#tummy doing backflips like holy shit
cantsaythetword · 3 years
Let Nature Take It’s Course!
~A/N  - HALLO!
Damn I’ve been back to writing a lot today. This one is from a while back when me and one of my best friends (thegirlIhavebeencrushingonforlike2yearsnow) were at her place watching stuff and started messing around with one of those head massager things 
(these things
Tumblr media
you know the ones)
So of course I turned it into a fic, with a little added bit at the end for something I nglreallywishhappenedbutohwell...
Also this is my first MJ and Peter fic (i think)! So lemme know if y’all like it. 
Love you all, I am proud of you, you are doing great <3
- Enoy! ~
When Peter had agreed to a late night study session, he never expected this.
To be at MJ’s house, 5 hours later, watching wild, wacky, and wonderful youtube videos at 3 O’Clock in the morning. 
Yup. They had entered a spiral into the weird side of youtube. And they weren’t getting out of it any time soon. Sure, the first few hours had been productive. They had snacks, laptops out, tea, everything they needed for a night of assignment writing and content memorising. But now, well... They had just finished a video about the Pompeii explosion, and the youtube algorithm had decided that the Bermuda Triangle would be next.
Of course. That’s a logical progression. 
In preparation of the next 10 minutes of mind blowing conspiracies, MJ had decided to get comfy. Meaninglessly lying back against her best friend’s chest.
The best friend in question, however, found this anything but meaningless.
Peter’s heart began to race. Having MJ so close to him was both comforting and exhilarating. His hands grew sweaty, knees weak (arms are heav- ok I’m sorry I’ll stop...), and he just couldn’t concentrate on the video playing in front of him. His thoughts and eyes would just continually drift back to the girl beside him. Something about her kept her in his head, over and over again she ricocheted in his mind like a game of ping pong. And nothing he could would stop it.
In an attempt to stop himself staring at his crush, he let his eyes wander around her bedroom. Not in a creepy way, of course, just to distract himself enough so he didn’t disturb her (or draw attention to himself). It was only the second time Peter had been in MJ’s house, after all, and he couldn’t help but have a bit of a look around.
There was the regular things - posters, pictures of family and friends, jackets, etc. etc., all stuff you’d expect to find in someone’s room.
Then there was the slightly stranger stuff. Like the toy cat they had found for a Halloween costume a year earlier. Or the giraffe onesie that matched Peter's which she had found for a PJ party.  
But none of that was what interested Peter, oh no. As his eyes locked on to a rather interesting object in MJ’s hairbrush holder, he nonchalantly reached over to grab it. It was time for some fun, and thankfully MJ didn’t realise what he was up to. 
With the poise and grace of a... graceful person... he slowly brought his arm back towards him and held the head scratcher over MJ’s relaxed form. Lining up the spokes around her head, he brought it down slowly onto her. 
Oh this was even better than he had imagined.
Her body seemed to seize up immediately, eyes scrunching shut in an adorable grimace, and he could tell there was a threat of giggles gathering in her throat. He gently raised and lowered it a few times, each movement causing her to jerk and shudder in a more entertaining and endearing manner, the smile never leaving her face. 
“Peheh- Pete...” She winced and gasped with each tickly motion. “Cuhu- cut ihit- OUt!”
Eventually he gave her a moment of repose, and she shoved his hands away and gave him a glare.  
“Peter.” She said in a threatening tone, but the boy was way too giddy with himself to notice. 
”What?” He grinned. “It can’t be that bad, can it?”
“Oh, how about you try it then?”
Peter’s face morphed from a teasing smirk to a nervous, open-mouthed smile. He shook his head repeatedly, continuously moving the hand holding the head scratcher so MJ couldn’t grab it off him. The shit-eating grin returned, however, when she gave up and sat back upright to face him.
“Not so brave now are you?” She huffed, giving him a jab to the ribs.
Uh oh.
With the singular small squeak and dramatic flinch, Peter had just signed himself up for a whole world of trouble. And from the look in MJ’s eyes, she wasn’t looking for a further invitation.
She dove onto Peter, forcing him onto his back against the mattress, and began to squeeze her hands into his sides.
He gasped and shrieked, making every effort to stay quiet and not give in to his bubbling laughter, the last thing he wanted was to wake her parents. 
“Come on Peter!” She teased in a sing-songy voice. “It can’t be thaaaat bad.”
“Shuhuhut uHUp!” He squeaked, giggles pouring out of his mouth despite his best efforts to stop them. 
Her fingers were like little tickle machines, perfectly dancing over his ribs in the most torturous way possible, and there was nothing Peter could do about it. Sure he could fight off 5 bad guys at a time with his hands behind his back, but the second anyone wriggled a hand at him he was curled up in the fetal position laughing his head off. 
Ribs, tummy, sides, hips, they all blended into one agonisingly sensitive zone as MJ continued her relentless attack. Once she felt Peter was sufficiently tickled out, she grabbed the head scratcher out of his hand and held it in front of her threateningly. 
“Nononono MJ please!” Peter begged, giggles still getting out of his system. “I can’t tAKE IHIHIT!” 
MJ wasn’t going to take no for an answer, 
Managing to scratch at his head, causing hilarious sputters and squirms out of Peter, she let out a chuckle of her own. Bringing his hands up to block another onslaught, she resorted to another target.
Oh boy was that a good choice.
If Peter’s head was ticklish, his knee was even worse. His leg kicked out and spasmed with every slight movement, and she had managed to land herself on top of his thigh so could easily keep him pinned while torturing him.
Through his teary-eyed laughter, Peter latched into MJ’s armpits, sending her tumbling to the side of him and giving him the opportunity to grab the massager of doom. 
“My turn!” He said through gulps of air, laying on her legs and slowly trailing the scratcher down the sides of her knee. 
She squealed and thrashed behind him but he refused to let go. When her arm got caught underneath him, he moved on to her elbow. Sawing the spokes up and down the length of her arm. While it wasn’t as bad as her knee, it still tickled like crazy, causing her hand to flail around as he moved. 
“Got you now!” He grinned cockily.
Perhaps a little too cockily. 
In his over-confident state, he released some of the pressure keeping MJ trapped, giving her the opportunity to escape his clutches, grab the scratcher, and shove it down onto his shoulder. 
The tingly, tickly sensations shot down his chest and over his back, his body practically vibrating like she had just shot him with a tazer. He collapsed into her and giggled helplessly as she cooed down at him.
“Awwww, someone a little ticklish here huh?” She smirked, adding her fingernails against his neck to increase the sensation. 
His head slammed down towards his shoulder, but it couldn’t block out the sensations. It was just too much, and he was just lying there taking it. He had to act fast if he wanted revenge before he was too tired to do anything. 
Quickly spinning himself around, he sat himself up and readied for battle. Both of them with hands outstretched in claws, waiting for the right time to strike. Peter went first, aiming to tickle all over her exposed neck. She squeaked, shoving her hands into his now wide-open armpits. The two were locked in a tickly tangle, both fighting to ensure the other’s surrender. 
As MJ reached with one hand for the head scratcher, Peter kicked off the bed to get a better angle of attack, and the pair of them went tumbling off the side of the bed.
Landing with a soft “oof”, Peter looked down to realise he was now on top of a still giggly MJ. 
“Sorry...” He blushed, frozen in both embarrassment and infatuation. He broke eye contact for a while, wondering how best to approach the situation. Before he had a chance to think, however, something grabbed at his shirt. The collar tugged his neck downwards, head lowering towards the ground, his eyes turned to face the girl below him and OH MY GOD...!
MJ’s lips met his.
Though it lasted for mere seconds, Peter could feel his body exploding like fireworks. Electricity zapping through his veins, fogging up his brain and relaxing every bone in his body. As she pulled away and he opened his eyes, it was like the room had been blasted with a bright light. There was a shine in his gaze, adoration reflecting through his pupils. He gently brushed the hair from her face and smiled down at her, before lowering his head for another soft kiss.
He fell right into her trap.
As their lips connected, MJ slowly reached for her weapon and plunged it through Peter’s soft, mossy brown curls. She could feel his mouth contort into a helpless giggle of betrayal as he pulled away and fell to her right. He playfully batted her hand away and sat upright to recover.
“You jerk.” He laughed, giving her a playful shove.
“You started it, asshole.” She smirked, shoving him right back. 
The pair locked eyes for a moment, a spark flickering between them, before launching into another round of tickle attacks again.
Ah, young love.
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willgayers · 7 years
hiii first of all i love the way you write!!! love love love and i was thinking could you do something about eddie being a flower shop owner and richie a music store owner?? Like eddie is all flowery and soft and richie is A Punk but with the sweetest smile and their stores are in front of one another, they see eachother all the time but they don't know how to interact!!!! xx
first of all thank you so much ❤️
so eddie’s working at the cute floral store downtown where his cousin linda used to work at but now she moved to nyc and recommended eddie,,, her 19 year old cousin to the boss and voalá! eddie’s so cute and cuddly so immediately he got the job!!!!
and richie works at the music store opposite. his story of getting the job wasnt so ‘cute and cuddly’ see he got kicked out of his condo ,,, fired from kfc AND dumped by his girlfriend so he’s bunking at his buddy’s tommy’s place who works at the cd store and one day he was like hey! we’re actually looking for a new worker so r u interested and ofc richie was and yeah.
now as we’ve got the backgrounds covered,,,, one morning eddie comes to work with a takeaway cup of latte in his hand, he’s about to start opening the door when he hears some rattling and a loud “oh, fuck me!!!”
he turns his head towards the voice and sees a boy with out of control black curly hair,, he’s wearing a yellow colored flannel and a pair of ripped black jeans and slightly broken converse and he’s on the ground picking up some cd’s that eddie now figures have fallen down from the trolley
eddie has never seen him before so he’s curious
then the guy turns his head towards eddie too and eddie flusters because ho ho holy SHIT this guy is CUTE
“how do you do” the guy just nods and eddie rushes in to the floral store too shocked to interact with this cd guy
throughout the whole day eddie keeps on glancing outside from the windows of his store while he waters the plants or something,,, trying to see more of this guy and every time he does the boy just waves at him and eddie turns his gaze away IMMEDIATELY as he blushes
richie’s not doing so well on his first week he’s constantly dropping the cd’s or spilling coffee on the table or fucking up the cash system
this may all be partly due to the fact he can’t stop staring at the floral store boy
one day they come to work at the same time,, walking on the opposite sides of the street and glancing at each other, but neither one dares to say anything
richie can’t help but SWOON over the baby pink sweater this other boy is wearing and how it’s hanging all the way down to his knees and he just looks so cute and pure??? in his beige chinos and white sneakers
meanwhile he’s probably scared of richie in his studded leather jacket and chains on his jeans
one day eddie is watering the plants by the window again, gently biting on his lip as he looks at richie outside his cd store , a cigarette hanging loosely from his mouth as he’s putting some poster on the billboard outside
“what are you looking at??”
eddie flinches and turns his head to his co-worker kate that is holding a coffee mug in her hand and then she gasps
eddie looks at the vase and gasps too, turning the watering can up again,, cursing quietly as kate just grabs the plant and goes to change the dirt or whatever and eddie turns his gaze back outside,, kind of upset to see richie went back inside his store :-(
on a snowy ,, dark thursday in december richie’s walking to the evening shift and turns his gaze to the floral store just like every other day but now he sees eddie smiling to the customer and talking something ,,, then listening to whatever the customer is saying with the FRIENDLIEST little smile and then chuckling and oh fuck richie’s in love? he’s so much in love that he doesn’t realize he’s already at the store and now someone opens the door and richie doesn’t notice and the door slams straight to his face and he lets out a grunt as he slips on ice and falls to his butt on the ground
the next day eddie’s counting the cash when he looks up and sees the cd store boy,, lightly limping as he walks to his store
kaspbrak is worried is he ok???
turns out richie’s hurt his tailbone and now he needs a week’s rest
“im totally FINE tommy!!” richie says as he grimaces on his way to the kitchen to get some coffee
“richie you look like a old man that’s shat his pants”
“im FINE!” richie says, trying to straighten his back but soon letting out an ow ow ow- as tommy rushes over to him and guides him towards the couch where richie lays down
“seriously. im gonna do your shifts this week. just rest and watch jurassic park”
but the feeling’s mutual
after the first couple of days of being confused and sad with not seeing richie, eddie finds himself basically running to work every morning hoping that today’s the day he’s finally gonna see the trashmouth cursing and kicking the trolley that won’t move but he’s never there!!!
he’s getting worried
oh my god is he dead???? he was walking weirdly what if he’s dead???
eddie’s a little nervous at work and kate notices he’s glancing at the cd store literally EVERY other second
“looking for the cute record store guy huh?” kate just casually asks as she flips the page of the magazine she’s reading and eddie flusters as he turns his head to kate
“just so you know he’s not gonna come in for the rest of the week”
“????what why????”
“he hurt his tailbone because he fell.”
“he fell???” eddie frowns
“yeah i know tommy who works at the store. he said richie was distracted looking at something and so he fell”
eddie’s heart does a little jump
“richie?” he asks ,, his voice kinda soft
“yep that’s his name,” kate says and sips on her coffee
eddie just feels this weird warmth go through him as a small smile takes over his lips when he thinks of richie
on monday richie’s so fucking READY to go to work he hasn’t seen eddie all week other than inside his brain
and eddie’s practically been the only thing in there
so monday morning,, richie’s walking to work (slightly still limping but definitely not that bad anymore), he wants to go usain bolt and SPRINT but his doctor told him to take it easy so he’s gonna do that but not because the doc said so,,, only because he doesn’t wanna stay home for another week or two and not see eddie again
so eddie’s opening the store door again when he hears the sound of snow scrunching on the other side of the street and turns around ,, nearly dropping his coffee takeaway when he sees richie
richie’s heart flusters as he sees eddie and he stops at the store, both of them just staring at each other
until eddie finally speaks
richie almost chokes on air is that his voice??? that’s the cutest voice ever????
“,,hey” richie speaks
“where were you” eddie asks immediately regretting because oh my gOD now he knows eddie’s noticed him being gone
richie feels kinda happy??? that this cute boy has acknowledged his absence
“i had an accident”
“an accident??” eddie asks even tho he knows about it already but he decides to ask still because he kinda wants to know what richie was looking at when he fell
richie thinks whether he should go for it or not but oh my gOd flower store guy looks so adorable in his pastel pink bomber jacket and grey big wool scarf and the coffee mug in his hand and ????
“well this is kinda funny but i was looking at this cute brunette opposite the street and got hit in the face by a door” richie shrugs “and then i fell”
eddie’s tummy does a backflip and he has to bite down to his lip to stop himself from smiling ear to ear
“really?” he asks
“yeah.” richie says “he’s really cute. do you happen to know his name?”
eddie giggles. LITERALLY giggles
“i think his name’s eddie” he says and richie smiles evER SO SOFTLY BECAUSE EDDIE????? CUTE
“so,, eddie,” richie clears his throat “what time do you get off work?”
“!!! so do i!!!“richie lets out a laugh “you got any plans???”
(no he totally doesn’t but he’s gonna call tommy to come cover the rest of his shift)
“yeah” eddie says and richie’s smile fades because the grey cloud of disappointment falls over his lanky frame now
“with this super ridiculously hot record store guy,, we’re going out for pizza”
and now richie could do a backflip
ridiculously super hot????!?!??
he’s smirking so wide his face might tear up soon
“really??? how hot is he again???”
eddie chuckles
“really hot.” he says
if somehow possible,, the smirk on richie’s face widens even MORE
until he lets out a kind of raspy laugh and glances down at the ground
eddie could pass out from the sound of his laugh
and then ,,, cool and confident AF richie’s like
“see you at six then, eddie spaghetti”
richie mentally slaps himself for saying that outloud because that ruined the whole confident hot bad boy thing he got going on
“eddie what???” eddie asks
“nOTHING SEE YA” richie says and rushes in
neither one of them can focus on their jobs fully that day bc they’re so excited about the date that night and they keep glancing at each other through the windows and smiling so widely at each other
richie forgets to take a customer as he’s just gazing at eddie 
“uh hello???”
richie flinches back to the moment
“yES HI”
and the pizza date went great they had SUCH a fun time getting to know each other better,, laughing so much flirting so much 
(richie totally guided a pizza piece to eddie’s mouth and then was like oops you got some cheese here and then softly brushed it away from the corner of eddie’s mouth with his thumb and looked at eddie’s lips for a little too long and oh GOD the tension™)
and they were just enjoying each other’s company so mUch that they then decided to ,,, well,,,
take it back to richie’s place
which isn’t actually richie’s place
it’s tommy’s
the date went a little too well if you ask him
bc he had to
but oh well! reckless teenagers! what can you do!
so the next morning richie has a day off from work but eddie has the morning shift and OOPSIE he slept in and now it’s 11.25am and he wakes up from under richie’s arm and he doesn’t even realize/remember it at first but now he opens his eyes and sees the cute record store guy asleep without a shirt on next to him with his hair even messier than usual and he’s kinda snoring and he looks so PEACEFUL and eddie’s heart expands and he finds himself smiling at the sight
and then he looks at the clock and realizes he’s slept in
he jumps up so fast he wakes up richie who just goes “??????”
“FUCK im late for work SHIT”
richie’s like wow this cute thing can curse
“i gotta go,” eddie then says
“call me?” richie asks with a pout and eddie wants to sob
“i’ve got a better idea” eddie says, pulling something out of his pocket that turns out to be a pack of bubblegum
“oh wow! silly me im forgetting my gums!! well i better come fetch them after work today!!”
richie has the biggest grin on his face
“bye” eddie says and leans down to kiss richie who kisses him back so passionately that eddie melts in to the kiss and almost just decides not to give a fuck and fall back to the bed
“ohHhhkay i really gotta go” he then breaths out and rushes out of the room before it’s too late
he sees richie’s roommate by the kitchen table drinking coffee and reading the newspaper
and then he looks up at eddie
eddie gulps
“good morning” he says before storming out of the house
once he gets to the floral store there’s sO MANY PEOPLE because it’s december 22nd and it’s almost christmas and well the holiday season is always busy
“kate oh my god i am SO sorry-” eddie blurts out as he rushes in , straight behind the counter
kate doesn’t answer anything at first and eddie feels so bad and he immediately takes the next customer
once the store is a little calmed down ,, customers just walking around kate speaks  
“have fun?”
eddie turns bright red as he looks at kate
“you’ve got…” kate nods towards his neck and eddies eyes widen as he grabs the tiny mirror from the table and looks at his neck that’s got a HUGE hickey
“oh my god!!” he blurts out and kate smirks wide
eddie has to wrap his scarf around his neck
but he kinda likes the hickey
and he smiles to himself at the thought of going back home to richie after work
he could actually get used to it
no. he could definitely get used to it 
and he will because in a couple of months they decide to move in together and its the best god i love domestic!reddie
the end💓 💕 💖 💞 
@superbyersbros @xbell22 @donthateonk8@stenbroughbros@reddiebrekmyheart@itsgreywaterrichie @donvex@blueeyespurpleskies@ageorgymi@oh-youre-the-worst@eddiekaaspbraak @whipashwhipash@rissyq @richietoaster@edskasqbrak@urtury@bukiminajimu @kcutieeesblog @stansmansuris@adorefack @reddieaddict@icyeyes102@denbroughbill @graveyardshipper@taletellingsir@anxiety-freak-yuuri@rheddie@queertrashmouth @richiefreakingtozier@castletozier@tohzier @80soleff @lonewolfhard@low-key-dying @sad-synth @richietoaster @badboyharrington@beepbeep-losers@temptedtozier@kaspbraccs@kylieee827-blog @sad-synth @low-key-dying@officiallyreddie@reddietofall @stanleyboii@eternitynurarms@remushlupin@turtleneckrichie@rosegoldrichie@80srichie@asteroidbill@lonewolfhard @trashmouthgazebos @littlepointman 
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