#tuko news
letuko · 1 year
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A reference sheet in case I ever end up in someone else's world.
I am Tuko, my kind is very intelligent, does not have a name yet, and what I am exactly depends on the world. My hands come to a sharp point, have three fingers, aren't connected to my body and how I control them also depends on the world; in Undertale based worlds, I control them with magic, in Rain World based worlds I control them with radio waves, ect.
The material my axe is made of is also largely dependant on the world, however, usually it is some creature's bone. Much of my kind's story also changes with the world, and there is not much consistency here.
Link to Rain World designs:
Enot (Will change a lot once I get better at drawing.)
Links to info:
Basic Biology
Pfp by the amazing @dustballdrawsartwork !
Other blogs:
@jeremy-void-god (the ask blog for a god of void)
@tukos-art-blog (where I post most of my art)
@mod-alpha (the blog for the mod of Dusty's @groupalpha ask blog)
I will edit this if there is anything else I need to add.
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egg04 · 7 months
What does ur name "Tuko" mean? I searched it up and all I got was like a news outlet
"Tuko! Tuko!" is the noise the Tokay gecko makes! :]] it's sometimes called the "Tuko" around parts of the Philippines
(wait after the first trill to hear it)
Also: Since we're already on the topic of my name, you all can call me Tuko, Tokay, Egg, Eggo, or even Gecko 👍👍
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purplesurveys · 24 days
When was the last time you admired some flowers? What kind/color were they? I don't know. I don't really...stop for things like this anymore; and it feels sad saying that out loud. In any case, I haven't admired flowers at least since May, when I was looking at the ones I bought my mom and grandma for Mother's Day.
Are you in the process of watching or re-watching a series at the moment? Just an early disclaimer - I watch whatever season I feel like watching at any given moment, but my answer to this would be Friends. I've also been meaning to rewatch Breaking Bad, but realistically I can't do that until the company shutdown in December. For now, I've contended with rewatching the Ozymandias-Granite State-Felina trio.
If so, how many seasons does it have? And what season are you currently on? Friends has 10 seasons; Breaking Bad, 5.
Has anyone you know gotten a new pet recently? Nope, don't think so!
How old were you 10 years ago? Who were your closest friends at that point? I was 16 - I was close with Gabie, Angela, and Sofie. To an extent Athenna because I was beside her everyday on the bus.
Do you still speak to any of them? Just Angela now. I last saw Sofie last year, but she's migrated to London and I'm positive that I'll probably never see her again.
Have you ever kissed someone of another race? Nope.
Are there any races you wouldn’t kiss? Uh, no.
What is your favorite thing about your best friend? I'm thankful that she's low maintenance. I've laid low the last two weeks because work has taken over my life; and she either has not disturbed me at all/taken it personally, or, if she does reach out, it's to do some sort of quick welfare check and to remind me that she is proud of me.
What do you mostly have in common with your best friend? We love BTS and Seventeen.
Do you like it when men shave their chests? If you are a guy, do you shave? Theoretically I prefer that they do, but that can always change.
What is your favourite kind of video game? Simulator games, lol.
When you’re visiting a site, do you still type “www.”? No.
What can you hear right now? A YouTube video. I can also hear a tuko somewhere within our ceiling walls, hahaha.
Do you think it’s okay for kids to have cellphones? Yeah, as long as the use is moderated and some sort of parental controls are toggled throughout. I've had a cellphone since I was 7 where it was mainly used for emergencies.
Do you watch anime? If so, what are some of your favourites? No, not as an interest. The only anime anythings I've liked are Pokemon, Your Name, and Grave of the Fireflies.
Do you have any siblings? If so which one of them do you get along with the best? I have. I only speak with and get along with my sister.
What’s your favorite TV show? And who’s your favorite character from it? Breaking Bad! Favorite would be Gus, with Mike and Skyler trailing not too far behind. I used to like Walter, then I got older.
Another favorite is Friends, with my favorite characters being Chandler and (unpopularly enough) Ross.
Have you violated any of the 10 Commandments? If so, what? Idk probably most of them at this point.
Do people think you look like either of your parents? Does that offend you? Yes. No.
Do you prefer regular bacon or turkey bacon? Regular. I've never had turkey bacon.
Do you think it’s weird when people talk to their pets like people? Not at all, that's what I also do like 90% of the time.
What is the last place, other than home, that you stayed overnight? The hotel we stayed at for my grandparents' renewal of vows. It was nice and cozy; it was obviously old but it didn't have that worn down feel to it like other old hotels would typically have – it just felt homey and the service was fantastic too.
What is the furthest you have traveled alone? Alone alone, it would have to be Bulacan. I haven't ventured all that far yet. As for a trip without family, I've been to Thailand with friends.
Have you ever dated someone simply for their looks? No.
Have you ever been drunk? Yeah.
What was the name of the main character in the last book you read? The author. It was an autobiographical self-help book.
What are three of your favorite toppings for salads? Seared tuna, eggs, chicken. Not necessarily in the same salad lol.
Do you prefer pizza or hot dogs? Pizza.
What is your favorite pizza topping? Idk if it counts as a topping, but barbecue sauce.
Is your dad a jerk? No.
Is anyone in your family currently in the military? Nope.
What is your favorite dog breed? I love all of them :)
Have you found any gray hairs on your head? They've popped up every now and then since I was 11.
Do you own a bikini? Several ones. They're what I prefer to have on when at the beach.
If you were a rockstar, what color guitar would you have? I'd love a pastel purple one.
Would you rather have a personal chef or personal house cleaner? I can't cook, but I'd still go with the house cleaner. Maintaining a house is much more tedious and I'd love if I can get help on that.
Do you have any zits on your face right now? YES I have a gross breakout right now. All over my left cheek and there's one above my lip too.
What are three of your favorite bakery items? Pain au chocolat, kouign amann, chocolate doughnut.
What are three creative hobbies you enjoy? I like writing, making bracelets (OK I've done this once, but it was a lot of fun and I'd 100% do it again if there's an occasion that calls for it), and doing by-number things like diamond painting.
What are three things you like about church? Nothing.
What was the last type of pie you ate? Good question. I'm stumped. I don't have pie very often; not really a common/popular food choice here.
Which book did you love when you were younger? I reread the Septimus Heap series multiple times.
Which book series could you read again? Twilight, haha. It's atrocious at many points, I know – but I can't help but have it continue to be one of my favorites.
Tell me about your first breakup, if you had one. It was barely a breakup. They just ignored me for three months straight until I confronted her and we ended it then and there...at least that's how I remember it; I've consciously wiped out nearly every memory of that person.
Which person would you chose to travel the world with? Angela and Hans, or my family. They're the only ones I've got.
Do you have (a) stuffed animal(s) sitting in your room? Which one(s)? Yeah I have a bunch of BT21 plushies in here.
Have you ever had to do a doubletake on someone ‘cuz they were so pretty? Sure.
Is your last ex currently in a relationship? Probably! I don't keep updated and have asked my friends not to tell me anything about her, but this is likely.
Who was the last female you were introduced to? Idk probably someone related to work.
Who was the last male you were introduced to? ^
Do you use a nightlight? No. I like it to be pitch black when I sleep.
What’s your opinion on border control? I can only speak for my own experience which is China imposing their own borders on our own seas and blatant bullying of our fishermen, in which my dominant sentiment is "Fuck off." I know this is a very nuanced topic, though, and that this can mean many different things in many different areas.
What are your favorite things to create? An archive of my life – aka this blog.
What’s something you prefer to keep private? My struggles.
Are you good at prioritizing? At work, yes.
If you’re not religious, were you ever? What made you lose faith? I was raised in the Catholic faith (disowned it when I was 10) + had a brief religious phase when I was 17 after the death of my grandfather (disowned it the second time when I was 18). I let go because all of the religious people I know are hypocrites and are discriminatory towards everyone and everything. It didn't make sense that for a religion that encourages acceptance and understanding, all their followers are so judgey about every damn thing.
What feeling do you have the most difficulty in expressing? Disappointment.
When was the last time you looked at your significant other/crush’s Facebook profile? Idk, I haven't had either in so long.
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groupalpha · 1 year
Hello, Stories! I am Tuko, and I believe that Beyond may have told you about me. I just wanted to pop by and say hello, as I don’t really have much to say.
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13ES: More voices?! Well isn't this quite the interesting turn.
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13ES: Beyond has mentioned to me about the new voices coming in through the messages, she says they are very kind. I suppose you are one of them.
Hello to you as well!
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egg04-id · 1 year
[PT: Intro /end PT]
I am new to creating image IDs/Image Descriptions, but I will do my best to add them to as many of my posts (on @egg04) as possible. Specifically for images I haven't added alt text to (yet) first, and then I'll go to posts I have added alt text to. I also sometimes add alt text posts I like from others.
The plan is, once I'm all caught up, I will have to use this blog less by already having proper image descriptions in my main blog's posts.
Please DM or send an ask to:
tell me about any of my image posts I haven't described that you want described
give me any ways I can improve my text descriptions.
submit your own image IDs if you want to and I'll give you full credit
Tag System:
ID From Alt Text? For Image descriptions from drawings that have alt text
Fanart and Original Art are self explanatory
Photos and egg04 irl (I.R.L.) are also self explanatory
Character Details? Tag used when the ID primarily focuses on describing physical attributes (hair, clothes, etc.) of the character in the drawing. This tag in particular is so that not every single drawing featuring the character has that description unless something new is added.
For Tuko to Edit? Is for descriptions where I'm not quite satisfied with the current outcome and will edit in the future.
Not My Art and Not My Posts? Self-explanatory.
Video ID? Description of video
Plain Text Transcription? Transcribing plain text to posts with bolded, italic, small, colored, etc. text (New, and still figuring out the system to doing this)
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tomorrowusa · 2 years
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A mural in Nairobi which is part of a triptych created by a team of six Kenyan and Ukrainian artists. 🇰����🇺🇦
The Kenyan news site Tuko reports:
Kenyan and Ukrainian artists worked together on a beautiful triptych mural that symbolises a beautiful partnership between the two countries 
According to one of the Ukrainian artists this wall project signifies the start of relations between the nations
This project dubbed Grains of Culture explores three themes: the colonial past and post-colonial roles, the collapse of empires, and national identity
Vladimir Putin views Ukraine as a colony which never should have become independent. In that respect, the invasion of Ukraine is an echo of some of the imperialist colonial wars of the 19th and 20th centuries.
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locria-writes · 11 months
the spin-off will never be quite like the original tho. val was... SOMETHING.
Also tangent but I've been reading a lot of Chinese webnovels and the term «wife-chasing crematorium» couldn't be more apt for val. It says something I just skimmed through the genre and thought of him lol
so true, anon, just look at val vs vezian lol.
and god, i love chinese neologisms so much, and that is a very apt description for majority of my trashmen (read: val, tuko, and new boy)
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rlim1908 · 19 days
Newly acquired for UP trust- for the media agnst. Whatever is in here- TUKO film productions inc./Soho Press Inc. (SOHO Crime)
newly acquired for UST & UP trust- Roel’s bookstore
UP trust- Rex bookstore
UST trust & Beda trust in the Philippines- Central bookstore (law & other academic & other books)
Nutella- UST trust
ACES aviation news & media/ACES aviation- UP trust
La Solidaridad- UP trust
- Jo Liza furniture- UST trust & Beda trust
Gourdo’s- Beda trust
Wilcon trust- Beda trust
Lowe’s - UP trust
Mango- UP trust
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gossipinfo · 2 months
"Beru Obirin ooooo"- Reactions As Lady Remarries After Her First Husband Was Arrested Over The Wedding Loans She Told Him To Collect
After divorcing her first husband, who was arrested for not repaying loans he took out to pay for his wedding, the lady finds love and gets married again. The news was disseminated online by the media outlet Tuko, who cited the Facebook page “Hot in Juba” as a source for their report. It was gathered that the lady known as Paleki. a journalist, had divorced her first husband, Garang John who is…
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ladyaislinn · 1 year
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“Creativity is contagious, pass it on. Albert Einstein
In the lucrative entertainment industry, only a few actors and actresses have managed to achieve what Rufus Sewell has. As one from a broken family and a deceased father to one of Hollywood's finest, his success story is inspiring. Rufus began his studies at Trafalgar Junior School. He later joined Orleans Park School and then West Thames College. While at the college, a drama teacher, Judi Dench, identified him and sent him to audition for drama school. He was enrolled at the Central School of Speech and Drama in London.
Rufus began his career in 1991. He made his debut in the film Twenty-One, acting as Bobby - a young drug-addicted man. He played the role impressively and attracted numerous roles. Today, Rufus Sewell movies and TV shows are popular in showbiz. tuko news
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0813-2920-0823 (NEW RELEASE), Minyak Wangi Buat Sholat Watulawang
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0813-2920-0823 (NEW RELEASE), Minyak Wangi Buat Sholat WatulawangLangsung ORDER KLIK WA http://wa.me/6281329200823 , Minyak Wangi Buat Sholat Watulawang, Minyak Wangi Buat Sholat Kamal Muara, Minyak Wangi Buat Sholat Randurejo, Minyak Wangi Buat Sholat Sembungharjo, Minyak Wangi Buat Sholat Tuko, Minyak Wangi Buat Sholat Cingkrong, Minyak Wangi Buat Sholat Danyang, Minyak Wangi Buat Sholat Genuksuran, Minyak Wangi Buat Sholat KalonganMinyak Wangi Buat Sholat � JAZZY OUD adalah varian aroma Oud dari GUT PARFUM yang sangat cocok sekali di gunakan sebagai Minyak Wangi Buat Sholat. JAZZY OUD diracik khusus dari aroma kayu oud disertai aroma oriental dari red apple lalu berakhir dengan sedikit aroma vanilla yang manis dan segar. Kami jual minyak wangi sholat ini ke seluruh Indonesia. Kami biasa mengirim parfum ini ke pelosok Indonesia dan bisa bayar ditempat.Kangen aroma saat di Masjidil Haram? Untuk menghadap Bos saja wangi apalagi menghadap Allah swt.Beli saja Minyak Wangi Buat Sholat JAZZY OUD GUT PARFUMGUT PARFUME INDONESIAJl. Jlamprang Krapyak Kidul Gg 2 No 10a Kota PekalonganNo Telp 0813�2920�0823OPEN AGEN -> CALL 0813�2920�0823PELUANG BISNIS GRATIS GABUNG GRUP WA KLIK (http://wa.me/6281329200823)KLIK (http://wa.me/6281329200823)KLIK (http://wa.me/6281329200823)#MinyakWangiBuatSholatWatulawang, #MinyakWangiBuatSholatKamalMuara, #MinyakWangiBuatSholatRandurejo, #MinyakWangiBuatSholatSembungharjo, #MinyakWangiBuatSholatTuko, #MinyakWangiBuatSholatCingkrong, #MinyakWangiBuatSholatDanyang, #MinyakWangiBuatSholatGenuksuran, #MinyakWangiBuatSholatKalongan
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groupalpha · 1 year
*Hmm . . . This is a new signal. Ah! The Amalgamation! I didn’t think you would have a receiver or transmitter, so this is quite the surprise.* Hello! I am Tuko, although you probably see me as LeTuko. Are you hurt? I would be more surprised if you weren’t with that landing*.
(*slugcats are friendly with his kind, as shown in the last ask, and he hasn’t completed the camera thing yet. Also, don’t forget that you can ignore asks if they go against planned lore or don’t feel right somehow.)
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The Amalgamation looks a little confused as the overseer shows them an image of the ask sent above. They pause for a few seconds.
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they look towards their leg, shaking some of the debris off, shaking it a few times, and looks at the rest of theirself, shaking their tail especially to get excess debris off.
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They shake their head no, and try to make a sound that resembles no. The overseer decides to send a message if the noise wasn't heard or understood.
No, they aren't hurt. Maybe a few scratches, but they seem overall okay.
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parfumpriakalem · 2 years
0813-2920-0823 (NEW RELEASE), Minyak Wangi Buat Sholat Kemurang Wetan
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0813-2920-0823 (NEW RELEASE), Minyak Wangi Buat Sholat Kemurang WetanLangsung ORDER KLIK WA http://wa.me/6281329200823 , Minyak Wangi Buat Sholat Kemurang Wetan, Minyak Wangi Buat Sholat Kamal Muara, Minyak Wangi Buat Sholat Randurejo, Minyak Wangi Buat Sholat Sembungharjo, Minyak Wangi Buat Sholat Tuko, Minyak Wangi Buat Sholat Cingkrong, Minyak Wangi Buat Sholat Danyang, Minyak Wangi Buat Sholat Genuksuran, Minyak Wangi Buat Sholat KalonganMinyak Wangi Buat Sholat � JAZZY OUD adalah varian aroma Oud dari GUT PARFUM yang sangat cocok sekali di gunakan sebagai Minyak Wangi Buat Sholat. JAZZY OUD diracik khusus dari aroma kayu oud disertai aroma oriental dari red apple lalu berakhir dengan sedikit aroma vanilla yang manis dan segar. Kami jual minyak wangi sholat ini ke seluruh Indonesia. Kami biasa mengirim parfum ini ke pelosok Indonesia dan bisa bayar ditempat.Kangen aroma saat di Masjidil Haram? Untuk menghadap Bos saja wangi apalagi menghadap Allah swt.Beli saja Minyak Wangi Buat Sholat JAZZY OUD GUT PARFUMGUT PARFUME INDONESIAJl. Jlamprang Krapyak Kidul Gg 2 No 10a Kota PekalonganNo Telp 0813�2920�0823OPEN AGEN -> CALL 0813�2920�0823PELUANG BISNIS GRATIS GABUNG GRUP WA KLIK (http://wa.me/6281329200823)KLIK (http://wa.me/6281329200823)KLIK (http://wa.me/6281329200823)#MinyakWangiBuatSholatKemurangWetan, #MinyakWangiBuatSholatKamalMuara, #MinyakWangiBuatSholatRandurejo, #MinyakWangiBuatSholatSembungharjo, #MinyakWangiBuatSholatTuko, #MinyakWangiBuatSholatCingkrong, #MinyakWangiBuatSholatDanyang, #MinyakWangiBuatSholatGenuksuran, #MinyakWangiBuatSholatKalongan
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oceanparfumelegant · 2 years
0813-2920-0823 (NEW RELEASE), Minyak Wangi Buat Sholat Tuko
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0813-2920-0823 (NEW RELEASE), Minyak Wangi Buat Sholat TukoLangsung ORDER KLIK WA http://wa.me/6281329200823 , Minyak Wangi Buat Sholat Tuko, Minyak Wangi Buat Sholat Garawangi, Minyak Wangi Buat Sholat Panyingkiran Lor, Minyak Wangi Buat Sholat Amis, Minyak Wangi Buat Sholat Cikedung, Minyak Wangi Buat Sholat Cikedung Lor, Minyak Wangi Buat Sholat Jambak, Minyak Wangi Buat Sholat Jatisura, Minyak Wangi Buat Sholat LoyangMinyak Wangi Buat Sholat � JAZZY OUD adalah varian aroma Oud dari GUT PARFUM yang sangat cocok sekali di gunakan sebagai Minyak Wangi Buat Sholat. JAZZY OUD diracik khusus dari aroma kayu oud disertai aroma oriental dari red apple lalu berakhir dengan sedikit aroma vanilla yang manis dan segar. Kami jual minyak wangi sholat ini ke seluruh Indonesia. Kami biasa mengirim parfum ini ke pelosok Indonesia dan bisa bayar ditempat.Kangen aroma saat di Masjidil Haram? Untuk menghadap Bos saja wangi apalagi menghadap Allah swt.Beli saja Minyak Wangi Buat Sholat JAZZY OUD GUT PARFUMGUT PARFUME INDONESIAJl. Jlamprang Krapyak Kidul Gg 2 No 10a Kota PekalonganNo Telp 0813�2920�0823OPEN AGEN -> CALL 0813�2920�0823PELUANG BISNIS GRATIS GABUNG GRUP WA KLIK (http://wa.me/6281329200823)KLIK (http://wa.me/6281329200823)KLIK (http://wa.me/6281329200823)#MinyakWangiBuatSholatTuko, #MinyakWangiBuatSholatGarawangi, #MinyakWangiBuatSholatPanyingkiranLor, #MinyakWangiBuatSholatAmis, #MinyakWangiBuatSholatCikedung, #MinyakWangiBuatSholatCikedungLor, #MinyakWangiBuatSholatJambak, #MinyakWangiBuatSholatJatisura, #MinyakWangiBuatSholatLoyang
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beliparfumpria · 2 years
0813-2920-0823 (NEW RELEASE), Minyak Wangi Buat Sholat Gumiwang
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0813-2920-0823 (NEW RELEASE), Minyak Wangi Buat Sholat GumiwangLangsung ORDER KLIK WA http://wa.me/6281329200823 , Minyak Wangi Buat Sholat Gumiwang, Minyak Wangi Buat Sholat Kamal Muara, Minyak Wangi Buat Sholat Randurejo, Minyak Wangi Buat Sholat Sembungharjo, Minyak Wangi Buat Sholat Tuko, Minyak Wangi Buat Sholat Cingkrong, Minyak Wangi Buat Sholat Danyang, Minyak Wangi Buat Sholat Genuksuran, Minyak Wangi Buat Sholat KalonganMinyak Wangi Buat Sholat � JAZZY OUD adalah varian aroma Oud dari GUT PARFUM yang sangat cocok sekali di gunakan sebagai Minyak Wangi Buat Sholat. JAZZY OUD diracik khusus dari aroma kayu oud disertai aroma oriental dari red apple lalu berakhir dengan sedikit aroma vanilla yang manis dan segar. Kami jual minyak wangi sholat ini ke seluruh Indonesia. Kami biasa mengirim parfum ini ke pelosok Indonesia dan bisa bayar ditempat.Kangen aroma saat di Masjidil Haram? Untuk menghadap Bos saja wangi apalagi menghadap Allah swt.Beli saja Minyak Wangi Buat Sholat JAZZY OUD GUT PARFUMGUT PARFUME INDONESIAJl. Jlamprang Krapyak Kidul Gg 2 No 10a Kota PekalonganNo Telp 0813�2920�0823OPEN AGEN -> CALL 0813�2920�0823PELUANG BISNIS GRATIS GABUNG GRUP WA KLIK (http://wa.me/6281329200823)KLIK (http://wa.me/6281329200823)KLIK (http://wa.me/6281329200823)#MinyakWangiBuatSholatGumiwang, #MinyakWangiBuatSholatKamalMuara, #MinyakWangiBuatSholatRandurejo, #MinyakWangiBuatSholatSembungharjo, #MinyakWangiBuatSholatTuko, #MinyakWangiBuatSholatCingkrong, #MinyakWangiBuatSholatDanyang, #MinyakWangiBuatSholatGenuksuran, #MinyakWangiBuatSholatKalongan
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parfumpriatahanlama · 2 years
0813-2920-0823 (NEW RELEASE), Minyak Wangi Buat Sholat Tambakdahan
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0813-2920-0823 (NEW RELEASE), Minyak Wangi Buat Sholat TambakdahanLangsung ORDER KLIK WA http://wa.me/6281329200823 , Minyak Wangi Buat Sholat Tambakdahan, Minyak Wangi Buat Sholat Kamal Muara, Minyak Wangi Buat Sholat Randurejo, Minyak Wangi Buat Sholat Sembungharjo, Minyak Wangi Buat Sholat Tuko, Minyak Wangi Buat Sholat Cingkrong, Minyak Wangi Buat Sholat Danyang, Minyak Wangi Buat Sholat Genuksuran, Minyak Wangi Buat Sholat KalonganMinyak Wangi Buat Sholat � JAZZY OUD adalah varian aroma Oud dari GUT PARFUM yang sangat cocok sekali di gunakan sebagai Minyak Wangi Buat Sholat. JAZZY OUD diracik khusus dari aroma kayu oud disertai aroma oriental dari red apple lalu berakhir dengan sedikit aroma vanilla yang manis dan segar. Kami jual minyak wangi sholat ini ke seluruh Indonesia. Kami biasa mengirim parfum ini ke pelosok Indonesia dan bisa bayar ditempat.Kangen aroma saat di Masjidil Haram? Untuk menghadap Bos saja wangi apalagi menghadap Allah swt.Beli saja Minyak Wangi Buat Sholat JAZZY OUD GUT PARFUMGUT PARFUME INDONESIAJl. Jlamprang Krapyak Kidul Gg 2 No 10a Kota PekalonganNo Telp 0813�2920�0823OPEN AGEN -> CALL 0813�2920�0823PELUANG BISNIS GRATIS GABUNG GRUP WA KLIK (http://wa.me/6281329200823)KLIK (http://wa.me/6281329200823)KLIK (http://wa.me/6281329200823)#MinyakWangiBuatSholatTambakdahan, #MinyakWangiBuatSholatKamalMuara, #MinyakWangiBuatSholatRandurejo, #MinyakWangiBuatSholatSembungharjo, #MinyakWangiBuatSholatTuko, #MinyakWangiBuatSholatCingkrong, #MinyakWangiBuatSholatDanyang, #MinyakWangiBuatSholatGenuksuran, #MinyakWangiBuatSholatKalongan
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