #wondermore #instagram_sa #igerssou https://www.instagram.com/p/CMtoSlalclq/?igshid=1g5oljraaejq8
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jaymoyano · 3 years
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@ghost_stories_playing_cards new FC. Designs project pre-launch page on kickstarter: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1934050955/ghost-stories-playing-cards Or use the link in my bio. #antiqueplayingcards #usplayingcardcompany #52plusjoker #card #cardback #joker #jokerinthepack #aceofspades #decks #cardcollection #carddesign #carddeck #deckofcards #playingcard #tuckbox #collecting #collection #collector #playing #poker #blackjack #gambling #cardgames #cardsofinstagram #love #instagood #beautiful #playingcardporn #playingcardphotography #playingcardstagram https://www.instagram.com/p/CYbJrj1Ibs7/?utm_medium=tumblr
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