#turn away and slam the d00R
sergeantsarga · 3 months
Sergeant Breaker Night, he stared at the door, he was…puzzled by it. It looked familiar to him, but he didn’t know where, he blinked….and it was gone. It wasn’t there anymore, he ran over to the wall where it was.
“DAMMIT!” He yelled, “WHERE IS IT? WHY DOES IT KEEP ON FOLLOWING ME?” he teared up, he wanted to open it. He wanted to, so it wouldn’t bother him anymore.
Days went, the Earth around him got smaller, people were disappearing, he couldn’t handle it anymore. He saw the door, over and over again, it haunted him, it was in places it shouldn’t be, but he didn’t care. He wanted to open it, so badly.
The time was soon, nobody was able to open the door, he could now. He could finally open the door and see what was bothering him for so long now. He’d be at peace now.
The door, it was in front of him again, he desperately tried not to blink as he ran towards it, his eyes stung with pain as he reached it. He grabbed a hold of the doorknob, he swing open the door.
It was a bathroom?
“What the…” he said as he stared into the room, it looked so familiar to him….but why? He went into the bathroom, the door immediately slammed right behind him, he yelled out and turned towards it as he heard the noise of it shutting.
He blinked, the door was gone, but he was still in the bathroom. He looked around, it was so familiar to him….but why? Why was it so familiar? Has he been in here before? Was it in a dream? Why was this specific bathroom so familiar to him?….
He turned to the sink, the mirror’s eyes stared into his, it felt…wrong. Something about it looked wrong but it didn’t at the same time….what was wrong? He couldn’t tell, everything about this room felt off, but it looked right. What was going on?
He walked up to the sink and he keeps on staring into his reflection, he’s trying to see what is wrong with it. He suddenly feels nauseous, he couldn’t even hold it in, he puked all over the sink.
Purple, it was covered in purple. “What?..” he said as he looked down at it, he was so confused about why he had just threw up…purple. It didn’t seem right, he thought it wasn’t right. He walked away from the sink, he looked where the door was, it was back!
He quickly ran to it, he grabbed the door knob and he opened it….there was nothing behind the door….or was it just the void? He felt like he was going insane, he walked into it, it felt like he was floating. He looked around, just the void, the open door, and himself, nothing else, there was just him and the door, forever.
A bottle of alcohol appeared from the darkness and floated towards him, he smiles wildly, he grabs a hold of it, he took the lid off of it, and he started drinking all of it.
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shrekoff · 9 years
shrek it offffff
shrek it oFfFFF
can’t fk no b~tch anymoree
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