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Double Comm for ~ChubbReaver and ~Hash-ak-Geek on FA of their OCs Punch and Rabidus ! Thank you both so much <3
Get Art From Me ?
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hash-ak-geek · 1 year
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Hey, hi, hello!
Welcome to all who end up on this little post of mine. I am a fanartist and have pretty much been that way for the good majority of my existence. I love fantasy, medieval heraldry, and Arthurian lore with all those grand old knight and dragon elements, too.
My most favored nook in fantasy at the moment, is the Legacy of Kain series. Though not so much a dragon scaled story, scaled vampires had a charm I couldn't resist 10 years ago and so still charms me to this day!
My name is Devon; though you can call me Dj, or my other characters' names:
-Cadmus Dreadmourne: an older vampire that stands by Vorador as a hope-driven sibling in opposition, seeking reason to pick up his vampiric valor once more. His words are powerful, but his voice is rather weak. He has a short temper, and that is often the direction to a quick -and very common- defeat.
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-Rabidus, the Wretched: the open mind with an ailing soul. Rabidus suffers from recurring emotional distress patterns caused by abandonment and betrayal. He wants to remain trustworthy of what might remain in a better light for Nosgoth, but his troubled mind fights him at every turn. Rabidus takes pride in his artistry. He sought out new ways to find brighter pigments in colors, softer bristles in horse mane, and even technique to better a matte stroke. Creating a personal canvas to illustrate the wonders of his own mind, would garner the attention of many. Though he wasn't fond of center stage, he did love and learn to cherish his ability to bring many aspiring smiles together. He belongs to @chubbiestreaver as of now!
I now have the somewhat charming, always sycophantic Turelim, Pearce, A.K.A PUNCH!
▶Pearce Levels himself to humans, Vampires, and wayward heroes. After dropping his name and rank in Turel’s forces and Kain’s favor, he became a bigger importance to a largely obscure and very small flicker of hope for Nosgoth’s preservation. 
▶He's bull-headed, hot-tempered, and usually air-headed most occasions, [especially at the beginning of his unlife and devolution, and he steels and toughens up over the centuries during the Soul Reaver Era.] but he's very protective of his loved ones, and to his fellow clansmen that he works hard to appease and grow in the ranks of. That all changes, though, after Turel’s abrupt absence during the climax of the Pre-Soul Reaver Era.
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I dabble in art most often and would love to develop my writing more and move forward with a project I currently work on alongside my brother, @chubbiestreaver though we spend more time brainstorming than story writing.
I hope to have fun here, and I'm looking forward to sharing art and ideas with a fellow community of people who enjoy Lok as I do!
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patiusarchivist · 1 year
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Forge Dog Axel given some attention and proper energy without mun influence.
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ethaneldritch · 4 months
Hypothetical Identity V x Legacy of Kain crossover list:
S-tier is obviously Kain. I'm thinking either for the Detective or Undead. Undead, because his build and weapon look fairly similar. Detective, because he also happens to be the main character of a complicated and tragic storyline (also because Kain never fully "dies"; it'd just feel right for him to run around in synesthesia mode after his part in the game is done).
I'm leaning toward Detective, to add that "specialness" justifying it being an S-tier. Kain doesn't have a very flashy character design, so you'd need something other than tons of special effects encouraging people to buy it.
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Raziel - Axe Boy/Photographer (I'm leaning toward Axe Boy because of the flaming souls and design potential of the trees, but Photographer would probably make a better vampire Raziel. Think "going into spectral" with the cameras, etc.)
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Ariel - Naiad (Geisha and BQ don't quite match her temperament, but Naiad's swimming moveset perfectly translates into ghostly floating about. Her harpoon could be redesigned into a staff with the Balance symbol on the end.)
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Moebius - Mad Eyes (✨NEED. I. SAY. MORE.✨ His gates could be retextured to look like the stained glass halls in the Sarafan Stronghold.)
One for each of the clans, of course! I made sure all the B-tiers were Survivors since the higher tiers are very Hunter-heavy, which is unusual for most crossovers.
Razielim - Toy Merchant
Turelim - Mind's Eye
Dumahim - Forward
Rahabim - Professor
Zephonim - Entomologist
Melchiahim - Grave Keeper
(You could switch Toy Merchant for Perfumer if you wanted to represent more of the Razielim's snooty side. Also, Professor and Ento can be switched for Evil Reptilian and Soul Weaver respectively, if you wanted more Hunters in the lineup.)
Miscellaneous Items:
I figure most of the above (except maybe the S-tier) would be presented in an essence, so I came up with some hypothetical goodies to put in the shop, too.
Mini Lieutenants (pets for both Hunter and Survivor. You'd probably be able to get a maximum of two or three for free from the accompanying event, but the rest would be available in the shop. They should likely sell at a discount to the usual pet price as well, since there's so many.)
Mini Sluagh (an alternative pet idea, if the mini lieutenants are too many to collect. Could be for Hunter or Survivor, but I'm leaning toward Hunter.)
Mini anyone, tbh. Vorador, Umah, Janos...heck, just chibify 'em all. I'd open my wallet for that. >:)
Some kind of Soul Reaver accessory (either a small B-tier available in the essence, or an S-tier for Raziel/Axe Boy. In the case of the latter, you could probably brand it as an "elemental font" or something and have color-changing effects for various interactions during a game.)
General Hunter A-tier accessory (turns rocket chairs into a small recreation of Kain's Pillar throne; I'm thinking it could just be a large central Balance Pillar with the others being smaller decorative bits, otherwise the design becomes too big for the item it's replacing. You could even have it similar to BQ's Promised Neverland costume, where the Pillars are whole when a Survivor is first chaired, and decayed when on their second.)
At least one piece of furniture (I literally don't care what, I just have a horrible addiction to collecting furniture in this freaking game. Maybe another throne or some kind of Chronoplast thingy.)
WAIT NO. HOW DID I NOT THINK OF THIS SOONER: BANNERS. (All six clans, probably B-tier. If you wanna get really fancy, you could do a larger banner of Kain's too. Line 'em all up on the wall with his in the middle...oh heck ya.)
Questions? Comments? Remarks from the peanut gallery? Leave 'em all, I'd be happy to hear your thoughts! :D
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asktranquilrahab · 1 year
Winter Speech
Rahab stood before his throne, looking out to his gathered counsel and children. Arms crossed but held his chalice of wolves chasing moonstones on the rim, thumb-claw tracing one of the worn motifs. "It is Winter Solstice, the turn of the seasons. The time of death onto nature and the rest of abundant. Whilst the rivers sleep and trees under ice, our humans are kept warm and we enjoy the pale beauty. Whilst our kindred-clans rest, we stand foremost with the blessing of our Dark Gift."
The pleased agreements almost spoke past young lips and the glint of power in their elders, Rahab couldn't help but share in it by the mere quirk of his black lips.
"Our Emperor sees to us to ensure our holdings absolute and the vestige of the Old World to be ever fearing. We provide wisdom onto our mortals and schedules continuing. Our fledglings, they may yet know the true power that their elders wield, they will learn. They will the pain and stakes we have waged to assure this. I have already arranged the Turelim patrols to ensure our Master's northern land whilst Dumah and his children take this one moment to rest. Melchiah has his condemned burning their frozen and damned to keep the heat channeling to our forges, in tune of our dams' work."
The cohesion, despite the ever-shifting rivalries, between the clans was ever-important. Especially in the summers and winters.
"The Razielim will coordinate with the Zephonim and Alukae to ensure our eyes are unblinded. The blood-halls supplied, our last convoy of revered aquarii delivered for bleeding. Now, all we may produce is the coming season's new works. Ashrif..."
Rahab rose his chalice to his Son of Coordinations, the deep-dressed man bowed his tiara-wrapped head with his own chalice of the most beautiful sapphire-tinted metal with emerald-eyed fish leaping in a dance.
"Our artisans are working more excited this year, milord. Our year's experiences brought an abundance of influence and inspiration that I see look over and will be after our celebrations."
"Marvellous. Everyone. That of my gifted blood and those born under my standard, thank you. Like our Master, there are few things I value more than loyalty, diligence, and a common goal that we strive for. For without our brotherhood, we are no better than the lesser bloods. Those we've lost and those devoured by the ravages of time and Old Humanity."
Rahab's electric blue eyes looked out lovingly onto his clan. His children. That of his siring and those sired by his. Even the few adopted by him.
"My mortals. Continue with these values in your hearts and souls, it shall carry you in an honour that you may beheld in your lifetime or that of your children. Your service is duly noted and rewarded, whether you are aware or not. Thank your progenitors for their pledges and oaths, their faith, and the continued love stowed into you. For you are mine as these immortals are before you. Let us raise our drinks and thank above all, our Patriarch above us all."
"For the Emperor and his sacrifice."
"For the Emperor."
Rahab said before taking a deep taste of the sanguine, so sweet and so brimmed with power in its vitae. The ambrosia of the Empire's dark gods.
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dongtopus · 4 years
Turelim are attuned to telekenetic forces.
They can and DO double-jump by concentrating physical force on the air beneath them.
More capable Turelim are potentially unlimited in how many consecutive jumps they can acheive, depending on their strength and telekinetic capacity.
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lynnorastormclaw · 5 years
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Because of the Monster Hunter World Iceborne latest trailer tease, I had a hankering for Brachydios - and I'm a sucker for crossovers, especially with my love for Legacy of Kain. Gave a shot to a concept layout style too!
Turelim Demolisher, Domesticated Brachydios are rare to come by, but ultimately valuable for multitude of tasks - demolition, war, and even obstructed paths. Rumors say clan lord Turel favors these Brachydios, always riding one into battle and leave only ruin in its wake.
This guy's name is Dynamite, and he loves being polished.
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guardiansofnosgoth · 5 years
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I will never regret the decision to write devolved Turelim virtually without sexual dimorphism, other than what they choose to wear. Thanks @lynnora-v for Cerabul’s name.
PS - Cerabul also has an underbite like a bulldog. I forgot to add that.
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armiv · 6 years
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Some quick sketches of the unused Turelim woman
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hypernovahearts · 7 years
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In honour of it being Pride Month, I edited the clan symbols from the Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver to be themed with the pride flag of Bisexuality. Hope you guys enjoy them. If you like them, feel free to save them.
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tyrannousstars · 7 years
Visited my family today in my charcoal kilt, dark turquoise shirt, leather cuff, boots, weathered green hoodie and evergreens-in-the-fog socks; mum told me I look like a walking forest. My little Turelim heart is happy.
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patiusarchivist · 2 years
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The hunters realized too late. They thought they had the vampires pinned under their hail of crossbolts and stolen bastila. It wasn't under the air was screaming at something tearing through it. The more perceptive looked up and saw the mastiff coming down like a siege weapon personified. They forget sometimes that the children of Turel were weapons in themselves.
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ethaneldritch · 3 months
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obsessed with this singular, sad little tree in the Turelim forge. like how did you make it this far little buddy
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same energy y'know?
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prouddumah · 2 years
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Dumahim wild sorcerer
The fall of the Pillars had made the world unstable and its magics twisting and fickle, yet there are the few magi who survive and harness its maddening arcanes.
Energies. States. Dimensions. Mind. Conflict. Death. Time. Nature.
Balance has been broken and by the attendance of Kain and his selective teachings, few of his vampire progeny are chosen to be his disciples. Those whose souls provide potential. What could have been and may never be?
These few are sorcerers that hold a fragment of balance and even then - the nine fundamentals of Nosgoth can destroy them at any time. Amongst the Dumahim, such magi - a caste already disdained and distant from their warrior kindred in the Tower of Strategies - are so far and between among the generations.
Like all of Kain's descendants, the curse of Nupraptor run through their very being and it disturbs their magics unless honed. For the Dumahim, they find little care for the 'cowardice' of magics despite the warlike use. Their affinity to the personal touch of war is only matched by the Turelim and their abundance of physical prowess, so why bother studying the loathsome texts and annoying particularity of magical tutelage? Especially a 'school' so fickle as Nosgoth's irregular winds.
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The Clan’s Clothing
Razielim- The most varied fashion. More willing to experiment with different styles, textures and individual silhouettes- but they tend to like fabrics that are either very thin or drape nicely. Most of the clothing sold is meant to be altered to suit the tastes and body-type of the buyer. I think there is a very big dimorphism between what is marketed as “Male” and “Female” Razielim clothing. Ultimately, the buyer can alternate their clothing however they see fit, however. It is not uncommon to see a Razielim man wearing a “feminine” style dress, or a Razielim woman wearing a “male” style suit. There are also very little limitations on fabric color, especially throughout the scope and complete history of the Razielim clan. Same goes for (most of) the clans. While cultural pride is definitely a thing all the clans experience, it is not as though the clansmen wear the colors of their heraldry all the time. Undergarments are tight-fitting and minimal, if they’re worn at all. Most shaping is done by the clothing itself, rather than any undergarments.
If there is only one rule Razielim clothing follow-- it’s art nouveau. And Capes. If you aren’t constantly looking wind-swept, and like you could be standing dramatically on a cliff-side-- it’s not Razielim.
Turelim- By contrast, Turelim fashion is the most structured- and it’s entirely practical. A “Fashion forward” Turelim will import clothing from other cultures, but otherwise keep to practical garb that are form-fighting and layered. This allows clothing to be adjusted throughout the day. Trousers, knickers, or a pair of bodies are made from wool, or human silk. These undergarments are worn directly against the skin, and can be changed throughout the week. Next come the reinforcement garments. These are often metal or leather slats of practical armor worn atop of it. Often on the arms, shins. They can be removed, and the common citizen doesn’t own full armor for protection (think of them more as athletic braces. If a corset or girdle must be worn, this is where they’d also go after applying leather boots. Next often comes a linen or cotton shirt, then comes a kirtle, or doublet over-vest. These can vary in lengths, cut, and style, but they almost always have removable sleeves. The sleeves are often the most decorative portion of a Turelim’s usual dress. They can be simply tied to the kirtle and be straight, long sleeves, or they can be decorative... But just as easily they can be removed. There is very little difference between traditionally “male” and “female” Turelim clothing, as all clothing has situations where they are most practical. This also helps reinforce the idea that a Turelim is more willing to purchase clothing from outside their clan.
Dumahim-  Due to the sheer love of battle the clan has. Dumahim clothing is mostly made from hardened leather and iron. Up until now, I’ve described the every day garb of the clansmen. I have not been describing armor or uniforms (as that’d take all day to write) however Dumahim love the thrill of the hunt, and the sport of a good fight. Armor, for Dumahim, is simply every day wear. Undergarments are long, but practical. Often made from a thin cotton or linen that is padded or reinforced at joints to prevent chafing. In every-day wear, secondary padding may not be used always, but if it is- it’s likely quilted to slow claws or knives. Apart from that, hardened leather slowly curated to the form of it’s wearer is used next... From here is where the individual outfits begin to differ. Armor pieces can be polished, dyed, stained, patched and embossed to the tastes of the individuals. Not to mention the sheer amount of awards or finery taken from battle. No two Dumahim look alike, even if they have similarly-cut armor, hair, ect. It is said you can tell a Dumahim Vampire’s story through the baubles, awards, and scratches on their armor, and once again clothing differs little between male and female Dumahim.
Rahabim- Rahabim are the first departure from what I would call a “classically European” style wardrobe. The Rahabim tend to don simply made clothes that are comfortable and easy to move in. Much of their clothing is flowy, made from linen and often only covering as much as an individual is comfortable concealing. This noticeable shift in fashion became an answer to the increased devolution, and appearance of scales on Rahabim vampires. It simply just became practical to wear less clothing on a day-to-day basis with all the swimming and itchy scales. Still, while Rahabim more likely to be found in a state of undress than any other clan, downright nakedness is frowned upon, and outside of their home territories they do dress more warmly. Their clothing is more likely to be patterned from light linens. Thin decorative jewelry is often used to denote higher status’ and pin down clothing where flowing fabric becomes impractical. There is no difference at all between male and female clothing and jewelry. In fact, many articles of clothing can be worn many ways.
Zephonim- Now for the other extreme. Due to their vast array of human slaves, and body modification the Zephonim have a plethora of clothing, and wear the most layers of robes by far. They are also the clan which has a strict caste system associated to their clothing. The clothing they wear varies from person to person, in both wealth and status, but the construction is very similar. Typically the more layers of clothing one wears depicts how wealthy a particular Zephonim is. Colors and patterns are no stranger to a Zephonim’s wardrobe while solid blacks, whites and grays denote noble-status or ceremonial garb. Each Zephonim also has a distinct mask marking their identity as a Zephonim, and more often than not a headscarf or veil to go with it. The look of Zephonim is particularly androgynous and obscured. It’s considered tactless for a Zephonim to reveal bare arms, chest or back in public unless actively in battle. There are many suspected reasons for this, some suspect it’s a way to secretly arm one’s self (hiding daggers in one of many sleeves), others think it is a display of wealth, and others believe it is a way to hide any current modifications a Zephonim has performed upon themselves. Starting from the layer closest to the skin, assuming armor is not being worn, the Zephonim either wear a long shift or a thin robe as undergarments. From there, some sort of v-necked tabard can be worn, and may or may not have sleeves. If push comes to shove- this layer is what most Zephonim are comfortable wearing in front of polite company. Next come any jewelry or weaponry. Neck collars, thick bracers, these are typically fashionable for a Zephonim. Next come the outer robes which are long-sleeved, and made from human hair. The amount of layers vary from Zephonim to Zephonim, these outer robes may also have varying sleeve-shapes to suit the taste of the individual Zephonim. Lord Zephon is often known to be wearing seven outer-robes while attending court, becoming a mass of fabric atop his throne he can easily discard as he sees fit. Combined with the vast array of personal masks and veils to wear, Zephonim are highly regarded as being the “most dressed” of the clans.
Melchahim- Now we are falling back to utility, and ironically, the most sexually dimorphed of the clan’s garb. With the constant decay of a Melchahim’s flesh it calls for a certain necessity of upkeep, but from it stems the chance of cosmetic surgery. Perhaps, next to the Rahabim, Melchahim dress the most bare on a daily basis. However, this is due to need not necessarily fashion. Open sores, wounds, and stitching need to be easily accessible for bandages or treatment. As such, a Melchahim’s wardrobe is comprised of support wear, and thin over-garments. Frankly, corsets, gussets, bracers, are arguably the most important. For whatever skin isn’t rotting, skin can be compressed and reinforced. When purposefully applied, foundation wear can hold in spilled viscera and divert swelling blood-flow. Due to the inevitability of a Melchahim’s body-modification, foundation-wear of canvas or muslin is worn. Clothing made for nicer occasions are normally made from silk, but are rare. Cheap fabric functions well, and it is easy to replace. A Male Melchahim’s foundation wear probably begins as a girdle atop a loincloth for undergarments. A female Melchahim would likely wear a corset, or a set of stays, and additionally wear something around the shoulders and chest for modesty. Next come any additional support wear on the limbs. These can sometimes be made of the same fabric, but they can also be made in leather as a slightly reinforced armor. Next follows whatever a Melchahim choses, so long as it is thin, and easy to tear. Often, this outer layer doesn’t appear as a completed outfit, but rather a covering to provide modesty and air for wounds. Many of these outfits, in fact, are just scrap to don until wounds or limbs need treating.
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hedjblogr · 4 years
Wait, I just had a thought: Water is like acid to LoK Vampires, right? At least outside Rahabim? And it's a relatively low-magic fantasy setting (not so much low in power, as in prevalence)? How do LoK vampires bathe, then? Is it not slander to say "Kain stinks", but merely stating fact? Do Vampires roll in ash like a dust bath? Do they improvise with stuff like blood or milk baths? "I mean, at first I used the milk to be clean, but now my skin is silky smooth and I kind of like it."
i’ve definitely considered this and i think they DO bathe, but not all the same way for sure
“kain stinks” is clearly sarafan propaganda, kain is meticulous about grooming, he is FAR too proud to let himself become smelly
(that said vampires might have a certain natural smell about them that is maybe unpleasant to some anyway, you know, since they’re technically dead? or something reflective of them being a fair bit more full of blood)
the kain i rp in particular opts for ash/dust baths, at least at the moment where other options are a little more scarce, and he spends a lot of time brushing his hair, especially when some otherworldly pranksters decide to DOUSE HIM IN GLITTER
(the ash bath thing is not actually something i’d directly thought of and it’d actually be far far easier for them to access ash in the empire era thanks to the smokestacks! imagine the imperial industry for ash-based beauty and care products... this is also how i learned ash soap is a thing)
the kind of shit we saw in janos’ retreat tells me that janos and vorador and possibly other ancient/very old vampires leaned towards blood baths. that opens up some interesting ideas about literally bathing in the blood of your enemies too
but that said i actually figure between the two vorador would be the one more likely to bathe in blood? i think given janos’ more gentle nature toward humanity he’d much rather bathe in milk... which is probably better for his feathers also. i definitely think of all the canon vampires janos was the most well groomed
i can’t imagine every vampire would be fine with bathing in blood though because that’s food why would you wash yourself in your food this is a waste of food. also because i imagine it’s probably not the most pleasant thing to bathe in anyway
that said! as much as milk baths seem a very good alternative to bathing with water for vampires, milk is like 87% water
... but also blood is apparently like 90% water (these are google’d figures mind so i don’t know how accurate they are) so i’m leaning more towards “if it’s not straight up some form of water they’re fine”
which also suggests fruit juice wouldn’t hurt them. alcohol wouldn’t hurt them. they could use popsicles like roll on deodorant
(okay maybe not that last part)
of course while the setting is low magic prevalence, it seems to be suggested that a certain amount of vampires did have access to telekinesis - the turelim are suggested to have it as that’s how raziel acquired it, and kain acquired it via drinking of the seer’s blood, and then developed it enough to be able to use it one-handed through his own efforts
where i’m going with that one is that for minor bits of dirt they could probably just. TK it off of them. but that doesn’t help with the feeling of grossness, any actual care routines, or the little nooks and crannies you have to scrub at a bit (i’m looking at kain’s various cracks in particular for this... which, for the aforementioned glitter incident, proved a massive pain)
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