#tw mikoto being a creep
finding-x-haven · 3 years
ʏᴏᴜ — mikoto kayano, milgram
a/n: well i can't exactly say i'm surprised i wrote this. i don't write a lot of nsfw personally and i have my clown shoes just fully on. mikoto is.. simply very pretty and i don't buy into the whole DID theory for personal reasons. anyway, this is purely self indulgent and i don't see a lot writing for milgram in general. i'm sorry.
rating: nsfw, mdni
reader: gn, no pronouns
trigger and content warnings: mikoto kayano, mikoto being an absolute creep, yandere undertones??, really obsessive, mentions of smoking, really shittily written nsfw, male masturbation, vague fantasizing
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mikoto wasn’t sure how he became aware of your existence, and frankly, he didn’t care. he just needed you.
putting out his cigarette, he bid the other two members of the smoker’s club adieu. whenever he thought about you, all of his thoughts became jumbled and tangled together. anger, frustration, elation, confusion, horror, arousal, and many other things tangled up into one feeling he liked to associate with just… you. it was better than feeling terrified of himself or entirely apathetic. once he was behind his cell door, he immediately locked it and shucked his outermost layers.
he didn’t pay much attention to what he was doing, although he knew it was his hand wrapped around his dick rather than the feeling of being inside of someone else- inside of you. or what he imagined you in particular to feel like.
today, he pictured himself breaking you. tears streaming down your face from being edged to your absolute limits to being overstimulated, sort of like a cycle. perhaps it was because he was simply in a mean mood currently. he whimpered out his nickname for you as he imagined your voice calling out weakly for him, a small whine pitching in his throat. he covered his mouth and soon he was through; the first round of it anyways.
afterall, just as soon as it was over, more thoughts and ideas about you poured into his head, and ones that he welcomed, happily.
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angededesespoir · 3 years
First Lines Meme
I was tagged by @tropical-gothic & @justanotherblonde !  TYSM!  💚
Rules: - List the first lines of your last 20 stories (if you have less than 20, just list them all!). - See if there are any patterns. - Choose your favorite opening lines.
Then tag 10 authors!
First off, I’ll tag:  @agirlamonggeraniums , @frozenzippers , @abbacchiosbelt , @salvadoerena , @evilpenguinrika ,  @jacarandabanyan , @cityalienn , @crimsonrainseekingflower , @pierrotguru ,  @lacertae-dreamscape  (As always, you are not obligated to do this!)
Now on to the writing!   For mine, I gave the first few sentences for most of them. (I shall not be contained!  [But in all honesty, I didn’t know if by ‘First lines’ it was meant to be the first few lines or just the first line, so, uh... *Finger Guns*])
1. Set Fire To These Petals- Izutobi (Naruto) “He shouldn't be here. Despite his warnings, Hashirama had insisted on heading to the Uchiha compound and healing Izuna. So Tobirama followed, because this was his mess and he wasn’t going to allow his brother to die because of him. “
2. Goodnight Kiss- Kagatobi (Naruto)
“The bed dips as Kagami crawls in. Tobirama, still too engrossed in his book, hasn’t looked at him more than a couple of times -briefly- since he got home. When he gently places a kiss to his cheek, that changes.“
3. What we can knot say- Mikokushi (Naruto)
“Mikoto knocks on the door and waits patiently for Kushina to answer. There’s a banging sound inside and what sounds like muffled swearing, and she has to stifle the laugh that bubbles up. The door swings open to reveal her friend, slightly flustered, a smile blooming as they exchange their greetings.“
4. Care- Kagatobi (Naruto) [Injury, blood tw]
“Kagami watches as Tobirama returns, dividing his teammates into pairs before passing them their keys with instructions to their rooms. Dismissing them, they are all too eager to head off to their lodgings for the night. Kagami waits on the steps, one hand still pressed to his side (where he can feel the blood seeping through the bandages), the other massaging his leg.“
5. Awakening- Kagatobi (Naruto)
“When Tobirama regains consciousness, he is met with the presence of his distraught subordinate. His nerves prickle at the flaring chakra- too intense, too chaotic- so unlike the man, but so like his clan.“
6. Cut- Sakumo & Kakashi (Naruto)
“He had acted on impulse, again- a growing stain to his once untarnished record.  Sakumo rises, the lopped off ponytail clutched in one hand, the blade in the other. The absence of the hair leaves an unusual lightness at his back; the weight of his teammate’s stares taking its’ place.“
7. Blood Stains- Danzo & Kagami (Naruto) [Eye trauma, blood tw]
“You shoot up in bed, panting heavily. The room, typically covered in darkness too thick to see in during the night, is now dyed in shades of red and black. Your eye- his eye- aches and without thinking your (not yours, either) hand reaches up, feels the twitching muscle under the already drying blood.“
8. The Allure- Kagatobi (Naruto)
“I feel the stirring of my surroundings as the young man approaches. I have always been accustomed to ignoring most humans, content with observing from a distance and rarely interfering. But lately this one has been persistent in his offerings. His dedication has caught my attention.“
9. Waiting In Your Arms- Sakudai (Naruto) [Injury cw]
“Sakumo tries to hide the wound like he tries to hide the shame when he hears them whisper or the way his eyes sting when his son leaves without a word, living as if he does not exist (and perhaps he no longer does). “
10. Shenanigans- McSombra (Overwatch)
“At the exclamation, Sombra peeked out of her quarters, spotting her boyfriend (and newest partner in crime) in the living room. “Okay, this time I swear it was an accident.” Her laughter did not make for a convincing argument.“
11. We Are Mountains Meant To Crumble- Reaper76 (Overwatch) [Blood tw]
“The door slams loudly shut and Jack flinches as he jerks his head up.  Gabe’s leaning against the door to his office, slumping forward, his gloved hand rubbing wearily at his face. Dried blood covers his clothes and chestplate; flecks of it are still splattered on his face.“
12. Time is Short and Life is Long- Tracer & Soldier: 76; Reaper76 (Overwatch)
“He blinks- world a hazy grey. The details come to him in pieces. Whereever he is, there are lights, dimmed down, and an incessant beeping. He’s laying in a bed, he realizes. It’s firm, but still softer and more desirable than the living situations he’s been in half the time since the incident.“
13. Returning Home- McReyes (Overwatch) [Injury cw]
“Jesse wakes to a dimly lit room, feeling processing faster than sight. It’s cold and his body, especially his head, throbs and aches. He shivers, hissing at the pain the movement elicits.“
14. Don’t Take My Sunshine Away- Reaper76 (Overwatch) [Suicidal ideation tw]
“He’s lost count of how many times he’s held this very gun in his hand, thoughts- tempting- flickering through his head. He always put it away in the end. Shoved and buried the urge under a long to-do list and the knowledge that somehow, someway, he could still do right in the world, could still work to fix his and others mistakes.“
15. Like Lightning Striking A Nerve- Doomfist & Reaper; Past Reaper76 (Overwatch) [Body Horror cw kinda]
“Each burst is like thunder- the effect like lightning coursing through his skin, dismantling, disrupting.  His flesh disintegrates into plumes of smoke despite his effort to hold together under the assault of his senses.“
16. Ice Cream Memory- Genyatta (Overwatch)
“The bowl is set on the floor with a gentle clink.   “Eat, my student.”   He glares at the green ceramic, the pink lumps inside already melting even in the shade. He has the sudden urge to hurl the bowl against the pillar.“
17. Of Injuries and Dates- McReyes (Overwatch)
“Gabe looks up from his stitching when he hears the boots approaching. He knows who it is by the jingle that carries on the air. “Hey, Jesse. Enjoying your day of rest?”“
18. Rest- McHanzo (Overwatch)
“It’s not a surprise when he finds him on the balcony. They’re both no stranger to nights void of sleep, to the sun creeping over the horizon, burning weary eyes.“
19. And I Fear The Day My Nightmares Become Reality- Reaper76 (Overwatch)
“When he finally manages to open his eyes, all he can see is a darkness that he cannot trust. Gabe’s heart hammers, breath laboured as he manages to win the fight for control over his limbs and flips his body over.“
20. All is Fair in Love and War- Mc76 (Overwatch)
“A slight breeze blows by, biting at their cheeks.  Jack suppresses a shiver as he adjusts his scarf. “God, I haven't been in the snow for years. Not that I miss it that much.  More trouble than it’s worth. But- Jesse?”   His forehead crinkles in confusion- the man no where to be seen. “Jesse?”“
So uhhh some patterns for me is that half the time I open without the p.o.v. being immediately specified.  (Hope that’s not too confusing.  💦)  I also tend to open with an action or a sensory description.  Being in an injured state is common.  And it looks like the first sentence tends to be short. As for favs., I think I’ll go w/ the openings for Cut, The Allure, We Are Mountains Meant To Crumble, Time is Short and Life is Long, Don’t Take My Sunshine Away, & And I Fear The Day My Nightmares Become Reality.
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