#tumblr/Caribbean Artists overseas
sexypinkon · 2 years
                                  S    E    X     Y     P    I    N    K
I am a huge fan. I saw his work a few years ago and did my best to take some  discrete pictures in the gallery.
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amerivisionblog · 4 years
Amerivision 2020 Rules
Welcome to the rules page for Amerivision Song Contest 2020! These will outline the contest guidelines on 3 areas of the contest - those being HoD (head of delegation, AKA participant) rules, song eligibility rules, and artist eligibility rules. 
If you competed last year/previously, you’ll notice the rules aren’t super different this year but it’s not a bad idea to have a refresher so nothing comes as a surprise to you!
Before getting into the rules, here’s the delegations officially recognized and eligible to compete in Amerivision as of 2020!
North/Central America: Belize, Canada, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, United States Caribbean: Antigua and Barbuda, Bahamas, Barbados, Cuba, Dominica, Dominican Republic, Grenada, Haiti, Jamaica, Puerto Rico, St. Kitts and Nevis, St. Lucia, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, Trinidad and Tobago South America: Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Guyana, Paraguay, Peru, Suriname, Uruguay, Venezuela European territories in the Americas: British Overseas Territories, Dutch Caribbean, France d’Outre-mer, Greenland
If interested in claiming Puerto Rico or one of the European territories, be sure to check the 4th section of part 3!
PART 1 - Head of Delegation (HoD) Rules
(1) I need you to have a Tumblr account to sign up with so I can tag you in posts (esp if you are not active in or leave the Discord server). If you change your URL or otherwise re-locate your blog at any point during the contest, please inform me immediately. Membership in the Discord server is not a requirement but it is highly recommended to receive updates from myself and other HoDs and to discuss the songs among the community there.
(2) Generally, one person is the HoD for a country, but in this contest we also allow co-HoD-ing, wherein two people (but no more than that) may share one country's HoD responsibilities. Bear in mind that even with two HoDs, you can only submit one entry song and one set of jury votes (although both HoDs can televote separately)
(3) Any head of delegation that fails to submit their song or submit their jury votes on time will be disqualified from the competition. We recommend against joining if you are unsure if you can meet the given deadlines. However, extensions due to unforeseen circumstances can be given to extend the deadline until up to 48 hours after the initial deadline, but it is the responsibility of the head of delegation to inform me of their need for an extension as soon as possible.
PART 2 - Song Eligibility Rules
(1) What IS allowed: a. Any release date (aka new and old songs are both fine) b. Any language, whether commonly spoken in or native to the Americas or not c. Remixes (as long as the original song meets artist eligibility requirements) d. Songs by eligible Eurovision/NF artists that were NOT used at Eurovision or a national final e. Songs by artists who have previously competed in Amerivision (but not an entry that’s been used in Amerivision before NOR any song by or featuring the previous year's winner) f. Due to Eurovision’s cancellation, Eurovision 2020 songs, as well as songs in national finals, have been deemed acceptable as long as the artist is eligible for a country (2) What is NOT allowed: a. Covers b. Mashups of two or more different songs c. Songs that have already competed in any previous edition of Amerivision (check out our Wikia if you’re new!) d. Songs from Eurovision or any Eurovision national final (excl. 2020) e. Songs by or featuring the previous year’s winner (last year’s winner is the group SIAMÉS) (3) Borrowing may be allowed on a case-to-case basis for smaller countries, but they must be approved by the executive supervisor prior to submission or inclusion in national selections. Don’t be afraid to ask about it! (4) The song must be available on YouTube. It is also preferred if it is available on Spotify too (not a requirement). If the song is not available in major areas where participants live (such as the US, Canada, Australia, Indonesia, Europe, etc) you MUST be able to provide an alternate link or upload of the song so everyone can hear it!
PART 3 - Artist Eligibility Rules
(1) The song must feature at least one artist that has a valid connection to the country they represent. Valid connections include: being born and/or raised in the country, living in or having citizenship of the country for at least 4 years (past or present), having parent(s) or grandparent(s) from the country, or other similar significant connections 
(2) In the case of bands, duos, groups, and collaborations, at least one person involved needs to have the above connections to the country. I'm not too strict on that, if I'm honest. But if you're worried, you can always shoot me a DM! 
(3) An artist cannot represent two different countries within the same edition. Whoever submits their song with that artist in it first is the person who will be able to send that artist that edition, and the second country must find a new entry by someone else. 
a. Puerto Rico may only send artists connected to Puerto Rico, not non-Puerto Rican artists from the United States or US Minor Outlying Islands 
b. The United States may also consider artists from the USMOI, as they do not have their own delegation
c. Greenland is allowed to send an artist from any part of Denmark, not exclusively Greenland 
d. France (known in this contest as France d'Outre-mer) may select artists from any part of France, not exclusively from the French departments/holdings within the Caribbean/South America (French Guiana, Guadeloupe-Martinique, Saint Martin, Saint Barthélemy) (British Overseas Territories) 
e. The UK (known in this contest as British Overseas Territories) may select artists from any part of the UK, not exclusively the British territories within the Carribean/Atlantic (Anguilla, Bermuda, British Virgin Islands, Cayman Islands, Falkland Islands, Montserrat, Turks and Caicos Islands) 
f. The Netherlands (known in this contest as Dutch Caribbean) may select artists from any part of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, not exclusively from Dutch areas in the Caribbean (Aruba, Curaçao, Sint Maarten, Bonaire, Sint Eustatius, Saba)
If you have any questions, feel free to send an ask or DM to this blog, or DM me on Discord (you can find my Discord user info via the Amerivision Discord Server)!
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prismmarketingco · 3 years
Dancehall artiste Black-er is the latest in a series on local entertainers who have come out to voice their disapproval with the current state of Jamaica's music. The "Tek Off Something" hitmaker frustration seems to have reached fever-pitch on Friday afternoon, prompting him to broadcast a statement via Whatsapp. The post read, "It's a shame to see the type of music that our Jamaican artistes are putting out, both males and females. There is no more morality in them. This is not good; what are we teaching the younger generation that doing ungodly things is the right way? And you all are doing this just for overseas recognition, and at the end of the day, they still don't recognise you." He continued, "The only recognition you get is from the devil because it is his work you all are doing. Come on, my fellow artistes, we all know the right thing. Let's get back to doing what we know is right! Lets us be an example; that's what got us all the recognition that we want by doing good music, please and thanks. One love to all people." Best known for the hits "Tek Off Something" and Bun Him", Black-er also serves as host for the countdown show "Black-er Top 20", aired across various cable networks throughout fourteen Caribbean countries (at Kingston, Jamaica) https://www.instagram.com/prism_marketingco/p/CZARnqUBmeb/?utm_medium=tumblr
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michaelseanharris · 4 years
Mike's Moment Of... Culture: Dance EP 006
This week my guest is Marlon Simms, Artistic Director of the NDTC Jamaica and Dean of The School of Dance. We have an engaging convo about his journey as a dancer and the dance scene at present.
Marlon Simms is the Dean of the School of Dance at the Edna Manley College of the Visual and Performing Arts (EMCVPA). He completed a Bachelor of Arts in English at the University of the West Indies (UWI), a post graduate diploma in Education at the University of Technology (UTECH) and a Master of Fine Arts in Choreographic Theory and Practice from Southern Methodist University (SMU) in Dallas, Texas. He has been in the teaching profession for over twenty years and has facilitated workshops and classes in dance, choreography and dance education in many parts of the Caribbean and North America. He has also choreographed dance works in Jamaica and overseas for major dance companies, schools, studios and community groups and shares him time generously with the National Dance Theatre Company (NDTC) as the Artistic Director, a post he has held since 2018. At the NDTC, apart from executing his usual administrative duties, he heads the staging of their annual productions, choreographs, teaches, co-produces the annual NDTC Journal and sustains the NDTC repertoire and style as developed by the late Prof. Rex Nettleford. He firmly believes in the transformative power of the arts and works tirelessly to empower the next generation of artists using his mantra "excellence can be achieved if you are driven by passion and purpose”. 
You can find Marlon on Facebook, IG, Twitter and Tumblr @marlondsimms
Check out this episode!
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amerivisionblog · 5 years
Amerivision 2019 country claims info!
Sign-ups for Amerivision 2019 are coming up, as a reminder of the date and time, they open on Saturday, 7 September, at 11am US Central time.
Below the cut, you will find information about country claims/sign ups.
The following is the list of all countries you can sign up for, and the order on which they appear in the form.
Antigua and Barbuda
British Overseas Territories (UK and its territories)
Costa Rica
Dominican Republic
Dutch Caribbean (Netherlands and its territories)
El Salvador
France d'Outre-mer (France and its territories)
Greenland (Denmark and its territories)
Puerto Rico
Saint Kitts and Nevis
Saint Lucia
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
Trinidad and Tobago
United States
Some other guidelines and notes:
Remember that Mexico has been claimed by last edition’s winner, so you will not be able to sign up for it and it will not be on the form!
Same as last year, co-hodding is allowed, but only between two participants. You will be asked to put both of your Tumblr urls in the form if you both have Tumblrs.
The full, detailed rules for this edition can be found at this link, so if you have any questions about song/artist eligibility or other things regarding Edition 4, check there.
I think that’s everything important related to sign-ups, good luck everyone, see you on Saturday!
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amerivisionblog · 5 years
Rules Update
I have already taken the liberty of publishing the official rules/guideline/information for the upcoming (in late August) fourth edition of Amerivision!
I am publishing this a couple months prior to sign-ups just so anyone who’s already begun thinking about what country they would like to represent or what sort of song they might send will understand in advance what is allowed and not allowed, as well as some new additions to the line up.
Here’s the official document which goes into more detail, but I will share a basic outline for those who don’t like reading a lot:
1. All heads of delegation must have a Tumblr account for contact reasons. We also recommend joining the Amerivision Discord server (linked in the document)
2. Cohodding is allowed this edition as it had been in previous editions, but the maximum is two people in a delegation. 
3a. Any participant who claims a country but fails to officially submit their entry before the song submission deadline will be removed from the competition. 3b. And on a similar note, any delegation who does not submit their jury’s votes before the voting deadline will be removed from the competition. 3c. If something comes up and you need a time extension it’s your responsibility to inform the executive supervisor.
4. There are now 41 eligible delegations to choose from! (Except for whichever one is claimed by last edition’s winner oof) There are two new delegations that can be claimed. This is a full list of the delegations:
Belize, Canada, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, United States, Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Guyana, Paraguay, Peru, Suriname, Uruguay, Venezuela, 
Antigua and Barbuda, Bahamas, Barbados, Cuba, Dominica, Dominican Republic, Grenada, Haiti, Jamaica, Puerto Rico, St. Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Trinidad and Tobago, Greenland (Denmark and its territories), France d'Outre-mer/Overseas France (France and its territories), Dutch Caribbean (Netherlands and its territories), and British Overseas Territories (UK and its territories), Antarctica.
5. And finally, I take a page or so to discuss requirements of the songs and artists, so I would recommend actually looking at that part of the document.
Thanks for your support, and keep watching this space for more updates about the contest, which is coming soon!
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