#tw; yuppie corporate work enviroments
terrence-silver · 1 year
80s Terry fucking you at a gala and the guy who’s hosting (and about to make a huge deal with Dynatox) walks in. What happens?…
Look, if there's one thing that's certain about corporate circles then it is that other hypermasculine corporate Yuppies are for sure never going to look down on another powerful man, in this case Terry Silver, regardless what he does, so long as it doesn't endanger their own profit, especially during the 80's, at the height of this work culture environment. In fact, they might just respect and envy him for a great many of these behaviors, because to quote Logan Roy from Succession 'Sometimes, its all a big dick measuring contest'. Terry caught having sex? Doing coke? Being corrupt? Being downright sadistic behind closed doors? Dropping toxic sludge on Borneo? Facing court indictment several times a year? It might just evoke a sort of begrudging respect and fear, because these circles and their higher ups (even today) are just like that. They don't care what the CEO of Dynatox does in his spare time (or even on the clock --- in fact, he makes the clock, out of his own mansion's bathtub. He isn't on it.) precisely because he's the CEO of Dynatox and because he's worth Billions and generates just as much.
Hey, money talks.
Terry found fucking you at a gala, suited up and all, having bent you over the first available flat surface in a semi-public setting while he ruts into you? Ironically, possibly in the long line up of Terry's many transgressions, this might be pretty mild. The person making the discovery, event organizer or not, could just be the one apologizing and letting Mr. Silver finish first, closing the door shut behind himself in a haste with a million 'I'm so sorry, sir.''s attached to it.
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