#tw drituation mention
sweetheartvalle · 1 year
What happened??? /gen
Was it the "booing at a picture of dream" standard dranti shit or??
no it was worse ugh, apparently someone yelled out “groomer” as tommy mentioned dream (since he said he’d talk about the whole situation with the doxxing and stuff) at his show, so basically someone being inconsiderate & just a dick in general
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pronounrespector · 9 months
I feel like we should make a new rule, if you're a dranti and not going to watch the drideo or read ANY of Dreams tweets regarding the drontroversies you should not be talking about dream at all.
I've already seen someone go "I'M NOT WATCHING ALL THAT" you look pathetic. It says more about you if you keep slandering and making fun of someone who has multiple recipes of being innocent
you don't care if anyone was groomed or not, you don't care if dream is actually a pedophile, you don't care about if he was wrong about anything or not. You don't want to be wrong about someone who you think deserves to be called various different slurs, deserves to die, or be beaten up.
If you continue to meme about someone without caring if they're innocent or not you are a bad person, and I feel bad for you
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xomoosexo · 11 months
bad talking about his reply to dream
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eulchu · 2 years
Slight trauma dump but, as victim of Actual grooming, October was kinda of a slap on the face cause I felt like people were looking at me and going "you're a joke, we are going to use this horrible thing that happened to you against this random minecrafter and you can't do nothing about it because you're a nothing but a joke", made me want to commit mass assassination.
you should've i wouldve joined
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xomoosexo · 10 months
so dreams only "crime" was being a victim in an abusive relationship I guess. jfc.
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xomoosexo · 11 months
Here's a summary of what dream said on stream about the drituation, for that anon.
for anon
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xomoosexo · 2 years
I think because people like inniters have completely blown the situation way out of proportion and are throwing around serious terms and using it to further their harassment of dream, it’s made people who were in the “this is still kind of wrong/uncomfy” to become more firmly in the “he did nothing wrong” camp just to counter the freaks (mostly like unconsciously too)
like I definitely don’t think it was as bad as people initially thought and people were definitely and still are mislabelling it as a crime but I also thought it was uncomfortable and I don’t think he should’ve done it
yeah I basically completely agree. I remember when we first came out of the shadows only like a couple days after the drituation like when jan's essay dropped and everyone had in their pinned like "I personally don't support what he did but I don't believe it's irredeemable or grooming" and then that became "what he did was pretty sleazy but not any different from so and so million other youtubers and musicians" (I still fall pretty hard into this camp) to now "it wasn't at all a big deal" I haven't seen many people say that he did nothing wrong so I don't want to mischaracterize those people as if that's what they are saying. because in a way they are right. it wasn't as big a deal as antis/inniters made it seem and it definitely doesn't fit in the definition of grooming. And it can be super frustrating as a fan when there are other ccs who have done pretty bad shit (I'm still not over the Wilbur antisemitism stuff I've never been able to look at him the same) who don't get nearly the levels of harassment dream gets. ultimately your feelings on mcytbers really have no standing on your morals in real life. we know these dudes can be slightly misogynistic and ignorant because they are cis gamer dudes. but that doesn't mean they are bad people or deserve the tsunami of hate dream gets when he steps an inch out of line.
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