#twas a wonderful collection of sick fics
luna-loveboop · 4 months
Legend sick fics you say 👀
Well I don’t think I remember too many sick fics off the top of my head but weathered and wavering by Quirkle is very good.
Once you have a collection please do share with the class 🫶
Hehe yeah. Here is the original post about Legend sick fics. I got a lot of recommendations in the replies and reblogs that are so cool- seriously I read a ton of them and you guys are so awesome (/gen)
@uniquevoidflowers wrote this fic for me which is amazing of course- it has some of the coolest imagery with a flower thermometer which makes me very happy
Pretty much all of @skyward-floored 's sick fics are awesome, including this legend one that was instantly recommended to me by quite a lot of people lol (since it was posted very recently) (go read it)
Fill the cracks with gold by @sister-dear was so fun to read, it might be one of my favourites for Four
I loved Hiding behind plaster and ceramics by @occasionallyprosie -it had a lot of takes I hadn't seen before and was also very good writing
@arecaceae175 recommended down, a nine chapter sickfic that is really good, I loved reading it.
There's a lot of other ones, and most of them are in the notes of the post I made:
@the-au-collector made this reblog with a ton of good recommendations, and @hero-of-the-wolf reblogged with one I liked. Idk if the links can work like that but we'll find out
And my wisdom tooth surgery went well :D I've stayed off the internet for a bit of recovery. I'm good I'm just not doing too much interacting when I'm tired *shrug*. I was scared because my health is always so bad but it was ok. :))) I have definitely spent a lot of time reading- I knew it was a good idea to ask for sick fics for surgery week XD
So that's the lovely list of sick fics I've been reading- for when you get your wisdom teeth out. Or you're not feeling well, or you just feel like reading. Anyways.
Also my mind is still pretty tired right now but I wanted to answer this- I hope it's ok for everyone I tagged, and my phrasing and language isn't good right now, sorry. Love you guys /plat <333
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bee-kathony · 5 years
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Kneading Love | Ch. 7 “Merry and Bright” 
a/n: thank you all so much for reading! after this, there will be one more chapter! I’ve enjoyed writing this fluffy fic and I’m glad you all have enjoyed reading it! and as always, thank you @julesbeauchamp for the moodboard! xx
Chapter One |  Chapter Two | Chapter Three | Chapter Four | Chapter Five | Chapter Six 
December 18th, 1946
“How many are we making?” Claire asked for the second time that day, hoping that the number might’ve changed.
“Five hundred,” Jamie repeated from earlier.
Pressing down hard onto the rolling pin, Claire worked out her frustrations on the cookie dough. “I cannot believe that you’ll sell five hundred Christmas cookies in the next week. This is a small village, for Christ’s sake!”
“They’re but wee, Sassenach,” Jamie placed his hands on her shoulders from behind and kissed her cheek. “We need that many because people buy twenty or so at a time. They make great puddings for Christmas dinner. Or so I’m told.”
“I’ll believe it when I see it,” Claire smirked and returned to rolling out the sugary dough. As much as she was complaining about the amount of cookies they needed to make, she was enjoying herself immensely. Jamie had brought his radio into the bakery, which was now blasting out Christmas songs all day long. The smell of Christmas was in the air, and Claire had snuck quite a few too many treats already.
“Speaking of Christmas dinner,” Jamie said as he put down a fresh ball of dough in front of Claire to her to roll out. “Mam wants to know if ye’ll spend it wi’ us.”
In all honesty, Claire hadn’t really thought about her plans for Christmas, but now that this option was available, she couldn’t imagine a better way to spend the holidays. “Of course I will,” she smiled brightly. “As long as I can help. Now, we all know I’m not the best cook, but I’ll wash dishes if that’s all I can do!”
“Ye can try,” Jamie laughed. “Mam will probably no’ let ye, but ye can try, Sassenach. Perhaps ye can even spend the night or even a few nights — separate rooms, of course,” he added at Claire’s expression. “Then when everyone’s gone to sleep, I’ll sneak into yers.”
“And then when someone comes knocking on either of our doors, and we’re found in bed together, that’ll be just great!” Claire’s eyes widened. “But yes,” she said. “I’d love to stay for a few nights!”
Jamie walked behind Claire and wrapped his flour covered hands around her waist, leaning his head down on top of hers. “I’m sure my mam already kens what we’re up to, and besides, we’re adults who love each other. I already ken I’m goin’ to spend the rest of my life wi’ ye, Sassenach.”
“Oh,” Claire said softly, staring down at the dough. “Well, I love you. You know that, and… and I can’t imagine not having you in my life.”
“It feels like we’ve known each other for years,” Jamie said, spinning her around to face him. “No’ just months. I can barely even remember what twas like wi’out ye in my arms, Sassenach.”
“I can’t either,” Claire reached up, smoothing her fingers over his cheek. He had stubble over his chin, just as Claire liked.
Jamie reached behind her, collecting a small ball of dough and began to form it into a shape. Watching, Claire saw that he was forming a circular shape, and then he poked his finger through the middle to create a hole.
“Claire Beauchamp,” Jamie said gently, reaching for her left hand. A small gasp left her mouth as she realized what was happening. “I’ve loved ye from the moment I laid eyes on ye. When ye stepped out of yer wee shop that day, askin’ me if I was all right… I thought ‘Christ man, look at the pair of legs on that woman.” Claire laughed, hitting him lightly on the chest. “And then I thought, ‘She’s yer wife, whether she kens it or no’, she’s the one ye’ll marry.”
He took her hand and slid the ring made out of cookie dough onto her left ring finger. “It would bring me great honor if ye would marry me, Sassenach and become my wife.”
“Why, that looks good enough to eat,” Claire grinned as she looked at her hand. Then, she looked into her favorite pair of eyes and said, “Nothing would make me happier than to marry you, Jamie Fraser.”
Elated, Jamie kissed her, lifting her off of the ground. Claire’s heart was soaring, and she knew that this would always be one of the happiest moments of her life. Every decision had led her here to Jamie. Every step brought her closer to him, and now she would never be parted from him.
“I had planned to ask ye on Christmas,” Jamie said, setting her back on her feet. “But, I couldna wait. So, as nice as that ring made of dough is, I do have a real ring for ye back at the house I’d like to give ye.”
“I suppose this one won’t last,” Claire chuckled. “But it will taste really nice when I eat it later.”
“Eating raw cookie dough,” Jamie smirked. “Ye ken ye shouldna do that, Sassenach. It’ll make ye sick.”
“Watch me,” she whispered and held up her hand, closing her teeth around the dough ring. Jamie threw his head back and laughed before grabbing her hand and taking her whole finger into his mouth. With his teeth, he pulled off the dough and removed her finger.
“You ate my ring,” Claire said a little breathless.
“Ye started it,” he narrowed his eyes.
Before he knew what hit him, a dust of flour rained down over Jamie. Claire squealed as she escaped his grip, and hurled another handful of flour at him. Flour began to rain down on both of them as they tossed it to and fro, creating a cloud of powder — it was practically snowing inside the bakery.
On Christmas Eve, Claire packed a small bag to take over to Jamie’s. For the first time, she realized that after she married Jamie, she wouldn’t be living above her shop. While it was a nice little place, what she really wanted was to make a home with Jamie.
“Are ye ready, Sassenach?” Jamie called to her from below.
They would spend the holidays at Lallybroch, and for the first time, Claire would have a real Christmas. Her past Christmases with Lamb hadn’t always been conventional, having spent them in hot countries with a makeshift tree with the native plants. She’d always dreamed of having a true White Christmas.
During the war, Christmas had passed by almost like any other day, with only a few moments to pause and reflect.
“Can you grab that bouquet of flowers? They’re for your mother,” Claire pointed to the counter where a large vase of red roses sat.
“She always loves when you bring flowers,” Jamie kissed her cheek as she hit the last step.
The walk to Lallybroch was cold, but the immediate warmth that hit them as they walked in was all worth it. The large fire was lit, and Ellen was sitting nearby, knitting a blue scarf.
“Hello, Mam,” Jamie said in greeting, shutting the door behind them.
“Hello my darling lad,” Ellen smiled as she set aside her knitting.
Rolling his eyes, Jamie laughed and hugged his mother. “These are for ye, from yer favorite florist,” Jamie handed his mother the bouquet of roses.
“Mmmm,” she smelled them. “Lovely, Claire, just lovely.”
“Is Jenny around?” Jamie asked, sliding his arm around Claire’s waist. “We’ve got some news.”
“She’s just in the kitchen, come, we’ll all go,” Ellen smiled and took Claire’s hand, leading them through the house. Jenny was standing near the stove, a large wooden spoon in one hand and the delicious smell of warm soup filled the air.
“Yer brother’s here,” Ellen announced, making Jenny turn. “And he brought us a gift!”
“Am I the gift?” Claire laughed, pointing to herself.
“Aye,” Ellen winked. “The best thing he ever gave us too!”
“Hello, Claire,” Jenny unchained herself from the stove and greeted them both. “Dinner tonight willna be anythin’ special. Tomorrow is the big meal and I canna be slavin’ away tonight too.”
“It smells delicious!” Claire commented. “And if I can help you in any way, please let me know.”
The four of them all sat around the long wooden table, and Jamie took Claire’s hand. “Before we celebrate the holidays, Claire and I have somethin’ we wanted to tell ye. We should’ve told ye the moment it happened, but I wanted to wait until now, when things had settled at the bakery and the shop.”
“Spit it out!” Ellen said, holding her hand over her heart.
“A few days ago, I asked for Claire’s hand in marriage,” Jamie beamed.
“And I said yes!”
“Oh praise Mary and Joseph!” Ellen cheered and jumped from her seat to come and hug them both. “I’m so verra happy!”
“Ye’ll be my sister!” Jenny hugged Claire. “And twas about time the two of ye moved forward. I was wonderin’ how long it would take my numptie of a brother to ask ye.”
“I woulda asked her the day we met, but I thought I best give her time to get to know me,” Jamie grinned, squeezing Claire’s hand.
“Let’s see the ring!” Ellen practically squealed.
“Ah, well, I proposed with a ring made of cookie dough,” Jamie blushed. “But I do have the real ring. I just plan on givin’ that to Claire a wee bit later,” he attempted to wink at Claire, making her chuckle.
“James Fraser,” Jenny clicked her tongue. “Only ye would propose with an edible ring.”
“It was very sweet actually,” Claire smiled at Jamie. “And then we got into a massive flour fight that I’m afraid you can still see the remnants of.”
“Ah, so that’s why there was a dusting of white over everything,” Jenny smirked. “Well, I’m verra happy for ye both. We’ll be gainin’ a wonderful new family member soon.”
“And then maybe soon a wee one,” Ellen said quickly, causing Jamie to blush furiously.
“And on that note, I’m goin’ to take Claire on a walk,” he stood from the table, taking Claire’s hand. “We’ll see ye for dinner.”
After grabbing scarves and mittens from a basket near the door, Jamie and Claire set off outside. It wasn’t snowing, but it would soon — Claire could sense it in the air.
“Rather chilly for a walk, don’t you think?” Claire said, hooking her arm through Jamie’s as she huddled close.
“Aye, but I wanted to get out of there, and I have somethin’ to show ye,” he said and kissed the tip of her red nose.
What must’ve been ten minutes later, Jamie stopped in his tracks.
“Ye see that building?” he pointed to a small cottage on the other side of a small pond.
“Yes! It’s rather cute,” Claire covered her eyes to shield from the sun.
“I’m glad ye think so,” Jamie said, and reached into his pocket, pulling out a golden key. “Shall we take a look?”
“Jamie!” Claire gasped. “Why do you have a key?”
Her heart was racing as she looked back and forth between the cottage and Jamie.
“It was the first house that my mam and da lived in while the main house was being finished. It’s still in the family,” he grabbed her hand and led her to the front door. “And now it belongs to me… to us.”
As Jamie unlocked the door, he let Claire walk in first. It was decorated simply, with only a few bits of furniture. A stone fireplace was on one side of the room, and the kitchen tucked behind the living area.
“Tis two bedrooms, and while it’s small, it’s a good size for a newly married couple,” Jamie wrapped his arms around Claire’s waist from behind. “I’ve been ready to burst wi’ this for weeks now!”
“We’re really going to live here?” Claire asked, hardly able to believe it. “A home all to ourselves. Oh Jamie.”
“So ye really like it, Sassenach?” Jamie stroked her head. “We can find another place, but since this place already existed —”
She turned in his arms, placing her hands on his chest. “I love it! It’s more perfect than I ever could have imagined, and I can already picture our lives here.”
“I’ll do the baking and ye do the gardening?” He quirked a brow.
“Sounds like a wonderful plan,” she kissed him, then shivered as a chill ran down her back.
“Go sit on the sofa, I’ll start a fire,” he rubbed the sides of her arms. “We dinna have to head back just yet. We can enjoy bein’ in our home.”
“Our home,” Claire sighed, and took a seat on the sofa. They would need a few more pieces of furniture and more decoration to make it feel like a home, but that would all come together. Even though they just got engaged, Claire wasn’t planning on having a long engagement. Especially not after realizing this would be where her and Jamie would start their lives together.
Jamie had obviously been here before today, as the fire was already set with logs, and after a few tries, he got it going, the warmth already filling the small space. He joined her on the couch, pulling her legs into his lap.
“Now,” he grinned, reaching into his pocket for the second time that afternoon. A small box was in his hand as he pulled it out. “I would like to do things properly.” Jamie opened the box to reveal a modest sized oval diamond on a silver band.
“I ken ye’ve already said yes, but tis no’ official without this,” Jamie said, taking the ring out of the box and holding it up to her left hand. “Claire Beauchamp, I love ye wi’ all my heart, wi’ all my soul, and here in this house, we’ll make so many memories together.”
He slid the ring onto her finger, closing his fingers around hers. “It’s gorgeous, Jamie.”
Claire pulled his face down to hers, running her fingers through his curls. He adjusted his body on top of hers, covering her. There was no greater joy than having the one you love whispering sweet nothings in gaelic after he just gave you a diamond ring. Claire felt like if she died then and there, she would die happy. But there was a lot of living she needed to get done.
“Merry Christmas, Jamie,” she kissed him.
“And a happy hogmanay,” he wiggled his nose against hers.
There by the fire, two souls became one. Two people who had known loss and pain had found each other, and there was now nothing that could separate them.
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