#tumblr and ao3 are the places where creativity should be running ramped and wild
I've seen a lot of posts and polls lately asking stuff like "would you be interested in XYZ", and like...while I understand wanting that external validation and wanting people to be interested in and passionate about your projects and all ofnthose things, it is your blog. You know that, right?
I don't mean that to sound condescending, but I genuinely think that sometimes folks, myself included, can forget that these are our blogs. Where we curate what we love on them.
Tumblr is a refuge of anonymity where you can post about whatever it is that makes you happy for no reason at all and no one can say anything about it. Because you can block people and anons, you can turn off anon and messaging and submissions.
You can create a refuge for youself here and if people don't like it then they can move on and curate their own experiences and learn to regulate and take responsibility for themselves. (Which they need to be doing anyway. Don't let anyone bully you into taking responsibility for their online experiences.)
You don't have to ask permission to share your passion projects here.
Asking permission from followers, trying to appease followers and gain their approval is going to kill your creativity.
I know first hand how badly it feels when things don't take off the way you want them too. But don't let that discourage you from being passionate and creative.
If you love what you're doing then that's enough.
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