hdlkduol · 1 year
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jamta-love · 3 months
昔好きだったTVドラマを数年振りに観た。 aespaちゃんの東京ドーム公演が配信されていたりするからaespa関連何かあるかも?となんとなく続けているフジテレビのサブスク、FODでTVドラマ メイちゃんの執事を観た。 当時観た時はそこまで気にならなかった設定もそれはないやろ、、、と感じてしまったのは少し悲しさや寂しさはありましたけど、 やっぱりおもしろかったな! まだ全話数は観切れてないけど、今日深夜帰ってから続きを一気に観る予定、楽しみ。 ひとまずお仕事頑張ります。 そんな感じ♪ JAMた!(じゃむた!)@ドラム好き→@jamta_love
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nanimonasho · 7 days
Dethklok world tour in Japan
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A uniquely Japanese event in which bands visiting Japan are required to wear happi coats.
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I also want them to appear on TV.
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This tweet says “Wait, isn't the manager of Dethklok too handsome!?”
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sayasaan · 2 years
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♡ ⁡ ⁡ #写真を眺める推し活 ⁡ ⁡ 来年に向けていろいろされてるのだろうと 思うけど、たまーーーーーにはメディアに 出てくれると嬉しいです。 ⁡ ⁡ #できればイバtvのご出演とか #願わくば公式youtubeとか ⁡ ⁡ ⁡ ✧・━・✧・━・✧・━・✧・━・✧・━・✧・━・✧・━・✧ ⁡ #ドラゴンズ #ドラゴンズファン #ドラゴンズファンと繋がりたい #ドラゴンズ愛 #中日ドラゴンズ #ドラゴンズ好き #ドラゴンズ大好き #ドラゴンズ頑張れ #荒木コーチ #荒木雅博 #アライバのアラ #荒木コーチ推し #荒木雅博71 #ドラゴンズコーチ #推し活 #推しの写真は癒し #推しはどんな状況でも最高 https://www.instagram.com/p/Cl0UpyOvPpu/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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mysticdragon3md3 · 3 months
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Comparative size of the upcoming Pop Up Parade XL chimera Falin vs a Good Smile Company representative. It is indeed the size of a chicken.
Source: https://www.youtube.com/live/H167xuqrufE?si=I17XUQI8BzYI27tI at 52:46/3:16:42
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daruma1004 · 4 months
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ウェブサイトの一種で日記形式のもの。英単語でも”blog”がありますが、もともとは”Web”と記録を意味する”log”が合わさった言葉である”web log”の略です。
英語で「遠隔操作」を意味する”remote control”から略されたものです。TVなどに向かってリモコンから赤外線をデジタル信号で送ることでチャンネルや音量などを操作することができます。
海外では「柔らかいクリーム?」となり伝わらない和製英語です。英語では” soft serve icecream”であり、ソフトクリームサーバーの製造などを行っている日世の創業者・田中穰治が日本でソフトクリームを広めるのにわかりやすくするために省略したとされています。
英語で”ball-point pen”と言い、これを略した言葉です。ボールという単語が使われている理由は、ボールペンの構造上、先端に小さな回転玉(ボール)があるためです。
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koch-snowflake-blog · 5 months
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楪 カレンは、日本のAV女優。ティーパワーズ所属。 ウィキペディア
生まれ: 2001年3月28日 (年齢 23歳)
TV/映画: BEAUTY VENUS Ⅷ、 東京愛情動作故事、 ブルーポルノ
身長: 148 cm
ジャンル: アダルトビデオ
スリーサイズ: 96 - 58 - 85 cm
ブラサイズ: H
出演期間: 2021年 -
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g-men-movie · 1 year
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revenantghost · 9 months
Kenji Muto's Twitter Posts: Part 1
Before and while Tristamp was airing, Kenji Muto made some amazing Twitter posts giving us lore and production tidbits along the way. And while I don't speak Japanese (so I'm going to have to use Google Translate for this, so take everything you read here with a grain of salt because it may be skewed by mistranslation), there was some fantastic art and really cool concepts shared, and I want to archive anything Trigun-related. If I miss anything, let me know!) It starts a little slow with stuff we already know, but there are some interesting tidbits! If anyone who knows Japanese wants to correct anything, please feel free! Now, without further ado...
Part 1 [here]
Part 2
12:23 AM · Jul 4, 2022
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Twitter始めました。 TRIGUN STAMPEDE監督の武藤です。
I started Twitter. This is Muto, director of TRIGUN STAMPEDE.
1:41 AM · Jul 7, 2022
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シリーズ長編初監督です。田島光二さんによる美しいコンセプトアートとキャラクター原案をベースに、壮大な世界観を作っています。順次、新しい情報が解禁されるはず。お楽しみに。 #TRIGUN
This is my first time directing a feature-length series. We have created a magnificent worldview based on the beautiful concept art and character designs by Koji Tajima. New information should be released one after another. looking forward to. #TRIGUN
7:27 AM · Aug 3, 2022
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公式HPにある花守さんの「依存と執着」という表現は的確だと思った。最も行動原理を組み立てるのに時間のかかったキャラクター、少年ナイ。服に浮かぶ不思議な模様も田島光二氏によるデザイン。果たして、どんな意味が込められているのか。 写真は、追加で届いたロサンゼルス土産。 #TRIGUN
I thought that Mr. Hanamori's expression of ``dependence and attachment'' on the official website was accurate. Shonen Nai is the character that took the most time to formulate his behavioral principles. The mysterious patterns that appear on the clothes are also designed by Koji Tajima. What kind of meaning does it really contain? The photo shows an additional souvenir from Los Angeles. #TRIGUN
12:15 AM · Aug 23, 2022
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公式のコンセプトアート公開、なぜか少年時代編が多いなぁ。原作漫画で、ナイが奏でている、オルガンのような、ピアノのような楽器。どうゆう感情で弾いているのか、誰を想って弾いているのか。 そういえばあのコンセプトアートはいつ公開なのだろう。 いつ解禁になるのだろう。 #TRIGUN
For some reason, most of the official concept art released is from the boyhood version. In the original manga, Nai plays an organ-like or piano-like instrument. How do you feel when you play, and who do you have in mind when you play? Come to think of it, when will that concept art be released? When will it be lifted? #TRIGUN
3:42 AM · Aug 31, 2022
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出社したら壁にTRIGUN STAMPEDEのポスターが貼られていた。ちなみにお隣のポスターは、初演出デビュー時代からお世話になっている松見真一監督のTVアニメBEASTARS。 第二弾ポスターも鋭意製作中。 #TRIGUN
When I arrived at work, there was a TRIGUN STAMPEDE poster on the wall. By the way, the poster next to me is of the TV anime BEASTARS, directed by Shinichi Matsumi, which I have been supporting since its debut. The second poster is also in the works. #TRIGUN
5:43 AM · Sep 4, 2022
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演出用に作ってもらったマザーシップの立体造形。絶妙に捻れていて、左右対称でデザインされてるわけではないので、3面図起こしがとにかく難しい。 レム・セイブレムは五番艦。 大墜落を免れたのは三番艦。 日曜出社の私は現在、音響ブース。 #TRIGUN
A three-dimensional model of the mothership made for the performance. It's exquisitely twisted and not designed with left and right symmetry, so it's difficult to draw it from three sides. Rem Saverem is the fifth ship. The third ship survived the crash. I come to work on Sunday and am currently working in the sound booth. #TRIGUN
11:10 PM · Sep 13, 2022
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相手に説明することで、アタマの中が整理されてゆく。 感覚を理屈に落とし込む、言語化って大切。 雑誌の対談取材、刺激になるので今後も積極的に行いたい。 でも、想定外の質問やアドリブ対応は苦手だったりする。 #TRIGUN
By explaining things to the other person, your mind will be organized. It is important to translate feelings into logic and verbalize them. I would like to continue doing interview interviews for magazines, as they are very stimulating. However, I am not good at handling unexpected questions and improvisation. #TRIGUN
12:25 AM · Oct 17, 2022
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ようやくお披露目です。 セルルックのCGで作ったポスター第二弾、見た目以上に手間かかってます。まだ名前を公表できない敏腕スタッフたちが、陰ながら活躍してくれました。よく見ると本編内容のヒントが隠されているので、宝探しのように楽しんでほしい。 予告編第2弾も解禁です。 #TRIGUN
It's finally unveiled. The second poster made with cell-look CG takes more time than it looks. The talented staff, whose names cannot yet be made public, have been working behind the scenes. If you look closely, there are hidden hints about the main story, so please enjoy it like a treasure hunt. The second trailer has also been released. #TRIGUN
11:01 PM · Nov 8, 2022
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ダビングも鋭意進行中。 この臨場感、音響効果、ミキシング、そして素晴らしい劇伴音楽。映画館の音響環境で聴いてほしいと思っていたら、なんと先行上映会が開催決定。 勝俣さん的に言うと「グルーヴ感がたまらない!」って事なんだと思う。音の力、恐るべし。 #TRIGUN
Dubbing is also in progress. The sense of realism, the sound effects, the mixing, and the wonderful accompaniment music. I wanted to listen to it in the acoustic environment of a movie theater, but it was decided that an advance screening would be held. In Katsumata-san's words, I think it means "the feeling of groove is irresistible!" The power of sound is terrifying. #TRIGUN
4:35 AM · Nov 28, 2022
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同じ内容を繰り返し話すことが苦手で、できるだけテーマや内容を掲載誌ごとに変えるようにしている。多角度から見つめると、作品が立体的に見えてくる。 今後も順次、裏情報満載の対談記事が発表されるはず。 ポスター第三弾も、そろそろ完成予定。 #TRIGUN
I'm not good at repeating the same content over and over again, so I try to vary the themes and content from magazine to magazine as much as possible. When viewed from multiple angles, the work appears three-dimensional. We are sure to continue to publish interview articles full of behind-the-scenes information in the future. The third poster will be completed soon. #TRIGUN
12:02 AM · Dec 5, 2022
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不慣れなトークを辛抱強く聴いてくれた、優しいお客様に感謝。優しくも暖かい拍手に救われました。役者さんのように笑いを取りつつ、上手く会話を回せないものか。スタンピードチーム陣からは「場数ですよ」とアドバイスを貰う。 場数とやらを踏むためにも、ネクストステージ頑張らねば。 #TRIGUN
Thank you to the kind customers who patiently listened to the unfamiliar talk. I was saved by the gentle and warm applause. Are you unable to carry a conversation while making people laugh like an actor? The Stampede team members advised us, ``It depends on the number of places.'' We have to work hard on the next stage in order to make it to the number of places. #TRIGUN
10:54 PM · Dec 5, 2022
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最近、宣伝チームの熱量に圧倒される。 現場スタッフとは違う、これまで接点のなかった役職の人々。こうゆう縁の下の力持ちがいるから作品が広まるんだなぁ。 彼らと飲みに行ったりすると、その人柄にも触れる事ができる。集団戦、集団作業、集団芸術。つくづく学びの多いプロジェクトだ。 #TRIGUN
Lately, I've been overwhelmed by the enthusiasm of the advertising team. People in positions that are different from the field staff and with whom I had no previous contact. It's because of these unsung heroes that my work spreads. When you go out for drinks with them, you can get a feel for their personalities. Group warfare, group work, group art. It's a project with a lot to learn. #TRIGUN
12:30 AM · Dec 22, 2022
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新宿アドストリートなどにTRIGUN STAMPEDE看板が多数あるらしい。今後も何やら宣伝チームが面白い事を計画中らしいが、なんだろう、とても楽しみ。何気ない風景の裏にも、陰ながら頑張っている人たちがいる。そうやって作品は更に広がってゆくのだ。ブラボー。 https://youtu.be/oolZJKslJcU #TRIGUN
There seem to be many TRIGUN STAMPEDE signboards on Shinjuku Ad Street and elsewhere. It seems like the advertising team is planning some interesting things in the future, but I'm really looking forward to it. Behind the scenes, there are people working hard behind the scenes. In this way, the work will continue to expand. Bravo. https://youtu.be/oolZJKslJcU #TRIGUN
[Boo, dead Youtube link ):< If anyone knows what it was, let me know and I'll insert that info here]
3:21 AM · Dec 28, 2022
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いつの間に、誰かが作ってくれたTRIGUN STAMPEDE年賀状を受け取る。カメラ目線で素朴に座るスタンピード。真摯に作品と向き合っている、そんな現場スタッフの姿勢を感じる一枚。 物語終盤のダビング(ファイナルミックス)に追われている、ラストスパートの2022。 #TRIGUN
Before I knew it, I received a TRIGUN STAMPEDE New Year's card that someone had made for me. Stampede simply sits looking at the camera. This photo shows the attitude of the on-site staff as they approach the work with sincerity. 2022 is the last spurt of dubbing (final mix) at the end of the story. #TRIGUN
6:37 AM · Jan 4, 2023
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喫茶店で水出しコーヒーを眺めているとTRIGUN STAMPEDEを連想する。見た目は変化すれど、ちゃんと豆の成分と香りが活きている。内藤先生という豆を炒って、挽いて、一滴一滴丁寧に抽出する。 とびきり今風のコーヒーカップに注いで、さあ召し上がれ。 2023年もどうぞ宜しくお願いします。 #TRIGUN
When I look at cold brew coffee at a coffee shop, I think of TRIGUN STAMPEDE. Although the appearance may change, the ingredients and aroma of the beans are still present. The beans called Naito Sensei are roasted, ground, and carefully extracted drop by drop. Pour into a super modern coffee cup and enjoy. We look forward to your continued support in 2023. #TRIGUN
9:13 AM · Jan 7, 2023
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本日からTRIGUN STAMPEDE放映スタートです。 第1話「NOMAN'S LAND」 いろんな思いを、ガツンと込めました。 どうぞ、よろしくお願いします! #TRIGUN
TRIGUN STAMPEDE will start airing from today. Episode 1 "NOMAN'S LAND" I put all my thoughts into it. Nice to meet you! #TRIGUN
12:37 AM · Jan 9, 2023
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シリーズ脚本の第一話、第二話、 第三話は、 ホップ・ステップ・ジャンプだと思う。 まるで、週刊誌の連載ネーム。 #TRIGUN
The first, second and third episodes of the series script are I think it's hop step jump. It's like the name of a weekly magazine serial. #TRIGUN
12:49 AM · Jan 9, 2023
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ただのモブからサブキャラへ異例の昇格を果たした愛すべき悪役、チャック・リー隊長。 コンテ描いてると、キャラが勝手に動き出す。 シナリオに無い台詞を話し始めたり、暴れたり。 杉田智和さんの怪演が光る。 #TRIGUN
Captain Chuck Lee is a lovable villain who has achieved an unusual promotion from just a mob to a side character. As I draw the storyboards, the characters start moving on their own. He starts speaking lines that aren't in the scenario, or gets violent. Tomokazu Sugita's mysterious performance shines. #TRIGUN
10:56 PM · Jan 10, 2023
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最初期の頃、内藤先生と飲みながら、 「手触り感を大切にしたい」 「実存感を大切にしたい」 ひたすらそんな事を話していた。 惑星の空気感と生活感を見事に再現。 宝石の国の頃からのタッグ、 金子雄司の美術世界。 #TRIGUN
In the early days, while drinking with Mr. Naito, “I want to value the feel of touch.” “I want to value a sense of existence.” That's what I was talking about all the time. The atmosphere and lifestyle of the planet are beautifully reproduced. A tag team from the days of Land of the Lustrous, Yuji Kaneko's art world. #TRIGUN
7:06 AM · Jan 11, 2023
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生まれも育ちも第三都市ジュライ。 親の七光りで憲兵隊士官学校に裏口入学。 金ピカの銃は両親からの入学祝い。 画面の外にも彼らの世界は広がり、本編では描かれない彼らの物語もある。 チャック・リー再登場に乞うご期待。 #TRIGUN #杉田智和
Born and raised in the third city of July. With the help of his parents, he entered the military police academy through the back door. The golden gun was a gift from his parents for entering school. Their world expands beyond the screen, and there are also stories about them that are not depicted in the main story. Look forward to Chuck Lee's reappearance. #TRIGUN #杉田智和
9:12 PM · Jan 13, 2023
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親子の絆に、善も悪もないんだよね。 どストレート、どシンプルなテーマで挑む、第二話。 ポップ(?)キュート(?)な悪役たちにも注目。 本日23:00〜、よろしくお願いします! #TRIGUN #トライガン
There is no good or bad in the bond between parent and child. The second episode takes on the challenge of a straight, simple theme. Also pay attention to the pop (?) cute (?) villains. Thank you for your support today from 23:00! #TRIGUN #トライガン
9:12 PM · Jan 14, 2023
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二話の絵コンテの修正していたら、 ふと声が聞こえた… 『ゴフセフ』 「え?いま喋った?」 『ゴフセフ…(頷き)』 「そうか、ゴフセフって言いたいんだね?」 『ゴフセフ。(ニッコリと)』 「ゴフセフ!(ニッコリ)」 キャラと対話しながらコンテを描いてゆく。 #TRIGUN #トライガン
When I was revising the storyboard for episode 2, Suddenly I heard a voice... "Gofsef" "Huh? Did you just talk?" “Gofsef…(nods)” “I see, you want to call me Gofsef, right?” “Gofsef. (smiling)” "Gofsef! (smiling)" Draw the storyboard while interacting with the characters. #TRIGUN #トライガン
12:51 AM · Jan 17, 2023
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数年ぶりにオキシタケヒコさんに会った。 毎回、東京まで呼びつけていた事に気づく。 次は僕が大阪へ行きたい、行くべき。 大阪でもSTAMPEDEイベントやりたい。 大阪で食い倒れしたい。 #TRIGUN
I met Mr. Oxytakehiko for the first time in several years. Every time, I realized that he had called me all the way to Tokyo. Next I want to go to Osaka, I should go. I want to hold a STAMPEDE event in Osaka too. I want to eat all I can in Osaka. #TRIGUN
7:36 AM · Jan 17, 2023
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無口で気弱な青年は、やがて過酷な環境に適応し、 サイボーグとしての「力」を得る。 凶悪犯の仲間入りを果たした青年の名は、ゴフセフ。 語られないバックグラウンドを想像すると、 世界は更に広がる。 #TRIGUN
The taciturn and timid young man eventually adapts to the harsh environment, Obtain "power" as a cyborg. The name of the young man who has joined the ranks of violent criminals is Gofsef. When you imagine the untold background, The world will expand further. #TRIGUN
8:47 PM · Jan 20, 2023
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親子の絆? そんな常識をぶち壊す。 血は水よりも濃い、第三話。 本日、23:00-テレビ東京他にて放送。 是非ご覧ください! #TRIGUN #トライガン
Parent-child bond? Breaking down that common sense. Blood is thicker than water, episode 3. Broadcast today at 23:00 on TV Tokyo and other channels. Please take a look! #TRIGUN #トライガン
10:53 PM · Jan 23, 2023
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ナイというキャラクター性は、 一枚のラフスケッチが語ってくれた。 渋谷で開催された「内藤泰弘の世界」展。 常に優しく微笑む彼。 自身に憑依させて、描きだす。 #TRIGUN
The character of Nai is A rough sketch tells the story. "The World of Yasuhiro Naito" exhibition held in Shibuya. He always smiles kindly. Let yourself be possessed and start drawing. #TRIGUN
11:19 PM · Jan 24, 2023
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「人間」という種族を一括りに捉える。 物事を巨視的にみる。 俯瞰した視野で考え、躊躇なく行動する。 コンテを描いていると、僕の中に彼が宿る。 一度宿ると、抜けるまでに時間がかかるところが難点。 #TRIGUN #トライガン
The race of "humans" is lumped together. See things macroscopically. Think from a bird's-eye view and act without hesitation. When I draw storyboards, he lives inside me. The problem is that once you get into it, it takes a while to get out. #TRIGUN #トライガン
9:49 PM · Jan 26, 2023
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でも、大丈夫。 きっと逞しく彼も生き抜いていくのだろう。 過酷な環境で、現実を受け入れ、 歪な義手を手に入れ、 青年に成長した彼を想像してみてほしい。 もしかしたらワムズ使いになっているかも。 物語世界は、作り手を離れ、更に広がってゆく。 #TRIGUN
But it's okay. I'm sure he will be strong enough to survive. Accepting reality in a harsh environment, Obtaining a distorted prosthetic arm, Imagine him growing into a young man. Maybe he's using Wams. The story world leaves the creator and expands further. #TRIGUN
[Note that this was shared around episode three and the freckles this guy has--a lot of people theorize this is about Tonis]
8:52 PM · Jan 27, 2023
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数年ぶりに田島光二さんと食事。 シャコやカニやエビを注文。 「これは何?」 『シャコワムズ!』 「これは?」 『カニワムズ!』 「これ…」 『エビワムズ!!』 まるで中学生のようなノリ、 同窓会のような時間。 本日23:00-は4話放映ですね。 #TRIGUN
I had dinner with Koji Tajima for the first time in several years. Ordered mantis shrimp, crab, and shrimp. "what is this?" “Shakowams! ” "this is?" “Caniwams! ” "this…" “Ebiwams! ! ” Feeling like a junior high school student, A time like a class reunion. Episode 4 will be aired today from 23:00. #TRIGUN
12:17 AM · Jan 29, 2023
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見覚えのあるシルエット。 モーションキャプチャーには重くて使えなかったが、ポージング参考で大活躍した模造品。実際はもっと重いんだろうなぁ、と想像しながら演出する。 外装はロストテクノロジィ、内部は機関銃という合成兵器。 ”パニッシュメント”とは”処罰”の意味。 #TRIGUN #トライガン
A familiar silhouette. Although it was too heavy to use for motion capture, this imitation was very useful as a pose reference. I imagine it's probably heavier in reality when I direct it. The exterior is lost technology, and the interior is a synthetic weapon called a machine gun. "Punishment" means "punishment". #TRIGUN #トライガン
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Around 56th minute, Enojun and Yoko started to sing happy birthday to Azakami-kun as it was his birthday recently. Enojun was elated bc the cake and presents that he had prepared in advance had arrived.
Just realised that Enojun goes for a massage regularly.
Also judging from the photo Azakami and Enojun claimed that they are tanned. Are they not? (Bringing out again this picture bc I love this trio infernal.)
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Enojun also mentioned that it will be his birthday two weeks after the first episode and wanted Azakami to wear the hat he gave him last year.
Yoko’s voice is so cute when she’s not Amamiya. They recalled the first season’s episodes and promised that the stake of the cases this second season will be higher. Next guest will be Dr. Mofu (Nao Tōyama) on the 10th of November and then Taku Yashiro (Spitz Feier) on the 8th of December. According to their Onsen RonToto Uneven radio show, last episode will be on the 26th of December.
All in all it was a fun one full hour and a few minutes.
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asaka-lucy-dr-rc · 6 months
レインコードのアートブックで狛枝凪斗の文字を見ることになろうだなんて全く予想だにしてなさすぎて勢いで2コマ漫画を描きました。ネタバレ見たくない人もいるだろうから折りたたんでますので大丈夫な人だけ続きをドウゾ ⚠️アートブックにしか出てこないキャラクターがいるので、読んでない人にとってはなんのこっちゃな可能性があります
I never expected to see the name "狛枝凪斗" in the art book of RAIN CODE, and I couldn't help but draw a short manga. I folded it because some people might not want to see the art book spoiler, so expand it if you don't mind. ⚠️ There are characters that only appear in the art book, so if you haven't read it, you might not get along.
187ページにある初期企画資料に載ってる音楽番組内のランキングの10位に絶対希望バースデーが入っててめちゃめちゃ笑った😂😂😂 もし狛枝が出演してたらこんな感じなのかなっていう漫画です。
I laughed so hard when I saw "絶対希望バースデー" in an art of a music program on page 187 😂😂😂. It is a parody of a famous Japanese music show in which the musicians of the top 10 songs in sales rankings appear and perform in turn, and "絶対希望バースデー" is in the top 10. So this is a manga about what it would be like if Nagito were actually in the show.
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Kume: Coming in at #10 this week is Nagito Komaeda's song. Congratulations! Nagito: Thank you very much. I am honored to be invited to such a historic music program, even for a piece of trash like me. Tetsuko: So does that mean that anyone lower than 10th place is less than a piece of trash? Kume: Hey, Tetsuko!
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Shinigami: Hey, look, master. There's a person on TV who seems unlucky. Yuma: Huh, really? He's smiling and seems pretty happy. What's more, he looks like a good person... Shinigami: Damn, you're so quick to judge people by their looks! Yuma: That sounds just like you, doesn't it!?
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shinjihi · 1 year
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nanairoarts · 4 months
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Cowboy Bebop Opening and Ending Theme Credits
I had someone ask about this on YouTube and figured I may as well share the information here too.
テレビシリーズオープニングテーマ: Tank! 作曲/編曲:菅野よう子 演奏:シートベルツ 原画:そえたかずひろ 小森高博 後藤雅巳 今掛勇 作画監督:川元利浩 後藤雅巳 演出:渡辺信一郎 コンピュータ処理:レアトリックチャッピィ テレビシリーズエンディングテーマ: THE REAL FOLK BLUES 作詞:岩里祐穂 作曲/編曲:菅野よう子 唄:山根麻以 演奏:シートベルツ 原画:逢坂浩司 作画監督:川元利浩 演出・渡辺信一郎 コンピュータ処理:レアトリックチャッピィ
TV Series Opening Theme: Tank!
Composed/Arranged: Yoko Kanno Music: Seatbelts Keyframes: Kazuhiro Soto, Takahiro Komori, Masami Goto, Isamu Imakake Animation Director: Toshihiro Kawamoto & Masami Goto Director: Shinichiro Watanabe CG Effects: Raretrick, Chappy (Chappie? This company does not appear to exist anymore)
TV Series Ending Theme: THE REAL FOLK BLUES
Lyrics: Yuho Iwasato Composition/Arrangement: Yoko Kanno Vocals: Mai Yamane Music: Seatbelts Keyframes: Hiroshi Osaka Animation Director: Toshihiro Kawamoto Directed by Shinichiro Watanabe CG Effects: Reatrick, Chappy
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Youhei Azakami introducing himself as Isami Smith was, uhh, suspicious. Well it made everyone laugh.
(About 7:54 )
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It was good that they live-streamed it (for the benefit of those who didn’t have tickets and were living abroad) because there were reports that a super-duper-very long queue developed during the Wonder Festival. I just realised that this is a significant fest for figure and model kit fans.
The VAs answered three questions where Obari would judge who got the correct answer. The first question was Bravern’s 18th song on his karaoke list. Ryota Suzuki (VA of Ao Isami) got the right one with “Intention.” Oh, I realised, after turning on the auto-translate that it was Kenichi Suzumura’s first single, “Intention.”
They had fun with the appearance of Bravern cosplayer onstage that they were talking about their trembling groins and jiggly crotches. 😈
I have to add that when they showed the ED, both MCs talked about their exposed nipples. Moreover, Obari also mentioned that the black part on Bravern’s neck is the speaker, the one behind is where it shows its emblem. Not sure, if he was pulling the VAs’ legs and the public’s.
They also presented new Bravern figures including a Nendroid.
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PS: Even the Japan Self-Defense Forces installed their PR booth at the festival. 😼
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sayasaan · 2 years
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♡ ⁡ ⁡ #写真を眺める推し活 ⁡ ⁡ 来年に向けていろいろされてるのだろうと 思うけど、たまーーーーーにはメディアに 出てくれると嬉しいです。 ⁡ ⁡ #できればイバtvのご出演とか #願わくば公式youtubeとか ⁡ ⁡ ⁡ ✧・━・✧・━・✧・━・✧・━・✧・━・✧・━・✧・━・✧ ⁡ #ドラゴンズ #ドラゴンズファン #ドラゴンズファンと繋がりたい #ドラゴンズ愛 #中日ドラゴンズ #ドラゴンズ好き #ドラゴンズ大好き #ドラゴンズ頑張れ #荒木コーチ #荒木雅博 #アライバのアラ #荒木コーチ推し #荒木雅博71 #ドラゴンズコーチ #推し活 #推しの写真は癒し #推しはどんな状況でも最高 https://www.instagram.com/p/Cl0UpyOvPpu/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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TTEOTM vs. the Industry: Or Why it's much more than a TV show 📺
A very interesting Zhihu article from an anonymous industry insider responding to the question "is Till the End of the Moon worth watching?"
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The author believes that we're at the crossroads of a new era of TV production. Otters Studio (TTEOTM's production company, a new player) is trying to make waves beyond the show itself by making big budget bets on innovative but risky content.
TTEOTM is full of production flaws, but Otter understands how to excite viewers, something that's been taken for granted. A team that would produce a perfect drama would never dare to touch TTEOTM and make it work.
Everyone in the industry desperately wants TTEOTM to fail. Because that would prove that sticking to a safe formula works. (For context, there's been a lot of internet activity trying to smear TTEOTM and take it down in China, most recently an email campaign to NRTA to get it censored and off air)
I decided to take the time to translate this because it brings home the point the need to embrace risk-taking and look beyond technical flaws to push the industry forward. It's long and I don't agree with everything said (think he's a bit harsh on the actors and other dramas), but I still think it's worth a read! Bolding is my own.
The decision to produce TTEOTM at such a high budget itself indicates aspirations that are beyond what ordinary viewers can understand. Let's talk about its strengths:
1. Dare to break through. This drama is not intended by its investors to be just like another xianxia. It contains a lot of innovative elements: character design, world view, values, plot development and logic, costume, special effects, which is refreshing. In the next few years, no matter how the drama performs, there will be continued discussion and comparison to TTEOTM. It is extremely risky to put such a big budget behind a piece of work that's trying to push boundaries in every way. Because it is beyond the comfort zone of viewers today.
On surface, Otter's first drama is a big production (but as you can see, there are issues with quality control). In reality, this production has an even more important mission: proving that an outside investor new to content production can break into the entertainment ecosystem with money, such as by openly inviting everyone to make OSTs, showing off its deep wallets (though you can see what the reception and quality of work has been). Otter's ambition is not to be a vehicle for actors or just another producer. It's also not trying to do what LBFAD did by building its brand with a repeatable IP-to-TV production process. Based on TTEOTM, I'm inclined to believe they are playing with something very new, something more ground-breaking. Right now they're still trying to figure it out, piece by piece, even though TTEOTM's final product is already quite remarkable.
1. 敢于突破。这部剧根本不是为了制作一部流水线仙侠而投资出来的,其中包含了大量的“新”东西:人设、世界观、人物价值观、剧情发展逻辑、服化道、特效使用等,都让人耳目一新。未来几年时间,无论剧播出的怎么样,围绕长月的讨论和比较都不会少。 像这样一部方方面面求新的作品,本身用这么高规格投资出来就是极端风险的一件事,因为它压根不在目前经过市场检验的观众舒适区里。 獭獭文化打出来的这第一部作品,表面上是在出大制作剧(但是你也看到了,品控有些问题),实际上这部剧恐怕还肩负着更重要的使命(比如一家对内容制作市场还比较小白的外来资本,是不是可以借着高举高打摸一圈影视圈的资源链,像直接全面邀歌做OST,写满了大佬有钱,但是各方什么态度、什么水平也是同步一目了然) 獭獭的野心绝不在于捧演员或加入目前的内容制作圈,也不是冲着一开始就像苍兰诀一样用一个可模块化流水线化的模式成品打造自己的品牌,从长月看,我倾向于他在玩一些很新的东西,很大格局的东西。现在他还在一块块摸牌,一块块优化骨骼的阶段(虽然长月的成品其实已经非常了不起)。
2. Great for actors. Today's Chinese drama production has become obviously repetitive and formulaic. It's very difficult to give actors an opportunity to demonstrate their talents. Complex characters not only challenge our actors but risk impacting their reputation. There's massive risk in casting and censorship, so most investors play it safe. TTEOTM is different in this regard: in addition to TTJ, the FL is not silly, dumb, and sweet. She is clear-headed about her mission to kill the ML the entire time, which means there's no CP. The 2nd ML is stuck in a philosophical conflict of who he really is. The 2nd FL coldly announces, I don't love anyone but myself. In order to make these characters come alive, you need very strong character molding and understanding. For example, the FL has to demonstrate commitment to her mission as a character that's bounded by a tragic fate, but also show caution and love towards the ML. Or take the 2nd FL as an example. Even though she appears to be a bad person, she actually has a strong need for love and fear of loss, which is why she self destroys any hope to avoid tragedy in the end - this type of person is full of inner conflict.
The conflicting emotions and subtext are the biggest selling points of this drama, but sadly most actors don't quite deliver except the ML. The willingness to realize a screenplay like this indicates Otter is serious about testing its actors. This type of opportunity is rarer than giant pandas in an industry that prefers vanilla characters. But also because of this, we see that there are still big gaps in the younger generation of actors' ability to interpret the screenplay and perform. Overall, the third female lead's scenes are quite good. The ML's solos are also quite good. But there are issues with transitions (of course the director also has no standards when it comes to cinematography). The second female lead interprets her character well, but has acting issues. Won't comment on the others.
2.对演员加成极大。一个团队渴望摸到娱乐圈上限的时候,可能这个团队还没有那么深厚的业内资源,但一定有其他制作方给不了的助力力度。当目前的国产剧制作已经出现明显的人物刻板化,玄幻作品模式化倾向时,无论是大制作还是小制作,其实现在的作品已经非常难给演员凸显水平的机会了,创作复杂性人物考验演员表现能力,还容易造成艺人负面口碑,有极大的选角风险,还容易被审核掉,目前的其他资本这一块都很保守。 獭獭的长月,男主澹台烬自不用说,女主完全不傻白甜,从头到尾头脑清醒就是要杀男主,就是无cp糖可磕。男二执着于他不是我,我不是我的哲学矛盾,女二全程冷漠宣言我谁也不爱我只爱我自己,神挡杀神,佛挡杀佛。这些人物其实真正要演绎得鲜活,都需要极强的角色塑造能力和理解能力。例如女主始终头脑清醒的要杀男主,是因为命运只给了这么一条路,她是被命运裹挟着前进的悲剧人物,但又要体现出她面对自己对男主时的恻隐之心和深沉爱意。又比如女二,她是渴爱之人,恶是她的表象,惶恐失去和自闭是她的内核,每次在希望来临前先动手毁灭希望,不让自己看到悲剧,这种人的心理活动是非常激烈和纠结的。 纠结的情绪和人物潜台词是这部剧本身的最大看点(虽然很可惜我发现演员几乎是全员不到位的,勉强男主还行)愿意开发这样的本子,其实意味着獭獭正视图用剧对演员进行一定程度的“大考”,能演出来的,还有这样的机会呈现在行业内,可以说在目前偏向塑造完美人设的制作圈比大熊猫还稀缺,是年轻艺人一次极为难得的水平展示机会。也正因如此,我们在长月里也看到了现在的新生代演员对剧本理解和表现能力确实存在极大问题。整部剧女三部分场景不错,男主的单场不错,但大的跨度衔接有些问题(当然,导演对镜头毫无追求也是问题)女二理解没问题但演技有问题,其他人不评价。
3. Super entertaining and discussion-worthy. Don't underestimate this. In today's TV production circle, most dramas are chasing after low risk, high quality output. Take the recently aired xianxias. These works are all living in comfort zone. You can't say they're bad, but it's also not clear what is good, and viewers are not that enthralled. TTEOTM is the opposite. It knows too well how to excite viewers. Putting aside the logic of the story, I would say this is the most audacious hand played in the last 5 years. It's super entertaining. Viewers definitely won't be able to tell what's good about it, other than that it's thrilling to watch. That's actually a very remarkable skill and one that is lost in today's entertainment industry. Otter can fix their production flaws over time through trial and error or by bringing in new collaborators, but it's not easy to figure out what the audience wants.
3.娱乐性和话题性极强。不要小看这点,在目前电视剧制作圈,几乎大多数的作品都在追求低风险高品质的“绝对完成品”。比如沉香、星落,甚至苍兰诀。这类作品一大特点就是都在舒适区里做加减法,拍出来你不能说差,没有什么掉链子的地方,但是问有什么好的地方,也不是很明显。观众就很容易精神上提不起劲。 长月却刚好相反,它实在是太懂得怎么刺激观众,抛开剧情逻辑不谈,我敢说这是内娱近五年玩过的最大胆的刺激牌,娱乐性直接拉满。一个个画面和剧情的嗨点山呼海啸扑面而来,观众一定说不出长月哪里好,但是看长月确实很爽。这其实是一种很了不起的本事。也是目前的业内非常缺失的一种本事。产业链的短板可以摸索着补,也可以拉拢志同道合的人一起找,但是找到观众爽点的能力确实是要点功夫的。
Actually, TTEOTM's production has so many problems, to the point that anyone in the industry can find an example to prove that it sucks. Screenplay, director, editing, OST, marketing, lighting, lens, makeup, sets, sound, aesthetics. But what you can't deny is this: a team that can produce a perfect drama could never make TTEOTM work.
Because without Otter taking this first step, they would never allow the battle between demons and god to go on for an hour. They'd never allow the ML & FL to not play the CP card. They'd never allow the ML to be a dark, psycho character. They'd never allow the 2nd FL to say she only cares for herself. They'd never embed a big budget fight scene in a fluffy xianxia drama.
On surface it seems that everyone's trying to take down the ML, but that's not it. The industry needs TTEOTM to flop. Because only its failure can prove that their current approach of playing it safe, sticking to the formula works. You can do the same thing over and over again. Suddenly someone tells you you need to push yourself with something new everyday? Well then I'll break your pot and tell everyone Otter has gotten the wrong read on the market. Look, Immortality has been banned. Look at the horrible casting of TTEOTM, your ML is too thin and injured. Every established player in the industry is trying to trip you over. The platform has given you the worst airing slot. Everyone is bashing the drama.
其实长月的缺点非常多,多到每一个业内都能够找到一水的问题来证明它不行。编剧有问题,导演有问题,剪辑有问题,bgm比较平,营销风格与剧不一致,打光不行,滤镜不行,妆发不行,场景太空,音画不同步,三观有大病等等等等等…… 但是不可否认的是,拍出一水很“行”的作品的团队们,永远不会去拍一部可以“行”的长月。 因为没有獭獭走这一步,他们根本不敢让神魔大战在仙侠题材里打1个小时,不敢让男女主不炒cp,不敢男主是个腹黑反派疯批,不敢女二说我只爱自己。不敢用这么高规格的特效在一部仙侠“糖水”剧里。表面上是男主的黑太多,其实并非如此。 而是他们都需要长月扑街,只有长月扑街,才能证明他们的稳妥打法,吃存量的做法是正确的。 明明可以吃大锅饭,你来告诉大家要卷着天天研发新鲜饭?那我砸了你的锅,告诉所有人獭獭对市场判断的眼光不行,你看皓衣行被禁了吧,你看长月选角垃圾,选了个瘦脱相男主吧,你看男主被打开不了剧吧,你看业内合作方没有不给你使绊子的吧,你看平台不看好给你冷档期吧,你看剧做出来市场上骂声一片吧……
TTEOTM has invited so much drama, controversy, criticism outside the show itself, as though who cares if it's just a shitty drama by a small-time investor. The industry can tolerate all crap productions, but it cannot accommodate a new player that comes with sincerity and money.
Therefore, I am bullish on TTEOTM. I don't think this drama is created to promote the ML or to make money. Quite the opposite, I think we're at the crossroads of a new era. Otter is the Wandering Earth of the TV industry. They're both sore-eyed catfish that's making waves beyond the work itself.
所以长月是妖风四起,争议不断,批评不绝,仿佛哪怕是它只是一部小投资的烂作,业内可以宽容所有的粗制滥造制作方,却绝不宽容有钱还有诚意而来的獭獭。 所以我认为,我很看好长月烬明。我不认为这部剧之所以做出来,和捧男主或者营销捞钱有关。恰恰相反,我认为我们正站在一个时代的转角口。 就好比流浪地球之于电影行业,獭獭之于电视剧行业,其实也是一条过于扎眼的鲶鱼,正激起一些超出作品本身的浪花。
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