#tuun ndavi
Edit: I'll try to go over this later to try to fix inaccuracies
Also whenever I see a non native English speaker apologize for their English I always will always always be in awe how far they've gone in learning English
Stuff like "broken" English is so dumb, I think it's very cool seeing how words are ordered Around the world is very cool and not something to call broken or wrong
English is an SVO language meaning it's Subject-Verb-Object!!, It's not particularly rare, and is the second most common word order!
A sentence In English would be like "He Parks the Car"
The most Common word order is Subject Object Verb!!
So in an SOV language it would sound almost like
"His car, he parked"
So when stuff sounds out of order it's probably because one's original language must have ordered words differently, and it's very cool how the process of learning language kind of gets you in the mindset of how to think differently too!
My indigenous language of mixtec (Tu'un N'davi) is a VSO language, or Verb-Subject-Object!
So in it "I will speak to you tomorrow"
Is "kahh Tdeo Taa"
Or "speak to you I will tomorrow"
I colored coded verbs objects and subject to show you how cool it is how words change and flow in different languages, I personally am a huge fan
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Id like to share some words in mixtec concerning día de los muertos! Since it's almost around the corner
Viko - Party
Ndii - Dead/death
Día de Los muertos is Viko-Ndii, which means Festival of the Dead!
Ita- flower
Ita-ndii means flower of the Dead and is very popular everywhere in Mexico for día de los muertos, because some beliefs say that the color of the petals is said to guide the dead back from the afterlife!
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It's such a pretty flower
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3 facts - you walk around outside a lot - you ask a lot of questions (positive trait) - you love mixtec culture
These are all so true I love being mixtec 😊
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