#tucker friar
lovelyllamasblog · 2 years
Another continuation of EAH names, but this time, it's the children of Robin Hood's Merry Men.
Warning, puns abound. Enjoy!
First, Robin Hood and Maid Marian son's Sparrow Hood. You already know him so I'll skip the introduction and just drop his picture down below.
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Next the son of Little John, John Little, Jr. (also called "Johnny" or "Junior" by friends and family). Like his father, he's tall. Like, really tall. He's the same age as Sparrow, but is a few months older. He's been handling Sparrow's ego from a young age and is the only one who can really get him off of his high horse and back to the real world. He also acts as the band's roadie/manager.
Now we have a semi-familiar face, Tucker Friar (also called "Tuck" by his friends and family), the son of Friar Tuck. He was only mentioned in the books and is one of two Merry Men we see in the webisodes, but everyone has pretty much dubbed this one (pictured here) Tucker Friar. He's like John in that he can bring Sparrow down from one of his ego trips. He either plays the bass or guitar in Sparrow's band.
Now, the only other Merry Man we were shown in the webisodes, the one with green hair, I have dubbed as the son of Reynold Greenleaf, Ray Greenleaf. He either plays the bass or guitar in Sparrow's band.
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Another one you might recognize is the Orange Haired backgrounder. As previously stated, she could be the daughter of Alan-a-Dale or Will Scarlet. As Alanna Dale, she could be a skilled musician, like her father, with a harp or a lute. If she is Wilma Scarlet, she could not only be a skilled musician, but also a skilled swordsman, like her father. The two could often be mistaken for each other, even among the Merry Men, because they have the same hair color.
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Next, we have the daughter of George-a-Greene, Georgia Greene. She has a lot of animals that are actually strays or lost pets that her family keeps impounded on their family property. She is also a great watchman like her father, keeping watch over their family property and Sherwood Forest.
Now, the child of Gamble Gold, Gable Gold. Like all the other Merry Men, they are skilled in combat, like archery, swords, and quarter staff.
Much the Miller's Son has a son of his own, Michael Miller. Not only can he mill, but he can also use a bow and arrow and is very skilled with a knife as well.
Gilbert Whitehand (or Gilbert with the White Hand) has a son named Robert Whitehand. Like his father, and the rest of the Merry Men, he is skilled in archery and swordsmanship.
Swaney the Scot's son is named Wayne Scot. Like the rest of the Merry Men, he is skilled in archery, swords, horseback riding, and has other skills that a Merry Man would need.
Will Stutely has a son named Bill Stutely. He has the skills a Merry Man would need, but he is also a spy for Robin Hood, gathering information on the Sheriff and his plans.
David of Doncaster's son is named Daniel Doncaster. He has the skills of a Merry Man, but he can also use a quarter staff and is a skilled wrestler as well. As such, he's a bit larger than the average man.
Lastly, we have Arthur a Bland's son, Archer Bland. Despite his name, Archer is a skilled tanner and fighter, along with the other Merry Men. He grew up together with Sparrow and the other Merry Men's children.
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froggywentaprincin · 25 days
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oldshowbiz · 1 year
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Sophie Tucker was one of the first women ever allowed at a Friars Club Roast.
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eahtheramblings · 3 months
An unedited chapter from the fic i keep procrastinating
Dorms, Besties, and Destiny's Oh My!
The first day that students spend at Ever After High is dedicated to getting rooms set up, clubs started, and schedules handed out. There are three main areas that are crowded during this time. The first is the dorm halls. These usually get the busiest during the early afternoon while families help students set up their dorm rooms. The next is the Grimmnasium, which is where clubs will set up tables and attempt to get new members, usually with candy and posters made by their most artistic members. This will be full during the later afternoon, as students finish their dorm decorating and their lunches will head to check out the latest clubs and see friends. Finally, the last crowded area is the Castleteria. This is where both dorm keys and schedules are handed out, and is busy during the entirety of the day, as it will often be open for its above purposes in the morning, change into an eating area for lunch, turn back to a welcoming area in the afternoon for late comers and those whose kingdoms are far, and then back to its intended use for dinner. It is this crowded room that Apple found herself in. 
At the very front of the Castleteria was a table sitting the four advisors. Madam Baba Yaga who advises the villains, Mrs. Her Majesty, The White Queen, who advised the damsels, Dr. King Charming, who advised future heroes, and Coach Gingerbreadman, who advised practically everyone else. On the right of the table the royal advisors sat, while the other two sat on the left. Four lines lead to the table because of this. In the very middle of the group was the Headmaster, Milton Grimm. Headmaster Grimm looked like an aging man, although it was a well known fact that he was possibly the oldest person alive in ever after. He took turns welcoming students from all lines and helping answer questions from students and parents. Apple thought it was royally fairest that the Headmaster took the time to introduce himself to all the students despite his busy schedule. On Apple's list of rulers to look to for inspiration, Headmaster Grimm tied for first place with her parents. 
“Oh dear, and here I meant to come early to miss the line!” a clear voice spoke behind Apple. She turned around to see another friend of hers Ashlynn Ella, the daughter of Cinderella. Ashlynn was a tan girl, with strawberry blond hair and a smattering of freckles. 
“Ashe!” Apple exclaimed, pulling her into a hug. “How was your woodland conservation camp? It was so hard not being able to text you all summer, but I know you were really excited to go help with the animals in the enchanted forest.” 
“It was wonderful, we planted so many new trees and cleaned up forest paths, I even got to help a baby unicorn find its mother after they were separated! But it is good to be back at school with you guys.” Ashlynn answered, pulling up photos on her phone to show Apple while they waited in line. They discussed their summers until a high pitched voice carried across the room. 
“Hello Ever After High, and welcome back to the first episode of Just Right! For the school year. I’m your host Blondie Lockes and today we’re going to get the scoop on the second year students hexcitement for legacy year! Why don’t we start over here with you, Sparrow Hood?” 
Blondie bounced up to the line for Coach gingerbread, floating like a bubble of golden curls and periwinkle fabric. Sparrow and his merry men were lazily waiting in line, leaning on tables, chairs, and each other while they waited for their schedules. Blondie's question seemed to peak their interest. 
One of the members named Tucker, the son of friar tuck, leaned into the microphone, “Well of course we’re hexcited for legacy year, it’s the first step towards the future, and also-” 
“It's the first time the merry men are performing for the after partay! Get our album on Spellify now because you will want to know all the lyrics to sing along!” Sparrow finished, accentuating his speech with loud strums of his guitar. 
Blondie covered one ear with a finger, her right eye squinting. “Well that was one answer to the question. Let's keep moving shall we? Oo! How about we hear from two of the most anticipated Princesses this year! Apple White, Ashlynn Ella! How are you two feeling about Legacy year?” 
Ashlynn stared at the microphone in front of her with what seemed to be slight anxiety. “I am … very happy that it’s finally Legacy year. This year is a time for us to grow, as… people.”
Apple watched as Ashlynn trailed off. Poor Ashe! Apple knew she could get nervous when put on the spot like this, especially when so many people were around. She had once told Apple that she spends so much time in the woods that animals can be easier to talk to than people. Apple straightened her back and swooped in to help her friend. “It’s also a time for us to prove our dedication to our families, stories, and future kingdoms. The more effort we put into our studies and practices this year the better our futures and the future of Ever After will be! As royal student council body president I call on everyone to join me in doing our best to make this Legacy year Spelltacular!” Apple cheered, her infectious joy and brilliant smile causing the surrounding students and parents to get riled up with uplifting pride. Blondie agreed with Apple before moving to interview some of the other students when the line moved forward. As Apple and Ashlynn turned back around to move with the line, Apple saw that the Headmaster had been smiling joyfully at her while she was being interviewed. She smiled back. 
“Thanks Apple, i’m … not fairy good at public speaking yet” Ashlynn sighed, rubbing her neck as she watched  Blondie interview one of the little pigs. Apple rubbed her arm soothingly. 
“It’s ok! I’m always happy to help you out, your one of my BFFA’s! Besides, we'll be practicing speeches in Princessology and Kingdom management so you have plenty of opportunities to grow your public speaking skills this year, like you said.” The blonde replied cheerily. Ashlynn seemed to relax a bit at that. Apple made a note to ask Blondie to do less spontaneous interviews with Ashlynn. Blondie was another close friend of both princesses so she knew she meant well, but sometimes her enthusiasm for reporting could get in the way of her social skills. 
The line eventually moved enough that Apple and Ashlynn were at the table. Mrs. Her Majesty The White Queen smiled when they approached and started searching through the files in front of her to find their dorm keys. “Sorry girls, I meant to have everything prepared this morning but how can one prepare when pears aren't premade? Give me a few ticks to find your keys” 
Apple and Ashlynn both smiled and nodded at this explanation. None of the princesses at ever after high quite understood what their advisor was saying all of the time but Apple was certain that the White Queen was a fairy wise ruler in wonderland logic. 
“Both of you had very moving things to say about Legacy year. I am glad to see that the next generation of rulers are taking their futures with such genuine commitment.” Headmaster Grimm turned to Apple and Ashlynn, his smile warm and eyes crinkled. 
Apple returned the smile “Of course! There's a lot of expectations to meet, so it’s important that we try our hardest to fulfill them.” 
“I am quite happy you believe so as well Ms. White.” The headmaster responded. 
“Aha! Keys of two have been supplied, but plans of boarding might subside! Here are your keys girls. Ashlynn you have the same key as Briar Beauty, she came earlier to set up her room. Apple I am not sure who your roommate is as no other princess or fruit have had the same dorm number.” The white queen said as she handed off their keys. 
“Oh dear, I know you and Briar were hoping to room together this year, do you want to switch dorms?” Ashlynn asked as they walked away, holding out her key to Apple. Apple gently pushed it back towards her, shaking her head slightly. 
“No, I was planning on it earlier in the summer but since then things have changed and I’ve been asked to room with another student that may need my help during the school year. Briar already knows, so you shouldn’t worry about it. Besides she’ll be hexcited to room with you, especially since you can help her pair her shoes with her outfits better than I can.” 
Ashlynn laughed at that “Well, that's good to know, I was worried for a second there. Do you know who you're rooming with then?” 
Apple nodded, but before she could explain to her friend why she gave up a room with her BFFA to room with her story book villain Briar Beauty bounced down the stairs on high stilettos towards them. 
“Apple, Ashlynn! Finally, I was getting so bored waiting for you two! Apple, your skirt is spelltacular, where did you get it? Have you two seen the new chairs put into the science and sorcery room? They are going to be so much more comfortable than the old ones. Oh I missed you guys!”
The two princesses giggled at their friends' rapid fire questions. Briar was known for talking fast sometimes when she got passionate about something, and she was most definitely passionate about her friendships, something Apple found most admirable. “I missed you too! We just got our dorm keys so we haven’t seen the new chairs. My skirts actually one of my mothers old skirts with some upgrades.” Apple responded, walking quicker to keep up with her tall friend. As they passed other students struggling with their trunks, Apple felt thankful that she was able to have her trunks taken upstairs ahead of her by some very friendly dwarves. It seemed Ashlynn had done something similar as once the three princesses opened the door to Ashlynn and Briars' dorm a flock of birds flew in from the window carrying her things. 
“Lucky! I had to get my little brothers to help me move in and they would not stop trying to steal my jewelry to play pirates” briar whined, moving further into the space. “We should get your side set up ASAP so you can help me get the book to school party together.”
“Well I'll let you two get settled in” Apple smiled, giving Briar one more hug before leaving the room. “Tell me if you need help with the party!”
“”We definitely will” Briar called back. “Good luck!”
Ashlynn watched as her friend walked away towards her own dorm further down the hall. It felt off to her that Apple would give up a guaranteed room with briar this year. She did tell Ashlynn that she was rooming with a student who might need her help this year, but Ashlynn was unsure of who it could be. Maybe a new princess who transferred in this year? It was rare but some students could spend their first year at a different school before Legacy year, so it was a likely explanation. But… 
“Hey Briar? Why did you tell Apple ‘good luck’?” 
Briar dropped a pair of Ashlynn's shoes she was holding and grabbed her by the shoulders. “She didn’t tell you? Grimms super worried about another Evil Queen scenario happening. She’s rooming with Raven Queen this year!”
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storm warning
Helgrim sniffled. Took out a hankerchief and pretended to blow his nose.
"I'm so proud!"
"Sweet merciful Halone. Leave my presence." Brucemont ordered, and then rolled his eyes as the highlander gestured at the training grounds.
"Look at him! One day he was just a little stripling! And now he's all big and grown up with his very own hatchling to roast!" Snickering could now be heard from the other members of the primary officer core. Helgrim sniffed again.
"They grow up so fast."
"I have to admit, Sauveterre sure knows how to find them." Therese, the House Hallienarte Knight- Dragoon captain admitted. "For her size and height, that Roegadyn can move quick when she wants to. Blew through the rooftop course without breaking a sweat! And she's been one of the top students in the endurance training too!"
"I think Sauveterre needling her is providing motivation." Helgrim cackled, putting away the hankerchief. "You should have seen them at Whitebrim! 'Push 'til I get tired, Squire Gohtawyn!' The look on her face!"
"On the more serious side, it wouldn't hurt to maybe set up some sort of training curriculum with Limsa." Brucemont mused thoughtfully. He crossed his arms. "She has a pirate background, but sailors working a ship's rigging and sails need to be fast and nimble. And some of the best of us stumble during certain points of the Eorzean Ninja Warrior course during Moonfire."
"You're thinking maybe more agility training then?" Therese asked. She tilted her head, putting a finger to her chin. "Wouldn't hurt, especially if we added it in as a pre-requirement to both the outsider hopefuls and our people. That way the ones who do pass and get admitted to the basic training pool have less to learn in that category." Her eyes widened as a thought occurred to her.
"That reminds me, how did the meeting with the Parliament go?" Brucemont sighed, shaking his head.
"Not good. But not bad, either."
"Is that man..." Helgrim started, then swore violently as Brucemont nodded.
"He's saying all the right things to keep the traditionalists stirred up, but there's enough voices to keep him from blocking the measures and money that we need." The elezen twisted his neck from side to side, trying to break the tension that was slowly tightening his muscles. The man in question was Ghislain Naegelen, a wealthy merchant in the House of Lords. He was the current darling of Ishgard's hardliner traditionalists.
He was also the younger brother of Yvan Naegelen, a dragoon that had not only turned traitor during the attempted coup by the Brothers of the True Faith, but had murdered his former student Louis Bernard for not siding with the Church. Yvan had not only been tried and found guilty, but Louis's lover had invoked the right of Saint Renette, an Ishgardian law which permitted one to avenge their beloved's death. Yvan had also been sentenced to damnation mémoire, which meant his knighthood had been stripped and all his deeds expunged from Ishgardian history.
Brucemont knew there were still people who thought he'd gone too far. That he should have allowed Aymeric to show mercy. But Louis's mother had died the day after her son had been buried--her cold corpse found atop the freshly-turned dirt of his grave. Heartbreak, plain and simple.
Brucemont had found he'd been bled dry of any mercy to give.
He's becoming more troublesome. Bastion whispered in the back of his mind. Vexing in the way that draws darker attentions.
If he steps out of line, he'll be put back in place. Brucemont thought. Besides. He can only do so much. The Knights-Dragoon were still a needed presence in not only Ishgard but Corethas on the whole. Forcing the thought of Ghislain out of his head, Brucemont turned to the other dragoons.
"What's this bullshite I heard about Friar Tucker getting called in to meditate the betting pool over Reinhardt and his hatchling?" He demanded, putting his hand on his hips. Immediately several pairs of fingers pointed at Therese, who swore.
"You are not pinning this on me! The lot of you are the ones who started adding in crazier outcomes!"
"We're not the ones who got the groun--I mean the Temple Knights involved." Helgrim added.
"That was Purehart, not me! And I think he's the only Temple Knight who threw in!"
"No, Lucia somehow fucking found out and told Ystrid Frostborne." Helgrim countered, naming a well-known Temple Knight commander. "And then Ser Aymeric apparently got in on it--" Brucemont facepalmed.
Maybe a night to call your gunbreaker? Bastion teased.
Shut up.
(@saesama 's Klynt)
Also I pull from a event that happened in my HW dragoon fanfic, Unorthodox. Chapters 26-28.
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pcstan · 2 years
Ttok a lil break from my bigger Shelly piece to indulge in some high school au shit 😼
Here's the cast for south parks Romeo and Juliet!
Stan Marsh as Romeo Montague
Tolkien Black as Juliet Capulet
Kyle Broflovski as Benvolio
Kenny Mccormick as Mercutio
Wendy Testaburger as Rosaline
Craig Tucker as Tybalt
Tweek Tweak as the Nurse
Clyde Donovan as Paris
Scott Malkinson as the Friar
Butters Stotch as Prince Escalus
And Eric Cartman as the Narrator/Shakespeare
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nothirtysix · 2 years
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hehehehehehe 🌈✨
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asselinssatan · 3 years
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fluesterscherben · 3 years
I always found it weird that in Ever After High they gave Frair Tuck a son. Like, he’s a monk? Vow of chastity? He could still have kids, of course, not being allowed to has never stopped anyone from doing anything, but I don’t think he would. He fully believed in the actual values of christianity after all, wasn’t even against the church and it’s values itself,only hated that they were hypocrites who preached about one thing and then did the absolute opposite. I think I even remember a story in which he stated that he detested the abbot of the monastry he was a part of for a number of reasons, one of them being that he broke his vow of chastity. But I could be wrong, of course.
So Tucker’s existence makes no sense to me. 
Unless of course he isn’t Friar Tuck’s biological son, but would there be adoption in a world where your destiny is controlled by your bloodline? Or maybe just a young monk who will follow in his footsteps. But then why is he going to high school and is part of a rock band? 
It just makes absolutely no sense.
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mctteldolls · 3 years
open to all
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Tucker was at his friend’s house for some band practice for the evening, but the group had finished and were all relaxing in the living room. Chatting about their next gig and drinking the group were having fun. Which was soon interrupted by the host’s sibling, a chuckle fell from his lips as he saw them enter the room. “You’re not really good at being incognito are you?” He raised a brow taking a sip from his drink. 
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froggywentaprincin · 25 days
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newyorkthegoldenage · 4 years
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Sophie Tucker, Milton Berle, and Frank Sinatra at a Friar's Club tribute, 1953.
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0dde11eth · 2 years
Lambert, bored, with a pair of scissors.
He cuts everyone's hair in their sleep. Geralt gets a bowl cut. Eskel gets the emo bangs. Jaskier gets a Mohawk.
Lamberts about to cut off papa vesemirs mustache when he opens his eyes.
It's the only time Lamberts ever really felt fear.
Don't worry, the guys all get their revenge the first winter Lambert brings Aiden.
Lambert gets the friar tucker all winter
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courtanie · 7 years
I just want robin hood Kenny
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nothirtysix · 2 years
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feline17ff · 2 years
Sparrow Hood and the Fox Adaptation
By @the-lavender-creator, @thelivingmemegod and @feline17ff
Summary: Sparrow and his Merry Men watch Disney's animated adaptation of the Robin Hood tale.
AO3 link
There aren't really names for the Merry Men kids in EAH canon that we know of, so we made some up! Tucker: son of Friar Tuck Johnson: son of Little John Wilson Scarlett: son of Will Scarlett Much II: son of Much the Miller's Son We used this website as reference for who the Merry Men are in the first place, and as a basis for those characters.
Sparrow downs a soda while one of his Merry Men puts a DVD into a TV they snuck into their hideout. Apparently, it was something Maddie Hatter had given one of his men. Sparrow was already preparing for it to be really bad when he saw the cover art, depicting a fox in his dad’s iconic outfit. He’s not expecting much at all.
His expectations were dropped further when the movie started with a chicken doing the narrating, and then King John was introduced as a maneless lion. “So, I’m guessing none of the characters in this are human? Place your bets for who everyone’ll be! I’m guessing Maid Marian will be a chicken or kangaroo or something.” As soon as he finished that thought, Maid Marian showed up on screen in the form of a fox as well. One of the Merry Men shakes his head, “That doesn’t fit her character role at all.” “Did they make her a fox like Robin Hood because they wanted them to date and didn’t want, like, cross-species romance or something? Just take the romance out, it’s not that important anyways!” Sparrow scoffs.
Once the introduction ends, the group all sings along to the Robin Hood and Little John song. That’s been passed down through the Hood family, but this generation tends to prefer their rock rendition of the song. Oh well- they still know the original version by heart.
Shortly after the song starts, they actually start enjoying the movie! It’s stupid and it has stunts that could only be performed in cartoons- but it’s funny!
Sparrow even sheds a tear when King John starts sucking his thumb in the mud! There’s a lot of this, the Merry Men almost drowning out the movie in their laughter. Though a warm sense of nostalgia still hits Sparrow. This is exactly how his dad would tell it, though with more humans and less cartoon logic, but he’s not admitting that. After a few minutes of Robin and Little John hanging out and doing their thing, one of his Merry Men looks over at him. “I don’t think any of our other parents are gonna be in this.” All of the Merry Men- with the exception of Johnson, son of Little John, and Tucker, son of Friar Tuck- nod in unison. “That sucks. They can’t just cut out most of the Merry Men, they’re a big part of the story! Plus, I wanted to see what animals they’d be,” that’s always been Sparrow's biggest gripe with most retellings, the lack of Merry Men! He doesn’t get why they almost always cut his bros from the story. He doesn’t really care about how accurate it is beyond that.
"Hey, Friar Tuck's in this!” Tucker beams, as soon as he sees the interpretation of his dad. They continue watching and see him help out an injured blacksmith, making him smile even more. “And he’s a great guy, just like my old man!” Then they see him dig both his and the blacksmith’s graves when he made him walk with coins in his cast, making them jangle and alerting the sheriff. His friends looked at him as the blacksmith jangled forward. Tucker pinched the bridge of his nose, “My dad would never be that careless, you guys.” “We never said that was your dad.” Tucker thought for a moment until it clicked, “Hey! I’m not that careless!” “Oh yeah? What about the time you stole one of Briar’s necklaces to give to Ashlynn because you didn’t know she isn’t poor, and then found out that the necklace was a gift from Ash in the first place?” “How was I supposed to know that?! You would’ve made the same mistake!” “Uh, no. The necklace’s pendant had the words ‘to my best friend Briar, love Ashlynn’ engraved on it.” “‘The necklace’s pendant had the words nah nah nah’,” He grumbled, mockingly. “Just play the hexing movie!” He pouted and sat back down. “And that’s not even counting that Ashlynn is one of the most famous princesses at Ever After,” but his voice drowned out as Tucker increased the volume.
They continued watching and Tucker almost shouted, "What the hex? Did- did the Sheriff just steal a little kid's birthday gift? What the hex- what the hex," his voice slowly turning into a whisper as he kept on repeating himself. “No wonder our parents did what they did…”
The archery contest comes on and Sparrow starts complaining about how lovey-dovey Marian and Robin are. Is it because he’s aromantic, or because this is exactly how his parents are? Probably a mix of both. He spends most of the fight scene swinging between cheering on the characters kicking butt, and rolling his eyes at the romance. The merry men all agree though, that Klucky and Little John are the MVPs of the fight.
Afterward, they all get ‘The phony king of England’ thoroughly stuck in their heads during the party scene, and sing it going into the scene of Prince John raising all the taxes even more, and the despair that follows. Sparrow’s heard this story probably more times than he could even count, so he ends up telling them what happens. After a bit, Johnson asks, "They're- they're really going all out with the 'rich vs poor' idea, huh?" as they watch baby rabbits being chained up in jail, followed by the injured blacksmith's other leg being in a ball and chain, rendering him entirely unable to walk. "Yeah, they really went all out," Sparrow gulped.
The belly bump fight between the Sheriff and Friar Tuck before his arrest did garner a ridiculous amount of light laughs from the boys "What in Ever After," they said between giggles.
Sparrow didn't hide his intrigue when fox Robin started ziplining the bags of gold out of the tower, "That's smart," he said. But he retracted his statement when he painfully watched Robin try to get the last two bags of gold, "That's so dumb! He’s practically trying to wake the prince up! My dad would never do that." “Yeah, but you probably would if you got to keep it for yourself.” “Hey!” Sparrow rolls his eyes at his traitorous friend, but follows it up by laughing at his own expense.
Everyone watched the climax intensely. Of course Robin Hood would win, and of course Little John and Friar Tuck would make it out alive, but knowing that didn't make it any less exciting! They rooted for the good guys, they booed the king and his posse, and there was even a string of "Aww"s when the rabbit cutely thought he had hit a baddie but it was actually Robin Hood.
They were so engrossed that Much (the Second)'s "Wait a splinter!" made Tucker fall off the bean bag chair he was lounging on. "What the hex, Much!?" "Doesn't the snake have hypnosis powers?" They took a second to recall it then murmured in agreement. "Why isn't he using that anywhere? What was the point of telling us that but not using it in the movie?" There was silence, then Wilson Scarlett finally said, "No clue," and pressed play.
None of them pay too much mind to the wedding scene at the end, and they end up delving into the plans used in the movie and what they’d change… well- Johnson and the other Merry Men do, Sparrow is just kinda going with it all. The only thing he’d really like changed is the overabundance of romance and the unfunny violence.
Once they’ve gotten sick of talking about the movie, Tucker goes to return the DVD to Maddie while Sparrow and the rest of the Merry Men set up for band practice.
Come at me @stone-cold-style
[Puss in Boots voice] If you dare.
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