#tumblr ate this post At Least Twice while i was drafting it but. we stay sillyyyy
starfacedstudio · 1 year
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Image ID: A logo featuring a round, grinning, crow-like character with leaves for its tail holding a green pencil. Curved text at the top reads "Crowberry Comic Connection." The crow is surrounded by a purple and blue rope, tied with berries and leaves, and there are two branches of berries to either side. Beneath this, the Discord logo appears next to text reading "Community Discord Server!" End ID.
We did a bit of teasing about this before, but @doedreamiing and I are excited to announce our opening for Crowberry Comic Connection - a community Discord server!
Created as a casual meeting place for artists and their communities alike, we hope to inspire a positive and productive environment to chat and chill with fellow artists, post your work, get helpful feedback, and have fun with participating in our challenges and server-wide events. Though our primary focus is on comics, we welcome artists (both visual and literary!) of all sorts to our server! You must be 18+ to join.
As was shared last week, we're opening our server with a small prompt list event in spirit of October! Check the post here, or check it out in the server itself :) Joining is NOT required to participate.
Places to chat, share memes (and pets, food, or that cool rock you found on your walk), share commission info, and (for comic folks) a place to link your latest comic updates!
Critique Forum: ask for constructive criticism or advice, or give advice or constructive criticism to others!
Challenges: a forum dedicated to user-created challenges (limited palette, timed, prompts, culinary??) that others may participate in!
User-Submitted Art Resource Forum (categorized with tags!)
Colored names, selectable roles, and custom emotes
Low number of channels to hopefully not overwhelm. Channel lists can be customized and things can be hidden as you see fit!
Voice channel + no-mic channel for folks who don't have mics or don't wish to speak!
More Events! (We hope to possibly host things like critique sessions, art jams, zines, or similar in the future)
More to come!
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Image ID: Banner of 8 multicolored crowberry creatures on a rope. End ID.
Community among artists is something very important to both of us, as people who grew up with places such as deviantART (rip) and it is something we (and many, many others) have been struggling to find as social media continues to point its focus away from artists (as well as the over-emphasis on professional portfolio socials). As our name suggests, we wish to help foster those connections between fellow creators and their communities once again!
Though perhaps not an ideal solution as Discord certainly has its own problems, we wanted to try and create a safe, accessible space for people to come together in this way. We both sincerely miss the sense of community that once was among artists.
Information on how to join can be found under the cut.
Our server is a community server that uses the Onboarding feature, meaning you will be brought to a bit of a different screen than normal Discord servers may have. You must read and accept our rules as you join.
You will also be asked questions such as your interests or occupations, your pronouns, and your preferences on receiving DMs, pings, or having tone tags used for you (and the color of your name)!
Additionally, there will be a few tasks to complete:
Introduce yourself!
Say hi in general :)
Familiarize yourself with our rules and guidelines!
Check our filter guide for info on what is allowed with a filter.
You must be 18+ to join.
We do not allow pornography or extreme gore, but certain mature subjects are allowed with a filter.
Be respectful and kind towards one another. Harassment, bigotry, and bullying are not tolerated.
We do not allow proshippers, TERFs, zoophiles, or pedophiles.
We do not allow venting, spamming, AI images or NFTs (use, creation of, advertisement, etc.)
Asking for money directly though Paypal, Venmo, Cashapp, etc. is not allowed for privacy reasons. Links to fundraisers are fine.
Flashing images (gifs, emotes, stickers, etc.) must be censored, or avoided altogether.
Leetspeak and censoring words with numbers/symbols should be avoided in the server. Use Discord's censoring instead.
Check our full rules channel, and any pinned messages for specific rule information.
JOIN LINK: https://discord.gg/HGJh2cFwSh
We hope you decide to check us out. Stay connected, friends!
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urlocalbunny · 4 years
Hello ! I hope you passed the exams you took. I am happy to be able to reapply. My question about boys is this : let's say the boys and Eloise can go to an amusement park at night. Wich amusement would the boys prefer ? (Ferris Wheel, ghost train, roller coaster) Have a good day or a good evening !
This headcanon was ready and I tried to post it but tumblr was hungry and ate it. I'm really upset and sorry for the delay but i got upset and took some time from it~
He likes the Ferris wheel and the games where you get prizes🥺.
As in Aaron is not vocal about any toys they go in until the ride begins. He's not boring, boy has good conversation and he CAN flirt.
He laughs and yells normally like everyone else, of course, but he's fine with whatever and he only cares about kissing Eloise and eating churros until his cheeks are chubby. Until...
I want one ticket, please." He grabs the water gun and shoots the targets easily, handing Eloise a big wolf plushie, blinking his eye and smiling as in "it's a secret, but I'm giving this to you because I am an actual wolf. Nice, huh?"
Eloise is full of bags and Things She Said "I Want It" And She Got Them™, then he looks up.
"I like the ferris wheel." Eloise runs to buy tickets and tackles people to get them if it's over. No regrets. Her man wants ferris wheel.
As soon as his feet are off the ground, he dangles them and giggles. "That's so nice. Does your tummy feel cold?"
When they're watching the view from above, Aaron sighs longingly while he looks at the forest and the manor. Then he turns to her and his little eyes are shining uuuugh. "I'm so glad I met you, my beloved."
The day ends with a sweet, heartfelt kiss and a hug.
He likes the rollercoaster. The worse it is, the funnier it feels. Spinning around and feeling the wind whip your face while you can't see a thing is freaking crazy!!!!!
He squeezes Eloise's hand while they tighten the security bars and his head spins while the cart approaches the peak. And then.
"ELOISE, HOLY FU-" "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH" and they fall into oblivion. He laughs his ass off while everyone screams in horror, and he throws his arms around as he feels himself being driven upside down and sideways until he has to gasp for air and his legs feel funny because that's just So. Much. Fun.
Eloise is yelling like crazy and praying for people he doesn't know in languages he doesn't know and he doubts that exist. She cursed a lot and for a moment he felt her hand squeeze his chest while trying to find support. He was red all over from so much laughter.
"RAPHAEL, ARE YOU OKAY?" he hears Ivan yell in the front, probably from the spot they waited on. He yelled back as much as he could before speaking.
He stepped down with a bounce on his step, Eloise by his side, grasping his arm for dear life. He heard the others approach them as he smiled.
"you said fuck."
"I would never say foul things. Eloise won't let me. ||("
He loves the scary rides with the cart. He sits on it and he pats his side so Eloise can climb uncertainly. She huffs. "You're gonna yell so quick. Gosh."
"BWAH" "UAAAAAAAAAAAAAH." "And that's on being such a liar."
The ride begins smoothly and so does Beliath, holding her hand and kissing her in the darkness, trying to play it cool and saying he will protect her of the ghosts and then the cardboard ghosts fall off the ceiling.
"I'M LEAVING. I'M LEAVING. DON'T TALK TO ME!" He holds Eloise close as she sighs, leaning into her seat.
"tell me how can a literal demon be scared of cardboard. I guess a moron will always be a moron." "Don't talk to me like that! That was scary and nothing prompted it. The next one won't be scary because I know."
After a good bit of screams and Eloise being squeezed like a pillow, they finally seemed to be ending their ride. However, one of the poor actresses let her plastic eyeball fall from her forehead and it went rolling near the carts. She went to get it, but Beliath noticed her.
Seeing a running monster with a hand over their third eye yelling "WAIT!" wasn't really good for his heart. He hopped out of the cart and left running and screaming a high-pitched sound.
The result was Eloise laughing her ass off in the cart while the others waited with confused faces. Ethan would never let this die. They're immortal.
Baby likes the bumper cars so much! He'll spend his WHOLE TIME there if he can.
Every time he crashes he starts laughing heartily. Tries not to crash with all his might tho, just to annoy Eloise.
"Your car is supposed to crash!" "Too bad it does not, right?" "You'll see!"
He becomes a child, smiling like a little rascal as he races through the other cars and Eloise crashes behind him. His eyes glimmer when Eloise laughs behind him and mocks his long legs perched up on the toy.
He even has the odd urge to mock the boys waiting near the toy. Aaron curses back and laughs a booming laughter while Beliath covers his face with his hair trying not to laugh too loudly. Ethan looks grossed out and Ivan is already red and crying of laughter.
After a good chase, he turns his car the wrong way on purpose and smashes against Eloise's car, making her yell. They laugh together for a while but soon they make up a plan to smash everyone's cars >:).
They end up crashing against everyone at least once before the ride is over. The others look at him quizzically only to be met with the usual Vladimir. "What is it? Is something the matter?"
When they begin to walk home that night, Vladimir stayed behind with Eloise and held her hand, giggling as if they had a secret to hide. His pearly white teeth shone under the gaps on the tree branches. He winked at her, skipping home.
The others go in another rides and he lifts his index finger to his lips and smirks, raising his other hand with the palm up. She looks back at the group in line for a roller coaster, but she holds his hand instead. She's his chalice anyway, they should try to get along more even if they were friends already.
Ethan runs through the crowd practically dragging Eloise, first to a churros tent and then to a less noisy place that was up a few flights of stairs. The guy stops skipping and walks slowly until they're in line for another toy that doesn't seem full of people yet.
"What is this? It's high, isn't it?" She asks with concern, eyeing him suspiciously. He shrugs, rolling his eyes and smiling as if she didn't know about real fun at all. "This, little pest, is a Flying Coaster."
"Why is it called like that?" "You'll see when we're on it." He says as he pays for the ride this time. They get up in it and he's practically buzzing. Eloise notices he hid the churros on his coat and when the security employee moves back to her place, the cart leans forward. She gulps. "Ethan, why are we looking at the floor?" "Chewrrows?" "You're chewing churros in out deathchairs?" "Nuish One, haha!"
The toy starts Actually Moving™. She then realizes they were a little higher up as her finger grazes the top of a tree three times her size. Then it's too late. "SON OF A- UAAAAAAH!"
Ethan laughs like he didn't in a long while and watches the moon from the highest point in the roller coaster while gulping down his churros as Eloise curses and kicks. At some point they look down and see Beliath's terrified eyes staring at them as Eloise curses at them too. "YOU FREAKING CLOOOOOOOOOowns!"
When they get down from the toy, he thinks Eloise will be mad and regrets his decision, but then she leans into his arm and starts laughing. Her hair ia disheveled and she grabbed his other churro (it was for her don't let him trick you) with the prettiest smile he had seen in a while.
"... Suddenly I feel weird. The roller coaster made me nauseous, let's get the fuck out of here." "I think it's your heart, Ethan-" "Shut up, you demon."
He likes easy rides, don't @ me. Eloise is in the amusement park with him, he won't go apeshit like he did before. He must be... CaReFuL wItH HeR. But with a little coaxing, he mumbles that he likes the Twister Rollercoaster and Eloise digs completely.
He jumps like a little kid twice and pays to enter, sitting close to her. Since it's kind of late, the front seat is just the two of them. He looks at her tenderly and holds her hand. "Will you be fine, babe?" "Yeah, don't worry about it."
The ride begins to move and Ivan kicks around a little and squeals. Eloise giggles, holding his hand as best as she can. He squeezes back, smiling like that made his whole year better.
As soon as the carts begin to go down the line, he yells in excitement and lifts his hands, looking at Eloise. She's just as excited, screaming in joy as the carts spin around. He wished he could take a picture of Eloise looking like a pineapple with her hair upside down.
"you look like a pineapple!" "Don't make me tell you how you look, please!" They laugh at some woman yelling a funny sentence and screech when the cart seems like it's going to derail in the dip. A camera flashes several times during the loop and he thanks the gods above for that.
When they make it back, Aaron is tapping his foot on the floor. "You both could've flies into space!" "You don't mean that. Look." He lifts the picture of Eloise with red luminous eyes and a ominous smile while Ivan straight up yells towards the camera, both upside down and with their hair messy.
The picture gets framed by Vladimir. Eloise isn't allowed to take it off by votes.
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dearmomimissyou · 4 years
So yesterday I tried to make a post explaining the back story of what caused Sunday's mental breakdown to happen and I tried to save it to drafts after spending 30 minutes on it while walking Miss Phyre outside but Tumblr decided to cock out and didn't actually save it which led to another mini meltdown afterwards so I'm just going to skip the background. It hurts to mich to relive it a g a i n. So thanks Tumblr.
Sunday I went to Sam's house after donating plasma cause dad was working on the electrical and I figured I'd just spend time there instead of being home. Instead, I ended up having a breakdown on Sam's back porch. I started crying inside while in the fetal position on the floor and figured that I should go outside so nobody heard me. I violently sobbed for at least ten minutes and dug my nails into my arm because I wanted to punish myself. I also went outside because I wanted to destroy Sam's living room and I can't do that but I can destroy myself and my things. I kept wanting to smash my head into something and eventually I did on the banister twice and screamed both times when I did it. After some time like five minutes of so Nemo came out and tried talking to me and I blew up on them and basically blamed them even though it wasn't their fault. They were crying and begging me to get help dad came out too crying because he heard me say that somebody was tearing me down and making feel like shit about myself but he didn't hear who and at the time it didn't make me feel anything but looking back fucking hurts. Sam came out too after Nemo went inside I think to talk to dad about what was happening and she brought Nala Tyler's cat and asked if I wanted cookies or soda to feel better. I just remember ignoring her and being so annoyed with her in the moment.
Eventually I got to the point where I couldn't physically talk and typed a message to Nemo:
I want to me normal I WA. T to be fixed and go just can't cause miss Phyre needs attention and the dress fitting and I don't want to worry mom and tge family but fucking here I dpimg just that all the God dam. Duckknf time vsvauar I can't fucking control my stupid fucking brain
They asked if I wanted to go to the lds hospital crisis center or if I wanted to wait til tomorrow:
I have to go today cause if I don't there be an excuse tomorrow like I feel better it always happens
So they drove me home so I could get some clothes and stuff to bring to be admitted into inpatient. The whole time I was getting stuff I cried and kissed miss Phyre and told her over and over how much I love her and that I'll be back I'm not abandoning her.
So we get up to the access center thing and because of covid Nemo has to leave but I get taken back pretty fast for the physical part and asking the standard health questions. They also take my stuff including my phone and the pieces of paper that I wrote down all my problems on and a brief breakdown of my childhood traumas. I sit in a pretty okay chair for what feels like an hour. I cry a bit but nothing too noticeable when I finally got back to see the crisis counselor she basically said I'm very knowledgeable about my mental illnesses and told me that she'd let their therapy coordinator know to give me a call on Tuesday and also gave me her business card so I could call too and said as long as I'm not a danger to myself I can go home. In that moment I wasn't in danger of hurting myself more and I did want to go home instead of being admitted so I could take care of Miss Phyre but this was the second time a crisis counselor told me I wasn't in enough danger to be admitted like? Excuse me? Sorry my fucking emotions turn on a fucking dime but I absolutely need professional fucking help please?
She led me back to my chair to wait for the psychiatrist or whatever and that time I didn't have to wait as long. I got a turkey sandwich box thingy that came with a fruit cup chips and a string cheese as well as mustard and mayo in packets to put on it and tomatoes and Lettuce on the side so you can add them if you want them. I only had time to eat the fruit cup and started spreading the mayo on my sandwich before the psychiatrist came to me and we talked and he said the same thing as the counselor thag I'm very insightful about my failings and then put me on welbutrin instead of Lexapro and said I'm good to go home. I went back to the chair finished making the sandwich and then ate it while filling out their crisis sheet thingy that's like when I'm in a bad place who can I go to type shit. I still had to wait to actually be discharged so J ate the string cheese too. I finally left and had to wait another thirtyish minutes for Nemo to come pick me up.
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What the scratches looked like right after being discharged. We went back to Sam's house because dad was still doing the electrical and we stayed there for another hour or two before going home. Don't remember much after the discharge honestly.
Monday was labor day and we went shopping I got my pills and stuff from Smiths. Then we went back home to wait for mom and Karleigh to get up so we could go to Joanne's tk make a playyard thing for aidrian and the dollar store for other stuff I don't remember. Then we went to the grocery store to get pita bread for dinner and something else I forgot but we ended up shopping and spent like 200 dollars. We also went to Lowes to get more pvc pipe for the playyard because dad apparently didn't get enough the first time. We ate dinner with Dave which was tikki masala and it was pretty dang good. Also before we got my pills I walked Miss Phyre for a while outside and she loved it. I decided to give her a bath afterwards since she doesn't wash herself and she was oaky the entire time she didn't meow or hiss or anything. She tried to climb out of the tub but not like in an aggressive manner like she didn't want anything to do with the water. She was such a good girl.
When Dave left we started working in the playyard. We wrapped some pink tulle on the sides and tied it to the pvc with some thin yarn. It took us hours to do and it was just mom Karleigh and me because dad went to bed. It was grueling work because my body was already exhausted from shopping all day and I had to hold my arms above my head for extended periods of time. My heels were in excruciating pain but we finally finished half of the playyard at about 1230 only to find out the other tulle we bought was the wrong stuff. It was too small to have it folded over to keep the sides secure and wasn't long enough to reach both ends of the other tulle so we had to give up for the night which actually pissed me off more than finishing it would have probably. I ended up only going to sleep at 5 am and waking up at about 9 on Tuesday but it was a nice cool day so I took Miss Phyre out for another walk and while we walked I typed up the previous Tumblr post. When I was ready to go inside and take a break from reliving the shit that happened I saved it to drafts so I could finish it later and brought Miss Phyre inside. Then I realized that it didn't actually save it and I had another breakdown but not nearly as intense as Sunday. It didn't help that the therapy coordinator never actually called me. I got a call from a bit for Intermountain that asked a bunch of questions like do I understand my discharge orders am I feeling safe did I get medication and do I understand how to take the medication and I had to hit 1 for yes 2 for no and 3 for unsure and one of the questions was like am I still feeling like I'm in a crisis or something and I had to hit 1 three times because it just wouldn't register it and that pissed me off and made me mad that it was automated and they didn't even bother to have areal human call and talk to me. After every question I answered basically they said were sorry to hear that well have a nurse follow up with you later today. I ignored both calls from the nurse because I just didn't have the energy to deal with it after the Tumblr thing. Like I wasted so much energy just typing it out and what little I had left just instantly sapped after I realized it was gone. The second voicemail the nurse left mentioned that it would be the last time trying to get into contact with me but also that our insurance has mental health advocates so thats something I need to look into.
Eventually Cavell told my dad that I needed to be watched I guess and since dad was still at work and mom had just left to take aidrian back home mandi came downstairs and spent time with me. Cavell told my sad that I needed to eat so he texted mandi to make sure I ate something and we went upstairs and made pizza and waited for dad to come home. After that we had to wait for mom and Karleigh to get back so we could go back to Joanne's to get the right tulle and while we were there I bought some double pointed needles so I could make some wrist warmers to hide the scratches. I also wrapped them up which just made it seem way more serious than it was since they were too close for bandaids to work right I had to use gauze and ace wrap.
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We thankfully didn't finish the playyard yesterday we're supposed to some time today but hopefully I'll be asleep before then.
I also left the access center a review since they only had two. One one star review that was basically my experience and one five star with no description from an account that only gives 5 star reviews and seems like a bot.
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Nemo wanted me to call the center for evidence based treatment last night because Google said they closed at 7 but when I called they closed at 5 so I called today instrad and nobody answered so I filled out their online form and I just got the response email from them so I'm going to hopefully get better soon I guess.
Love you always.
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opepin · 8 years
february: week one
jan30: i was so sleep-deprived. i only had 5 hours of sleep and i dozed off twice today. it was a really slow morning, but i got to meet another new hire! he now sits next to me at the developer table -- he took dave’s spot so that they could be together. i miss looking over to see what dave is up to but now we don’t get that annoying echo when we’re on the same calls haha. cole is super nice and talkative and i love talking to him! i got to know the dev team a bit more too because they were interacting with both me and him. anyway, i listened in on a call and then worked on finishing up my project. i ate lunch while listening to the ridiculous news on trump and what he’s been doing. idk man, idk. then i went back to work and it got pretty busy. it’s always nice catching up with phil because i know he’ll think of things for me to do. i also set up imessage and troubleshooted my devices to see if everything is connected properly. so i spent the morning messaging kevin as well.
cole and john devised a plan to see if cole could just take the sim card out of his at&t work phone and put it in his android. i would like that too but i think it’s too late for me because i chose verizon. we’ll see what happens! i went down with dave and cole and then walked to south station to get back home. kevin got home early because fitbit had a meeting about their cutbacks. kevin is thankfully not laid off. i’m so grateful. i talked with my mom on the phone for a bit and then watched some youtube videos while kevin prepped lunch for tomorrow. while the meat marinaded, we watched supernatural and ate leftover noodles for dinner. i ended up falling asleep after while kevin cooked all the parts for onigirazu. i got up, paid bills for my mom and did some money management. then i helped him assemble some for lunch. they’re so nice looking! hehe. then he washed some dishes while i exercised and then i washed the rest of the dishes, showered, and went to sleep before 1 am. i was so tired. i’m happy i got in about 45 minutes of exercise at least.
jan31: lol i accidentally deleted my previous tumblr post that i wrote yesterday :( i am poo. anyway, i got a good amount of sleep. i woke up before my alarm though? i guess 6-7 hours is a good amount of sleep for me. i got on the train at 8:30 am but i got to work at like 9:20 am because my train was delayed. charles was in front of me and rushing to work and when we reached the elevators, we met up with dave, john, and cole as well. everyone was late today lol. i got myself ready with tea and then started my day. it was a pretty busy morning. i had two meetings and one of them was an t7 bi-weekly meet up with everyone. i introduced myself and i got a few linkedin requests and skype contact requests after. it was nice. before that, i caught up with phil and continued working on templates in ux360. during the meeting, the hoodlum dev team switched desks inside the office for john LOL. it was ridiculous. john’s old table is now behind me and it is wrecked. x__x; the dev team is so funny. i got to talk a bit with kien in the morning and learn more about him. what a cool guy.
i had some technical difficulties with skype after the meeting so i rq’d and then walked over to south station to meet up with saad and vivian to give vivian her night guard that she left at my apartment. it was nice seeing saad again too! we’ve seen each other so much and we’ll all see each other again in april! i’m so excited. saad was about to get a burrito from a terrible booth in south station but i saved both of them and led them to the food trucks outside. i left them after vivian got her food because i had a meeting at 1:30 pm. i made it just in time and ate my lunch during the meeting. then i went back to work and was really into it until the end of the day. i talked to charles for a bit on skype (oh, i kind of fixed my skype problem) and talked to cole for a bit as well. i walked to the train station with cole and then went home to kevin (: he worked from home today and got me rose milk tea from oh my tea~ hehe he’s the best. <3 i talked to vivian on the phone for a bit right after i got home. i love my lo gong too <3
he cooked dinner and then we watched supernatural. he assembled more onigirazu during the second episode that we watched. then he washed dishes and went to game while i organized my internet stuffs. then i exercised, showered, and hit the hay. oh, btw my tumblr is now reactivated! they didn’t tell me why it was deactivated? but they apologized and gave it back? idk haha. it’s been a long two weeks without tumblr. good thing i kept writing these in a draft in gmail ahha.
01: oh hum...i got to work on time and only four of us were in the office today. it was a nice and quiet day. i got to talk with a client today and they saw the templates that phil and i worked on for them (: woot. that felt good. they were really impressed with how we did it and how it looked. i booked a couple’s massage appointment at chinatown pain relief during lunch so i hope that works out! i’m excited for our next trip. phil is a great supervisor because he keeps giving me things to do. it never stops and i don’t want it to haha. i did get off a bit early today because i want things to do tomorrow morning and phil wasn’t able to get back to me until after 5 pm (the end of my work day). the train was not as packed as it is at 5:30 pm. it was nice getting back early and opening my package from uniqlo! i skyped with vivian for a bit to show her my haul and i think she may be ordering from there too now hahaha. i got 3 button up “flannel” shirts and a nice fine wool sweater. hehe.
then i caught up on some errands while watching youtube videos. i finally got to edit vivian and my couple’s yoga video and also edit my favorite picture from our “post-workout photoshoot.” LOL. kevin came back from climbing a lot later than i thought he would and we had a miscommunication about cooking dinner and whatnot so then after uploading the video on to facebook, i cut up our mustard greens, kevin microwaved the leftovers, and we ate while watching supernatural. then i made my lunch (more onigirazu) while watching whatever was left of the episode. we had an argument about just time management and i feel like kevin doesn’t really understand how his schedule affects mine and that if he comes home late, then i’m thrown off as well. i guess i won’t be eating dinner with him (less time with him) when he goes climbing so there’s that. idk. i exercised and then showered and went to sleep. i couldn’t wash my hair like i initially wanted to because of my backed up schedule so i guess i hope my hair isn’t super grody tomorrow. it’ll be the 4th night of not washing it and only using dry shampoo. yay -__-” i still need to set up my 401k stuff too. ugh. so much for coming home early and relaxing.
02: lol i stayed in bed 10 minutes longer than i was supposed to. so i rushed a bit to get out of the house on time. i made it before 9:15 am so it’s cool. :) i had a lot of meetings today so it was a very scatterbrained day? all the dev people were here today so it was a party. it’s so quiet without them. i got to talk a lot more to stephen and cole today. they’re such nice and funny guys. i took a late lunch in order to get the most out of the meetings i had and then i went straight into working on our master template and it took the entire day. i still have a good amount of things to work on for that. phil taught me how to bill hours today so that’s good. i’m gonna hate allocating hours to projects though because there are a lot of terms and things i need to learn for that (like what should i bill to). stephen told us about kane’s donuts, which is apparently right across the street from us :O so then dave, cole, and i walked over after work and then we saw that it was closed so we’ll try again in the morning maybe sometime next week. i think it’ll be a cute valentine’s day treat for the office (: i really want to do something for everyone.
so kevin is mad at me but i met up with him at the train. i actually had a very nice walk and talk to the train with cole. he’ll be my train buddy probs for now. his dev life is way different from mine. all the dev team gets to work from home on wednesdays and fridays T_T much jelly ahha. anyway, kevin didn’t notice or didn’t care that i didn’t have anything to hold on to. so i got reaaaal pissed because even if he is mad, that’s not the right way to treat anyone! so when we got home, i just got out of there, got the mail, and headed to the tech room. i talked with vivian about it lol and i calmed down while doing productive things on my laptop. hehe lo gong is the best haha. she knows what i’m thinking :P
i got back, watched youtube videos, and then kevin told me dinner was ready so we ate together while watching supernatural. he calmed down quite a bit and after the episode, we talked and decided on a schedule for when he’s out climbing. then we spent time with each other and i told him more stuff about my job and etc. then i exercised, washed my hair (finally), and then headed to sleep. today felt like a friday but it’s only actually a thursday.
03: it was just gonna be me and jim at the office today LOL. dave wasn’t feeling well and he worked from home. i stopped by kane’s donuts in the morning to try them out and i got a honey dipped donut and a kronut filled with caramel. they’re pretty pricey: $3-4 each. they were worth it though. the honey dipped one is super soft T^T the kronut would have tasted better without the filling. i took pictures and sent them to cole to mock him and his dev days off. LOL. then i got to work. i had the room all to myself because jim has his own office. i was heads down on creating templates and then working on a client project. i did manage to watch the most recent episode of jane the virgin while working. beth came in today and we got to meet her in person. she’s our IT person and she’s super cute! she told me that dave usually works from home, which is odd because he’s been in the office almost every day ever since i got here. hmmm. maybe there’s still a possibility for wfh at least once a week? i do enjoy working in the office space though. i feel like fridays would be a good day to wfh. anyway, i got what i needed to do to get done. phil and i troubleshooted some things and then i met kevin at south station. he again had to rush for the train but they were pretty empty today. we actually got to sit down and talk.
we ate the rest of the donuts (i only ate about half of each) while watching supernatural and then we ordered food from this japanese restaurant called sake. i got a long snake maki and a sunshine roll, which i will never get again. they didn’t have anything crunchy in them and that made me sad. kevin got a crunchy roll, which was the cheapest and best tasting out of all three of them. we watched more supernatural and then kevin went to game and i tried figuring out how to sign back into my adp account and i gave up. i’ll call customer service. i want to change the amount i contribute T^T then i followed a 50-minute zumba video, which wasn’t actually 50 minutes because he recorded breaks and also, two of his songs were muted...sigh. so then i did some hip hop cardio and finished up with a dance cardio video from popsugar. then i showered and drank tea and went to sleep at around 2 am. zzzzz. it’s the weekend! 
04: we woke up at 12 pm and kevin made us dumplings with egg mcmuffins (: then i updated my website with resume and cv information and kevin gamed for a bit. then we drove to the mfa for their lunar new year free admission day! lol i got irritated because kevin always does the opposite thing of what i tell him to do (i told him to park outside of the museum and he parked in the garage). it was the same price but grrr lol. we got in fairly quickly, looked at asian art, went into the gift shop and bought old fashioned lemon drops and two framed prints for the apartment. one of them was a monet and the other was a still life of food. :P then we walked through european art and american art until we hit the oak rooms and i was in love! they are life-sized thorne rooms basically T_T <3 we headed back to the gift shop and didn’t get anything. we saw this colorstrology book and i bought that on amazon after our trip. i wanted kevin to take a full body pic of me so we found this amazing plate installation and then i got irritated again because kevin is just really bad at it. i thought he would be better because of practice in the orchard but eh. it’s okay -- he’s just not the type of person to take touristy pictures anywhere. he said that he’d practice though LOL.
we drove back and then ate leftovers as our “snack.” kevin decided not to go climbing; there was a car accident so traffic was backed up. so we made oyakodon together! it was fun :3 we ate dinner while watching supernatural and then he went to game and i cleaned up and started working out. i did a popsugar 45 min 500 calorie burn routine. it was alright? not sure it burned 500 calories but it was fun and i saved it. then kevin went to climb and i just chilled and relaxed and took a nice long shower haha. i cleaned the kitchen and then kevin got back and showered. i got really sleepy at like 12:30 am so i got into bed and eventually slept at 1 or 1:30 am after doing some online window shopping.
05: i got up at 10 am when my alarm rang :O i felt awake and pretty congested. i felt a bit sick or i was experiencing seasonal allergies or something. x__x; i left kevin in the bed LOL and i ate cereal. then i woke him up and i cleaned the bathroom while he made us pancakes :3 i also vacuumed the bathroom so he would have a bit less house work to do because he was still cooking. we ate the pancakes and then he did his chores. i started the laundry, watched some youtube videos and ordered some bombas socks online! kevin gamed for a bit and then we planned our meals for the week and after i folded the laundry, and put the sheets in the dryer, we headed out to do some grocery shopping. we went to kam man and then tried getting bubble tea but oh my tea was closed T__T it’s closed until wednesday!!! it was heart breaking.
then we hit up bj’s and got bulk items and some bomb af snyder’s honey mustard and onion pretzel bites T^T omg those are my favorite savory snack. they’re sooo bad for you though. we snacked on them all the way back home. then we put away the groceries and kevin prepped the bulgogi. then i microwaved oyakodon for dinner. we watched supernatural and then kevin showered, i prepped all the veggies and the egg. then kevin cooked the meat and we moved all the ingredients to the table and assembled kimbap while watching more supernatural. mine are so ugly now compared to his. why?! ahha. we packed our lunches, cleaned up, and i exercised for a bit to try and beat this sickness out of me. i took an allegra earlier and it didn’t help. exercising helped me breathe through both of my nostrils but the hot shower didn’t do anything. i hopped into bed at 12 am and fell asleep at around 12:40 am...
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