antvnger · 1 year
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Yes, I did! 😎
After story telling time at breakfast by @corinadrawsarchive
Thank you @tumblingelanor for helping me give proper credit
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cr3v · 2 years
Thoughts on candy corn. (Forgive me, it was the first thing to come to mind. XD) Oh! Actually, since you're super into DC at moment, thoughts on Batgirl and/or Catwoman.
@tumblingelanor jskdfds fI’m sorry for the wait! finally at a PC so I can reply in long form!!!
I.. haven't actually found any candy corn that looked appealing enough for me to try xD. I love the semi-sour gummies with sugar crusted on top. Then I like those orange/red/green/cola jelly worms. Or the squishy hearts. Buf if I find it soon, I’ll try it!
As for Batgirl and Catwoman, the versions that come to mind first are almost always the DCAU ones. For Babs, I love her in Batman Beyond too, well past the Dick & Bruce relationship drama (but I love both the ships depending on what I’m watching or reading). She remained badass. I really like the version in Titans HBO too.   
Catwoman’s never been a “villain” to me, even the one in the 90s movies who had a bit of an edge? (i’ve not rewatched the movies in recent years heheh).BatCat’s the first thing I shipped in the DCAU (very, very formative 😂). 
I really enjoyed Zoe in The Batman though the plot really changed a lot in The Long Halloween (Selina as Falcone’s daughter). 
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xcaptain-winghead · 3 years
Argh, I had such a hard time trying to narrow down those touch prompts, but! How about Kissing #26 "giggling while kissing" with ScottSteve? :-)
It is a very long list, haha. I totally don't mind if you want to send another one in :) And thanks for the request! It was a fun one, Steve got a little distracted waxing poetic about Scott to no one's surprise, lol.
title: To Each Their Own...Or Not
prompt: K26: giggling while kissing
pairing: Scott Lang x Steve Rogers
wordcount: 823
God, why'd he think this was a good idea again? Right, because it was Halloween and on Halloween you dressed up. Not like Steve didn't dress up almost every other day of his life, or anything. Of course, this was a little different. This wasn't his current Captain America suit, armoured, reinforced, and designed with tactical efficiency. No, this suit was from several years back when he'd temporarily dropped the Captain America moniker and redesigned his suit on his own. And, well, as much as Steve was an artist there was a very big difference between drawing and designing clothing, as Janet had been sure to inform him. More than once.
Stood in front of the mirror Steve tugged on the bright yellow gloves before smoothing his hands over the suit. It was all black except for the boots, gloves, belt, cape medallions, and inside of the cape which were all bright yellow. And there was a mask, of course, there was always a mask, but instead of a full head cowl he'd gone with a partial that left his hair free. The biggest difference between the designs was the deep V down the front of the suit that revealed his naked chest and stomach. Which...yeah, Steve wasn't sure exactly what he'd been thinking at the time he'd designed it, but there was a reason (several, actually) that 'Nomad' had only lasted less than a year before he was captain America again.
But, right, Halloween. Dress up. All that good stuff. Honestly, Steve was blaming Scott for this, because despite how ridiculous he looks Steve knows that Scott's going to get a kick out of it. His whole face will light up the way it does when he grins, and the corners of his eyes will crinkle adorably, and Steve will just....melt. He'll melt and fall in love with the man all over again like he did every time the man smiled at him. So, yeah, totally and completely Scott's fault.
Steve chuckled at the ridiculousness of his own thoughts, a hand lifting to run through his hair. Well, it was now or never. He could hear another door opening down the hall and he didn't want to keep Scott waiting. With one more look in the mirror to make sure his mask was on straight Steve turned and walked out of the room, cape billowing majestically behind him.
He knew Scott would be waiting for him in the living room, so that was where he went, curious to see what the other man had decided to dress up as this year. He discovered the answer to that question when he stepped into the living room and was confronted with the swish of a yellow and black cape as Scott turned to face him dressed up in the identical outfit that Steve was wearing.
There was a beat of silence and then both men burst out laughing. Steve laughed so hard he ended up bent over, hands on his knees in an attempt to brace himself. Thankfully, Scott was there, grasping Steve's shoulders and helping him upright even as the pair continued to chuckle about the fact that they really were That Couple.
Baby blue eyes looked his husband up and down, and Steve had to bite his lower lip to quell the chuckles. "I know this is where I'm supposed to say 'it looks better on you than it does on me', buuuut..." A peal of laughter escaped, the super-soldier grinning as he shook his head.
"Oh, gee, thanks, husband of mine. You really know how to make a guy feel special." The words were a chastisement, but there's laughter in them, Scott smacking Steve in the shoulder.
At the impact the laughter Steve had been holding back escaped in a bout of giggles and his hands at Scott's hips tugged the man in against him. The taller man leaned down, eyes bright as he grinned. "I try my best."
Steve's eyes flicked down to take in the way the costume hugged Scott's hips and shoulders which was, well, Steve would admit that maybe his design hadn't been totally flawed. But, then he got to the deep V and the cape and he was giggling again, his hands lifting to cradle Scott's neck, leather-covered thumbs trailing along Scott's bearded jawline. He was just leaning in to show his husband just how special Steve thought he was when Scott's murmur sounded in the breath of air shared between them.
"But, if you like this, just wait until you see what I'm wearing underneath it."
Steve will forever blame the ridiculous eyebrow waggle Scott made for why he dissolved into giggles just at that moment, but Scott was giggling right along with him, so Steve supposed that was alright. Not that it mattered all that much as their mouths effortlessly found one another's, the pairs' laughter quieted by the gentle movement of their lips.
Send me a prompt❣
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dresupi · 3 years
Happy Birthday! :-D
Thank you, lovely!
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marvelousbirthdays · 5 years
Happy Birthday, tumblingelanor
August 13- Scott Lang/Steve Rogers, something smutty (preferably in the “Porn With Feelings” sense) with either “I’ve been thinking about you all day” or “I can’t help that I’m curious”, for @tumblingelanor
Written by @ozhawkauthor
He’d definitely return the favor, Steve thought deliriously as he relaxed into Scott’s ministrations. Definitely. Later.
After Coulson, and countless others since, Steve had honestly thought he was immune to being fanboyed over. But there was just something about Scott Lang. Something about the way he expressed his admiration and yet didn’t appear to also think Steve was some kind of infallible being. 
Or maybe it was that Steve had caught Scott visually checking out his butt a lot. They’d both blushed, the first time, and then Scott babbled something in that way of his - the way Steve was beginning to find peculiarly endearing - and fled.
Most of their interactions since had gone the same way, although lately Steve had realized that although Scott was still blushing and babbling awkwardly, Steve himself was feeling less embarrassed and more curious.
Because after all, Scott Lang was not only a superhero in his own right, but a very attractive man. Even when he was flushed red and babbling awkwardly. Especially when he was flushed and sweaty from exertion, laughing at an astonished Clint after beating the archer over Hawkeye’s own personal parkour course in the woods at the Avengers facility.
“Damn it, Lang!” Clint was laughing too in his usual good-humored way, shaking Scott’s hand and clapping him on the back. “Thought you said you weren’t superpowered without the suit?”
“I’m not,” Scott disclaimed, but he was grinning ear to ear, obviously delighted with himself at holding his own. Steve was pretty impressed himself; Okoye was the only other normal-human person he’d seen beat Barton’s time over that course, and he wasn’t even a hundred percent sure the Dora Milaje didn’t have some sort of enhancement.
“Nice work.” Steve fell into step beside Scott as the smaller man set off back towards the main facility.
“You think so? I mean.” Scott flushed. “It’s nothing compared to what you could do, I’m sure.”
“Last time I tried to run that course, my weight broke two of the obstacles and Barton told me he’d put an arrow in my ass if I tried again.”
Scott laughed. “That would be criminal! It’s far too good an ass to damage.” He blushed even redder. “I mean…”
“I’m pretty sure I know exactly what you mean.” Steve stepped in front of Scott and stopped walking. “When are we gonna stop dancing around this?”
“This what?” Scott’s voice came out squeaky as he stared up at Steve.
“This.” Steve gestured at himself, then at Scott. “The fact that you want to climb me like a tree and I want to let you.”
“I… you do?”
Steve shrugged, feeling heat wash up his neck as his own blush started. “I can’t help that I’m curious.”
“Curious.” Scott’s shoulders slumped a little, and Steve realized he’d chosen the wrong word.
“Interested,” he corrected. “There’s a word I learned recently - demisexual. You know what that means?”
Scott nodded. “Yes, when you have to be emotionally engaged before sexual attraction happens.”
“Yeah, well, I’m pretty sure it describes me. It only happened to me once before,” Steve spared a brief, wistful thought for Peggy, “until just recently.”
Scott’s mouth opened and closed, and he appeared, for once, to be lost for words. He jerked a thumb towards his own chest finally, eyes wide.
Steve nodded.
“Well, damn.”
They were alone. Steve took one quick step forward, leaned down, and pressed his lips to Scott’s own, praying Scott wouldn’t think he was unbearably clumsy.
Strong arms wound around his neck, fingers ran into his hair and held him close, and Scott kissed him back. They were both breathing hard when Sam jabbed Steve in the ribs in passing.
“Get a room!”
“My room’s closest,” Scott said, and Steve didn’t hesitate, grabbing his hand and running with him inside and up the stairs, almost falling through the door in their eagerness, Steve ripping off his shirt and throwing it across the room before grabbing at Scott’s.
“Oh god, yes, please tear it off,” Scott begged, leaping up and hooking his legs agilely around Steve’s hips. “Do you know how many times I’ve fantasized about you tearing my clothes to shreds with your bare hands?”
“No, but you can tell me all about it later,” Steve said in between kisses. Scott’s shirt was a tough fabric, supposedly, but it ripped like wet paper and fell away, revealing his lean, wiry torso. “Bed?”
“Couch,” Scott negotiated, pointing to the item of furniture in question less than three feet away.
Closer was fine by Steve. He almost fell on top of Scott, remembering at the last moment not to let his weight crush the smaller man. The rest of their clothes vanished in a haze of lust and tearing fabric. Scott’s hand curled around Steve’s cock, achingly hard, and Steve cried out, hips jerking helplessly.
“Scott. Scott!” It was too much. He froze, his hands shaking.
Scott’s laugh was soft and knowing. “Lie back.”
Helplessly, Steve did as he was told. “I haven’t done this,” he confessed. “Any of this.”
Nestling down between his legs, Scott raised a dark brow. “Really?” When Steve nodded, Scott grinned. “It’s okay. Let me take care of you.”
He trusted Scott, Steve realized, and grateful for the reassurance that Scott was willing to take the lead, allowed himself to sink back into the couch’s soft cushions. He kept his eyes open, though, not wanting to miss a moment of this.
Scott’s hands were gentle as they slid up the inside of Steve’s thighs, one curving under to cup his balls and squeeze lightly, rolling them in his palm. Steve groaned helplessly, his fingers flexing.
“Easy,” Scott whispered, warm breath flowing over sensitive skin and making Steve groan again.
“I can’t... I’m gonna screw this up.”
Scott shook his head, laughing softly. “The only way this goes wrong is if you don’t enjoy it. Are you enjoying yourself?”
“Oh God, yes.” The words tumbled out of Steve’s mouth, followed by a yelp as Scott rewarded him with a long lick of his tongue, right up the length of Steve’s cock. “But you…”
“Don’t worry about me.” Scott licked again. “You can return the favor later, if you want.”
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elle-wells · 10 years
tumblingelanor said: OMG, Ringo was my first concert, too. I loved his parts, but Peter Frampton’s bits nearly put me to sleep, lol.
No kidding! That's pretty crazy! :) Yeah, I've seen Peter Frampton at a couple of different shows and he was boring at all of them, plus I didn't even know who he was when I went to see Ringo so I just didn't care, lol. But it was a huge thrill to see one of The Beatles in person since they were the first band I ever became obsessed with. I was just beside myself. 
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fuking-bob · 10 years
21 & 22?
21.) Fav. music-related movie
either the beatles movies or starshaped
or bananaz
22.) A cheesy song you really like
(idk what counts as one but)
when the cows come home by blur (it think it’s pretty cheesy) and
jackie jackson
is choco pudding by box codax one
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hrhprincessbitch · 10 years
tumblingelanor replied to your photo:The coffee is gone. How should I destroy...
My first instinct is say, “kill it with fire!” but that might not be a good idea, haha.
It's pretty decent plastic so fire might be the best way but I don't think Josh would be cool with me using the grill for that. I'm not even allowed near the thing because it's a "precision cooking tool" which is just silly. I don't break everything. LOL
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sebruciasselacitta · 10 years
EP & Discography?
EP: if you could have any job in the music industry what would it be? TOUR MANAGER
Discography: have you ever written any songs? When I was little, yes, I wrote one or two poems and I imagined how they would sound with music
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cr3v · 5 years
I made the mistake of looking up a list of AUs so that I could send you a suggestion for that ask meme, but now I don't know which one to pick. >_< Um... let's go with either Roommates AU or Road Trip AU for ScottSteve.
@tumblingelanor I'll do the road trip as soon as inspiration strikes 😂. Thank you so much for indulging me and giving me prompts!
Fill #1 - Roommates AU, ScottSteve
Steve surveys the packed boxes piled up high, his roommate's shock of brown hair jerking up and down among them, muttering something that sounded suspiciously like "Ants".
"Nothing to worry about, Mr Lang-Rogers," Scott tries his best to sound chipper, giving Steve a quick salute, "Maggie and Paxton really underestimated the amount of bubble wrap they needed".
Steve swoops in and loops his hands around Scott's neck from the back, tucking his head above his, surveying the damage, thinking about how perfect their housewarming present was, a few stray ants crawling around, the small handful of dirt he's never seen before and he can't stop the guffaws that escape him, much to Scott's consternation, "Whatever you say, Mr Lang-Rogers, whatever you say", loving the sweet way his name now rolled off his tongue and sat in his heart.
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xcaptain-winghead · 3 years
The thing about that prompt list is that even if it were shorter I'd probably still have a hard time because I'm indecisive, lol. There's just so many great options! But another that really caught my eye was Hand-holding #26, "holding their hands above their head, fingers linked together." With ScottSteve, because... well, because. lol.
So, this took longer than the other one, lmao. But! It's substantially longer than the other one. So much so I ended up posting it on ao3 for easier reading, lmao. And uh, ya gotta hang in till the end for the hand hold, haha. Hopefully you enjoy it! 💕 And as always, thanks for sending it in :)
Stop the World
rating: E
fandom: Marvel - No Powers AU
relationship: Scott Lang/Steve Rogers
prompt: Hand-Holding 26: holding their hands above their head, fingers linked together; @steverogersbingo Square O1: Fingering
summary: When Steve got hired to entertain at Cassie Lang's thirteenth birthday party, he had thought it was going to be like every other kid's party he'd booked. He'd show up, play Captain America, get paid, and go home.
He never quite gets to that last step, but to be fair, there was no way he could have anticipated the draw of Scott Lang.
wordcount: 6,828
When Steve got hired to entertain at Cassie Lang's thirteenth birthday party, he had thought it was going to be like every other kid's party he'd booked. He'd show up, play Captain America, let the kids hang off his arms while he 'saved' them from whatever bad guy of the week he came up with, and then he'd deem all the kids his new squadron of Howling Commandos and that would be that. Kids' parties were simple like that, though he supposed it helped that he was good with kids. Really, the trickiest part tended to be the parents. Eighty percent of the time the parents were great, they'd pay him, say thank you, maybe even ask for a couple business cards so that they could tell their friends. Twenty percent of the time they were a pain in the ass. Scott Lang had managed to be both types of client.
Oh, the party had gone well enough; Cassie was adorable, and all her friends were in the normal range of pre-teen/early teenage rebellion. All of that, he could definitely handle. It's her dad that's the problem. Scott Lang was entirely too adorable and too attractive for his own good. Steve had thought he was a fellow party entertainer at first, because when Steve stepped out into the backyard the man was doing magic tricks and, oh. Magicians were Steve's weakness. He had such a thing for magic, it absolutely delighted him, and he was aware of just how ridiculous that was considering he was a full-grown thirty-two-year-old man, but he really didn't care. He was also a full-grown thirty-two-year-old man whose day job consisted of dressing up in a Captain America costume for kids (his night job, on the other hand, was stripping a different Captain America costume off for adults— but just stripping; he was an entertainer, not a prostitute), so being a nerdy geek who liked magic was par for the course, really.
The entire first hour of the gig Steve had to actively work to keep his focus on the kids and not get distracted trying to watch the man on the other side of the yard performing his magic tricks. It wasn't until a man (Mr. Paxton, Steve assumed from the way Mrs. Paxton greeted him) arrived with the cake and the kids all gathered inside to sing happy birthday to Cassie that Steve learned Mr. Magic Hands' name. The man introduced himself as Scott Lang, which made him Mrs. Paxton's ex-husband and Steve found himself thinking that must be super awkward, but it wasn't something he was going to outright ask.
Scott, of course, was needed to take part in the whole cake ritual, and Steve felt his heart melt a little in his chest watching the man. It was obvious he loved his daughter, and that she adored him. And, weirdly, Scott and Mr. and Mrs. Paxton all functioned like a single unit, no post-relationship awkwardness— or at least none that Steve could immediately see. It had him wondering what kind of special Scott was.
Steve didn't get to ponder that for too long, because after cake he was back to being the main attraction, all his focus on the kids. He'd been booked for the entirety of the afternoon, so it was nearly four hours before the kids were all heading home, including Cassie and the Paxtons as the party had been held at Scott's house. The sudden and complete silence after spending an entire afternoon with a bunch of rowdy teenagers was startling, Steve's ears ringing a little. Maybe it was the quiet pressing down on them like a weighted blanket, but Steve was loathe to break it, even to ask about being paid. Which, y'know, he was going to have to do eventually, one way or another.
Read more on Ao3!
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dresupi · 4 years
For the Fanfic day meme, #6 and #12?
6.  What’s the detail you wait on bated breath for readers to notice?
It’s different in every fic, but it’s always something.  ;) In All Rime, it was Sam Tarly working as the Tech guy for the police department down in the basement with all the files. 
12.  What’s the hardest thing to write for you?
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elle-wells · 10 years
tumblingelanor said: Wow. We’re Franz gig-migraine-and-fell off LJ buddies. Also, Green Day is one of my big concert goals, but the planets have yet to align, lol.
I'm sorry to hear that you have migraines too, but I'm excited that we have so much in common! Reading your interests on your tumblr was pretty much like reading a list of my own!
I hope the planets will align someday so you can see Green Day! I've seen them twice and they were two of the best shows I've ever been to, and sooo much fun. 
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hrhprincessbitch · 10 years
Keyboard and remix?
keyboard:what band do you really want to see live right now? (not including your #1 favorite band)
I have a few #1 favorite bands. I guess one of the bands on the second tier of favorites is Little Jackie. I would love to see them. Imani Coppola seems like she'd be a lot of fun live.
remix:what's a song you love to dance to?
After Dark - Le Tigre. Anything by Le Tigre really. 
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cr3v · 5 years
@tumblingelanor I got your ask! I'm working on it 💖!
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xcaptain-winghead · 3 years
this latest prompt fill is taking on a mind of it’s own, lmao. I may end up also using it as a bingo fill, we shall see where the boys take us!
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